Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Border Lawlessness Equals National Suicide

7/22/2014 Thomas Sowell Townhall.com

In a recent confrontation between protesters against the illegal flood of unaccompanied children into the United States and counter-protests by some Hispanic group, one man from the latter group said angrily, "We are as good as you are!"

One of the things that make the history of clashes over race or ethnicity such a history of tragedies around the world is that -- regardless of whatever particular issue sets off these clashes -- many people see the ultimate stakes as their worth as human beings. On that, there is no room for compromise, but only polarization. That is why playing "the race card" is such an irresponsible and dangerous political game.

The real issue when it comes to immigration is not simply what particular immigration policy America should have, but whether America can have any immigration policy at all.

A country that does not control its own borders does not have any immigration policy. There may be laws on the books, but such laws are just meaningless words if people from other countries can cross the borders whenever they choose.

One of the reasons why many Americans are reluctant to keep out illegal immigrants -- or even to call them "illegal immigrants," instead of using the mealy-mouthed word "undocumented" -- is that most Hispanics they encounter seem to be decent, hard-working people.

This column has pointed out, more than once, that I have never seen Mexicans standing on a street corner begging, though I have seen both whites and blacks doing so.

But such impressions are no basis for deciding serious issues about immigration and citizenship. When we do not control our own borders, we have no way of knowing how many of those coming across those borders are criminals or even terrorists.

We have no way of knowing how many of those children are carrying what diseases that will spread to our children. And we already know, from studies of American children, that those who are raised without fathers in the home have a high probability of becoming huge, expensive problems for taxpayers in the years ahead, and a mortal danger to others.

A hundred years ago, when there was a huge influx of immigrants from Europe, there were extensive government studies of what those immigrants did in the United States. There were data on how many, from what countries, ended up in jail, diseased or on the dole. There were data on how well their children did in school.

As with most things, some immigrant groups did very well and others did not do nearly as well. But today, even to ask such questions is to be considered mean-spirited.

Such information as we have today shows that immigrants from some countries have far more education than immigrants from some other countries, and do not end up being supported by the taxpayers nearly as often as immigrants from other countries. But such information is seldom mentioned in discussions of immigrants, as if they were abstract people in an abstract world.

Questions about immigration and citizenship are questions about irreversible decisions that can permanently change the composition of the American population and the very culture of the country -- perhaps in the direction of the cultures of the countries from which illegal immigrants have fled.

During the era of epidemics that swept across Europe in centuries past, people fleeing from those epidemics often spread the diseases to the places to which they fled. Counterproductive and dangerous cultures can be spread to America the same way.

Willful ignorance is not the way to make immigration decisions or any other decisions. Yet the Obama administration is keeping secret even where they are dumping illegal immigrants by the thousands, in communities far from the border states.

Looking before we leap is not racism -- except in the sense that anything the Obama administration doesn't like is subject to being called racist.

Americans who gather to protest the high-handed way this administration has sneaked illegal immigrants into their communities can expect the race card to be played against them. The time is long overdue to stop being intimidated by such cheap -- and dangerous -- political tactics.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Crisis Too Good to Waste

By Andrew C. McCarthy Nationalreview.com

Make no mistake, the president has instigated the present influx of illegal aliens. 
It is a grave error to view the swarming of illegal aliens across our southern border as anything other than a challenge to our sovereignty — a challenge abetted, rather than repulsed, by a president who vows to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” The challenge brings into sharp relief a question I’ve repeatedly pressed (see, e.g., herehere,here, and here): If the states cannot or will not defend themselves, are they still, in any real sense, sovereign?

As expected, the president’s mainstream-media allies portray Obama as a man struggling to manage a crisis beyond his control, a crisis their thin and exhausted playbook instructs them to blame on George W. Bush. Nonsense.

In Faithless Execution, I detail Obama’s immigration lawlessness — at least the very extensive record compiled as of mid-spring 2014, when I had to stop writing in order to make an early June publication date. If you’re keeping track, mid-spring was before the ramping up of the ongoing invasion, which already involves close to 300,000 illegal aliens (less than 20 percent of whom are, according to theNew York Times, “unaccompanied minors”). It was, however, months after what we now know was the Obama “Homeland Security” Department’s solicitation of escort services to help handle an anticipated arrival of 65,000 illegal-alien minors.

As one would expect, the usual Obama apologists claim that the administration was not conspiring in the invasion. Rather, it was preparing for a humanitarian crisis it had heard alarms about but was somehow powerless to avert. On its face, this is laughable: The executive branch has many ways of discouraging and stopping attempts by foreigners — whether as an armed force or in overwhelming numbers — to enter our country. More significantly, the facts here point unmistakably to willful administration collusion.

