Saturday, June 22, 2024

Another horrific consequence of fraudulent Biden open border policy. Lawlessness breeds more lawlessness. It's insanity!


Two “Migrants” Caught and Released at Border Arrested for Murder of Girl, 12

by R. Cort Kirkwood June 21, 2024 Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

When it comes to Biden “migrants,” Venezuela isn’t sending its best.

Two more of them have been arrested in connection with yet another murder. The victim in this case: Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, of Houston, Texas.

Border agents caught Jose Pena Ramos and Jose Rangel Martinez when they jumped the border in May and March. Then border agents released the two thugs under orders from President Joe Biden and his subversive Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Biden is now responsible for at least two murders in which Venezuelans are suspects. The first was that of nursing student Laken Riley.

The Murder

A passing motorist spotted Jocelyn’s body in a creek in north Houston on Monday, the city’s KPRC2 reported.

Her mother, Alexis, last saw the girl on Sunday night, and told her not to stay up late because Jocelyn would go to work with her mom on Monday.

But the girl “snuck out of the family’s apartment on Rankin Road sometime between 10 p.m. to 12 a.m.,” the station reported:

Investigators said Jocelyn’s boyfriend was the last person who spoke with her on the phone. He reportedly told officials that he heard her speaking with the two men at the gas station before they hung up.

A 7-Eleven employee saw Jocelyn “hiding behind a nearby storage unit around 11:30 p.m” yet strangely saw nothing to be alarmed about.

Surveillance video not only showed Jocelyn at the 7-Eleven but also the two suspects, whom detectives said were at a restaurant, then met the girl after leaving and walked with her to the 7-Eleven. That was about 1:00 a.m. Jocelyn had apparently left the convenience store and returned with the men.

Continued KPRC2:

After a few minutes at the convenience store, all three walked to a bridge where Jocelyn was murdered, police said. The suspects reportedly continued walking south to their residence, leaving the girl’s body in the creek.

Police quickly arrested Ramos, 26, and Martinez, 21, yesterday, and found evidence linking them to the murder, the station reported.

The pair are charged with capital murder, which could end either with life in prison or execution.

Caught and Released, Like Suspects in Laken Riley Murder

The murder alone would be horrifying enough. 

But adding to the nightmare for Jocelyn’s parents must be the knowledge that border agents caught the men and released them at the border. Had they been deported, 12-year-old Jocelyn would be alive, as GOP Representative Chip Roy of Texas wrote on X.

Fox News’s Bill Melugin released details on X and at Fox News with reporters Louis Casiano and Griff Jenkins:

26-year-old Franklin Jose Pena Ramos crossed illegally into El Paso in May, was caught by Border Patrol, and was released into the U.S. with a Notice to Appear/NTA.

21-year-old Johan Jose Rangel Martinez crossed illegally into El Paso, TX in March, was caught by Border Patrol, and was released into the U.S. on an unknown basis.

To some degree, the basis of the release is known: Biden, through Mayorkas, ordered it, and illegally so, as the failed articles of impeachment of the visa fraudster show.

The articles detail Mayorkas’, and therefore Biden’s, “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” by ignoring U.S. immigration law. As well, they broke the law by “a catch and release scheme, whereby such aliens are unlawfully released, even without effective mechanisms to ensure appearances before the immigration courts for removal proceedings or to ensure removal in the case of aliens ordered removed.”

The two also created a “parole” program for “migrants” that Congress did not authorize.

Thus did Ramos and Martinez have free reign to terrorize Americans, as did one Jose Ibarra, who faces 10 charges in Riley’s murder in Georgia.

Cops had arrested Ibarra for harming a child in New York, but he wasn’t prosecuted. Then the Biden administration gave him a work permit.

“Nothing is done to this guy,” GOP Missouri Senator Josh Hawley told Mayorkas at a Homeland Security Committee hearing in April:

He had a criminal record to start with. He’s in the country on illegal grounds. You have falsely and illegally allowed him in. He commits a crime against a child. He’s not prosecuted; it’s expunged.

In November — get this — in November, Ibarra files an application for employment authorization, and unbelievably, on December the 9th, 2023, it’s approved. So this is your policies in action, Mr. Secretary. A criminal is permitted into this country on grounds flatly not permitted, flatly contradictory to the statute. He commits a crime against a child, and then he gets a work permit.

Now, Biden’s insane but carefully planned policy of permitting an invasion of “migrants” has led to the brutal murder of someone else.

And those two murders don’t count the rapes, stabbings and other crimes committed, again, by Biden “migrants.”

Then again, victims of this “migrant” crime wave don’t much matter to Biden, Mayorkas, or any top Democrat. As Democrat Senator Chris Murphy said, illegal aliens are “the people we care about most.”


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