Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Nation Without Borders - Is Not A Nation!

6/28/2018 - Victor Davis Hanson

There are lots of short-term solutions to address the wave of immigrants who have swarmed the border in an effort to enter the U.S. illegally.

Why not use the thousands of currently half-empty residence halls at American colleges and universities to help house families from Central America and Mexico who await adjudication of their asylum claims?

The federal government could contract out to universities such as UCLA, Stanford, Cal-Berkeley and large public universities in Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico to offer migrants temporary summertime shelter and sustenance. Law schools could offer pro bono legal counseling, and medical schools could offer health services.

Such multifaceted help from institutes of higher education would be particularly apt -- and far better than using military bases. The vast housing, recreational and meal-service infrastructures of colleges are often under-utilized in summer. Campuses are also bastions of liberal activism, proud both of their diversity and their expertise in dealing with sensitive matters of acculturation.

What better first glimpse of America could be offered to immigrants than the energy, pastoral beauty and hospitality of a quiet college quad or well-maintained residence hall?

It also makes no sense for college students to venture far and wide for internships when they could be enlisted on campus over the summer to tutor children from Central America and to monitor their safety and treatment.

If progressives believe that sovereignty and border enforcement are passe notions, then they should at least match their rhetoric with concrete solutions. In California, there are ongoing existential crises with homelessness, unaffordable housing and dismal public schools that rate near bottom of national surveys.

How could California square its present circle of being both the most impoverished and affluent of states -- the most callous in fact, the most caring in theory?

Why not cease the current stampede to private academies that has left the public schools of the greater coastal corridor non-diverse and near-apartheid?

The huge Los Angeles Unified School District is now over 70 percent Latino, as whites and Asians have fled the arrival of immigrant children. It's much the same in Silicon Valley, where private prep schools are expanding enrollments to meet the demand from the affluent members of the tech industry.

Yet scholarly studies show that immigration works best when new arrivals are fully ingratiated into diverse schools, neighborhoods and social activities.

The huge, multibillion-dollar market capitalizations of West Coast giants such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook and Yahoo have so far not led to more affordable housing, more diverse top-flight public K-12 schools, or a growing middle class energized by new arrivals from Mexico and Central America.

Instead, despite the rhetoric of inclusion, and televised and tweeted fury at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the progressive left coast is among the most exclusionary of all American communities.

Zoning and environmental laws drive immigrants into enclaves and ghettoes. Gentrification ends up in the eviction of the first-generation immigrant poor from already overpriced rental units.

It is almost as if the louder one rails about unfair border enforcement, the more likely one is to avoid encounters with illegal immigrants. Outrage has become a safe way for elites to signal their virtue, acting out in theory what they are uncomfortable doing in fact.

One of the strangest scenes in impoverished rural Fresno County, where I live, is the epidemic of substandard housing. Almost every small old farmhouse now has trailers and shacks tacked on to them -- all substandard and not meeting codes -- to accommodate recent waves of new immigrants from Mexico and Central America.

Yet the media often showcase the huge gated homes and enclaves of Silicon Valley, Hollywood and the journalistic elite. Surely some of all that unused square footage and those guest houses could be used to offer at least temporary hospitality to those in need.

Actor Peter Fonda could do far better to help immigrants than by tweeting threats to 12-year-old Barron Trump from his most non-diverse ranch in Paradise Valley, Montana. Instead, Fonda might advocate that Hollywood actors live among newly arrived immigrants, associate with them as equals rather than as the help, and promote public schools by ensuring that their own children and grandchildren attend them.

Better yet, why doesn't Fonda invite a few of the immigrant families awaiting word on their legal status to the open spaces of his Montana ranch? Media accounts of his expansive and tasteful digs show an infrastructure that easily could accommodate a few needy immigrant families.

It is easy to invoke the Nazis and the Holocaust to express anger at the temporary detention of children and their families who have entered the U.S. illegally. It would be far more meaningful if marquee journalists, actors, academics and activists knew immigrants not just as a distant abstract cause, or as nannies and landscapers, but as their neighbors, their children's school friends -- and as their social equals.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Everyone! Drink a Potion of Liberty and Freedom Before It's Too Late!

6/25/2018 - Kurt Schlichter
Many of us are predicting that eventually these foam-spitting, psycho liberals are going to embrace violence out of frustration at their inability to recover the power we stripped from them, but we’re already past that point. Just ask Steve Scalise, alive today only because the Bernie bro who tried to massacre a bunch of Republicans, as well as Jeff Flake, did not know how to shoot.

But we Normals do know how to shoot, and that’s significant. Because, as I have grown hoarse from shouting, I see these leftist morons charging headlong down the same slippery slope I was stationed at the bottom of in Kosovo.

The bottom of the slope is really bad, and they should stop their descent. Now.

But there’s no sign of sanity. This week they turned the hate up to “11,” then cranked it to “17.” There are not many places to go once you reach “You are real live Nazis murdering children by not letting aspiring Democrat voters flow into the country at will!” At some point, instead of a few wild-eyed randos with crummy aim trying to off libs’ political/cultural opponents, they are going to start collectively going to go for the throat.

Our collective throat. Which I do not anticipate us Normals responding to in a huggy, loving kind of way.

You can see it coming as they grow more and more unhinged. Peter Fonda, astonishingly still only the second most garbage Fonda, got on Twitter to pedo-threaten Trump’s kid and to call for the public rape and torture of a conservative women, and exactly zero prominent Democrats seemed to complain. I don’t mean one or two. I mean zero.

