Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What Do We Do About It?

What If Democracy Is a Fraud? 7/24/2014 - Judge Andrew Napolitano http://townhall.com What if you were allowed to vote only because it didn't make a difference? What if no matter how you voted the elites always got their way? What if the concept of one person/one vote was just a fiction created by the government to induce your compliance? What if democracy as it has come to exist in America today is dangerous to personal freedom? What if our so-called democracy erodes the people's understanding of natural rights and the reasons for government and instead turns political campaigns into beauty contests? What if American democracy allows the government to do anything it wants, as long as more people bother to show up at the voting booth to support the government than show up to say no? What if the purpose of contemporary democracy has been to convince people that they could prosper not through the voluntary creation of wealth but through theft from others? What if the only moral way to acquire wealth is through voluntary economic activity? What if the government persuaded the people that they could acquire wealth through political activity? What if economic activity includes all the productive and peaceful things we voluntarily do? What if political activity includes all the parasitical and destructive things the government does? What if the government has never created wealth? What if everything the government owns it has stolen? What if governments were originally established to protect people's freedoms but always turn into political and imperialist enterprises that seek to expand their power, increase their territory and heighten their control of the population? What if the idea that we need a government to take care of us is a fiction perpetrated to increase the size of government? What if our strength as individuals and durability as a culture are contingent not on the strength of the government but on the amount of freedom we have from the government? What if the fatal cocktail of big government and democracy ultimately produces dependency? What if so-called democratic government, once it grows to a certain size, begins to soften and weaken the people? What if big government destroys people's motivations and democracy convinces them that the only motivation they need is to vote and go along with the results? What if Congress isn't actually as democratic as it appears? What if congressional elections don't square with congressional legislation because the polls aren't what counts, but what counts are the secret meetings that come after the voting? What if the monster Joe Stalin was right when he said the most powerful person in the world is the guy who counts the votes? What if the vote counting that really counts takes place in secret? What if that's how we lost our republic? What if the problem with democracy is that the majority thinks it can right any wrong, write any law, tax any event, regulate any behavior and acquire any thing it wants? What if the greatest tyrant in history lives among us? What if that tyrant always gets its way, no matter what the laws are or what the Constitution says? What if that tyrant is the majority of voters? What if the majority in a democracy recognizes no limits on its power? What if the government misinforms voters so they will justify anything the government wants to do? What if the government bribes people with the money it prints? What if it gives entitlements to the poor and tax breaks to the middle class and bailouts to the rich just to keep everyone dependent on it? What if a vibrant republic requires not just the democratic process of voting, but also informed and engaged voters who understand first principles of human existence, including the divine origin and inalienable individual possession of natural rights? What if we could free ourselves from the yoke of big government through a return to first principles? What if the establishment doesn't want this? What if the government remains the same no matter who wins elections? What if we have only one political party -- the Big Government Party -- and it has a Democratic wing and a Republican wing? What if both wings want war and taxes and welfare and perpetual government growth, but offer only slightly different menus on how to achieve them? What if the Big Government Party enacted laws to make it impossible for meaningful political competition to thrive? What if the late progressive Edmund S. Morgan was right when he said that government depends on make believe? What if our ancestors made believe that the king was divine? What if they made believe that he could do no wrong? What if they made believe that the voice of the king was the voice of God? What if the government believes in make believe? What if it made believe that the people have a voice? What if it made believe that the representatives of the people are the people? What if it made believe that the governors are the servants of the people? What if it made believe that all men are created equal, or that they are not? What if the government made believe that it is always right? What if it made believe that the majority can do no wrong? What if the tyranny of the majority is as destructive to human freedom as the tyranny of a madman? What if the government knows this? What do we do about it?

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Crisis is Born of Demographics

The Coming Collapse of the Welfare State

By Daniel Greenfield February 25, 2014 Daily Mailer, FrontPage

In 1935, the year that FDR signed the Social Security Act into law, the birth rate was 18.7 per 1,000. In 1940, when the first monthly check was issued, it had gone up to 19.4. By 1954, when Disability had been added, the birth rate at the heart of the Baby Boom stood at 25.3. 

In a nation of 163 million people, 4 million babies were being born each year.

