Friday, September 30, 2022

Let's Hope Republicans Will Not Snatch Defeat From the Arms of Victory - Which They Usually Do


Americans Want a Secure Border. Republicans Will Deliver

9/30/2022 - Ronna McDaniel

On top of worsening crime and inflation, newly released Customs and Border Protection data shows that more than 2 million illegal immigrants have been caught crossing our border over the last year. That number is historic. And it’s just a fraction of the more than 4.4 million illegal immigrants who have crossed the border since Biden came into office, including over 850,000 “gotaways” who have escaped undetected into our country. That alone should seal Democrats’ fate in November: earlier this month, Kamala Harris said the border was “secure,” confirming the Biden administration is lying to the American people.At the same time the hypocrisy of Democrats and the liberal media is on full display for voters to see. Just last week, when 50 illegal immigrants set foot in Martha’s Vineyard, rich liberals didn’t like it when Biden’s open border policies arrived at their front doorstep. It suddenly became a humanitarian crisis.

But what about the more than 53 migrants who died after being smuggled in the back of a trailer a few months ago? Back then the media tried to quickly flip the page, just like the Biden administration and Democrats are trying to do now to downplay their border crisis before the midterms. Democrats fear what Americans know: our country deserves better.

Something must change. Three times the number of terror suspects have been encountered at the border this year than the previous 5 years combined. Last month, over 2,200 pounds of deadly fentanyl were seized at the southern border – the equivalent of more than 500 million lethal doses. As a mom, that is unacceptable. Drug overdose deaths are already the leading cause of death in young Americans age 18-45, and add to that now a surge in “rainbow” fentanyl pills the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said are part of a “deliberate effort by drug traffickers to drive addiction amongst kids and young adults.” As drugs hit schools across the country, these pills that look just like brightly colored candy have been found in at least18 states. Take it from Texas, where a mom with six kids said she sees illegal immigrants backpacking drugs into her community on a “daily basis.”

Every state is now a border state. In the middle of a crime wave that Democrat soft-on-crime policies caused, Biden’s open borders are fueling the crime wave. The DEA has found “alarming trends” between drugs and crime that are part of a larger lawlessness issue Biden and Democrats want to ignore. Back in April, a Texas rancher said he’s had to fix 172 holes put in his fence by illegal immigrants since Biden came into office. “Come take a look,” he said. But Biden has never been to the border. And in Eagle Pass, Texas, residents don’t“don’t feel safe” anymore. “We used to close our business at 9, we now close it at 7,” one woman said. Sound familiar? No one feels safer in Biden’s America – and life certainly isn’t any better than it was two years ago.

Clearly, Democrats are failing the American people. They own this border crisis completely: they control the House, the Senate, and the White House. And they’ve completely missed the mark on their priorities. Instead of voting for 18,000 more Border Patrol agents to secure our border, Democrats just voted for 87,000 more IRS agents to badger middle-class taxpayers. When it comes to spending, rather than allocate funding for a border wall, the Biden administration is spending $20.4 billion in taxpayer money a year on “benefits and services” for illegal immigrants in the U.S.

As the situation at the border deteriorates, Americans are watching closely – because whether in a border state or in the Midwest where I’m from, everyone is impacted. We are all ready for change. And Americans know that Republicans will deliver. A recent NBC poll found that on the economy, crime, and immigration, Republicans hold the largest edge over Democrats in the poll’s history. That’s because the last time Republicans were in charge, our border was secure, our Border Patrol respected, and Mexico was sending its own troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to keep things under control.

Just like President Trump got Mexico to secure its border and closed asylum loopholes, Republican leaders like House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are ready – and prepared – to unite Republicans behind effective policies that restore safety and secure our borders. House Republicans lay these out in their“Commitment to America,” which includes ending catch-and-release loopholes, requiring proof of legal status to get a job, eliminating welfare incentives, and funding effective border enforcement. Republicans are ready to take charge because Democrats won’t.

But first, voters will hold Democrats accountable in under 42 days. Vote Republican.


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Mid-Terms Will Make or Break Our Country - All LEGAL Votes Count Including Hispanic Votes


The 45% Solution: How a Modest Shift in The Hispanic Vote Will Influence Coming Elections

9/29/2022 - Jim Robb

The biggest story in American politics is the shift of Hispanic voters from reliable Democratic supporters to a much less predictable mix, with a huge and growing segment making their home in the Republican Party.

