Friday, December 27, 2013

Consequences of Not Enforcing Immigration Laws

December 26, 2013 By Brandy Baron  

OCALA, Fla., December 26, 2013 — Illegal immigration will be a top political issue in 2014.
With midterm elections around the corner and an enraged pro-amnesty base firmly out of the shadows, unlawful immigration will dominate Republican Party politics as well.

The political discussion rarely hits the heart of the matter, focusing instead on the politics of race. Opposition to amnesty for illegal aliens often perceived as anti-Hispanic bigotry.

“This ‘perception’ is false and pernicious,” says Dr. Stephen Steinlight of the Center for Immigration Studies. “No solid data or body of empirical evidence suggest let alone prove bigotry motivates the great majority that opposes amnesty. It is a smear disseminated by amnesty advocates to advance their cause.

“‘Immigrant advocates’ lack compelling arguments to support their position. By labeling opponents ‘bigots,’ they rationalize refusal to debate them and camouflage fear of responding to opponents’ ideas with a fraudulent moral justification. ‘One Nation, After All,’ an exhaustive study of American attitudes towards Third-Rail issues by Alan Wolfe, finds no evidence that bigotry plays a role in opposition to Hispanic immigration. Americans oppose illegal immigration, not immigrant ethnicity.”

Indeed, standing against amnesty for illegal aliens means ensuring a bright national future.

“For NPG, immigration is strictly about the numbers,” Craig Lewis, the executive director of Negative Population Growth, explains. “It is not a leading contributor — it is THE leading contributor to our nation’s population growth. Studies have shown that immigration — legal, illegal, and the children born to immigrants — is responsible for 80 percent of U.S. population growth.

“America has an estimated population of over 11 million undocumented immigrants, with some estimates ranging to nearly 20 million. Each year, we permit over one million legal immigrants to arrive. The average immigrant family (regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, religion, or nation of origin) has more children than the average American-born citizen, and the children of those immigrants also tend to have larger families.

“The fact is simple: The United States must slow, halt, and eventually reverse our population growth to preserve an enjoyable quality of life for future generations. To do so, we must reduce our immigration levels.”
There is more to illegal immigration than this, however.

“First, everyone thinks they understand the immigration system because they’re descended from immigrants or know immigrants, or are immigrants themselves, just as everyone thinks they understand the tax system because they’ve been paying and reporting their taxes for years,” says Jan C. Ting, a Temple University professor who served in the George H.W. Bush Administration. “But they don’t. Both systems are immensely more complicated than ordinary citizens believe or understand.

“We have to choose between either enforcing a numerical limit on the number of immigrants we allow every year or, alternatively, having no limit on immigration as was the case in the first century of the republic. It’s a binary choice. There is no third way, such as pretending we have limits, but then not enforcing those limits and instead amnestying violators of the limits whenever they attain a large number.

“I respect proponents of unlimited immigration, which is an intellectually coherent position to take. I do not respect proponents of a ‘third way,’ because keeping limits on the books, but not enforcing them, is intellectually incoherent and expensive beyond our means.

“I personally believe that a democratic society is morally entitled to set and enforce a limit on the number of new immigrants admitted each year. I believe we are threatened with overpopulation that endangers the economic and environmental future of the Americans already here. We already have many millions of Americans looking for work who can’t find any. We face a future of advancing technology and robotics that will reduce the number of needed workers.”

Monday, December 23, 2013

An Education Jewel

By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
 (Part 5 of 5)

Wealthy corporate globalists, such as the Rockefellers, are working in concert with many in positions of power in our courts, military, and government who are members of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and attend the Bilderberg conferences.  Their overarching desire is to create world political dominion controlled by corporate monopolies.  Their goals are rooted in the ideologies of socialism, Communism, and Marxism.  Collectively they working diligently and secretly, to create a FASCIST One World Order.  
The globalist seek to increasingly transform our system of governance so that "we are moving from the system of representative government set forth in the U.S. Constitution to a system of collaborative policymaking by professional bureaucrats and business leaders
For YEARS the CFR has been calling for the erasure of our borders.  Dr. Pastor, a CFR task force Vice-Chair, has been trumpeting the concept, just about everywhere it mattered, working hard to achieve the CFR's stated goals.  All the while 'We the People' were 'left out of the loop' until Lou Dobbs exposed the CFR's plans to eliminate our borders by 2010. 
That would explain the administration's  DELIBERATE un-enforcement of our immigration laws and DHS' insane policies such as 'catch and release' and others that were used to keep the borders open.   Such actions or rather non-actions and inexplicable policies were purposefully employed to create a de facto  elimination of our borders . . . a major prerequisite for the North American Union
The CFR and hundreds of its members have infiltrated our government at all levels . . . the legislative, the executive, the courts, and the military.  They are the driving force and facilitators behind the CFR's publicly stated position that says the following:   "An annual summit of North American leaders would do more to carry out our [CFR's] overall goal of creating a North American Community than virtually any of the report’s other recommendations.  As we have seen with the annual Group of Seven/Eight (G-7/8) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summits, regular meetings of leaders not only help promote a sense of community and shared objectives, but channel the various bureaucracies each year to work on those common objectives." 
"Whether on matters of security, education, or economic integration and development, annual summits will drive a process that will hasten the goals that we outline in our report.  More to the point, an annual summit can be announced and implemented right away, giving tangible impetus to the good beginning made at the March 2005 summit and to the goals we promote here."   Get the picture?
The CFR had reason to rejoice because:  "At their meeting in Waco, Texas, at the end of March 2005, U.S. President George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin committed their governments to a path of cooperation and joint action. We welcome this important development and offer this report to add urgency and specific recommendations to strengthen their efforts."  
Although there are those who would deny there is ANY connection between the CFR and the creation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership as a vehicle for creating the North American Union, they are simply in severe denial, dupes or part of the cabal that is working to cover up the truth. 
YOU . . . The Individual American Must Stand Up and Be Counted . . .
America is the only country in the world that can thwart the global fascists' drive to conquer mankind and achieve their plutocratic goal of world dominion by a select few.   