By 1965, when Medicare was plugged in, the birth rate had fallen back to 19.4. For the first time in ten years fewer than 4 million babies had been born in a country of 195 million. Medicare had been added in the same year that saw the single biggest drop in birth rates since the Great Depression.

There could not have been a worse time for Medicare than the end of the Baby Boom.

Today in a nation of 317 million, 4.1 million babies are being born each year for a birth rate of 13.0 per 1,000. 40.7% of those births are to unmarried mothers so that it will be a long time, if ever, before they pay back into the system, and most will never put back in as much as they are taking out.

Liberals and libertarians both act as if the crisis facing us can be fixed if we take more from the “wealthy elderly” or give them less. The crisis is born of demographics. It can’t be fixed by targeting the elderly because they haven’t been the problem in some time.

It’s the same crisis being faced by countries as diverse as Russia and Japan. The difference is that Russia is autocratic and has little concern for its people while Japan shuns immigration and has a political system dominated by the elderly.

The United States however takes in a million immigrants a year. In his 2013 State of the Union address, Barack Obama praised Desiline Victor, a 102-year-old Haitian woman who moved to the United States at the age of 79 and never learned to speak English, but did spend hours waiting in line in Florida to vote for Obama.

Between 1990 and 2010, the number of immigrants over 65 doubled from 2.7 million to 5 million. Twenty-five percent of these senior immigrants were over 80. Elderly immigrants are also much more likely to become citizens, in part because the requirements for them are lower. Many, like Desiline Victor, don’t even have to learn English to be able to stand in line and vote.

15 percent of senior immigrants come from Mexico largely as a result of family unification programs. If amnesty for illegal aliens goes through, before long the country will be on the hook not just for twelve million illegal aliens, but also for their grandparents.

The welfare state has been spending more money with an unsustainable demographic imbalance. There are fewer working families supporting more elderly, immigrants and broken families. The Russians invest money into increasing the native birth rate. Instead we fund Planned Parenthood because liberal economic eugenics dictates that we should extract “full value” from working women as a tax base to subsidize the welfare state while discarding the next generation.

The “modern” system that we have adopted with its low birth rates, high social spending and retirement benefits is at odds with itself. We can have low birth rates, deficit spending or Social Security; but there is no possible way that we can have all three.

And yet we have all three.

In the European model that we have adopted, men and women are supposed to spend their twenties being educated and their thirties having two children. These Johns and Julias will work in some appropriately “modern” field building apps, designing environmentally sustainable cribs for the few children being born or teaching new immigrants to speak enough English to vote. Then they plan to retire on money that doesn’t actually exist because they are still paying off their student loans.

John and Julia began marriage with tens of thousands in debts, only one of them will work full time, while the other balances part time work, and they will do all this while being expected to support social services for new immigrants and a native working class displaced by the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs, not to mention the elderly and the entire bureaucracy that has grown around them. If John and Julia are lucky, they will find work in a technology field that is still growing, or, more likely they will pry their way into the social services bureaucracy which will keep on paying them and cover their benefits until the national bankruptcy finally arrives.

In this post-work and post-poverty economy, those most likely to have children are also least likely to work or to be able to afford to have those children.
Birth rates for women on welfare are three times higher than for those who are not on welfare. Within a single year, the census survey found that unmarried women had twice as high a birth rate as married women. These demographics help perpetuate poverty and feed a welfare death spiral in which more money has to be spent on social services for a less productive tax base.

Children raised on welfare are far more likely to end up on welfare than the children of working families.

Fertility rates fall sharply above the $50,000 income line and with a graduate degree; that has ominous implications in a country whose socio-economic mobility rates continue to fall.

Progressive activists still talk as if we can afford any level of social service expenditures if we raise taxes on the rich, but workers can’t be created by raising taxes. Everything that the left has done, from breaking up the family to driving out manufacturing industries to promoting Third World immigration has made its own social welfare spending completely unsustainable.

By 2031, nearly a century after the Social Security Act, an estimated 75 million baby boomers will have retired. Aside from the demographic disparity in worker ages is a subtler disparity in worker productivity and independence as senior citizens are left chasing social spending dollars that are increasingly going to a younger population. ObamaCare with its Medicare Advantage cuts was a bellwether of the shift in health care spending from seniors to the welfare population.

