Thursday, August 30, 2018

We Need - No - Demand The Whole Truth

8/30/2018 - Victor Davis Hanson

Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation was star-crossed from the start. His friend and successor as FBI director, James Comey, by his own admission prompted the investigation -- with the deliberate leaking of classified memos about his conversations with President Donald Trump to the press.

Mueller then unnecessarily stocked his team with what the press called his "dream team" of mostly Democratic partisans. One had defended a Hillary Clinton employee. Another had defended the Clinton Foundation.

Mueller did not at first announce to the press why he had dismissed Trump-hating FBI operatives Lisa Page and Peter Strozk from his investigative team. Instead, he staggered their departures to leave the impression they were routine reassignments.

But Mueller's greatest problem was his original mandate to discover whether Trump colluded with the Russians in 2016 to tilt the election in his favor.

After 15 months, Mueller has indicted a number of Trump associates, but on charges having nothing to do with Russian collusion. They faced inordinately long prison sentences unless they "flipped" and testified against Trump.

We are left with the impression that Mueller cannot find much to do with his original mandate of unearthing Russian collusion, but he still thinks Trump is guilty of something.

In other words, Mueller has reversed the proper order of jurisprudence.

Instead of presuming Trump innocent unless he finds evidence of Russian collusion, Mueller started with the assumption that the reckless raconteur Trump surely must be guilty of some lawbreaking. Thus, it is Mueller's job to hunt for past crimes to prove it.

While Mueller so far has not found Trump involved in collusion with foreign citizens to warp a campaign, there is evidence that others most surely were colluding -- but are not of interest to Mueller.

It is likely that during the 2016 campaign, officials at the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA and National Security Agency broke laws to ensure that the outsider Trump lost to Hillary Clinton. FBI and DOJ officials misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to obtain warrants to surveil Trump associates. National security officials unmasked the names of those being monitored and likely leaked them to the press with the intent to spread unverified rumors detrimental to the Trump campaign.

A spy on the federal payroll was implanted into the Trump campaign. Hillary Clinton's campaign team paid for research done by a former British intelligence officer working with Russian sources to compile a dossier on Trump. Clinton hid her investment in Christopher Steele's dossier by using intermediaries such as the Perkins Coie law firm and Fusion GPS to wipe away her fingerprints.

As a result of wrongful conduct, more than a dozen officials at the FBI and DOJ have resigned or retired, or were fired or reassigned. Yet so far none of these miscreants has been indicted or has faced the same legal scrutiny that Mueller applies to Trump associates.

Hillary Clinton is not facing legal trouble for destroying subpoenaed emails, for using an unlawful email server or for the expenditure of campaign money on the Steele dossier.

No president has ever faced impeachment for supposed wrongdoing alleged to have taken place before he took office -- not Andrew Johnson, not Richard Nixon, and not even Bill Clinton, who lied about his liaisons with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. With the effort to go back years, if not decades, into Trump's business and personal life, we are now in unchartered territory.

The argument is not that Trump committed crimes while president -- indeed, his record at home and abroad is winning praise. The allegations are instead about what he may have done as a private citizen, and whether it could have reversed the 2016 election.

The only way to clear up this messy saga is for Trump to immediately declassify all documents -- without redactions -- relating to the Mueller investigation, the FISA court warrants, the Clinton email investigation, and CIA and FBI involvement with the dossier and the use of informants.

Second, there needs to be another special counsel to investigate wrongdoing on the part of senior officials in these now nearly discredited agencies. The mandate should be to discover whether there was serial conflict of interest, chronic lying to federal officials, obstruction of justice, improper unmasking and leaking, misleading of federal courts, and violation of campaign finance laws.

It is past time to stop the stonewalling, the redacting, the suppression, the leaking to the press and the media hysteria. The government must turn over all relevant documents to two special counsels and free each to discover who did what in 2016.

Americans need the whole truth to ensure equality under the law and to thereby set us free from this nearly two-year nightmare.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Words Have Meaning -- Don't Blur The System

8/26/2018 - Bruce Bialosky

One of the great joys of writing my column comes when I get to interact with real experts on issues. Sometimes they educate me and sometimes I have a tete-a-tete that defines a significant difference on a major policy point. I had that with a noted policy person on the issue of immigration.