None. Maybe I missed the liberal outcry in defense of the right of conservative kids and women not to be abused. Or maybe there wasn’t one because no prominent Dem is willing to anger a liberal base that accepts both options if it helps get Trump out of power and them back in.

Well, there was Jake Tapper and though he’d deny being liberal – acceptance is the first step toward recovery, Jake – he is on CNN, so I guess that’s something. But I saw nothing about it from my close personal friend Don Lemon; I suspect he’s too busy preparing to have Stormy Daniels and Tom Arnold get married on his show and then sitting down with the bride and goon after the ceremony to allow them to weigh in on their feelz about Trump’s aluminum tariffs. WHICH ARE THE WORST THING EVER.

As for Peter Fonda, instead of being rejected by Hollywood he’s probably already signed on for a part in the Roseanne-less Roseanne reboot. After all, he did channel Tinseltown titans like Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein. I’d bet you $100 he gets a standing O at the Oscars for his brave resistance to the idea of children not being molested and women not being abused, except I spent that $100 on ammo.

When people tell you they want to hurt you, you should believe them. And we Normals are starting to listen to what liberals say.

There’s really nowhere else for the liberals to go but towards embracing widespread violence. The logic of their twisted mindset is such that Normals are not merely wrong and not merely evil, but that normal Americans and those who represent them are the evilest evildoers in evil history.

This does not leave much room for reasoned debate. In fact, it makes reasoned debate impossible. So, since they’ve taken reasoned debate off the table, there are not a lot of options left for resolving political and cultural differences. There are lies, intimidation, and violence. That’s about it. And the first two have stopped working.

We’re already seeing it play out. The mainstream media quit even pretending to be honest – it’s in full scale fib mode. Look at the Time magazine cover of the little girl whose scumbag mom dragged her across the desert to help her break our laws (apparently without daddy’s permission and not for the first time). That Time cover is a lie, but it’s no surprise. The only surprise is that Time magazine is still a thing.

In fact, the whole manufactured outrage over Democrat-preferred criminals being treated like every other criminal was a lie. And the media not only doesn’t care but actively and consciously supports lying to you to support its liberal allies. But no one cares anymore. They can lie and lie and lie, and do, and we just smile and buy more guns and ammo.

So the leftists attempt to intimidate us into submission, showing up at people’s houses and screaming at them in restaurants. Take that, Sarah! The idea is since the leftists can’t convince Normals with the power of their ideas – because leftists’ ideas inevitably involve Normals ceding more of their rights and money to leftists – the left wants to make submission and obedience the price for being able to participate in the culture. But what’s inevitable is that us newly militant Normals, whose power is political rather than cultural, are going to respond pursuant to the New Rules and demand that leftists bake us a cake.

Just wait until some enterprising legislator passes a “no political discrimination” law and a couple of over-priced, precious restaurants selling small plates of pressed duck confit with mango-pepper chutney get bankrupted because Don, Jr., sues them into oblivion for screaming at him when he stops in for a bite.

That leaves them only violence. We’ve already seen it, and you can sense that it’s only a matter of time before the liberals openly embrace it. They have set the conditions for it. They have dehumanized the opposition, that is, us. Their lesser tactics aren’t working. The lies no longer resonate because we Normals are woke – the polls indicate that most Americans greeted the whole kids in cages fraud with a collective shrug. Criminals separated from their kids? Doesn’t that happen every day? It would sure happen to us if we broke the law, since we aren’t the Democrats’ Great Foreign Hope for a future electorate that is pliable and obedient.

Intimidation isn’t working. It makes the libs quiver with joy, but it just makes us mad. Getting your opponent riled up is a poor strategy, especially at the ballot box. Mad people tend to retaliate. November is coming, and we all fully understand that every middle finger selfie, every vicious tweet, every assault on a conservative diner, is an attack on us.

So, the left will embrace violence. It’s only a matter of time. They have to go there, because there’s nothing else left to try to undo our successful rebellion of 2016. The inertia of their hatred makes it inevitable. If we really are Nazi murderers who butcher children, don’t they kind of have to respond violently? Is violence against us justified? If what they are saying was true, it would be mandatory. Now, we know a lot of big name liberals don’t believe the crap they are spewing, but the base does. Do you think at Democrat gatherings, in fern bars and bus stations, they don’t giggle and whisper about how they hope the next time one of their own attacks a bunch of conservatives he, she, or xe runs up the body count?

Do you hear a single prominent – or not prominent – liberal pleading with his, her, or xer fellow travelers to pull back from the brink? No. They can’t.

The Democrat base won’t tolerate a retreat from extremism. They must push forward, get more extreme, pump up the volume, with each MSNBC chatterclown striving to top the previous doofus’s Hitler hyperbole. These Democrat idiots are going to talk themselves into a Second Civil War and then act surprised when it works out poorly again.

I wish I had some suggestions about how to make this not happen. I’ve pulled the alarm about it here at Townhall and in books highlighting the potential for the country to split apart and descend into chaos. But there is nothing we can do to stop this because we did not start it and we are not driving forward. This is a result of a liberal elite (supported by its Fredocon fellow travelers) enraged that it has been ejected from the positions of power in the government by the mass of Normals their own mismanagement and greed have turned resolutely militant.