Increasing welfare is only a form of Death Panel economic triage that doesn’t compensate for the lack of productive workers. It’s easy to model Obamerica as Detroit, a country with a huge indigent welfare population and a small wealthy tax base. The model doesn’t work in Detroit and it’s failing in New York, California and every city and state where it’s been tried.

After a century of misery, the left still hasn’t learned that there is no substitute for the middle class. It’s not just running out of money, it’s running out of people.

The welfare state has no future. It is only a question of what terms it will implode on and what will happen to the social welfare political infrastructure when it does. The violence in Venezuela and the slow death of Detroit give us insights into the coming collapse of the welfare state.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Welcome to the Divided States of America

9/16/2014  - Townhall.com  Phyllis Schlafly

The strategists who base their political advice on public opinion polls have just had a surprise. A new poll reports that the American people are now more likely to trust Republicans to handle immigration and less likely to trust Democratic plans to offer illegals a path to citizenship (aka amnesty). Many people have believed this for some time. But it is now confirmed in a poll taken by the pro-amnesty Wall Street Journal, so it must be so.

The new survey is decisive; 35 percent say the Republican Party would do a better job on immigration while only 27 percent say the Democrats would. That's a dramatic reversal from the previous year.

The Wall Street Journal poll also revealed another change in public opinion that should get the attention of candidates. Support for the much-discussed "pathway to citizenship" has dropped significantly from 64 percent in April to 53 percent today.

Obama had promised to ease the entry of more illegals this summer, but he obviously has heard from Democrats running for office in November. The Central American kids who are crashing over our border have made it more difficult to pretend there is no problem.

Another pollster, the Polling Company Inc. reports that half of Americans age 65 and over support a zero immigration policy and that three-quarters of respondents believe "green cards" should be given to fewer than 100,000 immigrants per year. The Polling Company Inc. also reports that Independents (47 percent) are more likely than Republicans (40 percent) or Democrats (37 percent) to want zero new immigrants allowed into our country.

With colossal impertinence, the Mexican government attacked Texas Gov. Rick Perry for sending National Guard troops to guard our Southern border, saying that Mexico "deeply rejects and condemns the deployment." The Mexicans accused Perry of taking this action to advance his political ambitions.

Perry did order 1,000 guardsmen to the border in July in support roles to assist the Texas Department of Public Safety, which Perry believes was necessary to compensate for federal inaction. They are deployed in support roles such as observation and tracking of illegal activity.

The Mexico City annual conference of the Telmex Foundation, headed by Mexican billionaire (and New York Times investor) Carlos Slim, included speeches by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Slim was perhaps repaying the honor of having received the 2012 Global Citizen Award from the Clinton Global Initiative.

In his so-called keynote speech on Sept. 5 to Slim's assembly of "global citizens," Zuckerberg took the opportunity to attack America's laws. He said, "We have a strange immigration policy for a nation of immigrants. And it's a policy unfit for today's world."

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was in Mexico City for a separate meeting on Sept. 4, but he found time to attack the United States for what he called its "foolish regulation" of energy, such as laws that help keep oil and gas prices low by limiting the export of those precious resources. He refused to answer reporters' questions about security along our border with Mexico, but issued this teaser: "I won't have anything to say on immigration unless, and until, I become a candidate for the president of the United States."

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, on a two-day "state visit" to California, speaking in Spanish to a joint session of the California state legislature on Aug. 26, praised legislators for allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses and state-funded scholarships at public universities. He ignored American demonstrators demanding the release of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the U.S. Marine who has been wrongly held in a Mexican prison for over 5 months.

Obama was saying all summer that his plan was to bypass Congress and the Constitution and issue an "executive amnesty" for millions of illegal aliens. His amnesty plan has since changed to be issued only after the 2014 elections so as not to defeat Democrats up for election in November.

His planned amnesty will include work permits, photo ID's and Social Security numbers for millions of people who entered the U.S. illegally, overstayed their visas or defrauded U.S. immigration authorities.
As Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said, "Never in recent memory has the divide between the everyday citizen and the political elite been as wide as it is now." He says the immigration debate comes down to several major questions:

Does our country have the right to decide who comes to live and work here? Do we have the right to demand that our representatives enforce our laws? Should American workers get priority for jobs?
If your answer is yes, it is essential to block Obama's planned executive amnesty and demand that Harry Reid call this up for a vote.