My positions on immigration have been clearly delineated in the column previously. I, like almost every American, treasure the benefits we derive from most all our immigrants. The problem is too many people have merged “legal” and “illegal” into the issue of immigration. I am against illegal immigration. It harms America and harms the illegal immigrants by having their first activity in America one that breaks our law. The fact that supposedly being here illegally is only equivalent to a traffic ticket is a joke. I don’t believe that a person entering our country illegally or overstaying their visa has the same rights as an American citizen. We need a comprehensive visa control system and a wall along our southern border. Welcoming 500,000- one million legal immigrants into our country every year doesn’t makes us miserly. We, the American people and our elected representatives, should be making the rules for who becomes an immigrant not others. We need a real system of dealing with people looking for asylum, not just anyone who walks up to our border because they don’t like the prospects in their home country. I think stories of how my family came here from Lithuania or how Speaker Ryan’s family came from Ireland are quaint but have zero/zilch/nada to do with how the immigration policy should be designed for our country in 2018 with a high-tech society of 330 million people. And, lastly, I am embarrassed by the failure of our education system such that we must continue draining other countries like India of their most talented people because our students waste their time at universities getting degrees that have little benefit to their or our country’s future.

The expert with whom I corresponded does not exactly agree with my position. He believes that we should not be questioning whether the significant numbers of people coming here are seeking asylum. He believes that the courts should do that after releasing the people with electronic monitoring devices because that is more cost effective than housing them, which he stated was not as expensive as alluded to by (Director of Homeland Security) Secretary Nielsen.

When I asked why the people who were seeking asylum did not stop in Mexico, I received this response: “They don’t stop in Mexico partly because the people who are trying to kill them could easily hop the border too; partly because Mexico’s labor market isn’t as good; and, partly because they already have family here. Migration is always a confluence of factors.”

Yes, it truly is a confluence. Why so many of their family are here is because 1) We are more tolerant of these people than Mexico is; 2) We give them more free stuff; and, 3) A large portion of our country is not run by drug gangs. 

I then posed this: “The problem is with 60,000 or so a month coming here and claiming amnesty, we end up with more than a half million a year who get into our country not going through the normal immigration process. They are here because they will end up getting government benefits because there are not jobs for these people who have few skills and we do not get to choose who comes into our country -- they do. Thus, it is a modified open borders policy and that is what you appear to be endorsing.” His response was “Wildly inaccurate. Immigrants work at higher rates.” 

He is correct there; immigrants also have a higher home ownership rate.

The problem is he omitted a key word – LEGAL immigrants. Also, we have a lot of unfilled jobs, but those are for skilled workers. I may be wrong, but I am just guessing the illegal immigrants are not highly-trained technicians.

I responded to him by stating: “The bottom line is you are arguing that we should let all these people in here, put ankle bracelets on them hoping they will return to court. We will pay for their health care and other benefits and then at some point they will get legalized through the next amnesty program. How is that not an endorsement of open borders?” His response: “What do you not understand about these people coming through our legal process?”

Then it hit me (not that I did not have a hint before) that the system is totally fixed in favor of mass immigration – mainly illegal. If 60-75% return for their court dates, what do we do after that to find the others? Almost nothing. Add that to the unmonitored visa overstays and this system is wildly on the side of those who want to come here circumventing our laws. And Trump is a racist because he wants to get a handle on this?

It got even better from there. When asked what limits we should put on this, I got the following statements. “You are acting like this will bring down our country to let these people in. You know what share of the population 100,000 people is? 0.03 percent. Conservatives shouldn’t run scared from a few women with children. Let Americans sponsor immigrants, and the issue would disappear. Let Americans decide, individually in the free market. If I need a worker, sponsor them. If I want a family member to come, sponsor them. That’d be ideal. Until then, we’ll have to make do with what we have. I don’t want the immigration politburo to pick a number out of thin air. Why no chain migration? That’s how most people immigrate, by following their families.”

These positions are not coming from a Leftist, La Raza or another group arguing you are racist if you don’t want unfettered immigration. This is someone with a mainstream group and a policy expert in the immigration field. 

Just some information you may want to know. 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Lawlessness Prevails When Laws Are Not Enforced

The November Election Is About Illegal Alien Crime

8/23/2018 - Kurt Schlichter

If you’re cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens, this November you should vote Democrat. They’re certainly cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens. Oh, in theory they would probably prefer that the foreigners sneaking into our country in defiance of the laws we American citizens made through our elected representatives would stop butchering Americans. They don’t particularly want your kids to be butchered. They just want uncontrolled illegal immigration more than your kids’ safety. So, they’ve made a choice to be the party of illegal immigration. And the resulting body count is a price Democrats are willing to pay to replace an electorate of Normal Americans who refuse to obey.