The January 2014 solicitation published by DHS’s bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement foretells (a) the arrival of 65,000 “unaccompanied alien children,” and, tellingly, (b) the administration’s intention to transfer them to “Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States.” Weasel Zippers points out the glaring fact, largely ignored by the press, that by planning to dispatch the new arrivals to ORR, the administration implicitly presumed that they should be deemed refugees, not excludable or deportable illegal aliens.

The mission of the ORR is to settle “new populations” within the United States, not to detain them pending expulsion. Clearly, the plan was — is — to seed thousands of illegal aliens in cities and towns throughout the country. That is perfectly consistent with other aspects of the administration’s radical agenda, such as “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing,” Obama’s plan to have the executive branch engineer the racial and ethnic composition of American neighborhoods.

The president has spent nearly six years giving effective legal immunity to millions of illegal aliens already here. His administration, meanwhile, hooks them on the government gravy train and fights state efforts to detain them, deny social services to them, and prevent them from fraudulently voting. Under those circumstances, the rolling out of a federal red carpet for teeming masses of illegal aliens must be understood as intentional.

To be sure, the administration, in its arrogance and ideological zeal, underestimated the resulting groundswell of American protest. It has thus fallen back on its modus operandi, which should be painfully familiar by now: Once assured that an Obama-caused disaster is fully underway, the president endeavors to evade accountability by making a couple of disingenuous gestures in seeming opposition to the crisis he has orchestrated — enough for his courtiers to run with.

So, after 300,000 illegal aliens of all ages have spent three months pouring in, Obama finally tells ABC News that “unaccompanied children” should not be sent to the United States because the trip here is dangerous and “if they do make it [here], they’ll get sent back.” Right. Then, even as his administration, under a veil of secrecy, transfers tens of thousands of illegals to communities across the country (without notifying state officials), Obama ceremoniously deports a grand total of 38 Hondurans. That’s —  as Sweetness & Light computed — one-one-hundredth of a percent of the swarm that has crossed our border since April. Predictably, the president’s media accomplices highlight these trifling, cynical ploys as clear proof that Obama opposes the invasion he has instigated. And while we are diverted debating that claim, thousands more invaders are resettled as refugees.

In the interim, the press blames Bush. It’s a shrewd gambit: The charge is plausible because the GOP establishment has desperately pushed amnesty for years; even better, the charge involves a complex 2008 law, so it is difficult to unwind. Indeed, even conservative pundits have accepted the premise that what the press monotonously tells us is a “Bush-era law” has contributed mightily to the border crisis.

In reality, this 2008 measure, known as the “William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Act,” was a Democratic amendment, added by Senator Dianne Feinstein and then-Senator (and Vice President-elect) Joe Biden to the seemingly uncontroversial reauthorization of a Clinton-era anti-human-trafficking law. Yes, Bush did sign the measure just before leaving office — the third time he’d signed a reauthorization of the feel-good, anti-human-trafficking law. But to blame this law for the crisis is to blame a leak in the kitchen faucet for the flood that is carrying the house away.

The act gives extensive due-process protections to “unaccompanied alien children” who come to the United States from “non-contiguous” countries — i.e., not Mexico or Canada (which is why the swarm originates in Central America). But only if these children are actually victims of human trafficking, the narrow class the legislation aims to protect. As a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies explains, the Wilberforce law is “largely irrelevant” to the situation at hand, which involves illegal aliens willingly smuggled into the country so they can live here, not coercively trafficked into the country for purposes of sex slavery or other indentured servitude. As the report elaborates, immigration law distinguishes smuggling from trafficking.

Moreover, the children at issue are not really “unaccompanied” as that term is defined in the federal code. 

Again, the law is intended to protect children who are forced to come to our country for certain nefarious purposes. The children in this case overwhelmingly have family members who have taken up residence in the U.S., often illegally. Joining these family members is the objective of their illegal entry. Many of the “children” are also gang members who, while technically minors, voluntarily come here to wreak havoc. Finally, even if we were to concede, for argument’s sake, that the human-trafficking law truly applies, its own terms allow its suspension in exceptional circumstances — a fact acknowledged by Senator Feinstein, an author of the law, who told the New York Times that the law has the “flexibility” to allow for accelerated removal proceedings.

The “Bush-era law” actually contributes to the border crisis in only one significant way: as the sleight-of-hand by which our lawless president suddenly claims to be bound by the rule of law. It is the due-process camouflage for his ruinous and legally unnecessary importation and strategic dispersal of thousands of low-skilled, unassimilated, future Democratic voters.