As Sessions said, "Let this sink in. The majority leader of the Senate is bragging that he knows the president will circumvent Congress to issue executive amnesty to millions.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Road to Total Transformation Continues

6/13/2014 - David Limbaugh Townhall.com

If people aren't extremely concerned about what's going on in this country now, you might want to check them for a pulse. Frankly, I am having a hard time getting my mind around the rapidity of the nation's decline.
I have written two books chronicling President Obama's nightmarish path of destruction, but since the second one was published, events have been happening at an even more explosive pace. Who would have ever imagined that Ronald Reagan's famous statement that "freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction" would turn out to be a gross understatement?

In the past several weeks alone, alarming events have transpired that are enormously disturbing by themselves. Taken together, they are borderline horrifying, yet Obama proceeds, undeterred.

Remember in the seemingly distant past when the Veterans Affairs scandal occupied the front pages of our newspapers and Web reports? You may faintly recall that an interim independent report by the VA's inspector general found that officials had falsified records at a Phoenix medical center to conceal the amount of time veterans had to wait for appointments. Some 1,700 veterans were allegedly kept on these waiting lists, and they waited an average of 115 days for an initial primary care appointment. An audit by the Department of Veteran Affairs revealed that VA medical centers nationwide have misrepresented or sidetracked patient scheduling for more than 57,000 former military personnel, and some 64,000 were not even on the electronic waiting list.

Many suspect that the administration deliberately covered up this disaster because President Obama had conspicuously promised to clean up the VA in 2008. More importantly, he realizes the VA could be seen as a microcosm of Obamacare and expose the horrors of government-controlled health care. Though few seem to be noticing because of everything else going on, the FBI office in Phoenix has opened a criminal investigation into the VA scandal.

Just as that scandal was blossoming into a toxic flower, Obama unconscionably released five top Taliban leaders from Gitmo, allegedly in exchange for a U.S. soldier who, the administration said, served with "honor and distinction." I say "allegedly" in exchange because I'm not convinced that Bowe Bergdahl had anything to do with it, other than serving as Obama's cover to release five of the worst conceivable U.S.-hating terrorists as part of his sinister ploy to close the detention facility and further appease Muslims worldwide. I qualified the "served with 'honor and distinction'" description because the only people making that claim are administration officials and Democratic shills. Those closest to Bergdahl, the soldiers with whom he served, say he virtually deserted.

In my view, too many people are focusing on the wrong things concerning this scandal. This is not primarily about Bergdahl, and it is not primarily about Obama's not informing Congress, as troubling as both of these aspects are. Instead of obsessing over Bergdahl, we need to be looking instead at the abject dangerousness of these terrorists, the harm they can inflict on our soldiers and the incentive this negotiated release gives all terrorists to capture American soldiers and civilians in the future.

Instead of mainly fretting over Obama's serial lawlessness, which always demands our scrutiny, we need to emphasize the substance of this "deal." It will not do for Republican congressmen to lightly dismiss this as merely an affront to their own authority to pre-approve this action. This is not about them. It's ultimately about the safety of Americans and American allies. You just don't release these dangerous people when everyone knows they are still a threat to our people. For Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and others to suggest they don't represent a danger to Americans is offensively ludicrous. Osama bin Laden was not present in the United States when he planned 9/11 or when it was implemented, as far as we know.

Also, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency recently imposed, unilaterally, oppressive new emission standards for coal plants that will be an enormous burden on the industry, harm energy consumers and make America less energy-independent.

And just this week, we saw the stunning invasion of our borders by Central American immigrants, including innocent children, who have been shipped to the United States because Obama lawlessly granted amnesty to children and because he refuses to enforce the border. It's as if he's inviting illegal aliens in.

Then there's Iraq, where an al-Qaida-connected group has captured major cities and seized banks and American arms and equipment in its mission to retake the country and establish an Islamic caliphate from which to coordinate its global jihad. This, too, was predictable and predicted and is a result of Obama's deliberately reckless withdrawal from Iraq, for whose freedom thousands of American service members sacrificed. We've also learned that the administration is refusing the Iraqi government's urgent request for air support against these insurgents.