The Democrats are the party of No Borders, of Abolish ICE, and of murdered Americans. You cannot howl and shriek in support of X yet deny that you accept the foreseeable, demonstrated consequences of X.

Now we know Mollie Tibbetts was murdered by an illegal alien. Add her name to the butcher’s bill. And who was shocked? Who said, “Gosh, that’s surprising!” Who said, “Whoa, I don’t believe it!”

No one. Because it happens all the time. Her life, like the lives of so many others, was snuffed out because our elite made a conscious choice to risk our lives to satisfy its own interests. She was just more collateral damage. We better decide in November where we stand, because a Democrat majority means this bloodbath continues.

Your daughter, shot dead in front of you on a wharf. Your son, knifed by gang members. Your daughter, murdered and dumped in an Iowa cornfield. That’s what you get if you elect Democrats, because that’s what their open borders policies enable.

But our elite can live with that. They will live with that behind their communities’ gates, where their only experience with illegal immigration is their friendly, cheap nanny and industrious, cut-rate gardener. A few lives of people the elite will never meet is a small price to pay for a massive new Democrat constituency. And they’ll happily pay it.

Am I being unfair?

Is saying this outrageous?

Go to hell.

We’re sick of American citizens paying checks written in blood by a Democrat Party that absolutely refuses to allow our government to do the two most basic jobs of any government – securing our country’s borders and protecting our citizenry.

Our citizenry, not foreigners. They have no right to be here. None. Those that are here stay here by our grace and at our pleasure. We are American citizens – and that includes my legal immigrant wife. This is our country. We rule, not an unaccountable elite that wants to import a more pliable electorate and a more pliable serf class to do the jobs Americans don’t want to do because the Chamber of Commerce types don’t want to pay them fairly.

No more Americans should die because of our worthless elite’s greed.

Not one more Jamiel Shaw.

Not one more Kate Steinle.

Not one more Mollie Tibbetts.

How about our cities be sanctuaries for our children, not alien thugs? No more slaughtered victims sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.

This fall, we need to stand up and demand to be heard. The Democrats will never listen, but the Republicans will. Some will listen because they get it, because they understand that this can’t go on. And others, the weak and the bought off and the feckless Fredocons of Conservative, Inc., will listen because if they don’t we’ll crush them at the ballot box.

Here’s the platform.

No amnesty. None. Go home.

Abolish ICE? Quadruple ICE.

Build the wall. A real wall, the kind that keep people out – and that keeps out the opioids and meth that wreck so many American lives. What are your questions, Republicans? Democrats, why are you willing to let even one more Mollie Tibbetts die?

That’s what our platform must be, because these midterm elections are about our children’s lives. And maybe our kids don’t matter much to our useless elite, but they matter to us.

Donald Trump tapped into the anger of Normal people at this outrage, this utter betrayal of American citizens, when he dared break the taboo and tell the truth about illegal immigration. It destroys American communities, it destroys American livelihoods, and it destroys American lives. As my upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy explains, we Normals see what’s happening, and we’re fighting mad at an elite that does not care.

To the elite, our protests are an annoyance. Another wonderful life gets snuffed out at the hands of someone they tolerated coming here illegally and being here illegally, and their first thought is how this is probably going to help Trump.

Well, it better help him. You better vote like your life or your kid’s life depends on it, because it does.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Our Southern Border - A War Zone For CBP

6/27/2018 - Arthur Schaper

 Protecting the homeland is the highest priority for our government, and the protectors of our homeland, the border patrol agents, deserve the highest respect. However, while the media plays up the pain and suffering of illegal alien parents placing their children in harm’s way to break into the United States, the public hears very little about what our border law enforcement must face. This week, I received a video from ABC News. Elizabeth Russo shared the following report with David Muir as news anchor. The segment, billed an “ABC Exclusive”, included one of their on-location reporters at McAllen Texas as he followed along with a border patrol agent. Afterwards, he interviewed a Border Commissioner.

As expected, the report played up the plight of the illegal aliens rather than our nation’s law enforcement. The first segment features one agent, officer Robert Rodriguez, who catches a family of migrants, then he pursues their smuggler. Scurrying away in a small boat, the trafficker crosses back over the Rio Grande to escape arrest, and the whole thing is captured on camera. The agent cannot pursue the smuggler, but he reluctantly accepts that the smuggler is gone for now.  

In the second part, the camera crew catches up with the migrants, who had kept moving. It’s almost as though the smuggler purposefully played this game of distracting the border patrol agents to run after him, while the illegal alien migrants can continue their journey across the border. The reporter’s description of the migrants is compassion-oriented editorializing: “They are tired, sweaty, confused.” 

