Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Now that fraudulent Biden has millions of new voters - we will begin the horrific tragedy - of his dirty deeds!


Three years late, Biden suddenly announces he's swinging the barn door shut a tad to illegal migrants

By Monica Showalter

Now that the horses have gotten out of the barn, so to speak, and millions of illegal migrants have been unleashed onto the American public, Joe Biden says he's shutting the barn door.

What nonsense.

Everyone with a brain can see what's going on.

Election time is on. Biden's trailing in the polls. Lawfare against his rival, Donald Trump, has backfired on him.

So in response, Biden put out an executive order, claiming he was cracking down on illegal border crossings.

According to The Hill:

The order will be in effect when the seven-day average of daily border crossings exceeds 2,500 between ports of entry, senior administration officials said, meaning it will go into effect immediately. Biden issued a proclamation announcing the change under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

So much gobbledygook. It's a little late, doofus.

Some 11 million illegals have already crossed in. They're commiting crimes, they're out stealing, raping and killing and Biden and his fellow Democrats won't do a thing to stop them. They're padding welfare rolls, filling parks and rec centers and airports, and flooding schools and emergency rooms. They're occupying about a quarter of New York's hotel rooms and driving up housing, water and electricity costs in California, not to mention, keeping the market illiquid as homeowners in fire zones can no longer insure their homes from alien-set wildfires.

Closing the door now to more of them won't do a thing to get rid of the problems being created by the ones who have already gotten in. But that's just one problem with Biden's proposal.

There are many more.

Under Biden's new rule, illegals will get 2,500 "free" crossings a day and once the figure reaches an average of 2,501 over seven days, he will shut the border to new asylum applicants until just 1,500 cross illegally. It's similar to the 5,000 "free" illegal crossings per day the Senate negotiated out with a couple of RINOs when a recent immigration bill was presented to the House, and mercifully, died a quick death.

Biden in fact, says that he's taking this action because Republicans refused to act on that bill, which is some amazing gaslighting.  The GOP said at the time that Biden could shut down the border any time he liked so no law was needed. He's doing that now.

Republicans rejected the bill because making those 5,000 crossings into law would have normalized the border surge by law for years to come. With more than a billion people in the world wanting to come here, that certainly would allow a lot of illegal crossers in, about a million per year, in addition to the hundreds of thousands Biden is letting in through his CBPOne app, the hundreds of thousands of 'gotaways,' who also are getting in, the paroled 30,000 per month flown in from places like Haiti and Venezuela in yet another program, and the million or so legal immigrants, who have waited their turn in line and paid their fees for their chance to come here. A million here, a million there, for Biden it's like government money, which is to say 'what's the difference.'?

How the illegals divvy up this 2,500-per-day spoil to decide who gets in and who doesn't is bound to make for some stunning cartel violence, given that each illegal border crosser brings in about $10,000 to the cartel from "crossing fees." Fewer crossing slots, more competition, and the crossing fees will surely go up. But who gets them across the 2,400-mile border controled by different rival cartels by turf is where the warfare commences. It's bound to be bloody.

But this is far from the only problem. Biden himself created enough loopholes to make Swiss cheese.

First, all unaccompanied "child" migrants won't be subject to any of these Biden fiat quotas. Get ready for every migrant out there to suddenly turn 17 and all the child traffickers out there to embrace a surge in "business/"

Second, The Hill points out the migrants who tell U.S. agents they have a credible fear of something or other in their homelands or maybe Mexico, will be exempt, too. Get ready for every migrant to say he has a credible fear, which is pretty much what is going on now. If they don't know enough to say that, the NGOs will be there to coach them.

Third, Biden probably can't enforce it anyway. According to The Hill:

It’s unclear whether the Biden administration will have enough resources to quickly expel or detain migrants barred from asylum, raising the possibility that more migrants will be released to the interior with orders of deportation rather than asylum claims, limiting their ability to apply for work permits.

So same old, same old.

If it's enforced, and that's a big 'if,' it probably could cut down on illegal border crossings to some extent, which Mexico, for campaign and political reasons of its own, is already doing for Biden, but it will hardly elimate them.

But it's not what the American public is looking for.

In fact, it might make the problem worse on certain fronts as migrants fight for slots and big break-down-the-gates surges follow. Given that many illegal migrants are en route, and have already paid their human smugglers and cartels, they're going to expect to be allowed in as an entitlement if they have to bust their way in to get it. What's more, the NGOs will fight with one another about which one gets the lion's share of the remaining federal funding as well as in court. Their rice bowl is at stake now.

Look forward to more disorder at the border and more illegals surging on in.

In all, it's nothing but a cynical move to appear to be doing something about the border without actually enforcing border law as the Constitution requires for election season consumption.

With migrants just getting started in all the problems they are creating now that they are here, it's also unlikely to alter public perceptions about the border being under control. We may see terrorism, crime, public finances going bankrupt, illiteracy, strained city services, loaded jails, overflowing schools, emergency rooms shutting down, and a loss of public spaces before we see any effect, which in any case doesn't solve the problem by much as well more than half a million illegals will still be allowed in each year.

What garbage. Let's hope Republicans are effective in shooting this phony solution down, fast.


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