We can only imagine what will be in tomorrow's papers.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Vulnerabilities of the Visa Waiver Program

Posted By Tom Tancredo On 08/22/2014
If you think you don’t live in a border state, you’re probably mistaken. That’s because 95 percent of all Americans do: Every state that has an international airport is a border state, and over 150 million foreign visitors arrive at those airports each year.

You think 500,000 or 800,000 illegal aliens crossing our southwest border illegally might pose a security risk? Then you should also think about the tens of millions of foreign visitors arriving at our international airports each year without a visa. Not possible, you say? Wrong, again.

Citizens from 38 foreign countries enjoy the freedom to enter the United States without a visa through “visa waiver agreements” with those countries. Most of the countries are in Europe, but the list also includes Taiwan, Singapore, Chile and Australia. People using the visa waiver program must also pass through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), meaning they are not known to be terrorists and not on any “no-fly list.”

The purpose of the visa waiver program, obviously, is to encourage and facilitate international tourism, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is one of the program’s most enthusiastic advocates. Other newly enthusiastic supporters of the visa waiver program are Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaida and ISIS.

Since the U.S. government has not yet managed to acquire the alumni lists for the many terrorist training programs across the globe, we really do not have a good list of “known terrorists.” Mohammad Hussein Al-Fatah is more likely to be on a “no-fly list” for owing child support than for participation in a six-month terrorist training camp – especially if he is a Canadian citizen.

Americans must wake up to the fact that a veteran of the ISIS military operations in Syria or Iraq – or al-Qaida operations in Yemen, Somalia or Libya – who holds a valid United Kingdom or French or Greek passport is probably not going to be denied entry to the United States. That trained, experienced, motivated terrorist is free to travel to Tampa, Dallas, Salt Lake City or any American city with an airport. He may be visiting a shopping mall or NFL game near you soon.

Yes, it is true that terrorists will lie on visa applications and use fake ID and documents to gain entry to any country. But why make it easier for them to get here? Without the visa requirement, they do not risk being detected or rejected. All they need is a valid passport from one of our “visa waiver partners” and they are free to travel to Los Angeles or Chicago, or maybe Denver, Las Vegas, Orlando or St. Louis. Probably both the white and black residents of Ferguson, Missouri, would rather not see that particular brand of outside agitator.

So, what is the point of this excursion into the vulnerabilities of the visa waiver program? Do we want to shut down all foreign travel? No, of course not. But we do want our lawmakers and government agencies to start taking these problems seriously and stop dismissing them as far-fetched. As for the tourism industry – our hotel and restaurant associations, for example – they ought to think about the fate of international tourism if this problem isn’t confronted until after a bloody catastrophe.

It also means all of us need – urgently – to change our thinking about the “border crisis.” Our border crisis is not in Texas or Arizona; it is in Washington, D.C. Our border crisis is in the naïve and short-sighted way the officials of both political parties think about the national security aspects of both physical borders and immigration law.

The solution is simple in concept but admittedly difficult to implement. National security must be understood not as “one aspect” of immigration policy but as the most important element of sound immigration policy. It must cease being a neglected afterthought and become a cornerstone.

We can hope it does not take a suicide bomber at a Major League Baseball game or trade association convention who entered our country on a Danish or Chilean passport before Congress and the State Department develops effective screening tools for international travelers. Unless we act swiftly, those hundreds of Europeans who fought for ISIS and the Islamic caliphate in Syria and Iraq will be fighting for the glory of Allah in the streets of San Francisco, Atlanta and Baltimore.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Faith In The American Dream Is Fading Fast!

7/22/2014 - Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum

The shocking announcement that Microsoft is cutting 18,000 jobs is still sinking in. Most of those employees do not have a realistic chance of obtaining as good a job as the one they are losing.

In the United States, the number of engineering jobs has been sharply declining. In 2002 the number of electrical engineering jobs in the United States was 385,000, but despite increased demand for technology, the job total dropped to only 300,000 last year.