Make no mistake: President Obama has instigated this crisis — a two-fer that advances the project of remaking the country while crowding the IRS, the VA, Benghazi, Bergdahl, the Taliban, ISIS, Hamas, the EPA, Obamacare, Ukraine, and other debacles out of the public’s finite attention span. The invasion was invited by a systematic campaign to gut the immigration laws.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Question is: Will We Remain One Nation?

7/15/2014 - Pat Buchanan Townhall.com

Speaking to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Albuquerque in 2001, George W. Bush declared that, as Mexico was a friend and neighbor, "It's so important for us to tear down our barriers and walls that might separate Mexico from the United States." Bush succeeded. And during his tenure, millions from Mexico exploited his magnanimity to violate our laws, trample upon our sovereignty, walk into our country, and remain here.

In 2007, backed by John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy and Barack Obama, Bush backed amnesty for the 12 million people who had entered America illegally.

The nation thundered no. And Congress sustained the nation.

The latest mass border crossing by scores of thousands of tots, teenagers and toughs from Central America has killed amnesty in 2014, and probably for the duration of the Obama presidency. Indeed, with the massive media coverage of the crisis on the border, immigration, legal and illegal, and what it portends for our future, could become the decisive issue of 2014 and 2016.

But it needs to be put in a larger context. For this issue is about more than whether the Chamber of Commerce gets amnesty for its members who have been exploiting cheap illegal labor.

The real issue: Will America remain one nation, or are we on the road to Balkanization and the breakup of America into ethnic enclaves? For, as Ronald Reagan said, a nation that cannot control its borders isn't really a nation anymore.

In Federalist No. 2, John Jay wrote, "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs ... "

He called Americans a "band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties." The republic of the founders for whom Jay spoke did not give a fig for diversity. They cherished our unity, commonality, and sameness of ancestry, culture, faith and traditions.

We were not a nation of immigrants in 1789.

They came later. From 1845-1849, the Irish fleeing the famine. From 1890-1920, the Germans. Then the Italians, Poles, Jews and other Eastern Europeans. Then, immigration was suspended in 1924.

From 1925 to 1965, the children and grandchildren of those immigrants were assimilated, Americanized. In strong public schools, they were taught our language, literature and history, and celebrated our holidays and heroes. We endured together through the Depression and sacrificed together in World War II and the Cold War.

By 1960, we had become truly one nation and one people.

America was not perfect. No country is. But no country ever rivaled what America had become. She was proud, united, free, the first nation on earth. And though the civil rights movement had just begun, nowhere did black peoples enjoy the freedom and prosperity of African-Americans.

Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday that America is today in "a fundamentally better place than we were 50 years ago."

In some ways that is so. Equality of rights has been realized. Miraculous cures in medicine have kept alive many of us who would not have survived the same maladies half a century ago. But we are no longer that "band of brethren." We are no longer one unique people "descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion."

We are from every continent and country. Nearly 4 in 10 Americans trace their ancestry to Asia, Africa and Latin America. We are a multiracial, multilingual, multicultural society in a world where countless countries are being torn apart over race, religion and roots.

We no longer speak the same language, worship the same God, honor the same heroes or share the same holidays. Christmas and Easter have been privatized. Columbus is reviled. Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. 
Lee are out of the pantheon. Cesar Chavez is in.

Our politics have become poisonous. Our political parties are at each other's throats.

Christianity is in decline. Traditional churches are sundering over moral issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. Islam is surging.

Our society seems to be disintegrating. Over 40 percent of all births now are illegitimate. Among Hispanics, the figure is 52 percent. Among African-Americans, 73 percent. And among children born to single moms, the drug use rate and the dropout rate, the crime rate and the incarceration rate, are many times higher than among children born to married parents.

If a country is a land of defined and defended borders, within which resides a people of a common ancestry, history, language, faith, culture and traditions, in what sense are we Americans one nation and one people today?

Neocons say we are a new kind of nation, an ideological nation erected upon a written Constitution and Bill of Rights.

But equality, democracy and diversity are not mentioned in the Constitution. As for what our founding documents mean, even the Supreme Court does not agree.

More and more, 21st-century America seems to meet rather well Metternich's depiction of Italy -- "a geographic expression."

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Terrorists Cross Our Southern Border With Impunity

10 Jul 2014 By Michael SnyderPart 2 of 2  www.endoftheamericandream.com  

Dennis Michael Lynch directed and produced “They Come to America” and “They Come to America II” and has extensive, daily contact with U.S. Border Patrol agents about the true state of the U.S.-Mexico border. He said there are essentially four groups of people pouring across the border: families of various sizes, unaccompanied minors, drug smugglers and career criminals and terrorists. Lynch said while the media focus on the kids, really bad people are easily slipping into the country.

