Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Yep! We're Wussies - Literally

3/22/2015 - Doug Giles Townhall.com

For those who didn’t know this, our nation was founded by brilliant, freedom-loving heavy weights.

It’s hard to imagine that nowadays because our country is currently being deconstructed by moronic, liberty-choking, light weights also known as “politicians”. In particular…Liberal politicians. Liberals, you see, don’t mind what you do as long as they approve. They’re kind of like King George III and his inbred dipsticks in that regard. Or, for a more current example, they’re somewhat like Islam with their fascism, sans the billygoat beards and the suicide vests.

That said, our current crop of freedom-stranglers aren’t entirely made up of Leftists as there are many who claim to represent the Right who also believe it’s their duty in life to make our lives beholden to big government, power-hungry dillweeds.

If our founders were around right now they would stomp on this current crop of managers like a narc at a biker party. Literally.

Yep, from a freedom standpoint, our founders were a horse of a different stripe. They hated control freaks. They loathed tyrants. They trusted government about as far as I could toss Rosie O’Donnell following her 5pm feeding after I just finished the Hotter ‘N Hell 100.

Indeed, once our original framers got this incredible country up and officially cranking they began to cobble together a seal, a picture, a motto, and an emblem, which would encapsulate what they had concocted on fresh American soil.

Benjamin Franklin, being the rebel he was, wanted it to be a picture of Moses confronting Obama…I mean, Pharaoh, when Moses demanded Pharaoh cease his enslavement of Israel and let God’s people go. This image was to be encircled with the phrase, “Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God”. Thomas Jefferson liked the motto "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God" so much, he used it on his personal seal.

Today, especially during BHO’s be-damned days, the symbol the Left would concoct to represent their “American Dream” would be a pic of a dependent, 45yr.-old, multi-pierced lesbian breast-feeding off a big, old, saggy, milk-dried, government dog tit: a veritable dependent, indebted and enslaved minion from the cradle to the grave. If you don’t believe me click here.

So, what’s my point? Well, it’s this: we’re wussies. All of us. We have not the singular mettle that made this grand experiment in self-governance tick. I’m guilty and you’re guilty and we can blame corrupt politicians, puff our chest, and scream at MSNBC all day long, but the truth is … we let ‘em do it to us. We traded our freedoms, prosperity and our original roots and moorings for mediocre comfort over duty and we were daft enough to believe them time and time again.

I believe until “We The People” resurrect the aforementioned motto and mantra by which the likes of Franklin and Jefferson clipped along, namely, pardon my redundancy, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”, then we will continue to see this land morph into a cartoon of what it was intended to be.

Yep, until we internally get to where our founders were, in particular, believing like they did, that it was their divine duty to vehemently oppose oppressors and not kiss their enslaving backside, we will continue to eat crap and content ourselves with ever decreasing freedom and the land of the free and the home of the brave will irreversibly morph into the land of the bound and home of the slaves.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Lawlessness - A Border Crossing Away

By Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz June 22, 2015

The most violent, brutal, and lawless place on the planet right now may not actually be half a world away in the Middle East, but right next door in Mexico.

Since Mexico’s drug war began to escalate in 2006, more than 100,000 Mexican residents have been murdered or gone missing according to the State Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council. Kidnapping, human trafficking, and the brutal dismemberment and display of murder victims is far too commonplace. These incidents are taking place literally across the river from major American cities.

The administration and press have largely been able to ignore the plight of our friend, ally, and third largest trading partner while the savagery has been primarily limited to the people of Mexico. This should not be tolerated.

Writing to Secretary of State John Kerry earlier this month, my colleague and Texas Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Texas, and I asked pointed questions about the U.S. efforts to protect our personnel in Mexico, the decision to keep those consulates open and the administration’s consideration of a policy to remove the Danger Pay Allowance for diplomats serving in the region.

A stable and economically vibrant Mexico is in the United States’ best interest. We want our neighbors to be able to safely and securely raise and support their families in Mexico. We want our trading partner to be productive and prosperous. And we want to see the drug cartels that plague Mexico crippled.

This administration has done far too little to address a threat that is now spilling across our borders.

Unfortunately, they have been more interested in downplaying the threat while they sell Americans on amnesty than on cracking down on a clear and present threat to our national security. Without consequences to the violence, criminals have become even more brazen — creating exceptionally dangerous conditions for our personnel who live or work in the region.

