Sunday, June 30, 2024

A fitting news article for the last day of June!


Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter

By Pete McArdle

Fundamentally transforming a country ain’t easy.

Just ask Barry O., who’s been running the show for twelve consecutive years now, yet has still not fully succeeded in turning America into a third world s-hole.

Obama’s made some strides in taking down the country he and his wife so fervently despise, but there’s still more work to be done.

How does Barry do it, you ask?

That’s simple.  As one of his lackeys, Jonathan Gruber (no relation to Hans), put it while discussing the passage of Obamacare, Barry relies on “the stupidity of the American voter.”

And based on much of the commentary after the recent presidential debate, the mainstream media also count on the ignorance of the average citizen.

So, in an effort to make what’s going on in our country understandable, let me dumb down some of the political argle-bargle so even a purple-haired, gender-fluid, Hamas-loving hipster with a nose ring can understand it.

Obama sincerely hates the United States — not to mention white people.  Always has.  Rather than making America great, Barry’s globalist dream has been to turn our country into France or, God forbid, Greece — a socialist country with oppressive governance, poor services, high taxes and unemployment, and enough welfare goodies to attract every layabout and malcontent in the world.

That’s the Lightbringer’s dream for us.

So, some questions for you.

Is the American media establishment fair, balanced, and independent?

Do the FBI, CIA, IRS, and Justice Department stand for the rule of law, judicial fairness, and the American way?

Is the GOP a formidable political foe, working hard to contain the excesses of crazed liberal Democrats?

No, not remotely, and you gotta be kidding.

The despicable media spread the lies they’re given, enthusiastically and in unison, often using the exact same language.  It’s almost as if they’ve been given a script to follow.

They have.

If the current American justice system didn’t have two standards, why, it would have no standards at all!  A simple comparison of the judicial treatment afforded, say, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump makes that abundantly clear.  You’re free to burn down a city, if you’re BLM, but say prayers across the street from an abortion abattoir, and you’re going to prison.

As for the GOP, those pretenders and senders of strongly worded letters and subpoenas that are thrown into the circular file as soon as they’re received, they have a perfect avatar in former Senate leader Mitch McConnell: a chinless, bespectacled turtle.

For those of you familiar with children’s books, patriotic, freedom-loving Americans are fighting the mighty Obamas, their globalist billionaire backers, the entire Democrat party, and every major institution in America with . . . Arthur.  No contest there.

So, as president, Barry pretty much had his way for eight years, growing government; siccing the FBI, CIA, and IRS on his opponents; using the imbecile Joe Biden as impeachment insurance; and making our country just as gay as a man who dreams daily about sodomy with other men could.

And when Obama’s time in office was almost up, his DNC purposely screwed over every candidate but Crooked Hillary, his media minions pretended she was Albert Einstein with ovaries, and the FBI lied to a compliant FISA court to start spying on Donald Trump’s campaign.

In return for having the Oval Office handed to her, Hillary was to be Obama’s puppet and do whatever he demanded.  But despite all the money, media, and Deep State denizens supporting her, Clinton somehow lost the election.

Not only did Hillary lose, but her shrill, unending caterwauling about being a victim of this and a victim of that also turned off every sentient, bipedal carbon-based life form in the land.  Politically, she was toast.

From all directions, the dirty tricks kept coming for now-president Donald Trump, even from his own nominal party led by the RINO Paul Ryan and, of course, Arthur.  And in 2019, a new Obama puppet was found to oppose Trump: the dolt Joe Biden.

All the already corrupt and captured institutions listed above immediately did their thing, and with the help of some serious electoral shenanigans, we saw an elderly, clearly senile man with a history of brain injuries installed in the Oval Office.  Obama had once again relied on the stupidity of the American voters to win the day.

Some more Q&A for those having a hard time keeping up.

Upon leaving office, why did Barry buy a mansion — one of several the suddenly wealthy socialist purchased — in D.C.?  To conveniently keep running the show.  Kinda hard to call the shots from Hawaii.

Did Joe Biden ever run anything?  As president, did he ever have one original idea?  Did he really do anything in four years besides eat ice cream, read badly what was given to him on the teleprompter, and poop himself while visiting the pope?

