Thursday, September 29, 2011

Another Example in Questionable Spending by Congress


February 11, 2009 By Kempite

Prior to the senate's passage of the most expensive spending package in history, there was a great deal of debate on exactly what the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 should include and what guidelines should be created regarding how money in the bill would be spent.

A bill of such historic size and scope has a lot of strings attached and well it should. That is why Republicans in the Senate tried to insure that one of the greatest concerns in this bill, jobs, be addressed properly. So Alabama's Republican Senator, Jeff Sessions, tried to offer amendment SA 239. It was an amendment that required all businesses that received any troubled asset relief money or that would get any other federal funds or tax breaks be required to implement use of the electronic verification data base that currently operates under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security.

The E-Verify system vets the immigration status of workers and helps to prevent the hiring of undocumented immigrants.

The measure would have been an added level of security to help insure that the stimulus package did its job for the American people. It was meant to insure that money aimed at increasing jobs for Americans did just that and created jobs for Americans and not foreign citizens living here illegally. But despite attempts to make this spending bill a more meaningful recovery package, Democrat Senator Max Baucus of Montana objected to the measure.

Immediately following the objection, Nebraska Democrat Senator Ben Nelson made a motion to conclude debate on the entire stimulus package and with a vote of 61 to 36 debate was ended and the stimulus package was scheduled to be voted on without any assurances that any stimulus created jobs will go only to American citizens.

Had debate not ended and the amendment been approved, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez pledged that they would have used their veto power, under special procedures, to have blocked the E-Verify amendment from being included the final bill.

By denying inclusion of the E-Verify amendment, Democrats have slapped unemployed Americans in the face and Senators Reid, Menendez, Baucus and Nelson have gone out of their way to put the employment opportunities of illegal immigrants on par with hard working, law abiding, American workers. Some reports suggest that their refusal to approve the measure could account for as much as 10 or 11 percent of the money in this stimulus package going towards the hiring of illegal immigrants.

With billions of dollars of questionable spending already included in this so-called recovery package, it is a travesty to see lawmakers go out of their way to willfully waste more by insuring that illegal immigrants have a fair shot at taking jobs away from needy Americans.

Sadly, this is just one example of the American Recovery and Investment Act's wasteful spending and misappropriation of funds.

Even sadder is the apparent loyalty that Democrats have to the underground culture of illegal immigration.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another Example of Government Run-Amok!

Dear Utah Legislator,

The Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration (Washington County, Utah) wishes to share with you a situation that is of great concern to the citizens of the communities of Washington County, and as well, should be of great concern to the citizens of the United States of America and its elected representatives.

In a news article reported by the Conservative News Service on August 29, 2011
(, U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis signed “partnership” agreements with ambassadors of many Latin American nations “aiming to protect what she described as the labor rights of both legal and illegal migrants working in the United States.”

This action by the secretary is in direct conflict with provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which states in part, “…employers may hire only persons who may legally work in the United States (i.e., citizens and nationals of the U.S.) and aliens authorized to work in the U.S.

Secretary Solis’ signature also violates many of the sections of U.S.C. Title 8.

Our concerns are of the seemingly out-of-control actions by appointees of the Obama administration; we liken it to a kindergarten class run-amok – with complete absence of leadership.

We are equally concerned with the apparent lack of oversight, regarding the actions of Secretary Solis, by our elected officials - the congress of the United States of America.

Ms. Solis, it appears, has taken on the role of the Secretary of State.

Mr. Utah Legislator, we respectfully seek your assistance and input, as well as that of your peers, to reign-in the actions of cabinet members of the present administration as they pursue agendas that are not in the best interest of our nation and its legal citizens; that are not consistent with established law. We support and sustain you as our voice in Washington D. C.


The Working Group; Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration (C.C.I.I.) 9/24/2011
P.O. Box 824
Santa Clara, UT 84765  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Border Violence & Drug Wars, Coming to a Town Near You


 Tales from the border tell conflicting stories

By Robin Beres |

The Sonoran Desert National Monument, about 60 miles southwest of Phoenix, contains more than 487,000 acres of the most beautiful and biologically diverse desert in North America. This national monument includes a saguaro cactus forest, three distinct mountain ranges and wide, lovely valleys. It is home to many archaeological sites and historic trails and landmarks.

Because of its vast beauty, the Sonoran Desert monument beckons thousands of visitors every year. People come to sightsee, horseback ride and hike its many trails. Backpacking and primitive camping were until recently quite popular.

No longer, nearly 80 miles from the Mexican border, the rampant crime taking place today within the monument is so out of control that the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management website warns: "Visitors should be aware that narcotic smuggling activities occur within this national monument. If you see any activity that looks illegal, suspicious, or out of place, please do not intervene."

The website warns people not to travel off well-marked roads or pick up hitchhikers — and to avoid all contact with distressed people asking for water or assistance. For those hardy souls still willing to visit, signs have been placed throughout the area warning starkly of the dangers from active drug- and human-smuggling activities.