Last weekend, a U.S. Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) helicopter took gunfire from the Mexico side of the border near Laredo, Texas. I visited the site and spoke with CPB personnel who courageously confront the mounting violence day in and day out. The facts are alarming.

In certain parts of Mexico, cartels routinely intimidate media, elected officials, and law enforcement as well as the witnesses to their heinous crimes. The State Department’s own travel advisories in the region are sobering — warning of kidnappings that increased by 20% in one year, carjackings, homicide, and gun battles. The State Department warns that no highway routes through the border state of Tamaulipas are considered safe. And right across the border from Laredo, the city of Nuevo Laredo no longer even has a police force since the police chief and his brothers were murdered in 2013.
So how did the Obama Administration respond to last weekend’s direct attack on our own law enforcement in this environment? They took it in stride. They threw no new resources into the area. It was as if they were more concerned about the policy optics than about national security.

What should they have done? They should have closed down that corridor after the attack and reassigned an additional 100 agents to stop incursions into that sector. They could do so, if they had the will. They could close consulates in Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros, and Guadalajara where our personnel cannot safely navigate outside a small radius. They didn’t do any of that.

When our people are fired upon, there HAVE to be consequences. When our allies are struggling to contain violence right on our border, we have an obligation to support that effort.

I’ve taken a very tough position rejecting amnesty. I want to lock down the border and remove the rewards and incentives that attract illegal immigration. But when it comes to fighting organized crime that is fueled by our own drug market, runs through our own cities, and threatens our own safety and security, we are obligated to act.

I call upon the Obama Administration to take this threat seriously. Tell the American people the truth. And let’s work together to help Mexico help itself.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Salt Lake COP Resigns - Fired - What Ever

By Ronald W. Mortensen, June 15, 2015

Illegal aliens in Utah, along with the Obama administration and amnesty advocacy groups, are mourning the forced resignation of Utah's pro-amnesty Salt Lake City police chief, Chris Burbank, who abruptly surrendered his gun and badge following his mishandling of a sexual harassment case.

Burbank's resignation comes after former Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, another darling of illegal aliens, pro-amnesty groups, and the Obama administration, was charged with nine felonies, including bribery, illegally accepting gifts, and obstruction of justice.
Burbank put a deputy police chief on paid leave in order to allow him to qualify for his full pension rather than demoting or firing him for what Burbank himself determined to be substantiated claims of sexual harassment by three female officers.

Burbank has frequently been paraded out by the White House and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to make the argument that, in order to gain the cooperation of illegal aliens, law enforcement officers have to give illegal aliens a pass on being illegally in the United States and on virtually all other crimes that they commit.

Burbank is also a favorite of the pro-amnesty crowd. He is a member of the National Immigration Forum's (NIF) Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force and has appeared on multiple panels organized by the NIF to advocate for the non-enforcement of laws when they apply to illegal aliens.

Appearing on an NIF panel in Salt Lake City with then-Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, Burbank openly justified the use of fraudulent documents by illegal aliens and made light of illegal alien-driven felony identity theft. Burbank even laughed out loud when someone in the audience shouted out the address of a store selling illegally obtained Social Security numbers to illegal aliens. Burbank's statements, coupled with Shurtleff's silence sent the message, made clear that those buying, selling, and using fraudulent documents (all felonies) had nothing to fear from law enforcement in Utah. Burbank and Shurtleff also sent the message just as loudly and clearly to the parents of the estimated 80,000 Utah children who have had their Social Security numbers used by illegal aliens that nothing will be done to protect them.

In addition, Burbank was among those praised by the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) for putting his name to an amicus (friend of the court) brief supporting President Obama's executive amnesty on the grounds that blocking it would make it harder for police to do their jobs and negatively impact public safety. During a video conference sponsored by NILC, Burbank described the executive amnesty as a "fantastic first step". His actions were also applauded by America's Voice and the Immigration Policy Center, two other organizations that support total amnesty for illegal aliens.

All this leads one to ask what type of individual supports amnesty for illegal aliens? Is it the type that supports sexual harassers? Or is it the type who is accused of taking bribes, extortion, and sacrificing citizens whom they are sworn to protect in order to get a job with a prestigious law firm?

In the cases of both Burbank and Shurtleff, it appears that they sincerely believe that they have been given the power to determine who the law favors rather than seeing their roles as upholding the rule of law and doing their best to ensure that there is equal justice under law.