Only liberals can choose not to go down the road to widespread, systematic violence. But if they choose poorly, Normals are ready, willing, and able stop them. Last month, Normal Americans bought over two million new guns. They’ve got 400 million already. Normals are sitting on a towering mountain of lead-launching freedom.

But we’d prefer the option the liberals have ignored – a return to a society where disputes are resolved via the processes outlined in the Constitution and the individual rights set forth within it are respected.

Don’t go with violence, progressives. It will end badly.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Family Separation - Purpose of Partisan Political Agenda

6/22/2018 - Jack Kerwick

Unfortunately, Fake News is alive and all too well.

This was witnessed in spades this past week as the Fake News media lied through its fangs about the president on immigration.   

The Fake Newsies, at least 90% of whom are Democratic Party operatives, waxed hysteria over the separation of Hispanic children from their immigrant parents, i.e. those who entered America illegally through the southern border. 

Of course, the blame for all of this was laid at the feet of the president, who was excoriated by his political enemies in Washington D.C. and their apologists and fellow partisans in the Fake News industry for his “zero tolerance” policy. 

By now, any remotely honest observer of the political scene should know that the truth is profoundly otherwise than what fake journalists and commentators would have us think.

First, the “separation of families” for which Trump is being blamed is a feature of a policy that was passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress and signed into law back in 2008 by George W. Bush.  This policy was continued throughout Barack Obama’s two terms.  

In fact, many of the emotionally-charged photos of detention facilities circulated by the Fake News media that were designed to convict Trump of heartlessness were taken while Obama was president. 

This is one crucial respect in which coverage of this issue reveals itself for the Fake News that it is.  Yet it is certainly not the only respect.

Second, that for a decade—the decade that their fellow partisans held control of the levers of power in D.C.—fake journalists didn’t utter a peep about this policy for which they are now blasting Trump proves that they are cooking a controversy for partisan political purposes. 

This isn’t journalism. It is advocacy. It is political.   

It is fake.

Third, the vast majority of those crying over the “separation of families” have spent decades undermining the sanctity of the family at every conceivable turn.  The idea of “traditional family values” is one upon which this crew has set its sights with a vengeance.  They have not only mocked and ridiculed all things religious (and, particularly, Christian), they have aggressively sought to fundamentally transform the entire cultural and legal landscape.

Those who have just now discovered the sanctity of the family—and make no mistakes, when they shed their tears (however fake, like their news, these tears undoubtedly are), they imply their recognition of this spiritual and moral reality—have campaigned inexhaustibly for such family-crippling things as: no-fault divorce; de-stigmatizing both co-habitation outside of marriage and illegitimacy; sexual promiscuity; free contraceptives; the empowerment of the State (Child Protective Services) to remove children from their parents, i.e. to “separate families”; the empowerment of children to divorce their parents; the elevation of homosexuality as something to be celebrated as a viable alternative to heterosexuality; and so-called “same-sex marriage.”

Most importantly, these same people who are now crying over children being separated from their parents have been championing the “right” of mothers to kill the children in their wombs, children who, at that stage in their development, literally have no one to sustain them but their mothers. 

Fourth, as President Trump said three years ago when he announced his bid for the presidency, some of those crossing our southern border are bad people.   Border agents, among the bravest and most patriotic of Americans (and many of whom happen to be Hispanic), have readily attested to the truth of Trump’s statement.  

People who resolve to undermine a nation’s sovereignty by breaking its most fundamental of laws are willing to do virtually anything else to fulfill their desires.  It is understandable that they should want to leave their home countries and come to America so as to provide a better life for themselves and their families. But unless it is morally permissible for one’s personal happiness to be purchased at any and all costs—unless the ends always justify the means—this doesn’t change the fact that such people disrespect America and her citizens when they invade our country. 

The point, here, is that these people have also sent their children—some as young as four years-old—across multiple countries, in some cases, and extremely dangerous terrain just so that they can eventually get here. Parents have given their young daughters contraceptives in the expectation that these girls would be raped by human predators. 

American-born children can and have been separated from their American-born parents for offenses that pale in comparison to such egregious abuses. 

And it isn’t just parents who have weaponized children in this way.  Many of the “parents” and other adult “relatives” aren’t related to these kids at all.  The US government is trying to protect these children by making sure that they aren’t released into the custody of negligent, abusive, criminal adults.  

Finally, during a conversation with Democrats and some Republicans over immigration policy some time ago, Trump was said to have referred to some Third World countries from which his opponents wanted to encourage more immigration from as “shitholes.” For this, the Fake Newsies (but few others) took him to task. 

At the same time, most of these left-wing Democrats in the Fake News media and elsewhere are tirelessly complaining about the “white privilege,” “institutional racism,” and “white supremacy” of America, or, as those on the left have not so affectionately referred to it, “AmeriKKKa.” 

This latest episode in the Fake News media’s efforts to destroy Trump would have caused more thoughtful, or more honest, people to suffer a massive dose of cognitive dissonance: On the one hand, there has been occurring for many years a mass exodus of millions of non-white people from their home countries from all over the world.  On the other hand, these same people are risking their own lives, yes, but the lives of their children to flee to…a “white supremacist” country.

The “fascists” of AmeriKKKa are intent upon building a wall, true, but to prevent people from, not leaving, but entering, specifically, entering illegally. 

