Thursday, June 6, 2024

It's election year, is it any wonder why Democrats appear to do some good. It's a perfect example of their hypocritical ploy in action.


Biden’s EO Won’t Secure Border, Tells Big Lie; Damage Already Done

by R. Cort Kirkwood June 5, 2024 Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

President Joe Biden’s executive order yesterday to “secure” the southwest border is the proverbial case of closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. Biden supposedly shut the door to asylum claims for anyone who crosses the border illegally, an obvious election-year ploy to appear concerned about the three-year illegal-alien invasion he aided and abetted. 

Problem is, his “enhanced measures” to stop the invasion he wanted, which took effect at midnight today, stay in place only until encounters with illegals between ports of entry fall below 1,500 daily. As well, they leave in place the smartphone application that permits illegals to apply for entry before they leave home … where they belong.

Biden’s order also tells a big, fat lie — i.e., that the GOP Congress is to blame for the invasion because it blocked immigration legislation, for Biden needed congressional authority to act.

Of course, the communist-founded American Civil Liberties Union has promised to sue to overturn the largely symbolic and cynical political maneuver with November elections months away.

What the Order Does

Since Biden took office, more than 9.6 million illegals have either tried to jump the border or shown up at ports of entry, hat in hand, looking for a free ride on the American taxpayers.

It’s a major election issue in November for the GOP in general, and for Donald Trump in particular, which explains Biden’s order.

The Homeland Security Department’s fact sheet explains that the measures “restrict asylum eligibility, and significantly increase the consequences for those who enter without authorization across the southern border.”

Claiming the administration has deported more than 750,000 illegals since Biden took office, less than eight percent of the total encountered, the fact sheet avers that “the Administration has repeatedly called on Congress to provide the resources and legal authorities needed to secure our border”:

The measures announced today will better enable the Department to quickly remove individuals without a legal basis to remain in the United States, strengthening enforcement and chang[ing] the calculus for those considering crossing our border irregularly. However, they are no substitute for Congressional action. We continue to call on Congress to provide the new tools and resources we have asked for to support the men and women on the frontlines.

That’s the big lie, repeated in the order:

My Administration has repeatedly asked the Congress to update the outdated and inadequate immigration statutes, to create a legal framework that is functional and addresses current realities, and to provide additional resources so that we can more effectively deliver consequences at the border. In August 2023, I requested more than $4 billion in additional funding for border security and related migration issues, including more than $2 billion for urgent DHS border management requirements. The Congress failed to act. In October 2023, I requested $13.6 billion for border enforcement and migration management. This request included more than $5 billion for DHS to manage conditions on the southern border, as well as funding for critical capacity enhancements to keep the southern border secure. The Congress once again failed to provide our border and immigration system with the resources it needs to deliver timely consequences to those who cross unlawfully.

In fact, as GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson (La.) said when the measure was tied to funding for Ukraine’s war against Russia, Biden could have closed the border and reversed his policies any time he wished. He refused to do so.

That aside, the fact sheet says that illegals “who cross the southern border unlawfully or without authorization will generally be ineligible for asylum, absent exceptionally compelling circumstances and unless they are excepted by the Proclamation.”

But that supposedly tough measure is undone by the second. An illegal need only claim he fears returning home to stay here:

Noncitizens who cross the southern border and are processed for expedited removal while the limitation is in effect will only be referred for a credible fear screening with an Asylum Officer if they manifest or express a fear of return to their country or country of removal, a fear of persecution or torture, or an intention to apply for asylum. 

Plus, the “enhanced measures” will terminate after a “sustained reduction” of illegal-alien encounters. They remain in effect for two weeks after a one-week average of fewer than 1,500 encounters per day between ports of entry. If encounters exceed a daily average of 2,500 for a week, the measure goes back into effect.

The problem: As long as border agents encounter less than 1,500 “migrants” per day, which could be 45,000 per month, then Biden’s original policies return. Illegals who want to stay in the country can do the smart thing and show up at ports of entry for processing.

Noting that it overturned the Trump administration’s asylum rules, the ACLU said it will sue.

“The executive action will invoke Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, echoing the Trump administration’s previous entry ban,” the subversive outfit said:

The ACLU and partners successfully challenged an asylum ban by the Trump administration that took the same approach as the Biden administration. It would also rush vulnerable people through already fast-tracked deportation proceedings, sending people in need of protection to their deaths.

That’s nonsense, of course. Few if any “migrants” leave their countries for fear of persecution or violence, as they themselves admit. As The New American has repeatedly reported, they come to the United States for jobs and free stuff, and 90 percent of asylum claims are bogus. A study from UCLA found that 99 percent are bogus.

Still, Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, warned that he and his comrades would wage legal war to import the Third World. “We intend to challenge this order in court,” he said. “It was illegal when Trump did it, and it is no less illegal now.”

So is bringing in and harboring illegals, a federal felony Biden officials have committed with impunity along with other crimes.

Border Numbers

That not-insignificant fact aside, CBP data suggest that even if Biden did close the border entirely, the damage he has done is incalculable and irreversible apart from Donald Trump’s plan for mass deportations.


The millions whom Biden has released in contravention of immigration law will, if Congress doesn’t act, affect the apportionment of congressional seats and skew in the Democrats favor. And most of the illegals are likely here to stay. That means Democrats will never cease pushing for them to become citizens and voters.

As well, former FBI officials have warned that Biden has permitted a “soft invasion” of military-age men who might stage a terror attack or constitute a sleeper army ready to strike at military bases or infrastructure.


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