Burbank apparently saw nothing wrong with throwing victims of sexual harassment under the bus in order to protect a colleague or in using taxpayer funds to pay the harasser his full salary for doing nothing until his full pension kicked in. In addition, Burbank never had, and still does not have, any problem with turning his back on tens of thousands of innocent Utah children who are victims of identity theft perpetrated by the same criminal illegal aliens that he favors and protects.

Shurtleff reportedly didn't hesitate to throw homeowners under the bus so he could ostensibly get a job with a law firm that would allow him to continue advocating for illegal aliens or to reportedly accept gifts or "ask" people who were under investigation by his office to provide huge campaign contributions to himself and his allies.

Are Burbank and Shurtleff a purely a Utah phenomenon or are they symptomatic of a wider behavior pattern? For example, do those who support illegal aliens have a greater propensity to ignore the rule of law and to take the position that equal justice under law is simply not possible? Do they place certain individuals or groups above others based on personal beliefs and preferences rather than treating all people equally under the law until such time as laws they disagree with are changed? And is this an indication that the United States system of justice is becoming more corrupt and moving closer to the highly corrupt systems that are found in the home countries of illegal aliens?

Friday, June 19, 2015

TPP = Global Governance Superstructure

by Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum June 17, 2015
On Friday, Congress disrupted President Obama’s plan for a sweeping transfer of U.S. sovereignty to an unaccountable group of foreign busybodies. Hurray for the stalwart Americans who resisted the demands of Obama, the Republican leadership, and the big-donor claque, but Speaker Boehner plans to give Congress another chance this week to make this dangerous mistake.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would turn over to globalists the power to issue regulations about U.S. trade, immigration, the environment, labor and commerce. It’s called a “living agreement” which means the globalists can amend and change the text of the so-called agreement after it has gone into effect.
That reminds me of our supremacist judges who invented the term of a “living” Constitution, which they can rewrite to comport with their own updated ideology. The globalists claim that this “living” document (TPP), now called Obamatrade, has all the powers of a treaty to commit the U.S. to new foreign obligations, although it certainly did not comply with any U.S. constitutional provisions for treaty ratification.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has frankly warned about this giveaway of U.S. sovereignty. Not only would Congress give up its powers to negotiate and write the terms of a treaty, but Congress also gives up its power to debate and amend the deal, to apply a cloture vote in the Senate, and to require a two-thirds vote in the Senate.
The secrecy wrapped around TPP is appallingly un-American. Whatever happened to Obama’s promise of “transparency”? TPP was negotiated and agreed to by Obama’s trade representative and a bunch of foreigners in a secret room, and the American people are not allowed to know the details until after it’s a done deal.
TPP puts us in a new political and economic union before a single private citizen is told about it and with public opinion running five to one against it. Remember when Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass Obamacare in order to find out what is in it?
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) warns, “TPP calls for the formation of a permanent political and economic union known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission, which will have power to issue regulations impacting not only trade but immigration, the environment, labor and commerce. He added, Congress “will have surrendered its legislative prerogatives. Before a word, line, paragraph, or page of this plan is made public, Congress will have even agreed to give up its treaty powers.”
Senator Sessions made it even more emphatic, saying that Fast Track “authorizes the President to form a new transnational governance structure…. it confers the power to both compel and restrict changes to U.S. policy, to commit the U.S. to international obligations, and to cede sovereign authority to a foreign body.” This new global body could even add new member countries (such as China).
Senator Sessions continued: “Congress would be pre-clearing a political and economic union before a word of that arrangement has been made available to a single private citizen. This has the earmarks of a nascent European Union,” and Americans certainly don’t want to belong to a European union (that’s why we fought the American Revolution).
Rep. Hunter also warns that the new global governance institution would be “authorized to issue policies and regulations affecting our economy, our manufacturers, our workers, our immigration procedures, as well as current, labor and environmental practices.”
TPP is separating us from the U.S. Constitution and from national sovereignty and replacing both with a global governance superstructure. TPP has wrapped its audacious global governance plan in the mantle called “free trade,” which is a misnomer if there ever was one.
“Free trade” means Americans must obey a bunch of rules written by foreigners (which we can’t veto), but China can ignore those rules. TPP didn’t even touch the subject of currency manipulation against us by Asian countries.
While the American people are denied the right to read TPP, thanks to leaks from WikiLeaks we have learned that Obamatrade includes ten pages to unilaterally alter our current U.S. immigration law. Senator Sessions says TPP will give Obama a backdoor to increase immigration, and the same lobbyists who are pushing for Obamatrade are demanding open borders.