How does he know that they are confused? What exactly are they confused about? Their goal is to go north. Not that hard, really, considering that it means going opposite the way from where they had come from. The American public is constantly subjected to the media’s push to personalize the illegal aliens’ trials to breaking into our country, as if they are the heroes of this story. The camera then focuses on a little baby named Angel. One woman explains that they are fleeing gang violence. The gangs targeting her baby have already killed the father.

Are these stories true? Perhaps, but we should be skeptical of these dramatic displays of human anguish caught on camera. By wide margins the American public blames the illegal aliens for the crisis of family separation. Voters should contrast these tragedies with the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, who have seen their quality of life diminish, and who live in violence-torn communities where transnational gangs are waging all kinds of domestic terror. Much of this crime and corruption stems from illegal aliens, including the transnational gang known as MS-13. The solution to this international violence is not an open border.

In the last segment of the Exclusive, Commissioner Kevin McAleenan of Customs and Border Protection talks about what his border agents go through. Everyone needs to know about their frustrations and the challenges they contend with. First, they were ordered to comply with a zero tolerance policy, which justly requires prosecution of every illegal alien border crosser. With that policy has followed the necessary separation of criminal parents from their children. Then the President reversed the order, complicating their efforts. Never did he apologize for enforcement of our nation’s laws. “That’s a challenge in law enforcement. You’re always taking actions that impact people.”

The interview above provokes a broader set of questions: Why does the media put law enforcement on trial for doing their jobs? Where’s the compassion for American citizens who live in war zones in their own country?  Last month, I connected with activists in Monterey County, California including Angie Morfin, whose son Ruben was murdered by an illegal alien gang member three decades ago. These citizens detailed for me the rising crime rates and corruption caused by illegal immigration in Salinas, CA. It’s gotten so bad, students may not wear red or blue clothing, since they are gang-affiliated colors. While Central American migrants seek asylum by any means in the United Sates, where do United States citizens go when their own neighborhoods are blighted with gang violence?

In contrast to ABC News biased reporting on the border crisis, conservative news anchor Tomi Lahren offered a respectful perspective on America's protectors. We don’t see her interactions with border agents, but in her final thoughts for the evening she focuses exclusively on their hard work, patience, and diligence to do the greatest good for everyone, even the illegal aliens! Yes, and viewers can even witness this good will when Agent Rodriguez offered water to the one-year old in the arms of her illegal alien migrant mother.

Despite their efforts to exploit the border crisis to shame the public and our government’s enforcement efforts, the ABC report showcased the brave steps efforts of border patrol agents to enforce the law in the most humanitarian ways possible. In spite of every effort from the liberal media to make law enforcement look cruel and cold-hearted, it’s clear that border patrol agents are working as hard as they can to keep America and Americans safe. Not only that, but these fighting men and women put their lives on the line to protect all of us—and to protect the country—while dealing with the never-ending posturing of the political class in Washington DC and in the border states.

It appears that their work is only going to get harder. One report now contends that border agents will have to settle for catch-and-release again, since the families must stay together as best as possible per President Trump’s latest executive order. While Washington DC plays politics, and the national media stokes outrage and pulls on the emotional heartstrings of the viewing public, the United States sovereignty and safety endure ongoing attacks and destruction, and our brave men and women have to shoulder through to serve and protect their country and citizens as best as they can. Our control deserves better, and so do our protectors along the Southern Border.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Border With Mexico - Stage-managed Crisis

6/25/2018 - Carl Horowitz

The scripts and media images are indelible. Roughly 2,300 minors from south of our border are living in temporary shelters in the U.S., many of them sobbing over separation from their parents, in the process winning the hearts though not necessarily the minds of morally unctuous politicians, corporate executives, journalists and clergy. These pop-up humanitarians are using the crisis as a pretext to denounce President Trump and prod Congress into enacting pending amnesty legislation.

Their bluster should be ignored. This is a stage-managed crisis. Its intent is to embarrass the current administration whose “crime” is enforcing laws long neglected by previous administrations. That Trump caved into his critics by signing an executive order on June 20 barring family separations, predictably, has not quelled the outcry.

In recent months, illegal immigration from Mexico, often by people passing through Mexico, has exploded. In a press conference held Monday, June 18, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen laid out the situation:

"…(I)n the last three months we have seen illegal immigration on our Southern Border exceed 50,000 people each month – multiples over each month last year. Since this time last year, there has been a 325 percent increase in Unaccompanied Alien Children and a 435 percent increase in family units entering the country illegally. Over the last ten years, there has been a 1,700 percent increase in asylum claims, resulting in an asylum backlog today, in our country of 600,000 cases.