A historically white country which remains majority-white and which the American-born left continually derides as “racist” is, in reality, the salvation of the world’s non-white peoples. This, at any rate, can only be the view held by those who are willing to do anything and everything to get to America.

But don’t expect for the Fake News media to say so.     

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Illegal Immigration - An Ideology of Western Suicide

6/19/2018 - Pat Buchanan

"It is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart," says former first lady Laura Bush of the Trump administration policy of "zero tolerance," under which the children of illegal migrants are being detained apart from their parents.

"Disgraceful," adds Dr. Franklin Graham.

"We need to be ... a country that governs with a heart," says first lady Melania Trump. "No one likes this policy," says White House aide Kellyanne Conway, even "the president wants this to end."

And so it shall -- given the universal denunciations and photos of sobbing children being pulled from parents. Yet striking down the policy will leave America's immigration crisis still unresolved.

Consider. Since 2016, some 110,000 children have entered the U.S. illegally and been released, along with 200,000 Central American families caught sneaking across the border.

Reflecting its frustration, the White House press office declared:

"We can't deport them, we can't separate them, we can't detain them, we can't prosecute them. What (the Democrats) want is a radical open-border policy that lets everyone out into the interior of this country with virtually no documentation whatsoever."

Where many Americans see illegal intruders, Democrats see future voters.

And with 11,000 kids of illegal immigrants in custody and 250 more arriving every day, we could have 30,000 in custody by summer's end.

The existential question, however, thus remains: How does the West, America included, stop the flood tide of migrants before it alters forever the political and demographic character of our nations and our civilization?

The U.S. Hispanic population, already estimated at nearly 60 million, is predicted to exceed 100 million by 2050, just 32 years away.

And Europe's southern border is more imperiled than ours.

A week ago, the new populist regime in Rome refused to allow a boat full of migrants from Libya to land in Sicily. Malta also turned them away. After a voyage of almost a week and 1,000 miles, 630 migrants were landed in Valencia, Spain.

Why did Italy reject them? Under EU law, migrants apply for asylum in the country where they first enter Europe. This burdens Italy and Greece where the asylum-seekers have been arriving for years.

Of the landing in Spain, Italy's interior minister Matteo Salvini, a leader of the populist League party, chortled:

"I thank the Spanish government. I hope they take in the other 66,629 refugees (inside Italy). We will not be offended if the French follow the Spanish, the Portuguese and Maltese, we will be the happiest people on earth."

If the migrants boats of the Med are redirected to Spanish ports, one suspects that the Spanish people will soon become as unwelcoming as many other peoples in Europe.

And Trump is not backing down. Monday he tweeted:

"The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!"

Whatever European leaders may think of him, many Europeans are moving in Trump's direction, toward more restrictions on immigration.

In Germany, a political crisis is percolating. The Bavarian-based CSU, longtime coalition partner of Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU, is now talking divorce if Merkel does not toughen German policy.

Merkel has never fully recovered from the nationalist backlash against the million migrants she allowed in from Syria's civil war. A New Year's Eve rampage in Cologne, featuring wilding attacks on German girls by Arabs and Muslims, cost her dearly.

Among the reasons Bavarians are pulling away from Berlin is that, being in the south of Germany, Bavaria is a primary point of entry.

Virtually every one of the populist parties of Europe, especially of the right, have arisen to contest or to seize power by riding the issue of mass migration from Africa and the Middle East.

Yet the progressives adamantly refuse to act, apparently paralyzed by a belief that restricting the free movement of peoples from foreign lands violates one of the great commandments of liberal democracy.

We are truly dealing here with an ideology of Western suicide.

If Europe does not act, its future is predictable.

The population of Africa, right across the Med, is anticipated to climb to 2.5 billion by midcentury. And by 2100, Africa will be home half of all the people of the planet.

If but a tiny fraction of the African and Middle Eastern population decides to cross the Mediterranean to occupy the emptying towns and villages of an aging and dying continent, who and what will stop them?

Trump may be on the wrong side politically and emotionally of this issue of separating migrant kids from their parents.

But on the mega-issue -- the Third World invasion of the West -- he is riding the great wave of the future, if the West is to have a future.

Monday, June 18, 2018

A Progressive Tactic - Blame Opposition For Your Actions

6/18/2018 - Arthur Schaper

I regret to inform you, the mainstream media is at it again.

The liberal press is hammering the Trump Administration because executive departments, at the behest of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, are separating parents and children when apprehended crossing the border illegally. The headlines give the whole gamut:

President Trump and his allies have pushed back against the unjust uproar over this policy. The simple refrain is “It’s the law.” Yes, the administration is correct. It’s codified in federal immigration statutes that individuals are not allowed to break into the United States. 

It’s common for adults on trial to be separated from their children during court proceedings, too.

The idea that law-breaking parents are never separated from their kids flies in the face of reality. When Americans commit crimes in the United States, they are arrested, tried, and if found guilty, convicted. If they are parents, they are separated from their kids due into incarceration. During the trial process, if they cannot afford bail or are not given the option, then they are separated from their kids as well. In more severe cases, they lose custody of their children even after they completed their sentence.

But still, the press jumped all over Sessions for quoting the Bible to enforce the nation’s laws. They write that AG Sessions was using Scripture to justify specifically the separation of migrant children from their law-breaking parents. Here’s the verse: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” (Romans 13:1) Sessions’ broader argument focused on full and equal application of the law. 