No, nein, and not a thing.

Not only was Slow Joe the very definition of a puppet, but the powers that be kept him hidden from the American public as much as possible, trotting him out only to garble canned speeches and sniff the hair of women and children.

During Biden’s term in office, did everyone around him, including all the media talking heads and the party of Arthur, know that ever more of Joe’s already limited neurons were blinking out by the minute?

Of course, silly.  They knew from day one Biden was fried and only going to get worse.  They were simply going to lie through their teeth to the American public for as long as it took, to re-install an ailing octogenarian in the Oval Office and continue Obama’s diabolical quest to destroy our nation.

But the policies Puppet Joe promulgated were so awful for the health, wealth, and sanity of the populace that the electorate overwhelmingly turned against him, as measured by polls.

By the time this summer rolled around, the political polls, even those run by Trump-haters, were so awful for Biden that the Lightbringer knew with certainty that Crusty Joe would lose in November.

Time for a new puppet, thought Barry.  Hmm.

A big problem for Obama’s fourth-term plans, however, is the idiot Kamala Harris, Barry’s and the DNC’s DIE hire for vice president.  The same polls that spelled Biden’s doom say that a brainless, cackling Kamala would lose to Trump even worse.

Simple logic, then, tells us she must be sidelined.  Perhaps, like Bernie Sanders, she’ll find herself in possession of a new lake house after politely stepping aside.  Maybe, as an inside joke, Barry will make her the head of the Space Force.  As Kammy could tell you, “Space is exciting!” although she’s probably not referring to the yawning chasm between her ears.  But whatever happens, Harris, too, must go.

If you wish to keep your average neurotic Democrat voter on the plantation, can the Democrats possibly replace Harris with a white man for president?

Heaven forfend!  There’s not enough hair gel in the universe to slide slippery Gavin Newsom into the slot, nor sufficient double cheeseburgers with bacon to draw J.B. Pritzker into that position.

Could the Dems possibly replace Harris as a candidate with a white woman, like Governor “Half” Whitmer or — shudder! — that harridan from Chappaqua?

Nope.  Liberal logic, an oxymoron if ever there was one, demands that a black female candidate for office can be replaced only by another black woman, even though libs like Supreme Court justice Jackson struggle mightily to define exactly what a woman is.  So whom exactly will the DNC put forth?

This is so simple, so elementary, that I really hate to state it.  Joe Biden will soon be kicked to the curb for Michelle Obama.

She’s the perfect Democrat nominee.  She’s got dark skin and female genitalia, and she absolutely hates America as founded!  And her bicurious hubby is the man behind the curtain giving the orders.

Unless Donald Trump wins in a landslide, thereby overcoming all the Deep State machinations, coordinated media lies, and ballot mischief sure to come, Michelle Obama will be our next president.

And Barry O. will have another four, or possibly eight, years to continue transforming our formerly great country.

Will the stupidity of the U.S. electorate lead to the election of Michelle Obama and the death of the American dream?

Or will we finally smarten up?

As The Donald might say, we’ll have to see.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

"This gradual erosion of things we hold dear..." The last paragraph says it all!


Dems Build Illegals Into Their Electoral Base

Douglas Andrews 6-29-24

Why on earth are we allowing state welfare agencies to register illegal aliens to vote?

There’s a long-held belief in American politics that the more people who vote, the better it is for the Democrats. Ask any Democrat, and he’ll tell you. But it isn’t for the reason he thinks. It isn’t because the voiceless masses are finally being given a voice.

The real reason is that it affords the Democrats a better chance to cheat. Which is why, as the New York Post reports, they’re working furiously to flood the zone: “Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship.”

It sounds outrageous, but it’s true. The Post continues: “Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.”

Six weeks ago, we noted this phenomenon in the reliably red state of South Carolina, where Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14019 is bearing its rotten fruit. Indeed, that EO, which a newly elected Biden signed way back on March 7, 2021, requires all 600-some federal agencies to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.”

Thus, EO 14019 is little more than a get-out-the-vote campaign for Democrats.

While it’s true that the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 far predates the Biden EO and requires states to register voters at the Department of Motor Vehicles and at other agencies where Americans apply for benefits, that statute applies to American citizens, not illegal aliens. Democrats, though, can’t be bothered by such details.