In a June 1 guest editorial in the Sonoran News, Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Ariz., noted that last year 219,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended in one section of Arizona alone — and the U.S. Border Patrol estimates another 400,000 made the journey successfully. The sheriff discussed the dangers our porous borders pose, and he noted that many of those apprehended have had "troubling ties to terrorism."

He should know. Recently in his jurisdiction, a man was found dead and another wounded after a group of drug smugglers was attacked by a rival gang. The injured man told deputies that he was traveling through the desert with 14 other illegal immigrants when they were attacked by a rip crew that opened fire on them. (A rip crew is a rival drug smuggling gang that steals drugs and cash from other smugglers.)

And it's not just in Arizona. According to the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Steven McCraw, in Texas alone there have been 22 murders, 24 assaults, 15 shootings and five kidnappings linked to Mexican drug cartels since 2010. 

From California to Texas, county and small-town law enforcement officials have sounded the warning that the drug wars and bloodshed that have plagued Mexico have begun to spill over into the United States. And the cartels responsible for drug smuggling have expanded their activities into the grim business of human smuggling.

Trafficking humans has become a $20 billion-a-year business for Mexican drug cartels. That has made immigrating illegally into the U.S. a very dangerous activity for desperate migrants. Having commandeered the human-smuggling business from independent coyotes, drug cartels often charge outrageous sums of money for transportation across the border. Immigrants are often forced into prostitution or held captive until family members can raise the required ransom. Countless numbers of immigrants have been raped, abandoned along the way or murdered.

In March, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano spoke in El Paso, Texas. She stated that security on the southern U.S. border "is better now than it ever has been," and she denied that serious violence from neighboring Mexico had spilled over into the U.S. Napolitano stressed that border towns are safe for travel, trade and commerce.

Last month — again in El PasoPresident Obama delivered a policy speech on immigration. Full of praise for his administration's efforts, Obama's speech was notable mainly for his snide comments about Republicans. In a speech that did absolutely nothing to help foster a bipartisan attempt at border security, he told the crowd:

"So, we have gone above and beyond what was requested by the very Republicans who said they supported broader reform as long as we got serious about enforcement. But even though we've answered these concerns, I suspect there will be those who will try to move the goal posts one more time. They'll say we need to triple the border patrol. Or quadruple the border patrol. They'll say we need a higher fence to support reform. Maybe they'll say we need a moat. Or alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied. And I understand that. That's politics."

Who is correct? Napolitano and Obama or the local sheriffs and residents living in border towns? Is Amy Pope, a U.S. attorney general deputy chief of staff, correct in saying there hasn't been a crime spike of any significance on the U.S. border, or do we believe the Burns family of Brooks County, Texas, who packed up and left their 38,000-acre ranch because the drug cartels are just too much of a threat?

Do we ignore the pleas of the family of murdered rancher Richard Krentz for military troops to be stationed on the border? Or do we believe the president when he says the border has never been safer? 

Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl have introduced a 10-point plan to tighten the border. Rep. Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, has introduced legislation seeking to designate six Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. Such a designation would limit their financial interests and travel abilities and inflict harsher punishments on those who seek to provide them financial support.

There is no easy answer to border security. Mexicans and Americans living along the border towns share histories and bloodlines that go way back. Families who have crisscrossed the border for years, visiting back and forth, should not have to be cut off from one another. On the other hand, Americans should not be forced to sacrifice their safety on our roads and in our cities and national parks.

Sheriff Babeu may have summed it up best in his editorial: "Mexico is not our enemy. The cartels are the enemy of Mexico and America. They have brought their violence here to America. Local sheriffs can't fight them alone. We can address this growing threat, or we can make jokes, laugh and believe the border is more secure than ever."

Friday, September 23, 2011

To Enfeebled to Resist Invasion


The Barbarians are Coming:

How Our Decaying Civilization Will End, Too Enfeebled to Resist Invasion

By Philip Atkinson - Part II  of II Parts

Invasion Is Colonization
The result of this migration is inevitable.  The invaders take over their new homeland by sheer weight of numbers. The original manners, customs and beliefs of the destination country are slowly replaced by those of their invaders. This can be easily seen in the USA where the actual border with Mexico is slowly moving further north every year. The culture of the white Americans is being displaced by their mainly Hispanic invaders; peace and wealth created by the white American culture are being replaced by poverty and crime brought by the invaders. This represents a take-over made obvious by the replacement of the use of the English language with Spanish. Miami is now a Spanish-speaking city even though it is technically in America -- an English-speaking country.

Hadrian’s Wall in America
The Americans have naturally tried to halt this invasion but their efforts are weak and ineffectual. The easiest way into America is by walking from Mexico, where a patrolled fence has been erected as a barrier (like Hadrian’s wall). Those Mexicans who are detected crossing the barrier are merely returned to Mexico to try again. Those who cross undetected are still subject to discovery but this is an unlikely fate, and the penalty is just a return to Mexico to try again. In many cases, the enforced return can be avoided by manipulation of the law.