Of course, there’s no verse that states “separate children from their parents.” But then again, there are no verses which teach that countries have to open their border to anybody who comes knocking. Most Liberals would not realize that though. They only resort to Scriptural arguments to try and shame conservatives for having points of view which they disagree with, not because they believe it is the word of God. 

What is truly maddening, however, is that even some conservative pundits along with the liberals are condemning these actions. Consider AG Sessions’ interview with Hugh Hewitt, in which the SoCal conservative asked Sessions to imagine what it would be like if his grandchildren were separated from him. Sessions is a citizen and he hasn’t placed any member of his in danger or lawless inconvenience. Sessions beat down these unfounded claims of compassion, reminding Hewitt that the United States has a right to secure borders, and that the citizens have a right to full enforcement of the law. Simply put, a country without a border is not a country. Thus, with no United States then all of us would be lost.

President Trump has rebuffed the media’s faux outrage by blaming the Democrats for the “family separation” legislation. Once again, “It’s the law”, but leaders in Washington and across the country are still not reverting the blame back to where it belongs: the illegal alien parents.

And yet another part of this debate is missing. The chattering classes wail about the separation of illegal families, but what about the American parents who have been separated from their families and can never reunite with them? 

Kate Steinle’s parents will never have their daughter back. Nor will Don Rosenberg ever see his son Drew. What about Angie Morfin, Sabine Durden, or Mary Ann Mendoza? The closest thing to reunification for grieving parents like Agnes Gibboney? A visit to her son’s grave (see picture above) in Glendora, CA. Ronald De Silva was murdered by an illegal alien gang-banger who had been previously deported.These and many other American parents have lost their children—forever—because of illegal alien crimes.

But no, instead of those dead children, the left-wing lamestream media spends its time lying that illegal alien minors are pining away in cages. The truth is that they are receiving adequate food, shelter, clothing, and an education. The parents face prosecution for illegal entry but the children receive basic care, probably better than what they had received in their home countries. Which begs the question - American taxpayers are footing the bills for these kids but shouldn’t underprivileged American children access these resources, not foreign nationals?

The media’s contrived angst over the separation of families is purely for political purposes. Represent the facts, respect the law, and if the press is so worried about separated families, then they should tell illegal aliens to stop breaking into the United States." 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Merit the Answer -- Diversity the Problem

6/13/2018 - Walter E. Williams

In conversations with most college officials, many CEOs, many politicians and race hustlers, it's not long before the magical words "diversity" and "inclusiveness" drop from their lips. Racial minorities are the intended targets of this sociological largesse, but women are included, as well. This obsession with diversity and inclusion is in the process of leading the nation to decline in a number of areas. We're told how it's doing so in science, in an article by Heather Mac Donald, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, titled "How Identity Politics Is Harming the Sciences".

Mac Donald says that identity politics has already taken over the humanities and social sciences on American campuses. Waiting in the wings for a similar takeover are the STEM fields -- science, technology, engineering and math. In the eyes of the diversity and inclusiveness czars, the STEM fields don't have a pleasing mixture of blacks, Hispanics and women. The effort to get this "pleasing mix" is doing great damage to how science is taught and evaluated, threatening innovation and American competitiveness.

Universities and other institutions have started watering down standards and requirements in order to attract more minorities and women. Some of the arguments for doing so border on insanity. A math education professor at the University of Illinois wrote that "mathematics itself operates as Whiteness." She says that the ability to solve algebra and geometry problems perpetuates "unearned privilege" among whites. A professor at Purdue University's School of Engineering Education published an article in a peer-reviewed journal positing that academic rigor is a "dirty deed" that upholds "white male heterosexual privilege," adding that "scientific knowledge itself is gendered, raced, and colonizing."

The National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health are two federal agencies that fund university research and support postdoctoral education for physicians. Both agencies are consumed by diversity and inclusion ideology. The NSF and NIH can yank a grant when it comes up for renewal if the college has not supported a sufficient number of "underrepresented minorities." Mac Donald quotes a UCLA scientist who reports: "All across the country the big question now in STEM is: how can we promote more women and minorities by 'changing' (i.e., lowering) the requirements we had previously set for graduate level study?" Mac Donald observes, "Mathematical problem-solving is being deemphasized in favor of more qualitative group projects; the pace of undergraduate physics education is being slowed down so that no one gets left behind."

Focusing on mathematical problem-solving and academic rigor, at least for black students at the college level, is a day late and a dollar short. The 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress, aka The Nation's Report Card, reported that only 17 percent of black students tested proficient or better in reading, and just 7 percent reached at least a proficient level in math. In some predominantly black high schools, not a single black student scored proficient in math. The academic and federal STEM busybodies ought to focus on the academic destruction of black youngsters between kindergarten and 12th grade and the conferring of fraudulent high school diplomas. Black people should not allow themselves to be used at the college level to help white liberals feel better about themselves and keep their federal grant money.

Mac Donald answers the question of whether scientific progress depends on diversity. She says: "Somehow, NSF-backed scientists managed to rack up more than 200 Nobel Prizes before the agency realized that scientific progress depends on 'diversity.' Those 'un-diverse' scientists discovered the fundamental particles of matter and unlocked the genetics of viruses." She might have added that there wasn't even diversity among those white Nobel laureates. Jews constitute no more than 3 percent of the U.S. population but are 35 percent of American Nobel Prize winners. One wonders what diversity and inclusion czars might propose to promote ethnic diversity among Nobel Prize winners.