"Since 2013, the United States has admitted more than a half a million illegal immigrant minors and family units from Central America – most of whom today are at large in the United States.

"At the same time, large criminal organizations such as MS-13 have violated our borders and gained a deadly foothold within the United States."

This is an accurate assessment. Yet high-minded cynics are determined to put the Trump administration on trial. Our nation is a haven for victims of persecution, they say. As such, any attempt to separate children from their lawbreaking elders, even for a few weeks, constitutes a gross human rights outrage.

The setting for this moral theater is longstanding federal law mandating the federal government to provide temporary support for alien minors unaccompanied by detained parents who entered illegally. The much-publicized detention centers are not “concentration camps.” The Trump administration put forth its “zero tolerance” policy for illegal entry into the U.S. not to punish children, but to discourage further wanton lawbreaking. This policy is intended to prevent suffering of children, not impose it. It is authorized by the Immigration and Nationality Act and the Homeland Security Act.

Unfortunately, many opinion leaders in this country are reading something sinister into this. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., in an interview on MSNBC’s “All in with Chris Hayes,” accused the Trump administration of “using these children as hostages.” In a tweet, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., called the zero-tolerance policy “an affront to the decency of the American people.” Former First Lady Laura Bush, in a guest opinion piece for the June 17 Washington Post, wrote, “This zero-tolerance policy is cruel.” Apple Computer CEO Tim Cook denounced administration enforcement as “inhumane.” And avowed Trump supporter Franklin Graham, head of the nonprofit Samaritan’s Purse and son of late evangelist Billy Graham, called the family separations “disgraceful.”  

Such comments are blind to reality. The current border crisis is the culmination of decades of laws, policies, court decisions and enforcement practices pushed by open-borders fanatics. And almost without question it is being timed to facilitate congressional passage of amnesty legislation. Wrapped in the rhetoric of bipartisanship, such legislation, far from resolving the border crisis, would exacerbate it.

Let’s look at some inconvenient facts.

Most of the unauthorized immigrants entering the U.S. through the Mexican border actually are from Central America.

According to information from the dozens of Mexican consulates located here, fewer than 25 of the roughly 2,300 minors taken from their parents – about one percent – are Mexican. The vast majority are from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras; most unaccompanied Mexican children already have been deported. It is a mark of the failure of Mexican authorities as well as our own that our southern border remains porous despite large increases in U.S. Border Patrol deployment.     

Many “parents” of these children are anything but that.

Many of the people who brought the children here are smugglers, known colloquially as “coyotes,” who for a price take people from Mexico and drop them off at unspecified U.S. locations not far inland. Obviously, these children did not have the money to pay the smugglers. Someone is covering the expense. These smugglers are not humanitarians. They don’t do anything for free. They are akin to operators of “rescue ships” ferrying African migrants across dangerous Mediterranean waters to Europe. Even with coyotes out of the picture, many adults accompanying the children who come here are not their parents. When debriefed by law enforcement, many cannot answer even basic questions about their supposed offspring.    

The parents, not the Trump administration, have created “family separation.”

Even assuming that asylum-seeking adults who transported minor children to the U.S. are the parents, they have a lot to answer for. They effectively are using these children as political cover in an effort to win asylum status. And in making that long trip from Central America into the U.S., they are exposing their children to a wide range of dangerous situations, both natural and man-made.     

Many adults who seek asylum are coached to lie.

Under federal law, an alien who enters our country illegally must demonstrate a “credible fear” of persecution back home to avoid removal. Many are gaming the system. It is an open secret that asylum-seeking adults from abroad are coached on how to concoct tales of woe in filling out a written application and then explaining their situation in face-to-face interviews. This is a racket. Back in 2012, fully 26 individuals, including several lawyers, were indicted in Manhattan federal court for submitting fraudulent applications on behalf of alien applicants.   

The Trump administration has been trying to move unaccompanied children to long-term housing.

The administration is doing everything it can to find alternatives to detention centers. Unfortunately, this task requires coordination with outside parties. And it’s not necessarily getting it. Three commercial air carriers – American, United and Frontier Airlines – each recently announced they will not fly unaccompanied alien youths from “cages” to dormitory-style shelters in various states. This high-minded response will have the unintended effect of keeping kids in detention centers that much longer – a self-fulfilling prophecy.