Mexico now colonizing the USA
Mexico is now colonizing America and imposing its language and culture on it. Though the Americans still have the strength of understanding to recognize that the Hispanic invasion should be stopped, they are unable to take the measures required to achieve this end. The very least that must be done to halt the Hispanic invasion is the mass enslavement, or execution, of the invaders, which must be followed by an American invasion of Mexico to enforce American language and values upon the Mexicans. But the citizens of the USA recoil from such ruthless violence embracing delusion instead. They pretend that their futile defense is not folly, ignore the slow but inevitable takeover of their country and persecute anyone who tries to dispel their illusions. America has lost its ability to defend itself and must eventually be overrun by people from other cultures.

Example Of American Failure Repeated
The example of the failure of the Americans to defend them selves is being repeated by every Western country. Sharing the same lack of ruthlessness required to repel their invaders these countries now find themselves no longer a single community but a group of different communities of varying races and cultures. Even Australia, which is isolated by vast areas of ocean, is being subject to invasion, and while no single Australian city has yet been taken over, there are now parts of these cities that mimic the original homes of their invaders.

This same failure of the Western countries to defend themselves reveals how the powerful understanding once created by Western Civilization has already dissolved. The two awful signs of impending communal death -- the extinction of genius and the loss of the military spirit -- are there for all to see. The mainly selfish citizens that now comprise Western Civilization may still possess the technology discovered by genius, but they no longer have the wit or the resolution to employ it.

Colonize Or Be Colonized
The simple truth that different cultures are irreconcilable, and that one must dominate the others, means that the now impotent cultures of Western Civilization will be overrun. How a particular culture dominates, or attempts to dominate, other cultures, naturally reflects the character of that culture. The fact that the Americans refrain from killing their enemies does not mean that their enemies will refrain from killing them, as America was recently reminded. On September 11, 2001, around 3,000 people were murdered in a barbarian raid upon the USA, when the fanatical followers of an Islamic sect deliberately crashed hi-jacked passenger planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The Barbarians Are Coming—With A New Dark Age
The World Trade Center attack is confirmation of Arnold Toynbee’s claim that the decline of a civilization means the appearance of Barbarian war-bands.  And it is clear that, in one way or another, it is only a matter of time before the increasing senility of the countries that make up the Western world, will see them succumb to invaders. The result will be the final extinction of Western Civilization, along with its wealth and power, and a return to the Dark Ages: a time when there is no human community anywhere that is sane.

#  # Contributing Editor Philip Atkinson is the British born founder of and author of A Study of Our Decline. He is a philosopher specializing in issues concerning the preservation of Western Civilization. Mr. Atkinson receives mail at

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

To Enfeebled to Resist Invasion


The Barbarians are Coming:

How Our Decaying Civilization Will End, Too Enfeebled to Resist Invasion

By Philip Atkinson - Part I of II Parts

The Roman Wall
I was born in England, in the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne which is proud of its long history, which can easily be traced back to the period of ancient Rome’s occupation of Britain. There are many vestiges of the occupation but the most famous remains are those of Hadrian’s Wall. This was a stone wall extending from the east coast to the west coast of England, built to protect the Roman occupied country south of the wall from raids by northern barbarians, or so I was taught. I have never questioned this explanation until recent events have caused me to consider another purpose for Hadrian’s Wall.

Barrier Only To Unarmed Invaders
The Roman wall would never have stopped an attacking army, unless it was manned along its whole length. But to garrison the wall in such a fashion would be to undermine the ability of the Roman army to confront a barbarian host, who would invariably outnumber them. Dispersing its soldiers along an 80-mile front could not, and was not meant to, repel a mass attack, but to overcome a problem identical to that which Western Civilization is now facing. It was erected to stop the steady stream of migrants from the barbarian-ruled areas entering the Roman Empire. And this was done because, even though the barbarians entered the Empire peacefully, they did not come to help the Roman Empire, but to exploit it. They did not want to become citizens of Rome, but to retain their own culture within the Roman community, which made them a liability to the Roman Empire.

Declining Culture Vulnerable To Parasites
The impact of the intrusion of an alien culture upon a failing culture is similar to a parasitic attack suffered by any failing creature. Though the citizens of a declining community are slowly losing their attachments to their own community, they still feel some sense of obligation towards it. It is their community, full of their own kind, which is their tribe, so regardless of their growing indifference to their society’s tradition, they still feel a concern for its welfare. Whereas migrants from alien cultures have no such concerns; they are among strangers with a different culture. These invaders have not come to improve their host’s society, but their own, at the expense of their host. Hence such invading minority communities are parasites upon their host community.