Friday, December 20, 2013

An Education Jewel

By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
Part 4 of 5)

Why ARE Our Borders STILL Wide Open, Our Laws Unenforced and Massive Amnesty Proffered . . .
Why does our government tyrannically trample on the rights of American citizens with impunity while it permits, and tacitly condones the racist, reconquista rabble in our streets and on our campuses by allowing them to flood across our borders and remain here unmolested?  Could it be they WANT them here to foment their anti-Americanism, hostility, balkanization, racism, and sedition, while they flout their anarchy? 
Is there something more to the story than illegal aliens rampaging in our streets calling for ‘rights’ which they have NO RIGHT to get?  Mobs of lawbreakers who profess their allegiance to Mexico and other Latin American countries, defiling our flag, re-writing our National Anthem, shouting racist slogans on behalf of ‘La Raza’ – The Race! 
Can the deliberate non-action of our government to stop the massive 20-30 million illegal alien invasion of our country actually be part of some hidden agenda?
In Order To Answer ALL of Those Disturbing Questions . . . 
You need to understand that the illegal alien invasion is simply a diversion to keep our focus off the imminent implementation of the North American Union (NAU), the next step towards a One World Order (OWO).  The illegal alien invasion is a tool being used to segue America into the North American Union.  Just think about the  DEFIANT Senate amnesty bill S. 2611 which insanely includes all manner of benefits, rights, privileges, ‘a path to citizenship,’  major increases in job stealing high tech visas AND a tripling of quotas for LEGAL immigration which is already over a million per year and does not include those seeking asylum. 
Why did the Senate do such an insane thing in TOTAL and COMPLETE opposition to ‘We the People’ and in such abject disregard for the horrendous consequences it will foist upon our nation’s future?   It is, without doubt . . . “an ‘open borders manifesto,’ a nation killer.”
The answer is as plain as the nose on your face.  Many in the Senate AND the House AND the Executive are working in concert to create a North American Union.  They are capitalists whose agenda is Communism which makes them classic fascists.  They embrace the concept of a plutocracy, a world run by a wealthy few.  Their goal is to achieve the few remaining unfulfilled tenets of the Communist Manifesto in order to put an end to America.
How Dishonest and Corrupt IS our Congress?
Did you know that, in 1999 and 2000, presidential candidate and then president-elect Vicente Fox had a foreign relations aide who met with “almost 80 U.S. congressmen and senators during numerous trips and at several events.”  The aide, Fredo Arias-king, attests that:  “With just over 50 of them, my colleagues and I spoke about immigration in some depth, as it is one of the important bilateral topics [for Mexico].”
They found that:  “American politicians are overwhelmingly pro-immigration, for a variety of reasons, and they do not always admit this to their constituents.  Of those 50 legislators, 45 were unambiguously pro-immigration, even asking us at times to ‘send more.’ This was true of both Democrats and Republicans.”(51)
His conclusions:  “ . . . mass immigration from Latin America is being used by the political class to undermine their democracy and as a tool to liberate the political elites from the Jeffersonian and Madisonian constraints.
The illegal alien problem is simply the MECHANISM for leveraging what is yet to come.  Once the civil unrest and chaos caused by the overwhelming ‘human tsunami’ of illegal aliens reduces America to complete anarchy, a state of total lawlessness and riots or the bird flu pandemic arrives, or another ‘Katrina’ occurs, or a ‘dirty bomb’ is unleashed . . . the federal government will institute martial law.  One of those events or some other inventive pretext will then allow the ‘Shadow Government’ to step forward and VISIBLY take over our country.  They will use martial law to install a fascist One World Order dictatorial government in plain sight instead of clandestinely as they do now.
If you take the time to educate yourself . . . you will be stunned beyond belief at the nearly complete destruction of our sovereignty, Constitution, Bill of Rights and our Republic that has been accomplished thus far by the fascist cabal who deviously ‘hides in plain sight.’  All has been completed without ANY proper oversight by our Congress nor the knowledge or sanction by ‘We the People.’  How are they doing it?
The tri-lateral cabal consisting of President Fox, Prime Minister Martin, and President Bush have used NAFTA as a Trojan horse to create the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) which was officially announced on March 23, 2005, in Waco, Texas.  The plan was little noticed when it was formally announced.  Sadly it is . . . ‘a day that will live in infamy!’
NAFTA, a supposed ‘trade agreement’ that has already cost millions of American jobs and closed many of our manufacturing plants has been deviously used to create the SPP.  It was an ignominious day for America and all she stands for when the heads of state from three sovereign countries (Mexico, Canada and America) could simply mutually agree to deviously pervert the NAFTA agreement and create the Security and Properity Partnership, the SPP for short. 
Having made their official announcement, President Bush believed he was then entitled to order the executive branch of our government to do his bidding to create the NAU under cover of the SPP without any oversight by Congress or informing the American public
By presidential fiat, Bush has created “an end run around America’s sovereignty, eroding it piece by pieceor rather ‘department by department’ just as announced by CFR member Richard Gardner in his 1974 Foreign Affairs article.
Bush has created, engaged and promoted the North American Competitiveness Council.  What is their mission and goal?  “INCREASING PRIVATE SECTOR  ENGAGEMENT in the SPP by adding high-level BUSINESS INPUT will ASSIST GOVERNMENTS in enhancing North America’s competitive position and ENGAGE THE PRIVATE SECTOR AS PARTNERS IN FINDING SOLUTIONS