There is something contemptible about using children as love objects for political gain. The current crisis started long before Donald Trump moved into the White House. For decades, Congress, the courts and a succession of administrations have allowed our nation to be overwhelmed by illegal immigration freeloading from the U.S. public benefit trough. The Trump administration is trying to manage the consequences. Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen said Monday: “Congress and the courts created this problem, and Congress alone can fix it. Until then, we will enforce every law we have on the books to defend the sovereignty and security of the United States.” She’s right. And any subsequent immigration legislation must reflect the national interest. America is still a nation, not a borderless global sanctuary.

Carl F. Horowitz is senior fellow at the National Legal and Policy Center, a Falls Church, Va.-based nonprofit group dedicated to promoting ethics and accountability in American public life.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Illegal Immigration - Nation's Political Football

8/1/2018 - Ann Coulter

After all the wailing about the children streaming across our wide-open, wall-less border, there was very little media interest in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday on this very subject. Knowing facts could interfere with their showboating displays of compassion.

Among the facts journalists might have learned is that, although the Constitution technically gives Congress the power to write laws, it turns out our immigration laws are written by the ACLU.

The children clamoring across our border can't be held for more than 20 days. This isn't because Congress, after hearings, debate and negotiation, passed a law. The 20-day rule was the ACLU's innovation.

The Alien Civil Liberties Union brought endless lawsuits, resulting in a 1997 "settlement agreement" between two parties who appeared to be opposed, but were actually on the same side: the pro-open borders Janet Reno Justice Department versus the pro-open borders ACLU. No, no -- not the briar patch, ACLU! Anything but that! 

The 20-day limit is unfortunate because, from capture to final order, an immigration proceeding takes 30 to 40 days. Illegals who are detained at the border cost the taxpayers $1,600 to remove. By contrast, releasing illegals, even under the much-celebrated "alternatives to detention" (ankle monitors and "community supervision"), costs U.S. taxpayers $75,000 per removal -- and most of them don't ever get removed. By some estimates, 90 percent don’t even show up for their hearings.

The biggest spike in illegal border crossings came after Dolly Gee, an Obama-appointed federal district court judge in California, announced in 2015 that not only "children," but also any adults traveling with them, had to be released into our country after 20 days.

I wonder if Judge Gee's order created any sort of incentive. Drag some unfortunate child across thousands of miles of desert and ... YOU WIN! You're in and will most likely never be caught and deported. Arrive alone and you will be detained and probably removed after 30 days.

How insane was that ruling? It was too much even for the Ninth Circuit, which ruled that the free pass applies only to "the children." (Child defined as "anyone who claims to be under 18 years old.") Drug dealers, coyotes and scam artists would have to wait for Rachel Maddow to cry about SEPARATING FAMILIES! for their free passes.

If the kids can't be held for longer than 20 days and the parents can't be separated from their (alleged) children, then the only option is to release both adults and children into the U.S. As Matthew Albence, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official, said, Judge Gee effectively imposed "catch and release" on the entire country.

Members of Congress pass laws to stop child trafficking -- and then the ACLU comes in and creates a gigantic incentive to engage in child trafficking.

The parents are so broken up about being separated from "their" children that hundreds of them have gone home without them. Reams of articles hysterically claimed that the evil Trump administration tricked these super-involved parents into signing forms they couldn't understand!

-- "Migrant parents were misled into waiving rights to family reunification, ACLU tells court" -- The Washington Post, July 26 2018

-- "Immigrant Parents Unwittingly Signed Away Right to Reunite With Children, Lawyers Say" -- Huffington Post, 07/25/2018

-- "'Why Did You Leave Me?' The Migrant Children Left Behind as Parents Are Deported'" -- The New York Times, July 27, 2018

Nowhere will you read that the form the parents signed was written by the ACLU. 

Liberals don't care about kids. They want to wreck our country.

More than 700,000 illegals who were caught sneaking into our country -- not the 40 million we didn't catch -- are now living here free. Really free: free health care, free housing, free food. Last year, with a force less than half the size of the New York City Police Department, ICE removed more than 100,000 illegal aliens with criminal convictions.

At $75,000 per removal and assuming 80 percent are ordered removed, it will cost taxpayers approximately $42 billion to remove the 700,000 illegals the ACLU made us release, forget the ones we never caught in the first place. That's just procedural costs -- not the costs in welfare, schooling, vaccinations, dental care, drunk driving accidents, MS-13 violence and the ongoing heroin epidemic.

How much would that wall cost, again?