Parasitic Nature Of Invaders Initially Masked
Initially, while the invaders are present only in small numbers, they will treat their host with care and respect. The contempt they must feel about their host’s culture will be dissembled, along with their intention to exploit the wealth of their host while avoiding any demands the host may place upon them. They will naturally subscribe to those laws of the host that carry the real threat of penalty or offer profit, but only because of convenience, and not for respect for the notions underpinning those laws; while all other laws of the host community will be silently treated with contempt except in those rare instances where they match their own culture.

Incompatible Nature Of Invaders Will Eventually Be Revealed
As the invaders numbers grow so will their confidence and their own culture will start to assert it self publicly.  The invaders’ general contempt for the culture of their host will become evident and will generate resentment between the different cultures, but while this may fester and flare from time to time, the host will confirm the decaying nature of its own culture by being unable to take effective action against the invaders.

A Modern Wave Of Unarmed Invaders
In the last few decades those countries considered part of Western Civilization have become subject to an unarmed invasion by other races and cultures. The wealth and safety currently enjoyed by England, France, Germany, USA, etc., have made them desirable places to live for the poor and frightened of other countries, such as India, Pakistan, Mexico and others. While this has been true for a long time, the barriers that previously prevented the citizens of poor countries from migrating to the wealthier countries have been removed. The previous firm resistance by the citizens of the wealthier countries has been undermined by deterioration in the character of their citizens.

Invasion Flows From Vigorous To Feeble
Once, the citizens of Western Civilization were determined as well as able.  Therefore, they dominated the countries occupied by weaker cultures. These subject countries became colonized— they were forced to adopt the language and culture of Western Civilization— and the superior understanding of Western Civilization was promoted throughout the world, along with its peace and wealth. However as the citizens of Western Civilization became selfish, they lost their resolve, so the control exercised by Western communities declined. This allowed the colonies to recover their independence and re-assert their own culture, which inevitably obtained the poverty and misrule, which had existed before colonialism. As Western Civilization has abdicated its rule over its colonies, wealth and peace have given way to poverty and anarchy. The example of the social collapse of South Africa has been repeated all over Africa. For many citizens of these colonies, modest means enjoyed in peace have been replaced by a perilous poverty, and the only escape from this misery is to go to where wealth and peace still exist, the home countries of their erstwhile colonial rulers. The tide of influence has reversed. It is no longer flowing from, but to, Western Civilization; and instead of peace and wealth, it is poverty and anarchy that are now being spread.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Multiculturalism Largely Ignored

The Negative Aspects of Multiculturalism

Russell Sias © - UCOII

In the United States, the issue of multiculturalism has been largely ignored. At the very least, it has either been inappropriately represented or misunderstood for years, perhaps both. As citizens, we have allowed ourselves to be convinced that diversity is a good thing for those within (and without) our country. In some instances, this is a correct and appropriate position for the citizens of our country to adopt, in others, it is not.

In those instances where multiculturalism causes a division within the country, such as a specific group's insistence to not speak the commonly accepted language, not support the same holidays, not share the attributes of the community across communities, cause isolationism between communities, narrowly define markets by cultural or geographic areas, or otherwise separate people into distinct groups having ultimately far different goals for their individual communities, multiculturalism will be devastating to any country. Multiculturalism boldly stands as an obstacle in the way of developing or sustaining common goals for a country when its individual communities do not have a common bond.

Knowing a second language is one thing. Teaching our children the culture of our grandparents is a worthwhile endeavor. However, forcing one's culture on a section of our community and isolating that segment from the general population is quite another. It is absolutely necessary that we recognize the hazards that we bring upon ourselves when we allow multiculturalism to rule our communities or even our nation. Do we want to allow a change in our land where, when we travel, we go from one community to another, speaking different languages, where the community is likely to be resentful of outsiders, where cultures do not mix, are not shared, and where people have nothing in common? Do we want to allow multiculturalism to segregate our country and then wonder if it will literally come apart as the Soviet Union has done? If the answer to these questions is no, then we must regain control of the many issues caused by our present attitude towards multiculturalism.

In the fundamental characteristics that define one country from another, those characteristics that differentiate the country as a distinct group of unique people, those fundamental attributes that determines our collective individuality; and in fact, our very identity within the world community, multiculturalism is not a good thing. Left unchecked, multiculturalism will affect the fundamental beliefs of the country. It will increasingly become more and more detrimental; ultimately leading to a loss of the very culture that defines the country as a separate and distinct entity from other nations of the world. Coupled with a quiet invasion, multiculturalism allows takeover by a foreign power, just as surely as a less than adequate response to being taken over by violence and force.

In this country, our makeup is founded upon waves and waves of immigrants. It is fitting that we encourage legal immigration within the bounds established by our laws. Without the controls of these limits set by our immigration laws, allowing for assimilation of the newly immigrated population, we will cause a fracture of the general population to the point that we will not be a united country, but a divided one. In the first 150 years of this country's existence, every immigrant had a similar desire when it came to supporting America. Under the guise of multiculturalism, this is no longer the case.