Monday, June 11, 2018

GOP Had Better Wise Up!

6/11/2018 - Kurt Schlichter

The Congressional GOP, in its finite wisdom, has taken a look at the Democrats blowing their Blue Wave and decided that the smart play to exploit their unexpected (and undeserved) improving prospects by embracing the exact opposite of what the militant Normals sent them to Washington to do because…because they are establishment Republicans and stupid is what they do.

These geniuses have considered all the possible ways to use the limited legislative time available to implement a conservative agenda and decided that the big legislative priority during the ramp-up to the midterms must be handing citizenship to a bunch of future Democrats who shouldn’t even be here in the first place – and all over the thunderous objections of GOP voters. Paul Ryan’s eager to bring it up again because he’s super savvy in some alternate universe, and if he won’t, the Squish Squad wants to force a vote on comprehensive immigration capitulation via a discharge petition they would sign in collaboration with the Democrats.

Well, discharge this, jerks.

Apparently, we’ve been unclear about where we GOP voters stand on this issue, so let me clarify it for you members of the Congressional Nitwit Caucus.

No freaking amnesty.

No amnesty.


No “comprehensive reforms.”

No compromises.

No amnesty.

But the aspiring valedictorians of DACA…

No! Deport them!

But the children!

No! Deport them!

But Jesus says…

No! Deport them! And stop trying to Jesusplain immigration at us!

But our rich RINO donors want a never-ending stream of cheap labor that is terrified to speak up and is therefore pliable, unlike you uppity citizens who they would actually have to pay a decent wage…

No! Deport them!

What is this fascination with allowing foreigners who have disrespected our laws to jump the line ahead of the aspiring Americans who played by the rules? Why are the GOP Fredocons so set on ignoring their own voters’ repeated howls of protest? We know why the Democrats do it – Normal Americans have grown angry (some might say militant) and refuse to obey their liberal betters, and therefore they must be replaced by an imported electorate that knows its place.

But the Republicans? What’s their excuse? Why are Congressional Republicans so much more effective at implementing the liberal agenda than the Democrats are? Why do they insist on risking electoral suicide time and time again by trying to jam amnesty down our throats after we keep telling them to jam it elsewhere?

We get why the Chamber of Commerce types want amnesty. They love the idea of a serf class whom they can pay pennies and then let us make up the difference through the social spending we have to shell out because these robber barons won’t pay their coolies’ full freight. Five years ago, illegals cost us taxpayers over $134 billion with a “B,” all so the Paul Ryan Party can please its corporate masters, and so Chuck Schumer’s crew can get some more votes and its elite members can get some cheap housekeepers. Basically, Republicans want you to dish out more dough in taxes so check-writing fatcats can get docile laborers and so a liberal couple in Santa Monica can pay meager wages to that nice Guatemalan lady who is raising Kaden and have their lifestyle subsidized by you.

How do you say “hard pass” in Spanish?

Let’s not even mention the crimes the Normals endure and the elite avoid living behind the guardhouses of their gated communities, from fender benders by uninsured illegals to MS-13 mass murders. At the end of the day, the people pushing illegal immigration cash in on votes or, well, cash, and we get handed the check.

How about no?

How about we enforce our laws?

How about we normal Americans demand that we get a say in who comes here and who doesn’t?

And how about the Republicans stop trying, again and again and again, to undermine and undercut the will of the party’s base?

No amnesty.


Don’t like it? Go home.

This is our country and this is our choice. You’ve proposed radically changing our nation by allowing massive, uncontrolled immigration, legal and illegal. And we’ve said “Hell no.”

Do what your voters tell you, Republicans. Stop trying to make amnesty happen. It’s not going to happen.

Now, maybe in Washington you think a bunch of illegal aliens worried about being deported is an emergency. Out here in America, we don’t. We think it’s a good start.

Yes, the president has talked about letting the DACA people stay, but as part of a deal that makes real changes to this broken system. Whether that deal would be worth it is arguable, but at least the president is demanding real enforcement. But Team Amnesty can’t even do that – they imagine that somehow we’re going to go for another round of “Okay, we’ll let a bunch of future Democrats become citizens even though they committed a crime coming here, and then later someday maybe possibly we might think about perhaps studying the contingency of sort of keeping the promise we made to stop illegal immigration the last time we amnesty-conned you.

I have a better idea. Ready?

Get the GOP base excited and happy going into the midterms by not doing the precise opposite of what we sent you to Washington to do.


Kooky, right?

No. Sane. We can’t blow the midterms by alienating our own people on behalf of aliens. Only a bunch of morons could think that’s a smart play.

Oh. Wait. Let me introduce the Republican Party.

No amnesty. We’re serious, folks. In fact, we’re positively militant.

Don’t push us. You won’t like how it ends in November.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

California - A Little Picture of Hell

6/5/2018 - Arthur Schaper

The state of California has descended into a modern-day version of Dante’s Inferno, where treachery of all kinds occupies the bottom circle. Public sector unions are running (or rather ruining) the state into bankruptcy, betraying the public trust while charging the taxpayers for the perverse privilege. Republicans collude with the supermajority of Democrats to raise taxes, fees, and unrelenting regulatory burdens.