I can tell you from the people I speak to in the Border Patrol who are in the intelligence unit, they have told me that gang members are receiving as much as $50,000 per head to bring a person through. Those people are typically from the Middle East or from China,” said Lynch, who predicts the people waltzing into the country will perpetrate an attack on the U.S. that will rival or exceed Sept. 11.

Yikes! And even top U.S. military officials are now speaking out about what a grave threat this border crisis is to our national security. For example, the head of SOUTHCOM says that our porous border is “a threat to the United States’ very existence”

America’s porous southern border and the recent surge in illegal immigration is more than just a “humanitarian crisis,” claims the top U.S. general in charge of Central and South America, it’s a threat to the United States’ very existence. Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly is commander of the U.S. Southern Command, or SOUTHCOM, charged with responsibility for the Caribbean Sea and all lands south of Mexico.

Particularly in regards to the drug trade, murder rates and terrorist activity brewing in Central America, Kelly says, the waves of Latin Americans sweeping through Mexico and illegally into Texas presents a threat to the U.S. every bit as serious as Iran or North Korea.

So why can’t something be done? We have successfully sealed the border between North Korea and South Korea for the past 60 years. Why can’t we seal our own border?

And just check out what General Kelly recently told Congress…“Supporters and sympathizers of Lebanese Hezbollah are involved in both licit and illicit activities in the region,” Kelly told Congress. “Members, supporters, and adherents of Islamic extremist groups are present in Latin America. Islamic extremists visit the region to proselytize, recruit, establish business venues to generate funds, and expand their radical networks.

It has been known for years that Hezbollah has been extremely active down in Mexico and Central America. But now a much more dangerous threat could be facing us. As ISIS has conquered vast areas of Iraq, they have gotten their hands on some very powerful weapons.

It has already been reported that ISIS has seized a major chemical weapons stockpile in Iraq, and now the Iraqi government is admitting that ISIS has captured 88 pounds of uranium that were being used for “scientific research”…

Insurgents in Iraq have seized nuclear materials used for scientific research at a university in the country’s north, Iraq told the United Nations in a letter appealing for help to “stave off the threat of their use by terrorists in Iraq or abroad.”

Nearly 40 kilograms (88 pounds) of uranium compounds were kept at Mosul University, Iraq’s U.N. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim told U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the July 8 letter obtained by Reuters on Wednesday.

“Terrorist groups have seized control of nuclear material at the sites that came out of the control of the state,” Alhakim wrote, adding that such materials “can be used in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction.”
It would be bad enough if some other Islamic terror group got a hold of these weapons. But when you are talking about ISIS, you are talking about people that are absolutely insane. Just the other day, ISIS smashed up Jonah’s tomb in Mosul just because it offended them.

ISIS has been running around beheading and crucifying their opponents, smashing up religious shrines and even making threats against Mecca. If ISIS can figure out how to use some of the weapons that they have gotten their hands on, I have no doubt that they will try to use them.

And considering how incredibly porous our southern border is, it is not unthinkable to imagine some of these jihadists coming across the Mexican border to attack America someday. But by the way Obama is acting, he does not consider Islamic terror to be a threat whatsoever.

So he should not ask the American people to make any more sacrifices in the name of “homeland security” either.  If we are not even going to try to protect the border, what is the point of even having a Department of Homeland Security?  We have been spending hundreds of billions of dollars on this stuff, and yet we aren’t even doing the most basic things to defend this country.

Either Barack Obama should seal the border right now, or he should not say another thing about “homeland security” or the threat of “terror”.

Enough is enough.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Terrorists Cross Our Southern Border With Impunity

10 Jul 2014 By Michael SnyderPart 1 of 2 www.endoftheamericandream.com  

The “Department of Homeland Security” is a total farce.  So is the “war on terror”.  As you will see, the reality of the matter is that the Obama administration could not care less about either one of them.  As millions of illegal immigrants pour across our southern border, a lot of really bad people are coming with them.  And I am not just talking about thousands upon thousands of hardened criminals, gang members and operatives for Mexican drug cartels. 

The truth is that hardcore jihadists are making the trek north as well.  In fact, an abandoned Islamic prayer rug was found near the border in Arizona just the other day, and it is being reported that Mexican gangs are being paid up to $50,000 a pop to bring “Middle Easterners” through the border.  It is an absolute outrage that ordinary Americans are being subjected to an increasingly suffocating police state in the name of “homeland security” when members of Islamic terror organizations can enter this country through the Mexican border pretty much whenever they want. 