Abraham Lincoln said: A nation divided nation cannot stand. Multiculturalism clearly should be considered as being within the scope of this longstanding statement. In the 2004 Utah legislature, as it became apparent that a bill was going to fail to be brought to the floor for discussion, a group of Hispanics, in support of Mexican immigrants, gathered in the rotunda of the capitol building and chanted "Viva Mexico" for several minutes.

These people clearly have missed out on the opportunity to be true Americans, and have misunderstood one of the major reasons for joining other Americans in being patriots within this great country. They have yet to understand the necessary lessons our immigrant forefathers learned as they strove to become an integral part of this "United" States.

One of the results of multiculturalism is that current day immigrants are attempting to bring their culture and ways into this country. Hence, they have yet to transfer their allegiance to America, their new home. They deprive themselves of the very essence of what it means to be an American. Those who strive to impose their culture and their ways upon their new neighbors deprive themselves of much of the benefits they seek by immigrating and by not gaining an understanding of the concepts of a united America.

Immigrants normally come from a less successful society than the one they are immigrating into. This goes without saying; after all, it is a major reason for their move in the first place. No one disrupts their family or contemplates a significant life style change without good cause. Immigration is not the result of the success of one country over another. Its cause is the relative failure of one country in comparison to another. People migrating to another country are doing so because first they are dissatisfied with their present situation, and they perceive that the new location to be a better environment in which to raise their family where they can have the hope of having a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

It is not difficult to understand that multiculturalism supports many of the same aspects within the new culture as the one from which immigrants are attempting to flee. Immigrants recognize that the country they have deserted is less able to serve them, which is why they are striking out to better themselves, but via multiculturalism, they blindly insist on promoting many of the cultural problems they left, which can only bring about the ultimate restructuring of their new environment to be identical to that which has failed them and from which they are attempting to flee. Like the alcoholic, who knows that one drink leads to another, and that the result of that last drink is often negative and unwanted, the immigrant, in a similar fashion, wants to bring their failed culture with them, thereby corrupting their new environment with that which they are attempting to leave behind.

When we look at today's society, we see the insidious signs of multiculturalism everywhere around us. Unless we want a fractured and divided country where different languages are spoken, where anarchy reigns supreme, where people are pitted against anyone from different segments of our population, where one cannot feel free to come and go to other parts of the country or even of their own towns, then we must recognize the dangerous cultural aspects of multiculturalism and begin to eliminate these negative influences from our societies.

Either we do this, or we will continue down the path to more and more separate and individual societies, instead of building a single and solid, united American society. Our community leaders, whether mayors, city council members, state legislators, congress, yes, even the president, must look at each and every ordinance, code, and law, to ascertain that it does not promote multiculturalism. Further, we must begin to strike down those codes and laws that presently encourage the negative aspects of multiculturalism in this great country.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just the Term of "Undocumented Immigrants" is Ridiculous!


Mark S. McGrew 

Part V of  V

A Census Bureau study estimates that households headed by illegal aliens used $10 billion more in government services than they paid in taxes in 2002. These figures are only for the federal government. Costs at the state and local level are also significant.

Jonathan Weisman of the Washington Post states "The Senate’s embattled immigration bill would raise government spending by as much as $126 billion over the next decade.

The majority of these figures were taken from USILLEGALALIENS.COM This site is an encyclopedia of documented evidence of the cultural pollution of illegal alienation.

American can’t deport the illegal aliens because there are too many of them? That is just another fraudulent joke. President Eisenhower in the early 1950s deported 3 to 4 million Mexicans in Operation Wetback. If we had the resources and ability to do it then we sure as heck can do it now, faster and easier.

If this is not tolerance, what is? America is the most charitable nation on Earth, as a nation and as individuals. But when it comes to illegal aliens, we have tolerated enough and we have been charitable enough to bankrupt our social services. Our schools are failing due to the students who steadfastly refuse to learn out language. Our hospitals are closing due to illegals getting free service for anything from a splinter in their finger to major surgery and perpetual care. Our clean beautiful home towns are getting turned into open garbage pits. We’re getting murdered by illegal alien invaders. Poll after poll shows 90% of us say, “Get them out!” They have taught us well.

As the news does not report the activities of illegal aliens we have all learned by example.

I defy anyone on earth to prove that illegal aliens are a benefit to any society that they have invaded. It can not be done with factual data, anywhere.

If our nations were at war, these people acting under the disguise of “Undocumented Immigrants” would be classified as War Criminals committing Crimes Against Humanity. And that is exactly what they are doing.
America doesn’t owe Mexico anything but a swift kick in the pants.

Who else but a sociopath would encourage the documented behavior of illegal aliens? Who else but a psychopath would hide the facts and go to lengths to defend their violent criminal actions?

Mark S. McGrew can be reached at

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just the Term "Undocumented Immigrants is Ridiculous!