It became a huge story when 37% of Hispanics voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, almost 10 points more than had supported him in the previous election. And that after four years of his border wall building and immigration crackdowns. It didn't stop there. A major analysis of the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election showed that a majority of Hispanics there appear to have voted for the Republican, putting him in the governor's mansion.

Now, almost every poll shows Hispanics planning to vote for Republicans this fall at a higher rate than they did in the 2020 election. A Rasmussen Reports poll commissioned for my new book, Political Migrants: Hispanic Voters On The Move, says 41% plan to vote Republican, against only 45% who've decided to back Democrats, with others undecided. Since only 29% of Hispanics voted Republican in the last midterm election in 2018, 41% would be an amazing leap forward. In fact, 41% would be the highest share Republicans have ever received from Hispanics in a midterm election.

Forty-one percent support nationally might translate into a GOP majority in relatively conservative areas like Florida and South Texas, sweeping several Hispanic Republican House candidates into office.

Why is this happening? Part of the answer is that America's Hispanics strongly object to the open borders immigration policies of the Biden administration. Every month of Joe Biden's presidency has proven a disaster for illegal border crossings due to his massive reliance on catch-and-release and other failed policies. In just 18 months, more than 1.3 million illegal aliens have managed to cross into the U.S. and stay. This disaster hurts all Americans, but it hurts legal immigrants and the 40+ million Hispanics born in America worse than most. Rasmussen polling shows that 52% of Hispanic likely voters think the government is doing "too little to reduce illegal border crossings and visitor overstays." And 67% of Hispanic likely voters want the federal E-Verify system, which checks whether new hires are legally allowed to work in the U.S., to be mandatory for every employer. 58% even want to cut levels of legal immigration, with 38% wanting to cut it by half or more!

But many other Democratic policies are turning off Hispanic voters. The party seems hooked on trendy social issues, phony-sounding labels like "Latinx," pessimism about America, and even talk of socialism. These are major turnoffs for Hispanics, who pride themselves on their emphasis on hard work and family life. Dwarfing even these in importance, however, is Hispanic voters' dissatisfaction with Democratic economic performance. For half of Hispanic likely voters this fall, either the economy or inflation is the number one issue, far outstripping healthcare, immigration, crime, or education as their top concern. And Hispanic likely voters trust Republicans to manage the U.S. economy over the Democrats by nine points, 45% - 36%.

So more and more Hispanics are identifying and voting Republican. What will be the likely effect in the near future? To visualize what it might be like, let's use our imaginations. Try changing recent history in your mind. Let's rerun the 2020 presidential election, imagining that America's Hispanic citizens had given 45% of their votes to Donald Trump instead of the 37% they actually did. If Hispanics had given the GOP 45% of their votes, what would that have changed about the outcome? EVERYTHING!

If Trump had gotten 45% of Hispanic votes in Georgia, he would have received 80,100 votes and Biden would have gotten only 97,900, or 55%. In that case, instead of Biden winning Georgia by an official 11,779 votes, Trump would have carried the state by 14,921 votes. Just a bit more support from Hispanics would have done it.

Similarly, in Arizona, Hispanics actually supported Biden over Trump 61% - 37%, netting Biden 195,360 votes. But if Hispanics there too had given 45% of their vote to Trump, Biden's "net" Hispanic vote would have been only 81,400, or about half. In that case, instead of losing Arizona by a razor-thin margin of only 10,457 votes, Trump would have won there by 103,503! It would have been an easy victory!

Similar scenarios also work out in Nevada and Pennsylvania. With just seven percentage points of additional support from Hispanics nationally, Trump would have won Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. He would be living in the White House today.

Of course, none of that happened. Getting 37% of the Hispanic vote was definitely an achievement, but it wasn't quite enough to do the trick. But what if the GOP manages to get more next time, say, 45%? It might make all the difference. And that's why both parties are so focused on Hispanics right now.


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Our Once Great and Glorious Republic Succumbs To The 'Woke' Mob - Disgusting and Repulsive - Because Of An Apathetic Citizenry!


The World Wants No Part of Woke, but It's Glad We Do

9/27/2022 - Victor Davis Hanson

The United States obsesses over whether biological men can compete in women's sports as transgender females.