Monday, December 16, 2013

An Education Jewel

By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
 (Part 3 of 5)

The ‘Shadow Government has begun their ‘race to the finish’ and have become ever more arrogant and bold.  They have concluded that they are so close to complete conquest that they are ever more blatantly flouting our Constitution and laws than you can ever imagine in your wildest of dreams of hell on earth.
Didn’t you ever wonder why our borders are still wide open?
Didn’t you ever wonder why our immigration laws are unenforced?
Didn’t you ever wonder why CAFTA was passed in the House by two recanted votes after the time for voting had expired?  Especially in light of the fact that most ordinary people would agree that NAFTA has been such a devastating failure for both Mexico and America.
Didn’t you ever wonder why the Senate told 83% of ‘We the People’ to ‘go to hell’ when they passed the amnesty bill S. 2611 which will add 100 million people to America in the next ten years according to Dr. Robert Rector of the Heritage Institute.  That number is a CONSERVATIVE estimate since statisticians extrapolated those numbers from the 2000 census to arrive at the totally bogus figures of 10-12 million illegal aliens.
Didn’t you ever wonder why the reconquista rabble can march in our streets and shout from the roof tops that they want to take over the Southwest and our government doesn’t investigate them for sedition like they did the VA nurse who wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the Iraq War, and the government’s handling of Hurricane Katrina.

What is sedition It is “The Stirring up of discontent, resistance, or rebellion against the government in power.”  

In “1968---The Hispanic organization, the Southwest Council of LaRaza Unida, was created with a $630,000 grant from the Ford Foundation, which supports the movement to bring massive numbers of Mexicans into the U.S.  From 1968 to 1992, Ford Foundation grants to radical Hispanics totaled over $31 million.  And according to Henry Santiestevan (former head of the Southwest Council of LaRaza), It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that the Ford Foundation IS the Chicano movement.”  
Along with the non-profit foundations that are funding the racist mobocracy, there has been a concerted effort by our own government to aid and abet the massive illegal alien anarchy you see in our streets. 
In a speech made before the U.S. Senate on December 15, 1987 Senator Jesse Helms, spoke eloquently about the coming One World Order when he said: 
“This campaign against the American people – against traditional American culture and values – is systematic psychological warfare.  It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical left.  Among this group we find the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the money center banks and multinational corporations, the media, the educational establishment, the entertainment industry, and the large tax-exempt foundations.
A careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as a New World Order.  Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called New World Order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles . . .
The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time.  This pervasive influence runs contrary to the real long-term national security of our Nation.  It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.
In the globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything.  Political philosophies and political principles seem to become simply relative.  Indeed, even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power.  Liberty and tyranny are viewed as neither necessarily good nor evil, and certainly not a component of policy.
In their point of view, the activities of international financial and industrial forces should be oriented to bringing this one-world design – with a convergence of the Soviet and American systems as its centerpiece – into being . . . All that matters to this club is the maximization of profits resulting from the practice of what can be described as finance capitalism, a system which rests upon the twin pillars of debt and monopoly.  This isn’t real capitalism.  It is the road to economic concentration and to political slavery.