If Barack Obama actually cared about homeland security or the threat of Islamic terror at all, he would seal the border immediately.  But he doesn’t.  Just like with George W. Bush, the fact that Obama is leaving the southern border completely wide open says volumes about how he truly feels.

Since 9/11, the American people have been forced to make sacrifice after sacrifice in the name of “homeland security”.  We have been told that all of these police state tactics are necessary in order to “keep us safe from the terrorists”.  This is a pet peeve of mine, and I have written dozens of articles about the evils of the growing police state in America.  You can find two recent examples right here and right here.

That is why what is going on down on the southern border is so infuriating to me.  After everything the American people have been asked to do, next to nothing is being done to keep radical Islamic terrorists from coming across from Mexico.

And the federal government has known about this for a very long time.  The following is an excerpt from a November 2012 House Committee on Homeland Security report

U.S. Government officials who are directly responsible for our national security continue to affirm the vulnerability. In August 2007 former Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell stated that not only have terrorists used the Southwest border to enter the United States but that they will inevitably continue to do so as long as it is an available possibility.

In a July 2012 hearing before the full U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano confirmed that terrorists have crossed the Southwest border with the intent to harm the American people.

Additionally, the U.S. Border Patrol regularly apprehends aliens from the 35 “special interest countries” designated by our intelligence community as countries that could export individuals that could bring harm to our country in the way of terrorism.” From Fiscal Years 2006 to 2011, there were 1,918 apprehensions of these special interest aliens at our Southwest border.

They know that it is happening. They even catch a few of them from time to time. But they refuse to do much of anything to stop it. And according to one expert, U.S. Border Patrol agents are reporting that Mexican gang members are getting up to $50,000 a head to bring “Middle Easterners” into the United States…

Monday, July 14, 2014

UAC Come Because of Years of Loose Talk About Amnesty

6/25/2014 - Bob Barr Townhall.com

One might think the websites of various federal agencies tasked with protecting America’s borders would be information resources about how the Obama Administration is handling the now crisis-level situation at the border. Curiously, however, the “newsroom” sections of websites for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Department of Health and Human Services post no information about the Administration’s current policies or plans for dealing with the “surge” of illegal immigrants flooding across our border with Mexico.

The reason for this deafening silence is clear to anyone following the Administration’s confusing and frequently contradictory response: Neither Obama nor Vice President Biden have a firm grasp on the situation. In a press release issued June 5th (and proudly touted on the DHS homepage), Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson exclaimed after a veiled crack at Republicans, “Almost all of us agree that a child who crossed our border illegally with a parent, or in search of a parent or a better life . . . should be treated differently than adult law-breakers.” Two weeks later after the surge accelerated, making the front page of newspapers across the nation, the Administration announced it would start increasing deportations, going against its previous, pro-amnesty messaging. Even this turn-around was wrapped in confusion, when Biden even more recently implied publicly that at least some of the illegals would not be deported.

This Administration points to scapegoats in every direction at every opportunity. The director of White House Domestic Policy Council went so far as to blame “misinformation that is being deliberately planted by criminal organizations” for creating a false perception about amnesty in the U.S. Contrary to all the Administration’s finger-pointing, much of the blame for the current crisis rests squarely within its own ranks.

Years of loose talk about amnesty has precipitated this latest flood of illegal immigrants cascading across our border, and Obama is leaving U.S. citizens to pick up the tab as he scrambles to clean up his mess.

Obama is burning through millions of taxpayer dollars (the true cost will likely not be known for years) with his spit-and-duct-tape “fixes” to the border crisis. Despite knowing for years about the looming crisis, the Feds had only a single detention facility outfitted for families with children. This utter lack of planning has resulted in Uncle Sam daily flying planeloads of illegals across the country to makeshift detention facilities for “processing” in whatever sites authorities are able to outfit for housing them; such as abandoned nursing homes, colleges and even monasteries. They even attempted to use what they thought to be an abandoned hotel in Grand Island, New York, only to find it renovated as an upscale resort, occupied by its lawful, paying guests.

This is Keystone Kops being played out at a dangerous, national scale.

The situation could be considered comical if not for the extremely serious health, economic and security implications of the border overload. The U.S. Border Patrol already was badly outmatched by the sheer volume of illegal immigrants -- including an unprecedented number of unaccompanied babies, toddlers, children and teenagers -- forcing them to play nanny rather than do their jobs, like actually protecting the border.