And that number is not even for American workers, because thousands of these jobs are soaked up by the H-1B visa racket, whereby companies like Microsoft can import and pay foreign workers less than it costs to hire an American. High-tech companies have thousands of foreign employees working on H-1B visas who are almost like indentured servants to the company, because they lose their right to be in our country if they leave their job.

Microsoft's massive layoff makes downright ridiculous the op-ed recently published by Bill Gates and his billionaire pals, Warren Buffett and Sheldon Adelson. They and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, who financed the lobby group FWD.us, demand immediate amnesty disguised as immigration reform in order to bring in more cheap labor.

The real shortage is in good jobs, but these visas flood the labor market and hold wages down, when wages should be climbing for American workers. Fewer Americans have a job today than just six years ago, even though the potential workforce has expanded during that time. One reason is the overuse of foreign labor by large companies.

Microsoft is highly profitable, breaking its own records for revenue and profits as recently as last year, with an effective tax rate of less than 20 percent. One of its directors has agreed to pay $2 billion for a basketball team, and Gates is often listed as the wealthiest man in the world.

In 2007, at a U.S. Senate committee hearing, Gates asked for permission to import "an infinite number" of foreign workers. "I don't think there should be any limit," he continued, but at any rate the cap should be "dramatically increased."

In 2008, before the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Gates claimed he had jobs "going begging" that no American could be found to do, so he had no choice but to import workers from India. When Representative Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., suggested he might consider raising the pay for those jobs, Gates impatiently dismissed that option, saying: "No, it's not an issue of raising wages. These jobs are very, very high-paying jobs."

Economics 101 teaches that wages are a function of supply and demand. When the supply of labor is increased, such as by expanding immigration, then wages can and do decrease, despite increased productivity.

Recently a reporter caught up with the laid-off semiconductor engineer whose wife publicly challenged President Barack Obama in January 2012, "Why does the government continue to issue and extend H-1B visas when there are tons of Americans just like my husband with no job?" Darin Wedel eventually found a job in the health care industry, earning $40,000 a year less than before.

Obama is still deceiving the American public about the economy, bragging that 288,000 jobs were created last month. As Mortimer Zuckerman explained in The Wall Street Journal: "Most people will have the impression that the 288,000 jobs created last month were full-time. Not so." They were part-time jobs, which pay lower wages than the full-time jobs that have disappeared.

There are several reasons for this, such as employers' desire to avoid the Obamacare mandate to provide health insurance to anyone working 30 or more hours a week. Another is women's willingness to accept lower pay in exchange for a flexible schedule with fewer hours per day, per week and per year.

But now many breadwinners, including men, have been forced to take these jobs. Of men aged 25 to 54, one in six does not work; 50 years ago, only one in 20 was not working.

When we first brought the transformation of the American economy into a part-time-worker society in 2010, many scoffed and suggested that when the "recovery" really gets going, the temp jobs will all be morphed into high-paying full-time jobs. Instead, Zuckerman writes, "more than 24 million Americans remain jobless, working part-time involuntarily or having left the workforce."

Zuckerman hits us with the depressing conclusion: "Faith in the American dream is eroding fast. The feeling is that the rules aren't fair and the system has been rigged in favor of business and against the average person."

One senator who always speaks up for Americans, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, said, "I don't think you can make the argument that we have a labor shortage." The answer should be: close the border; absolutely no amnesty masquerading as "immigration reform."

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Law IS Whatever Government Dictates

Conservative Daily September 3, 2014 Dear Conservative,

I’ve been saying this for weeks…While everyone is focusing on what Obama will do with his upcoming illegal alien executive order, the rest of his administration is quietly working behind the scenes to enact amnesty through a piecemeal approach.

Now, we have learned that the Department of Justice is actively targeting businesses and punishing them for trying to verify an employee’s residency status! That’s right, the DOJ has fined Culinaire International – a restaurant-management company – more than $20,000 because the business had the gall to ask employees to provide proof of legal residency in the United States!

Believe it or not, this ridiculous DOJ ruling might actually reveal an Achilles’ Heel for Obama’s upcoming amnesty executive order! Keep reading to find out how!

