Wednesday, June 5, 2024

As usual, the fraudulent Biden administration are at their hypocritical finanigans again!


Biden’s border ‘crackdown’ is a con job based on another Biden bait-and-switch

By Andrea Widburg

The headlines in mainstream media outlets announced today that Biden has enacted an executive order that will close the border. By tomorrow, the headlines will be that embittered, dishonest Republicans are pouncing on, instead of applauding, what they should view as good news. But this is not good news. Not only is it a con, but it also exposes how the Biden administration and the complicit progressive Democrat media have been gaslighting Americans for the last three-plus years.

On January 25, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order announcing that it was his responsibility to enforce America’s immigration laws and that he fully intended to do so. To that end, he would deport a broad class of criminal illegal aliens, fine illegal aliens and their enablers, hire additional immigration officers, empower state agencies to deal with illegal aliens, end sanctuary jurisdictions, prosecute illegal aliens, sanction countries that aided illegal immigration; and generally do whatever lay in his power to ensure that America maintained a sovereign border.

On Trump’s watch, illegal immigration plummeted.

On January 20, 2021, as one of his first acts in office, Biden revoked Trump’s executive order. He then proceeded to open the border. He stopped work on a wall that would channel true asylum seekers to specific entries, he stopped all deportations, he ended the “remain in Mexico” policy, he stopped detaining illegal aliens captured as they crossed the border, he shipped illegal aliens across America, he granted amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, and he generally refused to enforce any American immigration laws.

Biden de facto nullified America’s immigration laws, an unconstitutional and tyrannical act. It’s no surprise that, on his watch, illegal immigration soared. This one chart alone tells the tale:

The House GOP put together the data, and I urge you to read the whole list, which covers everything from the cost of illegal aliens to the number of terrorists and Chinese nationals coming through. I’ll just post the numbers here:

  • Since Joe Biden took office:
    • There have been OVER 9.2 MILLION illegal immigrant encounters nationwide. 
    • There have been OVER 7.6  MILLION illegal immigrant encounters at our Southern Border.
    • The number of known gotaways at the Southern Border has skyrocketed by 390.23%.
    • Immigration judges have thrown out approximately 200,000 deportation cases because DHS did not file the required "Notice to Appear" by the time of the scheduled hearing.
  • In March, there were 189,372 illegal immigrant encounters at our Southern Border.
    • March was the 37th straight month where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump. 

When Americans—especially blacks—began noticing the influx of illegal aliens, Biden insisted that Biden lacked the power to do anything about the border problem. This was an interesting line of argument given that Biden has a constitutional obligation to enforce the laws of this country and the immigration problem arose when Biden refused to enforce them:

On the heels of this gaslighting, Biden and his fellow Dems insisted that the only way to fix the border was for Congress to pass a new immigration law that would dramatically increase the number of immigrants allowed into America. Americans understand that the old laws are just fine...if they’re actually enforced. In other words, the existing laws gave America a secure border. Biden violated those laws and then claimed that the only way to fix the problem he created was to pass laws creating a less secure border.

An analogy would be taking the car in for an oil change, only to have the mechanic break your fuel line and then tell you that you needed an expensive new one that would offer 50% of the original fuel line’s efficiency. It was a bait and switch on the American public predicated upon an illegal act. Republicans understood this and refused to allow the bill to move forward.

Now, though, faced with an electorate that really hates the open border, Biden has embarked upon another con. He suddenly discovered that he could, in fact, fix the border through executive fiat. However, as with the fake “Border Security Act,” Biden’s newest executive order is, yet again, a bait and switch.

Rather than sending back the 10 million or so illegal aliens that came in on his watch and stopping any new illegal aliens from entering, the order allows all of the illegal aliens currently here to remain, a de facto amnesty. Additionally, it authorizes almost 1 million more illegal aliens to enter America and, through faux-legal classes of exceptions to the laws, allows in another million over that number.

In other words, that’s still 2 million illegal aliens per year, without even accounting for the millions that the Border Patrol agents miss—and even that’s not the end of it. The executive order still greenlights unaccompanied minors (aka sex slaves for pedophiles and adults lying about their age), which will easily account for another several hundred thousand to a million illegal aliens annually.

This is both a con job and unconstitutional legislation by fiat.

It’s to be hoped that the American people aren’t stupid enough to fall for a con job. However, based on my correspondence with a former Republican whose Trump hatred led him to a non-stop MSNBC diet for the past seven years, I’m sorry to say that many are indeed that stupid. Pray for America, donate to Trump, and vote as if your life and nation depend upon it because they do.


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