Mark S. McGrew 

Part IV of  V

Austin , Texas, in a 2003 article in the Austin American Statesmen: "Of 3,007 drunken driving arrests in 2002, 43 percent involved Hispanic men, even though they make up only about 11 percent of Austin's driving population. Including women, Hispanics made up 47 percent of the DWI arrests but only 21 percent of Austin drivers. Statewide, 42 percent of the people arrested in 2002 for driving while intoxicated were Latino, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. In Austin, 46 percent of the people arrested for drunk driving from 1999 to 2002 were Latino, according to the Austin Police Department."

How much does all this rampant carnage cost the taxpayers? Nobody knows what the costs are to each of the hundreds of thousands of American citizens each year that are injured, maimed, crippled, killed, raped, assaulted, robbed, etc. At the end of 2003, approximately 267,000 illegal aliens were incarcerated in U.S. correctional facilities: $6.8 billion. Mac Johnson estimates that illegal aliens murder between 1,806 and 2,510 people in the U.S. annually, an average of 2,158 murders. Representative King states illegal aliens are responsible for 4,380 murders $8.4 billion.

According to FBI Estimates on Number of Arrests in 2005 in the United States and applying a straight 5% of population representation, illegal aliens would have committed 704,709 crimes in 2005. Based on an average of $25,000 per crime, the costs would be $17.6 billion. Some estimates have their involvement much higher. Based on a US Government Accounting Office report of 55,322 illegal aliens incarcerated in federal, state, and local facilities during 2003 and extrapolating the average number of offenses out across all 267,000 incarcerated illegal alien criminals results in some 1,288,619 crimes!

Based on an average of $25,000 per crime, the costs would be $32.2 billion. Another estimated 240,000 criminal illegal aliens are not incarcerated. Professor David Anderson reports that the net annual burdened costs of crime, in 2006 dollars could be $1.62 TRILLION.

A 5% illegal alien participation would be $81 BILLION. But we have close to a 10% illegal alien population in America. That can not happen by accident.

Some studies indicate the participation of illegal aliens is much higher than representation. An estimated 2,258,550 pounds of cocaine made it through the southern border with an estimated street value conservatively estimated $72.2 BILLION. Resulting costs of the associated crime is unknown. Assume 50% is paid for through crime.

There are an estimated 5.1 million English as Second Language students in the USA. If 90% of the ESL students are children of illegal aliens then the education costs for children of illegal aliens is about $34.5 billion per year.

Many illegal aliens are carrying horrific third world diseases. In the 40 years prior to 2002, there were only 900 total cases of leprosy in the US. In the following three years there have been 9,000 cases. TB is epidemic in many illegal alien communities and a new Multiple-Drug-Resistant (MDR) TB is spreading. Each person infected with TB will infect 10 others. Treating a single case of MDR TB costs between $250,000 and $1,200,000 per person. Resulting costs are unknown.

Harvard Professor George Borjas has reported that illegal aliens displaced American workers at a cost in excess of $133 billion dollars in 2005.

The Wall Street investment firm Bear Stearns states we are losing $35 billion a year in income tax collections from jobs that are now off the books.

A recent report notes that illegals sent an estimated $45 Billion south in 2006, which was up from an estimated $30 Billion in 2004. That money leaving the economy does not produce secondary jobs here.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just the term "Undocumented Immigrants" is ridiculous!


Mark S. McGrew 

Part III of  V

Another way illegal aliens kill us is traffic accidents. On the roads and highways of the East Coast, a more than fair example is the Eastern Shore of Maryland, a sparsely populated rural area with good, easily navigatable roads with little or no congestion. There, a review of State Police auto accident reports for 2002 through 2004 for that area of the Eastern Shore also revealed that of the 179 accidents involving Hispanic laborers: 75% of the drivers had no auto insurance. Nearly all of the vehicles driven by migrants were registered to other drivers, 93% of the vehicles had false out-of-state tags.

In 2003 and 2004, 128 of the 395 people, 32.4%, arrested on DUI charges were Hispanic, a rate six times greater than the Hispanic portion of the population. According to State Police records, about a third of accidents involving migrant workers are hit-and-run. State Trooper Koushel said migrants often cannot be conclusively identified when they're stopped for a violation or involved in an accident." "Many", he said, "are illegal aliens who carry fake or invalid driver's licenses". "Because of that", he said, "Many fail to show up in court. It's almost like writing a ticket to a ghost."

A few days of bad weather in Colorado, over 100 illegal aliens were in auto accidents or given traffic tickets. Looking at only one component of traffic accidents, hit and runs, nationally 11 of every 100 traffic accidents are a hit and run.

As reported by Deadly Roads, as of December 29, there were 1,544 killed and 105,078 injured in hit and run accidents in 2006. Extrapolating for the year, 2006 will end up with about 1,560 killed and 105,948 injured by hit and run drivers.