“Smugglers wait on the southern banks of the Rio Grande as migrant groups as large as 250 wade across at dusk and turn themselves in to the Border Patrol,” reports The Washington Post, talking to Border Patrol union representative Chris Cabrera. “Then groups of single men proceed to cross under cover of darkness, hoping to slip through” with drugs and other illicit contraband.

It is anybody’s guess as to what else “slips through” while our Border Patrol agents change diapers; but it is safe to say, it is nothing good.

For all the “Amnesty Now” hoopla before the situation at the border hit critical mass, Democrats now are oddly silent. That is, when they are not blaming Republicans for a lack of “comprehensive immigration reform,” as if that would help at this point. However, the acrimonious attacks from Democrats -- in lieu of actually taking action to help protect our borders -- is more than simply another attempt to shift blame onto Republicans. Democrats are intentionally trying to create gridlock in Congress.

Contrary to their inflammatory interviews with HuffPoSlate and other liberal outlets, Democrats love gridlock. Not only do they try to exploit the crisis for political gain in elections and fundraising letters, but gridlock creates a “leadership vacuum” in which Obama then can justify acting on his own without Congress. Based on past lethargy by the Congress, Democrats know that Obama has no hesitancy to defy constitutional boundaries. So long as Democrats can keep Republicans on the ropes in the press and on the floor of Congress, it opens wide a window for Obama to enact his liberal, pro-amnesty agenda without the political liability of having their names recorded in the Congressional Record as supporters of these disastrous policies.

If Republicans truly want to stop Obama, they must refuse to keep playing the Democrats’ game. For example, rather than battling in the press regarding hypotheticals about a comprehensive immigration package, the Republican-controlled House should pass simple, basic measures such as beefing-up border security. The GOP also should immediately employ its one, true “Big Stick” – the power to deny funding for the Administration’s immigration game-playing.

Engaging in such hard-nosed, but necessary actions would throw the ball directly into Senate Majority Leader Reid’s lap, and stop Obama’s “one man immigration show” dead in its tracks. This also would afford the GOP time to develop a longer-term legislative package on the heels of those smaller, but crucial, measures to secure the border.

Monday, July 7, 2014

U. S. Workers Lose Again!

7/1/2014 -  Eagle Forum Phyllis Schlafly

American-born workers have had a net loss in jobs since 2000, while all of the job growth since then has gone to immigrants, according to a remarkable new study by the Center for Immigration Studies. This revelation comes as some Republican politicians continue to flirt with amnesty and the disastrous proposal of so-called immigration reform.
Meanwhile, a new Gallup poll proves that the American public is increasingly fed up with the high levels of immigration flooding our job market and our nation. By nearly a 2-1 margin, Americans now want less immigration rather than more: 41 percent would like to see a decrease in immigration, while only 22 percent want to see immigration increase.

Among the 22 percent who want to expand immigration are Democrats who view illegal immigrants as a way of expanding their party's political base. But that shortsighted political motivation is certainly not good for our country, and it is devastating for the dwindling job opportunities available to Americans.

In 2000, 114.8 million Americans who were born in the United States had jobs here. Nearly a decade and a half later, in 2014, that total had decreased to 114.7 million, and millions of Americans have been unemployed for many years.

Millions of new jobs were created during that same period in the United States, but immigrant workers soaked up all that job growth. There was a net gain of 5.7 million in jobs during those 14 years, from 17.1 million in 2000 to 22.8 million in 2014, but the overall net effect was that 100 percent of the job growth went to immigrants and 0 percent to workers born in the U.S.

Steven A. Camarota is research director for the Center for Immigration Studies and the lead author of this startling report. His investigation proves that there are now 58 million Americans born in our country who do not have jobs and that 34 percent of working-age Americans are without work, a number far higher than in 2000 when the number of out-of-work Americans born here was 26 percent.

Despite the scandal of so few jobs for Americans, the legislation pushed by Democrats for so-called immigration reform would vastly expand job opportunities for immigrants at the expense of American-born workers. The Senate's misguided Gang of Eight bill would sharply increase the numbers of legal and illegal immigrants in our country, far above the 40 million who are already here, plus adding an incentive for many more to illegally enter our nation.

Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama has been a leader against expanding immigration under the guise of the phony "immigration reform," and he persuasively explains how hurtful unrelenting immigration is for our nation and especially for U.S. workers. He observed that the recent findings in this report by the Center for Immigration Studies "are shocking, and represent a dramatic indictment of immigration policy in Washington, D.C."

In the last presidential election, Mitt Romney lost because he failed to attract the support of millions of working-class Americans who have been hit the hardest by the harmful consequences of liberal demands for more and more immigration. Sessions wisely advises Republican leadership to "sever themselves from these demands and present themselves to the American public as the one party focused on everyday working people."