The public schools indoctrinate their young charges to hate this country and the rule of law. Illegal aliens continue overwhelming the state, draining California’s already depleted public services while endangering our lives, the rule of law, and public safety for all citizens. The federal government has filed lawsuits against Sanctuary California, and ICE is rounding up illegals in their homes and in workplaces. However, demonic pro-illegal forces still parade in the streets and cross our borders, defying American sovereignty. Larger cities have more homeless than homes for citizens.

The natural disasters are hitting crisis level, too. The Bible depicts torturous flames with respite in hell without respite, (Luke 16: 24). So too parched conditions have engulfed California. Wildfires have become a year-round terror, yet the state’s leadership refuses to prepare emergency water storage. This past week, two hundred firefighters had to quell another massive conflagration in south Orange County, and summer hasn’t even begun yet. To make matters drier, Gov. Brown signed legislation to make the current drastic water rationing permanent!

Even wealthy coastal elites have found that the cost of living in California is slowly exceeding its value. Money can’t create water, and financial gain provided nothing for West Los Angeles socialites when a few homeless transients set a blaze along the 405 Freeway overpass along the Santa Monica mountains.

All of this is a testimony to the damage wrought by progressive policies which have transformed California into a picture of hell. That’s precisely what Evangelical preacher Franklin Graham called California … or at least that’s what he called the sanctuary cities. During an interview on the Todd Starnes Show, Graham commented:

"People are leaving the state. The tax base is eroding. They are turning their once beautiful cities into sanctuary cities, which are just a little picture of Hell," Graham said. "Just go to San Francisco and go to this once-beautiful city and see what has happened to it."

But why did the son of the renowned Reverend Billy Graham take time to comment on the harrowing horrors of California? For his latest Gospel Crusade, he visited ten cities in the once-Golden State. Starting on May 20 in Escondido (one of several cities to challenge SB 54, aka the Sanctuary State law over the past three month), Graham is bringing the message of the Good News to the dispirited wasteland along the Left Coast. 

Returning to Pastor Graham’s signature statement from the Starnes interview, finally a pastor of stature and renown is condemning sanctuary city policies, and a welcome response from the all-too-quiet church leadership in California and across the country. Pastors should be the first to denounce this misnamed, misleading agenda. The concept of sanctuary comes from the Bible, better known as “cities of refuge” (cf. Numbers 35:11-28), locations reserved for those who had accidentally killed someone. To avoid retribution, they would flee to those cities.

In California, sanctuary policies bar local and state law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration officials to arrest and deport illegal aliens. These cities are not safeguarding otherwise innocent people, but are protecting criminals who have broken into the United States and reside illegally to this day. Pundits left and right contend that these policies actually protect otherwise law-abiding residents to seek help and report crimes. Nothing could be further from the truth.

However, is it fair to tie the long list of hellish outcomes from these left-wing enclaves to their refusal to enforce federal immigration laws?


What has happened to sanctuary city San Francisco, for example? The progressivism that made God nothing and man’s “ideas” everything created the s***-hole dystopia that resides there today. It’s an overpriced progressive utopia, to put it charitably. For the vast-majority of residents, even for those who can afford it, a salary of $100,000 a year barely pays the rent. Roommates doubling up is the norm, especially among the Big Tech interns who take the bus to Silicon Valley to work all day on the latest app for the Google, Facebook, EBay overlords. 

For the price they pay to live in the city, San Franciscans aren’t getting their money’s worth. Intravenous drug needles litter the streets everywhere. Homelessness is more common than homeownership. “S***hole” better describes the streets of the city, where the feces piles have so overwhelmed the streets, that visitors receive maps on how best to navigate away from the crap and corruption. Street fights among transients and the mentally ill have exploded, rampant moral decline has overshadowed the once great city. Tourists find enough to see, then flee.

Freedom of speech and freedom of religion have lost their place, even though Graham’s latest crusades have succeeded in otherwise unfriendly territory, like Berkeley. Last year, the Patriot Prayer movement, headed by Joey Gibson, attempted to throw two rallies for freedom of speech and thought. The elected officials of San Francisco (including Nancy Pelosi) and the now-deceased mayor Ed Lee, smeared the peaceful program as a “White supremacy rally.” Gibson is half Japanese, by the way. 

Where Gibson had tried and failed, Graham’s message of hope accomplished peaceful gatherings with a call to action to California’s Christians. And I say it’s about time. There have been flickers of hope in spite of the deranged left-wing agenda ravaging my home state. Californians in general, and Christians in particular, need to step up. They are called to be light in a dark, hellish world, but nothing good will happen if they don’t vote for their values, then educate the public how to fight against the devilish lawlessness foisted upon us by our political leaders and the cultural elites running—or rather ruining—the state.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

'SAFA' - is the Answer! NOT the Discharge Petition

6/4/2018 - Lauretta Brown

Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) spoke with Townhall Monday about the immigration battle brewing in Congress as Democrats fight for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and Republicans try to beef up border security and prevent an amnesty deal.

Brat is in favor of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte’s (R-VA) “Securing America's Future Act” which he believes will fix the broken immigration system rather than temporarily address the problems with DACA, only to have them recur. He said legislation to be proposed under a discharge petition to get around leadership, will provide “huge amnesty (for) up to ten billion people for ten years.”

Brat explained that 25 Republicans are working with 200 Democrats and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) to force the leadership’s hand through this discharge petition. He added that “the worst problem with that scenario is you’ll get the exact problem again in three to five years because if you just trade a border wall for huge amnesty you haven’t solved the immigration problem.”

