Friday, June 21, 2024

There is no doubt about it - Fraudulent Biden has completed the previous administration total transformation of our once great Republic. We are now upside down, inept and destroyed. The Next six months is our time of destiny!


Can America defend itself against border terrorists?

By M.B. Mathews

Joe Biden’s three-and-a-half-year long porous border has without a doubt allowed some vicious terrorists to enter our country. The odds demand it. It cannot be otherwise, given that almost zero care is being given to Americans and keeping these demons out. For Biden’s reign of error so far, Americans were lied to by Mayorkas and Karine Jean-Pierre, to name only two, that “the border is secure,” “the border is closed,” and “we are watching the border.” Yes, that last was true, they were watching the border; they watched it vacuum up migrants from other countries into our sovereign land and did nothing to stop it. The Biden administration watched with glee while millions of potential Democrat votes sloshed across our southern (and northern) border, all the while telling us they are “doing everything humanly possible” to keep illegals out. They lied.

Now, eight million migrants later and still counting, criminals, terrorists, and human traffickers still pour in. Most are young single males. Granted that some of those males are here to make money to send back to their families. Fine. But get registered and pay taxes for the privilege of getting a job illegally. We legals have to pay taxes on what we earn. Illegals should be forced to do likewise and employers should stop hiring them.

To allow illegals to work here and not pay taxes is almost as bad as allowing them to stay and registering them to vote and receive health care. Americans are being short-changed in health care and jobs to make way for illegals. Hotels are being overrun with filth and noise while hard-working Americans struggle to make ends meet.  All of this is infuriating, which is one reason minorities are flocking to Trump. 

Illegal migrants are here illegally and should not be allowed to stay unless they go through the citizenship process, which to Democrats is asking too much. For certain, they should not be given taxpayers dollars for any reason. All Democrats want are the illegals’ votes, which is why the border stays open, and why few get prosecuted. The occasional capture of a criminal or two isn’t enough.

But here’s the real problem, as if the above were not enough: Among those illegals there are sure to be terrorists who can’t wait to pulverize our power grids, crash our banking system, blow up the Capitol, take hostages, kill Jews (it’s always the Jews), and otherwise make Americans miserable. They could hijack our cyber system, they could take hostages in schools, they could rampage in the streets, and burn houses down for fun. They could ruin our economy by attempting yet another 9/11, only bigger. The psychopathological mind of the terrorist knows no limits. We saw what they did to innocent Israelis on October 7th. Picture that on a larger American scale. We cannot appeal to conscience to stop them; they have none.

So, what is this administration doing to prevent terrorism? Do we have a program to protect power grids? Do we have a program to protect ordinary families? Do we have anything in place to stop a terrorist attack on our shores? The O’Biden-Bama regime seems hellbent on allowing, and even encouraging, anything and anyone to destroy the American way of life. These are the same people who decreed the fundamental remaking of America, and now we are on the cusp of turning America over to the very people, foreign and domestic, who have vowed to destroy us. 

America must get more serious about sending illegals back home. At the very least, this pathetic administration needs to get serious about closing this laughable border so that no more terrorists get through. 

Let us never forget that radicals around the world have decreed that the American Satan will be destroyed. Whatever does happen in our lost blood and treasure is on Biden and where his buck stops. But since neither he nor we are sure where this buck really does stop, we need only to look at the Democrat party in toto. They refuse to stop it. They broke it, they bought it. The bloody hands will be theirs.


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