Thursday, June 20, 2024

For literally decades; we have fought the battle against illegal immigration - to no avail. This global protest with feet has ruined nations and societies. I guess it's our turn. Our once great Republic is near a tipping point.


Biden's DACA

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

Here we go again. Another president wants to go around Congress and provide amnesty. Didn't we see that movie before? It did not end well for the dreamers who are still dreaming and wondering what their legal status is.

So Biden gave us a DACA and some of us agree with the Dallas Morning News that this is a bad idea. Let's read the editorial:

The Biden administration announced on Tuesday a new program to protect undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens. Known as “parole in place,” the proposal would benefit about half a million spouses by shielding them from deportation and providing a green card without leaving the U.S.

President Joe Biden is taking a misguided shortcut on immigration policy in an attempt to mollify progressives who were angered by his recent asylum cap rule to stem illegal border crossings. Pathways already exist for undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens to obtain legal status, so we are left to conclude that the president is pursuing this policy mainly for political gain. This kind of sweeping immigration policy should be debated and shaped in Congress.

Yes, debated and shaped in Congress. The ghost of Philadelphia 1787 shows up again. After all, those guys who created the US Constitution were a bit concerned with giving a president so much power. They thought that issues like these should be debated and shaped in Congress.

Why did he do it? Don't underestimate desperation. They can't convince anyone that they are doing a good job so let's pander again.

Unlike DACA, an order about youngsters who grew up in the US because their parents brought them illegally, Biden's order is about adults who did not take advantage of rules that already exist. In other words, you can leave and come back legally to rejoin your spouse. 

So any bets that this order will end up in the courts?


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