Why, you ask, would the Democrats be greasing the skids for illegal aliens to vote when all they really need to do is make sure that more eligible Americans are registered to vote? Because, as we noted at the outset, that long-held belief no longer holds true, because Donald Trump has remade the electorate. Even The New York Times acknowledged this recently: “In a reversal of one of the most familiar patterns in American politics, it appears that Donald J. Trump, not President Biden, would stand to gain if everyone in the country turned out and voted.” The Times continues:

The pattern is the latest example of how the Trump brand of conservative populism has transformed American politics. His candidacy galvanized liberals to defend democracy and abortion rights, giving Democrats the edge in low-turnout special and midterm elections. Yet at the same time, early polls suggest, many less engaged and infrequent voters have grown deeply dissatisfied with Mr. Biden.

This reality, as much as the reality of Joe Biden’s enfeebled state, has the Democrats in a panic. And so, if the Democrats can’t rally and ramp up those less-engaged and infrequent voters, these mostly young and non-white Americans, they need to look elsewhere — which is why they’re registering illegals.

What on earth are our elected representatives doing about all this? It’s a good question. And Texas Congressman Chip Roy has something of an answer. As the New York Post adds: “The House Administration Committee last month approved the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act to require states to receive proof of citizenship when anyone registers to vote by mail, at a DMV or a welfare agency office.”

It’s hard to know whether this measure is too little, too late for the upcoming presidential election, but the stakes couldn’t be higher. “While Biden and radical progressive Democrats give ISIS and criminals an app to literally schedule their illegal entry,” said Roy, “Republicans must fight any chance of illegal voter registration until we can mass deport.”

Anyone who still wonders how January 6 could’ve happened — and how an even more violent version of it could yet occur — need only consider the obvious: The Democrats have wrecked our confidence in the reliability of our electoral process. Between now and November 5, you’ll see them prattling on incessantly about how Donald Trump is such a grave threat to our democracy (it’s a republic, but whatever), and yet all along, they’ve been sowing ever greater doubt in the honesty of our elections.

This gradual erosion of the things we hold dear is what cultural Marxism is all about, and it’s all part of the Left’s Long March through the Institutions, as Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci called it nearly a century ago. And that, friends, is the real threat to our constitutional republic.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Massachusetts is maxed out as is the rest of the country. Fraudulent Biden has accomplished the most horrific devastating consequence to totally transform the country.


Massachusetts governor sends team to border to beg illegal immigrants not to come to 'sanctuary' Bay State

Hayden Cunningham Jun 26, 2024

"It is essential that we get the word out that our shelters are full so that families can plan accordingly to make sure they have a safe place to go."

Democrat Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts has dispatched several state officials to Texas to inform border patrol that the state is overburdened with illegal immigrants and its emergency shelters are at max capacity. The officials are also tasked with advising illegal immigrants against traveling to the state. L. Scott Rice, appointed by Healey to oversee the shelter system, emphasized the importance of this mission. 

“This trip is an important opportunity to meet with families arriving in the US and the organizations that work with them at the border to make sure they have accurate information about the lack of shelter space in Massachusetts,” Rice said in a statement, according to Politico. “It is essential that we get the word out that our shelters are full so that families can plan accordingly to make sure they have a safe place to go.”

The delegation will visit San Antonio, McAllen, Hidalgo, and Brownsville, common entry points for families who later moved to Massachusetts. 

Healey, a member of President Biden’s national campaign advisory board, took this step following a recent executive action by Biden aimed at easing the pathway to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. However, Healey's administration insists that the trip was planned weeks in advance and is not intended to counter Biden’s border policies.

Massachusetts, similar to New York City, has a "right-to-shelter" law mandating the state provide emergency housing to homeless families or pregnant women. As the number of illegal immigrants has surged, Healey set a limit of 7,500 families in the emergency shelter system last October and opened overflow sites for additional families. Currently, there are 7,379 families in shelters and 413 in overflow sites.

In response to the ongoing crisis, Healey’s administration will also begin enforcing a maximum shelter stay of nine months. The administration has spent $674 million on the emergency shelter system and estimates say it could reach nearly a billion dollars in 2025.