In California, federal statistics show, "The number of fatal hit-and- run traffic deaths statewide jumped by 19 percent from 1999 to 2001. Nearly 300 people are killed annually in hit-and-run accidents in the state. Hit-and-runs accounted for 7.8 percent of the state's fatal crashes in 2001, the latest year for which figures are available from the U.S. Transportation Department. The figure is more than twice the national average of 3.8 percent - and a full percentage point higher than the next-highest state, Arizona."

It simply can not be a coincidence that California and Arizona have the highest per capita illegal alien population in the nation.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just the term "Undocumented Immigrants" is ridiculous!


Part II of  V

In 1980, our Federal and state facilities held fewer than 9,000 criminal aliens but at the end of 2003, approximately 267,000 illegal aliens were incarcerated in U.S. correctional facilities. 27% of all prisoners in Federal custody are criminal illegal aliens and the majority (63%) of those are Mexican citizens. In fiscal 2004, the Federal government spent $1.4 billion to incarcerate criminal aliens. All the incarceration costs, in Federal, State and local jurisdictions accounted for approximately $5.6 billion in 2004. The majority of criminal aliens incarcerated at the end of calendar year 2004 were identified as citizens of Mexico.

Of the 55,322 illegal aliens studied, researchers found that they were arrested a total of 700,000 times, averaging 13 arrests per illegal alien.

Defendants charged with unlawful reentry had the most extensive criminal histories. 90% had been previously arrested. Of those with a prior arrest, 50% had been arrested for violent or drug-related felonies.

The above study, done by the United States government General Accounting Office only sampled about 21% of the incarcerated illegal aliens. To get the full extent of the collateral damage, we need to extrapolate the average number of offenses out across all 267,000 incarcerated illegal alien criminals. Doing so results in some 1,288,619 crimes!

And the bad news is, it would appear that other than what the Immigration and Naturalization services, now named ICE reports when foreign nationals are deported, NOBODY ELSE IS TRACKING CRIMES COMMITTED ON US SOIL BY FOREIGN NATIONALS.

Researcher Deborah Schurman-Kauflin Ph.D. of the Violent Crimes Institute, reports on the analysis of 1,500 violent crimes from January 1999 through April 2006 that included serial rapes, serial murders, sexual homicides and child molestation committed by illegal aliens. The study breaks down the 1,500 cases reviewed this way: 525, or 35 %, were child molestations, 358, or 24%, were rapes, 617, or 41 %, were sexual homicides and serial murders.

Of the child molestations, 47% of the victims were Hispanic, 36% Caucasian, 8% Asian, 6% African American and 3% other nationalities. In 82% of the cases the victims were known to their attackers. "In those instances, the illegal immigrants typically gained access to the victims after having worked as a day laborer at or near the victims' homes," she says.

Schurman-Kauflin states that the illegal alien population includes 240,000 sex offenders a "conservative estimate," she says. She goes on to say, "This translates to 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sexual offenders coming across U.S. borders illegally per day." And she says, "Nearly 63% of the offenders had been deported on another offense prior to the sex crime."

Her study shows that sexual crimes that were committed by previously deported illegal alien sex perverts who simply strolled back in to commit more crime cost us $4.1 BILLION.

Summarizing, she says, “Only 2% of the offenders in this study has no history of criminal behavior, beyond crossing the border illegally. There is a clear pattern of criminal escalation. From misdemeanors such as assault or DUI, to drug offenses, illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes break U.S. laws repeatedly. They are highly mobile, work in low skilled jobs with their hands, use drugs and alcohol, are generally promiscuous, have little family stability, and choose victims who are easy to attack. Their attacks are particularly brutal, and they use a hands-on method of controlling and/or killing their victims."

Operation Predator resulted in 6,085 child predator arrests. Some pedophile statistics report that each pedophile molests an average of 148 children. If so, that could be as many as 900,580 victims. Resulting costs are unknown.

Stay tuned for Part III.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just the term "Undocumented Immigrants" is ridiculous!


Part I of  V

When I see articles written about the benefits of “Undocumented Immigrants” and how Americans are not tolerant or are racists bigoted xenophobes, all I see is either one of two things:
1. The writer is extremely ignorant.
2. The writer has a desire to see America destroyed.

Just the term, “Undocumented Immigrants” is ridiculous. This logic would label a drug dealer as an Undocumented Pharmacist. A burglar could plead his case as an Undocumented Home Inspector.  

Every claim made by illegal alien proponents is bogus. They are ALL pure lies, with not one single shred of legitimate data to back it up. I challenge anyone to verify the claims, “facts” and warm fuzzy statements made by the illegal alien advocates. These authors are sociopathic psychopaths. And I can prove it here.

Illegal aliens in America are not needed. Every time a business is shut down by Immigration authorities, Americans line up the next day to take the jobs that were originally taken from them. More and more Americans are not going to restaurants, because of rampant food poisoning. Americans are literally in fear of their lives, because of illegal aliens. Crimes committed by illegal aliens are barbaric. We have more deaths each year in America caused by illegal aliens than what we lost each year in Vietnam. More Americans are killed by illegal aliens in one year than the number of US soldiers killed in Iraq since we’ve been there.