Republicans need a bold program to bring back jobs that have been lost to Asian countries. Michele Bachmann summed up a pro-American verdict on TPP: “I hate it. It would empower the president, cut out congressional influence, and lead to American jobs leaving the U.S.”

Monday, June 15, 2015

Lawlessness Leads to More Lawlessness

By Hon. Elizabeth A. Hacker and Hon. Mahlon F. Hanson On June 1, 2015 frontpagemag.com 
[1]As former immigration judges, we were horrified when President Obama and his DHS appointees “re-prioritized” the mandatory removal provisions of our nation’s immigration laws. In our days in the courtroom, we followed and applied the provisions of the Immigration & Nationality Act every single day. The INA is a deterring statute and it’s been continuously amended to better deter illegal immigration since it was originally enacted in 1952.

Nowhere in the Act did Congress give the President the authority to “re-prioritize” illegal alien and criminal alien-removals. As the results of the 2012 and 2014 “executive actions” show, re-entries and recidivism among convicted criminal aliens (legal and illegal aliens convicted of crimes) has spiked and, as a result, we’re pushing deeper and deeper into immigration anarchy. Unsurprisingly to us, Obama’s lawlessness is leading to ever greater lawlessness.

According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, ICE agents reported encountering 382,000 convicted criminal aliens (legal and illegal aliens convicted of crimes) in FY2013 and FY2014. Of this figure, almost 100,000 were released from ICE custody back into our communities, some before deportation proceedings could even begin. A report [2] from the Congressional Research Service from 2012 found that released criminal aliens generally had a 17% recidivism rate. For people outside upper class areas, especially those in the border states, these aren’t just abstract figures.

Last summer, Border Patrol agent Javier Vega Jr. [3] was murdered while with his wife and kids at “their favorite fishing spot” just outside Brownsville, Texas. His killer had not only been deported numerous times before the murder, but had been involved in an attempted rape in 2007. Grant Ronnebeck [4], a store clerk in Mesa, Arizona, was murdered by a criminal alien with a previous burglary conviction when he refused to count a jar of change the alien had attempted to use to buy cigarettes. The murderer had a burglary related conviction in 2012 which had rendered him deportable. These murders could have easily been prevented had our nation’s immigration laws been properly enforced.

Then there was the 19-year old Serbian-born Mirjana Puhar [5], a former contestant on “America’s Next Top Model,” who was recently shot point-blank along with her boyfriend Jonathan Alvarado and their roommate Jusmar Gonzaga-Garcia while at their home in Charlotte. The killer, also 19, was listed on an FBI database as a member of the notorious Salvadorian MS-13 gang and had been in deportation proceedings in 2012 until he was “re-prioritized” under the President’s DACA program. A 17-year female illegal alien, and also a MS-13 gang member, was recently arrested in Maryland, along with 5 other illegal aliens, for the stabbing and beating-murder of Amos Jones [6], a black homeless man. Considering the girl’s age, it is probably likely she has been released pending trial.

In many of these serious criminal offenses, the alien at the heart of the crime had been previously deported [7]. Thirty-nine percent of all removals in 2013 involved aliens who had previously been removed and half of all removals that year had criminal convictions. A number of them have been convicted of illegal re-entry after deportation, a federal crime. But they still keep coming back because enforcement’s become increasingly lax and the President’s amnesty programs keep expanding. The murderer of Agent Vega had at least two of these convictions. On July 9, 2007 he pled guilty to illegally entering the United States. He was fined $10 and sentenced to 30 days in jail. A few months later he was back in court charged with the same crime. This time he was charged with the same $10 fine, but he was given the stiffer sentence of 45 days in jail. Both of these cases followed his attempted rape of a US citizen woman in June 2007.

Despite what open-borders pushers say, our immigration problem is not how the law’s written; it’s how the law’s enforced. The release of convicted criminal aliens must stop. When we presided over immigration cases involving criminal aliens we knew that our firmness would save American lives, so those with final deportation orders had to be removed immediately. Such vigilance in the courtroom would be in vain today. Sending signals to deported illegal aliens, whom are already lawbreakers, that re-entry will go unpunished and the current waves we see coming over the southern border will turn into a tsunami. It’s not our immigration laws that are “broken”; it’s our leadership that’s “broken.”

The Honorable Elizabeth A. Hacker and the Honorable Mahlon F. Hanson are board members of the Immigration Reform Law Institute. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Catch, Release, Vote - Democrat Strategy

by Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum June 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton has laid out her game plan for winning back the White House for herself and her husband next year. Let’s hope Republicans were paying attention.