Sessions is obviously right in counseling that "the sensible, conservative, fair thing to do after 40 years of record immigration is to slow down, allow assimilation to occur, allow wages to rise, and to help workers of all backgrounds rise together into the middle class." Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated in a landslide in his own primary after failing to heed this advice. Will other Republican leaders finally get the message?

Meanwhile, the Democrats' and media demands for "immigration reform" have had another devastating effect on our nation: attracting a projected 100,000 children to cross our Mexican border illegally in this year alone and bringing with them contagious diseases that could "spread like wildfire," according to Dr. Jane Orient. "Legal immigrants have always been required to undergo health screenings," Orient explained, "but these kids coming have no medical screenings and no vaccine records."

The doctor observed that many childhood diseases have been largely and wonderfully eradicated from our country, such as measles and chickenpox, but that leaves Americans without natural immunity against them. If they are brought into this country by unlawful immigration, then they can spread quickly, and young doctors who have never seen some of these diseases may be slow to recognize them.

Noroviruses are highly contagious infections that carry symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting. "All we need is one outbreak of that virus, and we would have an overwhelming public health crisis," Orient warned.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Beat Goes On - From Bad to Worse

May 19, 2014, by Shellie Nelson

(CNN) — The number of undocumented children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border by themselves has “increased substantially,” causing the Department of Homeland Security to declare a “crisis” and open a temporary emergency shelter for the youths, a spokeswoman said Monday.

In the past two weeks, more than 1,000 children were apprehended while illegally crossing the border, officials said, straining facilities for Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services.

The majority of the minors were apprehended at the border in South Texas, near McAllen. They primarily traveled from Central America, including Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, according to Marsha Catron, a spokeswoman for Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

More than 60,000 unaccompanied juveniles are expected to cross in 2014, said Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council in the Rio Grande Valley, a U.S. Border Patrol workers’ union.

“We are seeing numbers that we’ve never seen before in this part of the country,” Cabrera said. “Yesterday, we had 60 minors in one station alone. You’re talking kids from 17 years old, on down to some that are 5 or 6 years old, traveling by themselves.”
Last year, roughly 10% of people caught by Border Patrol agents were minors, according to a Border Patrol official.

“Secretary Johnson is sending additional staff to South Texas to coordinate DHS and interagency efforts to meet the immediate needs of the migrants, including medical care … and to address other processing and enforcement concerns,” Catron said.

Part of the plan under the “Level 4 condition of readiness” is an emergency shelter that opened over the weekend at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, and can accommodate up to 1,000 children, officials said.

The law prohibits Homeland Security from immediately deporting the children if they are not from Canada or Mexico. Instead, the children are turned over to Health and Human Services supervision “within 72 hours of DHS taking them into custody,” an official said.

“Most of the time, they’re getting released to relatives in the U.S.,” Cabrera said.

“There’s nowhere to put them, so they’re released on their own recognizance and have a pending court date. I’d say between 95 and 97% of adults or youths don’t show up for court,” he said.

Although children crossing the border alone has long been an issue, the recent spike could be attributed to better weather or an increase in poor economic conditions in their home countries, officials said. Others simply want to be reunited with their parents, who may have left them with relatives in their native countries.

Children make the arduous trek from Central America across Mexico by train or with the help of smugglers called “coyotes,” officials said. Most often, the youths from Mexico and Central America try to cross the border in the Rio Grande Valley because it is the southernmost point of the United States for them to cross.

“People that live north have no idea what’s going on down here, and if they did, they would be appalled by what the government is letting happen,” Cabrera said.

“It’s resources. I understand we’re in a fiscal crunch nationwide, but this is not a problem that we can fix for free. I know the official line is that we’re at 70% apprehension, but it’s really more like 30%. There’s a strain on manpower,” he added.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Declaration With a Pen and a Phone

