Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fraudulent Biden finished his former Boss plan to 'totally transform the United States of America'. One hell of a legacy!


How Biden Skirted U.S. Law to Open Up the Border

By Mark W. Petro

The Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection of 2022 is an international agreement of 22 countries (the Americas) that created an international cooperative framework for organized "migration" across the U.S. southern border. "Migrants" are being processed in approximately nine or ten U.S. cities via U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services through implementation of the Credible Fear and Asylum Processing Interim Final Rule, among other recently issued U.S. federal policies and procedures issued by the Biden Administration for the orderly migration into the U.S.

It is quite clear now that the immigration crisis that significantly escalated under the Joe Biden administration is not merely an “invasion of the U.S. southern border” as the media has feigned it to be but, rather, a planned international government cooperative agreement to facilitate “national, regional, and hemispheric efforts to create the conditions of safe, orderly, humane, and regular migration, and to strengthen governmental frameworks for international protection of “migrants” and cooperation.

This international “declaration” from 2022 had long been negotiated behind the scenes of this prevailing migration escalation at the southern border. The U.S. hosted the ninth in an ongoing line of successive “Summit of the Americas” in 2022 ahead of this Los Angeles Declaration. Why hasn’t mainstream media covered this border surge that dramatically escalated under the Biden Administration as official ‘government policy”? It should infuriate American voters that open borders migration has been escalated through international government policy over and above long prevailing U.S. immigration laws. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and other public laws governing U.S. immigration law have been circumvented by international law through this Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Through an international agreement rather than a bipartisan consensus of both parties in Congress ,the Biden Administration has opened our southern border to tens of millions of “migrants.”       

This Los Angeles Declaration is essentially an "agreement" and not a treaty -- it did not go through the constitutionally mandated process of advise and consent from the U.S. Senate as treaties are required to be ratified. Conveniently, since there has been no formal Senate vote, this “agreement” has given our elected representatives in the Senate an excuse to turn their heads the other way and not take responsibility for this border invasion during this, a critical election year. And while the Senate dodges responsibility, the Biden Administration has been pushing forward a more permanent and binding solution to granting a path to citizenship for certain undocumented individuals, H.R.3194 - U.S. Citizenship Act is presently working its way through the legislative process.

Exactly how binding is this Los Angeles Declaration for the U.S.? At a bare minimum, this declaration is a politically binding matter. Former President Trump has campaigned steadily about swiftly reversing prevailing Biden Administration immigration policy if re-elected. As this Los Angeles Declaration is an international "agreement" and not (presumably) a treaty it should be reversible, if Donald Trump were to get elected, via mere executive order. The ramifications of doing so, however, would conflict with the cooperative effort of the 22 countries who have signed onto the declaration. A policy of deporting “illegal immigrants” won’t play so well publicly in the media, as all angles of that inhumanity would be visually strapped onto America’s conscience. On the other hand, through choosing not to reverse this horrific Biden Administration policy, whereby tens of millions of “migrants” have stormed into the U.S. since 2022, the Trump administration would risk ostracizing his voter base who are fed up with this immigration crisis and whose views on immigration haven’t been effectively represented.

More maddening to U.S. voters as the November election looms, is the fact that this Biden Administration migration policy is being funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars. Federal government agencies have been retooled to accommodate the massive directives required to see this “migration” through. Since 2003, the budget of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB), which includes both the Border Patrol and operations at ports of entry, has more than tripled, rising from $5.9 billion in FY 2003 to a high of $19.6 billion in FY 2024. And, considering this is “official” government policy, U.S. taxpayers will financially shoulder whatever ongoing financial burdens the federal government has created with this policy initiative for years to come.

We must carry forward to their logical outcomes the civic and social changes this horrific Biden Administration immigration policy will have: 1) upon future (and present) U.S. elections; 2) upon changes to Congressional representation (House seats) district-by-district once these tens of millions of “migrants” have been processed and effectively dispersed throughout the country upon their legal status being formally secured; 3) upon the already strained Social Security, Medicare, and broader healthcare marketplace; and 4) upon the public school system. There are so many other potentially unbearable outcomes ahead that don’t meet the time constraints of this writing.

Voters in November must hold their politicians accountable. The consequences are profound for our nation when those whom we elect to run our administrative state operate outside the framework of the will of the people they represent and those long-vetted laws that protect us. The Biden Administration has placed the will of international governments, and one party’s vision for America’s future, ahead of the will of the greater majority of his own U.S. citizens.  


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