She apparently decided it won’t be enough to rely on the 66 million people who voted twice for Barack Obama, many of whom are disillusioned by the failure of “hope and change.” Obama promised an end to wars in the Middle East, a more prosperous economy for the average American, and more harmonious race relations, but all three problems have only gotten worse.

Since Hillary won’t have the youthful exuberance that propelled Obama to his unlikely double victory, she plans to build a whole new electorate out of people who didn’t vote for Obama. That’s the gist of her speech in Houston last week, which her friends at MSNBC called a “far-reaching vision for expanding access to the ballot box.”

Who are the new voters to whom Hillary wants to give “access to the ballot box”? They include felons and non-citizens, along with anyone who can’t prove identity, citizenship, or residence within the voting precinct.

She also plans to harvest millions of new votes by expanding the dangerous practices of same-day registration and early voting, which enable Democrats to badger, berate, bribe, or bamboozle reluctant, low-information voters to the polls. Democratic Party and union workers can identify reluctant voters and harass them until the party worker verifies that they have actually cast their ballot.

In her new book “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter asks a relevant question: “Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters?” Answering her own question, Ann says, “There is simply no reason for Republicans to legalize 30 million people who will vote 8-2 against them.”

While Hillary gave lip service to the notion that “every citizen” should vote, her Democratic allies are in court trying to stop every reasonable means of verifying a voter’s citizenship. That’s no surprise because, according to a recent Rasmussen survey, a majority (53%) of Democrats believe that non-citizens, including even illegal immigrants, should be allowed to vote.

Hillary’s commitment to voting by “every citizen” is belied by her earlier promise to “go even further” than Obama on amnesty for illegal immigrants. By “go even further,” she explained, she would include all 11-plus million (not just Obama’s 5 million) and she would give them full citizenship with voting rights, not just “legal status” with permission to work.

The Census Bureau estimates that 22 million non-citizen adults, both legal and illegal, are living permanently in this country. That’s almost 10 percent of our entire population 18 and over, and more than half of those non-citizens are concentrated in just five states.

Arizona, which is on the front lines of illegal immigration, has been trying to require proof of citizenship as part of voter registration ever since that simple requirement was approved by Arizona’s voters in 2004. The Obama administration refused to add the proof-of-citizenship requirement to the federal form that Arizona must use for motor-voter registrations.

Hillary has assigned her top lawyer to sue Wisconsin to overturn its effective Voter I.D. law, one of the best in the nation. But that’s not all. The New York Times just reported that the left-wing Hungarian billionaire, George Soros, has agreed to pour $5 million into a national effort to protect and expand early voting.

Federal law provides that voting in federal elections take place in even years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, also known as “Election Day.” Just as no member of a jury should vote on guilt or innocence until all the evidence has been presented at a trial, voters should not cast their ballots before political campaigns are over.

The U.S. Constitution requires that the delegates to the Electoral College cast their ballots for President on the same day. Many states also continue to adhere to the tradition of Election Day being on one day in November, not spread out over the ridiculous 35 days that resulted in a political circus in Ohio in 2012.

The integrity of elections is just as important as the universally accepted rules for jury trials, whereby jurors are asked to keep their minds open and withhold judgment until after closing arguments. Spreading out voting over an extended period of a month or more makes it impractical for poll watchers to monitor the voting for fraud.

Isn’t it odd that Democrats are all in favor of busing churchgoers in some neighborhoods to polling booths, but then insist that churches in Republican neighborhoods never try to influence an election?

Monday, June 8, 2015

Concerned U. S. Citizens Need to Act!

Conservative Daily June 6, 2015 Fellow American,

This is getting out of hand. A U.S. Border Patrol helicopter just had to make an emergency landing after it was struck by gunfire. The shots came from the Mexican side of the border.
Even with this news, Barack Obama still promises to do everything he can to make it easier for illegal aliens to come here and stay here.

And if they do happen to be caught committing a crime here, the odds are they will be released from prison before their sentence is up. Last year, the Obama administration released 30,558 convicted illegal alien criminals from prison last year. They claim their hands were tied, but 57% of all these releases were discretionary.

Even worse, 3,700 of these released criminals were classified as “Threat Level 1.” They were the worst of the worst. These people were murderers, rapists, and child molesters. In other words, if anyone deserves to be behind bars, it is them. But the Obama administration simply released them back into society. For all you know, they live down the road from you!