Conservative Daily July 2, 2014 Dear Conservative,
Barack H. Obama is giving up on immigration reform. That’s right: instead of allowing immigration reform to succeed or fail in Congress (as the Constitution requires), Obama announced during a press conference on Monday that he would act alone and use executive orders to give amnesty to illegal aliens!
“Today I'm beginning a new effort to fix as much of the immigration system as I can on my own,” Obama proclaimed during a Rose Garden speech, “America cannot wait forever for them to act.”
Obama is tired of waiting for Congress to give him what he wants. You see, most Presidents throughout history have worked with Congress. As powerful as the President may be, he is nothing without Congress because he cannot legally or constitutionally write laws on his own!
And Barack Obama never wanted to be a tyrant, at least not when he was on the campaign trail. As you might remember, then-Senator Obama railed against President George W. Bush’s use of executive orders to circumvent Congress. During a 2008 campaign speech, Obama told the crowd,
“I taught constitutional law for ten years. I take the Constitution very seriously. (Editor’s Note: HA HA) The biggest problems that were facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.”
What you are witnessing is the collapse of the Obama Presidency. When the Senate passed an immigration amnesty bill last year, Obama was hopeful that the House of Representatives would put it up for a vote as well. He expected public opinion to be on his side.
Obama looked at John Boehner as a pushover, believing that he just needed an excuse to go against his party and grant amnesty to the 12+ million people illegally in this country.
Well, We the People proved him wrong! Make no mistake; if it weren’t for brave patriots like you, amnesty would already be the law of the land. But time after time, you have answered the call and demanded that Congress put an end to this amnesty push!
For weeks, Democrats have been ‘warning’ us that Obama was prepared to act unilaterally to hand out amnesty with just the stroke of a pen. But now that the House of Representatives WON’T be voting on an immigration bill this year, Obama has finally promised to enact amnesty on his own! He must be stopped!
This isn’t fear mongering… If Congress doesn’t stop President Obama from using an executive order to hand out amnesty to the millions of illegals living in the country, than this country is finished!
The Democrats like to say that our immigration system is broken, except they conveniently forget to mention that THEY are the ones who are breaking it.
Don’t believe me? Nancy Pelosi went to the U.S.-Mexico border and visited one of the centers where illegal aliens are being detained. Do you know what she told those hundreds of people who broke our immigration laws? She told them that they are “all Americans!” And this isn’t just Nancy Pelosi’s doing… her entire party is to blame!
Barack Obama is daring you to stop him. Literally, when asked about John Boehner’s plan to sue him, Obama replied, “So sue me, I'm not going to apologize for trying to do something."
Congress Republicans are suing the President over his use of executive orders because they know that this effort will ultimately fail. They want it to fail. But at least they will be able to turn to their constituents and say that they tried.
“Trying” isn’t good enough, especially not when the future of this great nation is at stake!
Obama isn’t afraid of John Boehner’s lawsuit because he knows that Congress doesn’t have the constitutional authority to sue the executive branch. He knows that the only way Congress can stop him is impeachment, but that the Republicans are too spineless to do what is necessary to stop his despotism.
Yesterday, Obama sat down with EVERY cabinet member and literally told them to do everything in their power to circumvent Congress. We aren’t just talking about immigration… Eric Holder is going to be doing everything he can to circumvent Congress, the ATF is trying to change the firearm background check requirements, the EPA is now drafting new environmental regulations, and yes, Obama has instructed Border Patrol to give refuge to these illegal aliens!
When are we going to rise up and say, “enough is enough?”
I know that impeachment is a tough issue and many people believe that it is politically foolish to begin impeachment proceedings right before such an important mid-term election. I understand that…
But what line does Obama need to cross before We the People rise up and demand his impeachment?
I ask this question sincerely because, as far as I am concerned, Obama crossed that line years ago and continues to defiantly cross it on a daily basis.
Obama deserves to be impeached a hundred times over, but impeachment has never been more necessary than it is now! Obama has completely gone off the rails!
Our federal government is built on a system of checks and balances to protect against tyrannical overreach. The Founders deliberately made it so that the President can’t write his own laws because they lived through the tyranny of the British monarchy.
Now, we have a President with one of the worst approval ratings since WWII who has decided to disregard the Constitution and rule the country as a king! He has instructed his cabinet members to do whatever they can to introduce new regulations and executive orders and he is literally surrendering this country to hordes of illegal aliens!
We must demand that Congress put an end to this tyranny! If we don’t rise up and demand it, no one will! And the Constitution provides ONE way for you to do that: Impeachment.
The fact that the Democrats control the Senate is irrelevant. Starting impeachment proceedings now, even if they aren’t successful, will put an end to Obama’s tyranny!
Make no mistake: President Obama has a long list of executive orders that will be signed in the coming days to deliberately circumvent Congress. If Congress does not stop him now, then there will be nothing to prevent Obama from ruling the country with an iron fist!
Believe it or not, you control Congress! Your vote and your voice can have an impact in forcing Congress to act!
We are standing at a very unique point in history. Yes, we have an unconstitutional President who is deliberately and clearly violating the constitution.
But at the same time, now more than any other moment in our history, YOU have the power to amplify your voice and do something about it!

Claim your voice! Rise up and DEMAND impeachment!