Saturday, June 1, 2024

This fraudulent Biden horrific turmoil continues with impunity! The once great Republic will never be the same!


Buried news: Mexicans looking to come here illegally has quadrupled since 2022, State Department poll finds

By Monica Showalter

The Washington Post came out with a report the other day by Mary Beth Sheridan, an experienced investigative reporter, about Mexico's notorious cartels shaking down tortilla vendors in that country, forcing many to close shop and head to el norte.

It was a good, detailed report, but not entirely new, given the many stories about Mexico's cartels growing ever more powerful by the day in various Mexican sectors -- ports, avocados, highways, maquiladoras, owing to all the billions they draw in from Joe Biden's open border, both through illegal drug sales and human smuggling with all those "crossing fees" they collect from illegal border crossers. I commented on such things here, here, here, here, and here.

Buried within the Washington Post's story was one disturbing detail that pretty well discredit's the Biden administration's great gaslight to the public, that their policies aren't enticing more migrants to come here illegally and the border surge is just a matter of global warming, a sudden surge of persecution from democratic elected governments, or some other nonsense.

Here's the money quote:

The expanding criminal grip on the economy is starting to have a spillover effect at the U.S. border. Detentions of Mexicans at the U.S. border — including asylum applicants — have tripled since 2019, reaching about 717,000 last year. People leave the country for many reasons, including better-paying jobs. But an increasing percentage of Mexican migrants say they are fleeing violence and extortion.

In a poll commissioned last fall by the State Department, and not previously made public, 39 percent of Mexicans surveyed said they’d be willing to migrate irregularly to the United States in the following months — a fourfold rise from early 2022.

So the number who wish to enter the U.S. illegally has quadrupled, given how easy it is to get here without papers, how big the benefit packages are, and how once in, they will get to stay. The risk of deportation is an increasingly remote prospect given the current policies.

This is not to say that these Mexicans do not have good reasons for wanting to get here. Can you imagine having a small tortilla business, which is very labor intensive just to start with (seriously, see how long it takes to make a Mexican-style taco), and being shaken down for all of your meager earnings from your hard work?

People "go Galt" for those kind of living conditions and that they want to come here is understandable, even though the open border certainly hasn't spared the U.S. from growing cartel penetration, which is going on now, and is most likely to affect Mexican immigrants first. The U.S. isn't really a refuge the way it was in the past, even if the migrants think it is. I wrote about that here, here, and here.

But what this development shows is that Mexico has been turned into a living hell for ordinary Mexicans based on the growing strength of the cartels, whose profits have exploded based on Joe Biden's open border.

Just the other day, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was actively denying that the Biden administration's open border policies had anything to do with the surge seen now at the border.

According to CBS News:

Mayorkas said the accusation that Biden administration policy has encouraged desperate migrants to journey to the U.S. is "false."

"The reasons why people leave their countries of origin are those with which we are quite familiar: extraordinary poverty, violence, extreme weather events, corruption, suppression by authoritarian regimes. Those reasons and more," Mayorkas said.

He makes no link between the increased cartel violence in Mexico and how the cartels got so powerful so as to be able to enact their violence and render Mexico into a living hell. That's the open border at work, fattening cartels with untold profits, which they are now seeking political power from as a result. That's what cartels do -- Pablo Escobar did that in Colombia in the 1990s, and now these Mexican cartels are seeking to do the same in Mexico and it's getting very violent.

Given the importance of Mexico as a trade partner to the U.S., which supplies a lot of our agricultural products seen on grocery store shelves, as well as other products -- electronics, cars, oil drilling equipment, and more, that's pretty disturbing. Now the numbers of Mexicans who want to come here illegally has quadrupled and Mayorkas is claiming it's nothing to do with him.

Same old cool, reflexive liar, isn't he?

What we can expect from this Biden-created turmoil is yet another wave of illegal immigration from Mexicans themselves, brought on by the previous wave of border surging, like a snake that's eating its tail. It's snowballing. The more the border stays open, the worse it becomes for Mexicans and the more likely that they too will pack up and head for the states as well. That's an evil dynamic, a border crisis that feeds on itself.


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