Thus far, the discharge petition has 213 names, it needs 218.

“Hopefully we don’t do some last-minute, knee-jerk political moves where we end up replicating the same problem we have right now by passing another bill that sends a signal to the rest of the world that hey, once you make it in you’re okay,” Brat emphasized.

He is also hopeful that GOP leadership will bring Goodlatte’s bill to the House floor for a vote, which he believes will kill the discharge petition.

Brat explained that Goodlatte’s bill fixes what the amnesty proposals only defer.

“The Goodlatte bill does border security including the wall and hiring the folks we need out on the border but it also does e-verify which is a huge piece which means that you only can hire legal workers,” he said.

 Brat pointed out that “President Obama in ’05 was in favor of that provision.”

He added that the bill moves toward a merit-based immigration system “where you hire folks that can fulfill our US labor market need and it also deals with chain migration which, under current law, folks can come in, invite their entire extended family.”

Chain migration was a deal breaker for Republicans in Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) January offer of up to $25 billion for the border wall and border security in exchange for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.

President Trump signaled support for the Goodlatte bill in January.

Brat voiced some frustration with Democrats' unwillingness to compromise on the issue as well as the media’s coverage.

“It is very curious that the press never asks the Democrats what their compromise is but the Democrats want an all-out amnesty bill but they don’t want any wall, they don’t want any border security, they don’t want anything,” he said “and so where’s the press asking the Democrats: come on, you guys the Goodlatte bill they gave you 700,000 DACA what’s the problem that’s what you wanted and then they gave it to you.”

He added that the Democrats’ resistance movement “is called resistance for a reason they don’t want to vote yes on any bill coming from Republicans or the White House.”

“When you don’t have one Democrat voting for tax cuts, not one Democrat, that’s a problem,” he emphasized.

Friday, June 1, 2018

There Is A Reckoning on the Horizon

May 31, 2018 Victor Davis Hanson ·

After a landslide loss in the 1972 presidential election, the Democratic Party was resuscitated the following year by the Watergate scandal. The destruction of the Nixon presidency powered the Democrats to make huge political gains in the 1974 elections.

Watergate also birthed (or perhaps rebirthed) modern investigative journalism. A young generation of maverick reporters supposedly alone had challenged the establishment in order to uncover the whole truth about abuses of power by the Nixon administration.

Liberalism rode high during the Watergate era. It had demanded that civil liberties be protected from the illegal or unconstitutional overreach of the Nixon-era FBI, CIA and other agencies. Liberals alleged that out-of-control officials had spied on U.S. citizens for political purposes and then tried to mask their wrongdoing under the cover of “national security” or institutional “professionalism.”

All those legacies are now eroding. The Democratic Party, the investigative media and liberalism itself are now weirdly on the side of the reactionary administrative state. They have either downplayed or excused Watergate-like abuses of power by the former Barack Obama administration.

Liberal journalists apparently have few concerns that the FBI apparently used at least one secret informant to gather information about the 2016 Trump campaign. Nor are they much bothered that members of the Obama national security team unmasked the names of U.S. citizens who had been improperly surveilled. Many of those names then were illegally leaked to the press.

Democrats seem indifferent to the fact that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign paid a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, to compile dirt on Republican candidate Donald Trump — largely by trafficking in unverified rumors from Russian interests. Obama administration officials leaked details from that dossier.

Civil libertarians appear unconcerned that the Department of Justice sought to deceive the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, getting it to grant warrants to allow the surveillance of U.S. citizens based on the suspect and politically motivated Steele dossier.

Few are upset that former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have lied under oath to Congress on matters pertaining to surveillance. Rather than being investigated by the media, both are now making frequent media appearances.

The FBI cannot remain credible when its former director, James Comey, leaks confidential memos about meetings with the president to the media — with the expressed intent of leveraging the appointment of a special counsel, Robert Mueller, who turned out to be a longtime friend of Comey’s.

Why have the former guardians of civil liberties flipped in the near half-century since Watergate?

One, both the media and the liberal establishment believed that the outsider Trump represented an existential danger to themselves and the nation at large — similar to the way operatives in the Nixon administration had felt about far-left presidential challenger George McGovern in 1972.

But this time around, liberals were not out of power as they were in 1972. Instead, they were the establishment. They held the reins of federal power under the Obama administration. And they chose to exercise it in a fashion similar to how Nixon’s team had in 1972.

Second, pollsters and the media were convinced that Hillary Clinton would be elected. As a result, members of the FBI, CIA and other federal bureaucracies apparently assumed that any extralegal efforts to stop the common menace Trump would be appreciated rather than punished by a soon-to-be President Clinton.

Three, those in the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign and the media formed an echo chamber. All convinced themselves that any means necessary to achieve the noble ends of precluding a Trump presidency were justified.

The danger of such groupthink continues; even now they are unaware of the impending bomb that is about to go off.

Public opinion has radically changed. A majority of Americans believe the Meuller investigation is politically motivated, according to a CBS News poll.

The inspector general’s report on the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email scandal is soon due. It will likely detail violations of ethics and laws among Obama administration officials and may include criminal referrals.

Already, a few liberals and former Clinton supporters are warning the Left that it is on the wrong side of history and about to reverse the entire post-Watergate liberal tradition.

There is a reckoning on the horizon. It has nothing to do with Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Instead, the traditional, self-appointed watchdogs of government overreach have turned into the carnivores of civil liberties.