The major news sources refuse to report on the crime wave that has and is sweeping America. They refuse to report the incredible rise of previously conquered diseases brought here by these people. Cholera, dysentery, diphtheria, leprosy, hepatitis, meningitis, typhoid, Chagas Disease, Tuberculosis, Dengue, Malaria and the list goes on to horrible diseases such as Schistomiasis, Guinea Worm Infestation, Cysticercosis, Morgellon’s and others.
Illegal aliens create a negative financial drain on society. California estimates $14 billion a year is spent on illegal aliens. The highest illegal alien population States in America are asking the Federal government for some of the “mystery bailout money”.

There seems to be no one who knows exactly how much illegal aliens cost American society and American taxpayers. 47% of car accidents in Dallas Texas are by illegal aliens. Schools in Colorado, Illinois, California are experiencing 50% dropout rates. The teachers can’t function and the kids have nothing to learn due to the extreme confusion brought on by illegal alien gibberish.

Their crimes were previously unknown behavior to Americans. 79,000,000 ID thefts, counterfeiting documents, mortgage fraud, human trafficking, forced prostitution, child labor, dog fights, rooster fights are just a few. We either didn’t know these kinds of crimes could happen or our government eliminated them years ago. 

Stay tuned for Part II.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The United States of America & Rule of Law

Illegal Immigrants are Law Breakers

By Vinny Martinez, Guest columnist

The United States of America is a nation of laws, and the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

The citizens of the U.S. and its foreign visitors are required to obey our laws. Our government, from the president on down, is also required to obey our laws.

All illegal immigrants are law breakers by their mere illegal presence in this country. Many have no real allegiance to this country; in fact they boastfully show allegiance to their native country, waving their country's flag while protesting for American rights and reaping the benefits of this country. American citizenship is more than just residing in this country.

The United States allows more than 1 million aliens to become Legal Permanent Residents every year, which is more than any other country in the world. Like other countries, the United States has immigration laws to help foreigners to become naturalized as citizens of this country. Those who are just visitors to our country are required to obtain U.S. visas. Currently, there are two different types of U.S. visas: one for people seeking to live in the U.S.; termed Immigrant Visas, and the other for people coming for limited durations, termed Non-Immigrant Visas. The former visa has "per country-caps" and the latter does not. Most non-immigrant visas are for work purposes and usually require an offer of employment from a U.S. business. Other categories include student, family and tourist visas.

In accordance with Section 1, of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, Congress — not the president — has the power "to establish a uniform rule of naturalization." Citizenship may be acquired automatically at birth (natural born citizen) or through the process of naturalization: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." Therefore, illegal immigrants are not considered citizens of the United States they are "aliens."

Unfortunately, our government leaders have been complacent about our immigration laws and protecting our borders. This reminds me of the bank that leaves its doors and vault open, and when the robber shows up they are escorted to the vault. Upon the robber leaving the bank, the guard turns his back as though nothing had happen. Both the bank and the robber broke the law.

It seems the Obama administration has a new policy that will allow many illegal immigrants facing deportation the chance to stay in this country and apply for a work permit. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said this policy change will mean a case-by-case review of about 300,000 illegal immigrants facing possible deportation in federal immigration courts.
President Obama and the Department of Justice are not only refusing to uphold federal immigration laws, they are filing suit to block states that are forced to take action against illegal aliens because the feds won't do their job.

The progressive Democrats have no problem supporting Obama with his social issues regardless if they are unconstitutional or not. Obama continues to bypass Congress by implementing policy changes and legislating with executive orders. This new policy from Obama is a way of legislating his DREAM Act, which the Congress turned down. The DREAM Act (acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) would provide conditional permanent residency to certain illegal alien/students.

We have a dilemma with illegal immigrants in this country because the government and now Obama, are allowing it to happen. We are supposed to be a nation of laws and justice, and violating our immigration laws and the U.S. Constitution is undermining what this nation is all about.

What may be politically correct may not be in the best interest for this nation. There should be a line of mutual respect between the government and the citizens it serves.
An immigrant that enters this country illegally has already lost respect for our laws. It seems Obama has no problems with people violating the law. Most illegal aliens tend to disobey more than one law in order to survive in this country illegally. They could be into drugs, using fraudulent documents; they don't pay income taxes and abuse the health care system, just to name a few.

Because they are here illegally, our national security is at stake. Some may have criminal records or could become terrorists. Our government; should not aide or accommodate illegal immigrants. They should be systemically deported back to their own country.

America is a nation of immigrants who became American citizens by complying with U.S. immigration law and willingly assimilated into the American society and learned its language and its heritage. Many have become true American patriots, who have proudly served in our military and our nation.

"Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people."
 — John Adams.