In this case, this company sought to confirm the identity and residency status of one of its employees. The employee in question showed up with two documents: an expired permanent residency card and an up-to-date permanent worker card. The business thought this was fishy, so it required the employee to produce another document definitively proving citizenship or permanent residency.

This makes complete sense. Any business owner would agree with this decision. The DOJ apparently didn’t. According to Eric Holder’s Justice Department, this company engaged in “citizenship-discrimination” when it asked applicants and employees to prove their citizenship and/or legal residency.

 “Employers cannot discriminate against workers by requiring them to produce more documents than necessary in the employment eligibility verification and re-verification processes,” says Molly Moran, the Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights division.

Yes, this is the same DOJ Civil Rights Division that was reprimanded by a New Orleans Judge for “prosecutorial misconduct” in its attempt to convict a New Orleans Police Officer of ‘civil rights violations.’ This Civil Rights Unit was caught red-handed anonymously using social media to “circumvent ethical obligations, professional responsibilities, and even to commit violations of the Code of Federal Regulations.”

It makes complete sense to verify a job applicant’s citizenship. After all, a business can’t legally hire an American without seeing a photo ID first. The Justice Department, however, disagrees. According to the Civil Rights Division, verifying and re-verifying citizenship and residency status is illegal and violates the “anti-discrimination rules within the Immigration and Nationality Act.”

When I first read this DOJ statement, I couldn’t help but laugh. If anyone ever questions that the Obama administration picks-and-chooses which laws to enforce and which to ignore, please direct them to this case. You see, the Immigration and Nationality Act is literally hundreds of pages long. It is essentially the go-to law when it comes to immigration, citizenship, and naturalization in this country.

Every time that the Obama administration announces amnesty or asylum for illegal aliens… every time that captured illegal alien felons are set free… this is done in CLEAR violation of the Immigration and 
Nationality Act. So it is rather humorous that the Justice Department would fine an honest American business $20,460 for violating a law that the Obama administration literally violates on a daily basis!

Believe it or not, this story is about a lot more than just punishing one company. This DOJ ruling could prove to be the Achilles’ Heel for Barack Obama’s upcoming amnesty executive order! Rumor has it that Barack Obama will hand out amnesty to millions of illegal aliens by automatically enrolling them in a permanent guest worker program.

Contrary to what King Obama may believe, no President has the authority to hand out citizenship or green cards. There are legally defined processes and benchmarks required to obtain citizenship and permanent residency. What Obama CAN and WILL do is suspend deportations and give illegal aliens the ability to legally work in the United States by adding them to the guest worker program.

This action would give illegal aliens a guest worker ID but they still probably wouldn’t have a permanent residency card…Now do you see why the DOJ is suing this restaurant-management company? Pay attention, because this is important!

This Justice Department ruling is setting the stage for a reality where illegal aliens will show up to a business without any proof of residency, but with permission to work in the United States. And according to the DOJ, business owners won’t legally be allowed to check whether the immigrant came to this country legally or whether he or she was given amnesty by President Obama.

The only way Obama’s amnesty executive order will work is if American businesses are forced to hire these illegal aliens. Obama can promise to halt deportations all he wants, but none of that matters if illegal aliens aren’t able to get jobs in the country. If businesses had the ability to verify citizenship or legal residency, they’d be able to figure out who was here illegally and simply not hire them!

Eric Holder and the Justice Department are setting the stage for introducing millions of illegal aliens into the work-force and threatening to fine any company that double-checks the citizenship or legal residency status of applicants!

After Obama hands out amnesty, illegal aliens will show up at a job interview and won’t be able to prove residency, but they’ll have Obama’s permission to work here. Now, thanks to the DOJ’s ruling, it will be illegal to even ask whether an applicant is legally allowed to be in the United States!
This is ridiculous! But with this ruling, the DOJ might have revealed a way to prevent Obama’s amnesty executive order before it ever goes into effect! All it takes to dismantle Barack Obama’s upcoming amnesty executive order is to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to give business owners the authority to verify the citizenship of job applicants!

You need to Fax Congress NOW demanding that American businesses be given this power because only this can halt Obama’s amnesty executive order! Not only is this a common-sense change to prevent the hiring of illegal aliens, but it also could stop Obama’s amnesty executive order in its tracks!