The Obama administration wants you to believe that the border patrol chopper being shot down was just an isolated incident. That simply isn’t true. The caliber of people entering this country is staggeringly low.

Every month, we hear about a new atrocity. Women being raped, children being killed by illegal alien drunk drivers, Americans being murdered in cold blood… Every illegal alien isn’t a murderer, but there are enough of them coming across the border to make this a serious issue.

Here’s the thing: we are catching a lot of them. Law enforcement – when Obama doesn’t tie their hands – has been able to apprehend a lot of these lowlifes. Many of them are convicted and sentenced to prison.

And then they’re released and sent back into your community by our illustrious Commander-in-Chief. 57% of the ones released are set free because the Obama administration wants them to be free. Not because they were forced to release them, but because they wanted to.

These illegals will be caught again after they commit more heinous crimes and then the President will release them… just how he has been over the past 6+ years.

This has to stop. It simply has to. Secure the border now and any illegal alien caught committing a crime needs to be given a one-way ticket back to whatever country they came from!

The people who are shooting down our Border Patrol helicopters aren’t staying on the Mexican side of the border… They’re coming into the United States. It’s time to kick them out and make sure they can’t come back. We have been waiting decades for Congress to seal the border. Enough is enough.

Right now, Congress is in the process of passing a number of government spending bills. This is the best shot to get this done and it is up to you to demand it!

Friday, June 5, 2015

'Adios America' A Must Read For Every American Citizen

5/29/2015 - Brent Bozell Townhall.com

Ann Coulter has another best-selling book coming out, provocatively titled "Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole." One major target of Coutler's barbs is our "objective" media.

Lord knows Coulter understands they deserve the hectoring. News reports are slavishly sensitive to the Latino Left's political correctness. Start with the terminology. The factual term "illegal immigrants" is somehow an extremely mean-spirited description, even though it's 100 percent accurate. They claim to prefer less loaded lingo. Like "Dreamers."

Coulter took exception to a New York Times story from last November reporting that a Mexican-themed restaurant in Fort Collins, Colorado called "Illegal Pete's" was hounded by leftists to change the name, even though it was named for the Anglo business owner's father.

A group calling itself "Race Forward" bizarrely claimed in the Times that "illegal immigrant" is "a tactical term promoted by anti-immigration groups starting in the mid-2000s. The epithet, the group said, is dehumanizing, but quickly moved into the mainstream."

This is preposterous. Coulter reported a quick search of Nexis found 3,000 uses of the term "illegal immigrant" in The New York Times alone before the year 1990. It's like pretending the term "Hispanic" emerged in news accounts in 2005.

Then there's the loaded media polls. A November 2014 NBC-Wall Street Journal poll used this typical lingo: "If a proposed pathway to citizenship allowed foreigners staying illegally in the United States the opportunity to eventually become legal American citizens if they pay a fine, any back taxes, pass a security background check, and take other required steps," would you favor it?

With all those conditions, 74 percent said yes. But Coulter points out that these kind of provisions for back taxes or background checks have been summarily eviscerated by government agencies in past "reform" laws, like the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli bill signed by Ronald Reagan.

Coulter devotes a chapter to the interesting point that The New York Times became noticeably more favorable to illegal immigration after Mexican-telecom billionaire Carlos Slim saved them from bankruptcy in 2008. Quips Ann: "The New York Times is far more compromised by having Carlos Slim as its sugar daddy than any conservative is by the Koch brothers." In case no one's noticed, Slim took a 6.4 percent stake in 2008, and this January, he increased it to 16.8 percent, making him the largest shareholder of The New York Times Company.

Another chapter explores how the immigration status never comes up in news reports when illegal immigrants commit serious crimes. It's titled "Why Do Hispanic Valedictorians Make the News, but Child Rapists Don't?" Ouch. Take the case of "Baby Hope," a 4-year-old girl named Anjelica Castillo found in a cooler after being raped and murdered in 1991. Her murder was solved in 2013 when Conrado Juarez was indicted. Everyone involved in this crime was an illegal immigrant -- the killer, the victim and the family that covered it up.

Coulter noted that the Manhattan District Attorney's office sent out a press release failing to note Juarez was an immigrant of any sort, not to mention illegal. The New York Times, the New York Daily News, Newsday on Long Island, ABC, CBS and CNN all covered the story, but none mentioned the immigration status.

This is why Coulter's thesis is summed up on the book's dust cover: "When it comes to immigration, the journalist's motto is 'The public can't be trusted with the truth.'"