Tuesday, June 11, 2024

This article notes a few important polling statistics. It is amazing how fractured the American public is. Afterall, look at our supposed leaders - on second thought forget that last note.


62% of Americans back mass deportations of illegal immigrants: CBS/YouGov poll

Thomas Stevenson  Jun 10, 2024 thepostmillenial.com

The majority of Hispanic voters also supported this action at 53 percent.

A new poll has revealed that the majority of Americans support instituting a new government program to deport mass numbers of illegal immigrants from the US as the border crisis under President Joe Biden continues. 

According to a new poll from CBS News and YouGov, 62 percent of American voters would support a new measure to deport illegal immigrants who have entered the country. The majority of Hispanic voters also supported this action at 53 percent.

Among other statistics found in the poll, Trump was up in a head-to-head matchup against Biden at 50 to 49 points, within the margin of error and one percent said someone else. 49 percent of registered voters said that a second Biden term would see an increase in the number of illegal immigrants coming into the country, while just 5 percent said the same of Trump.

A total of 2,063 adults in the United States were polled, with 1,615 of those being registered voters. The margin of error was 3.2 percent among all who responded and 3.8 percent among registered voters. The poll was conducted from June 5-7. 

It also revealed that supporters of Trump are voting for him because they like him as the nominee at 54 percent and want to oppose Biden at 34 percent. In contrast, 54 percent said they were voting for Biden because they disliked Trump and 27 percent said they were voting for Biden because they liked him. 

The top two issues voters said are the most "major factor" in their vote was the economy at 81 percent and inflation at 75 percent. The border was also of major concern for the majority of voters. On the issue of race and diversity, only 37 percent of voters saw it as a major factor playing a role in their vote in the upcoming election and only 35 percent thought climate change was important. 


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