Crime is spiking at levels not seen in 40 years. But some consider it racist to suggest that arrests, indictments, convictions, and incarcerations deter crime.

Major U.S. downtowns almost overnight went from mostly safe and clean to terrifying and toxic -- and we brag that we are at least "tolerant" of the medieval conditions.

The Pentagon and CIA put out recruitment videos that sound like kindergarten diversity, equity, and inclusion programming.

Yet the military is less eager to explain why the United States met utter humiliation in Afghanistan or why the army only has met about 50 percent of its scheduled recruitment targets.

Few dare to attribute declining morale, inept strategic thinking, and anemic recruitment to the stereotyping and targeting of middle-class white males, Soviet-style workshops, and diversity, equity, and inclusion mind conditioning.

The Biden administration in its first 18 months warred on the U.S. oil and gas industry. Radical cutbacks in fossil fuels supposedly would "transition" the world to a greener future.

Biden expressed little worry about the resulting economic damage to the middle class or the lack of commensurate efforts in India and China to curb emissions.

During COVID, American popular culture has collectively demonized any who were lax on masking and social distancing as "super-spreaders."

Federal employees and military personnel who skipped the new mRNA COVID-19 inoculations on grounds the shots were not fully vetted, were stereotyped as red-state conspiracist super-spreaders. They were accused of endangering all Americans by their supposedly selfish behavior.

Yet there has been no such judgmental criticism of individual conduct during the current monkeypox outbreak.

Given the loud woke media, few would dare suggest that social distancing, or avoiding areas where promiscuous sex is frequent might slow down the dangerous epidemic -- 95 percent of whose cases so far have been sexually transmitted. Ninety-eight percent of infected people were gay or bisexual men, 41 percent had HIV and the median age was 38.

The daily stuff of tabloids is cancel-culturing, virtue signaling, and suing over race and gender.

Recently, the woke movement may have jumped the proverbial shark when a family filed a $25 million lawsuit against Sesame Place in Philadelphia. One of the guilty theme park's costume character actors apparently ignored a young African-American girl in the crowd who was reaching out for a hug.

The American middle class is learning just how much poorer they are after suffering a collective $3 trillion stock loss in retirement accounts.

For some reason, their stocks plummeted despite Wall Street's past loud commitment to politically correct Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment. That new woke idea puts green, racial, and gender issues ahead of profit and loss investment calculations -- at least for the declining middle class.

ESG may be a permissible luxury in a bull market, but it can help to ruin millions of lives in a bear one.

The new "anti-inflation" budget bill manages to increase federal spending in times of inflation, while upping taxes and regulation during a recession.

Interest rates must climb far higher to slow down spiking prices. But the higher they go, the harder it is to service the gargantuan $30 trillion -- and climbing -- national debt.

Our enemies abroad, particularly China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, are watching all this woke, comic madness with absolute glee.

They are delighted the United States is diverting trillions of dollars and man hours away from production to ideological witch hunts, woke cannibalism, green virtue-signaling, spendthrift consumption, racial and gender fixations, warped science, suicidal surveillance, and commissariat indoctrination.

Woke means that Americans have less money, labor, and time to hone their military readiness. They will produce less competitive energy, but more pseudo-science, non-meritocratic advancement, and unsound investment -- all reasons why America will no longer dominate the world.

Most analysts abroad do not believe that being woke translates into more accurate missiles, more lethal infantrymen, more efficient industrial production, better medicine, cheaper, more plentiful energy, a more united, cohesive population -- and a higher standard of living.

So, our unwoke adversaries certainly want us to stay woke.

And why not? Russia already has better hypersonic missiles and more nuclear warheads.

China can likely sink any $12 billion American aircraft carrier and its 5,000 diverse "they/them" crew that dares to venture into the Taiwan strait.

Beijing already produces 90 percent of "the global supply of inputs needed to make the generic antibiotics," and nearly as large a percentage of our key vitamins and painkillers.

India and Brazil do not want any more pot-to-kettle U.S. lectures on their need for better elections and racial relations.

While we war on our past, our competitors abroad prep for the future.

They are more likely to erect than tear down statues. We spend what we borrow; they invest what they earn.

How odd America once taught the world what works -- only now to mock its own lessons.