Thursday, July 30, 2015

Let's Get Real For a Change!

7/30/2015 - Victor Davis Hanson

Can we be honest about illegal immigration? It is a common challenge to almost every advanced Western country that is adjacent to poorer nations.

American employers and ethnic activists have long colluded to weaken border enforcement and render immigration law meaningless. The former wanted greater profits from cheaper labor, the latter wished more political clout for themselves.

Mexico conspired, too. It received billions of easy dollars in remittances from its expatriates in America. Mexico had few qualms about letting millions of its own citizens illegally cross its northern border into the United States -- even though the Mexican government would never tolerate millions of Central Americans illegally crossing the border to become permanent residents of Mexico.

For better or worse, illegal immigration is tied to race and ethnicity. No doubt, ignorant racism drives some to oppose illegal immigration. But by the same token, the advocates of open borders, many of them with strong ties to Mexico, would not be so energized about the issue if hundreds of thousands of Europeans or Africans were entering the U.S. illegally each year.

There is too often a surreal disconnect about the perception of the U.S. in the immigration debate.
Millions, we sometimes forget, are fleeing from the authoritarianism, racism, corruption and class oppression of Mexico. They have voted with their feet to reject that model and to choose a completely different -- and often antithetical -- economic, social, cultural and political paradigm in the United States. Somehow that bothersome fact is lost in the habitual criticism of a hospitable and magnanimous America.

Then there is the matter of law. America went to war over the Confederate states' nullification of federal laws. A century and a half later, do we really want hundreds of sanctuary cities, each declaring irrelevant certain federal laws that they find bothersome?

For every left-wing city that declares immigration statutes inoperative, a right-wing counterpart might do the same with the Endangered Species Act, gun registration laws, affirmative action or gay marriage. The result would be chaos and anarchy, not compassion.

Controversy has arisen over the number of undocumented immigrants who have committed felonies or serious misdemeanors, such as the Mexican national -- a repeat felon and deportee -- recently charged with the fatal shooting of a young woman in San Francisco. But the furor begs the question: Why would any guest violate the rules of his host? And why is the data on such violations so hard to come by and so prone to controversy?

Either the number of undocumented immigrants who commit crimes is so vast that no one knows the extent of the problem, or there are political hurdles in determining that number -- or drawing politically incorrect conclusions from it.

We should not minimize criminality. Creating a false identity, using a fraudulent Social Security number and knowingly filing inaccurate federal forms are serious felonies for most Americans. They are neither minor infractions nor simply the innocuous wages of living in the shadows, but undermine the sinews of a society.

Numbers also count. When millions come to a country illegally, integration breaks down and tribalism takes over. Do we really want permanent Balkanized ethnic lobbies, frozen in amber -- another century of a monolithic Asian, white or Latino vote? Are Americans to fragment even more, as they collectively sigh, "If they vote predictably along ethnic lines, I guess I should, too"?

President Obama talks grandly of "immigration reform." But he apparently does not mean what most Americans would assume from that faddish catchphrase.

Reform should first include strict enforcement of the border. A new, ethnically blind immigration system would select from among applicants based on skill sets and education, and consider candidates from all over the world -- not on the basis of ethnic identity or proximity to the border.
Immediate and lasting deportation would ensue for those who committed crimes or cynically chose to receive public assistance rather than work while here illegally.

Many Americans are in favor of offering a path to legal residence to those undocumented immigrants who have long lived and worked in the U.S. and have crime-free records -- after they pay a fine for breaking federal law and then wait patiently in line while the legal process plays out -- as long as the border is sealed to prevent future illegal immigration.

If some newly legal residents wished to become full-fledged citizens, then they could pass citizenship and English tests and assimilate into the American body politic.

Somehow I doubt that this fair, reasonable process is what the president really wants.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sanctuary Cities, a Haven for Selective Law Enforcement

7/28/2015 - Phyllis Schlafly 

Donald Trump’s unorthodox campaign has performed a public service by shining the national spotlight on the problem of “sanctuary cities” which shelter illegal aliens from deportation. The tragedy of Kate Steinle, who died in the arms of her father after being shot by an illegal alien, is that her death was preventable, yet officials have defiantly defended their sanctuary policies.

It wasn’t only the City and County of San Francisco that released the seven-times-convicted, five-times-deported Mexican who killed Kate Steinle; Obama’s ICE let him go, too. ICE has released many thousands of criminal aliens onto unsuspecting local communities instead of returning them to their countries of origin, including 121 who were subsequently charged with murdering Americans in the last five years.

According to government figures compiled by Jessica Vaughan, more than 8,100 deportable aliens (including 3,000 felons) were released by sanctuary cities and counties in just the first eight months of last year. Some 1,900 of those wrongly released aliens have already re-offended 4,300 more times, racking up 7,800 new charges including murder, violent assault, rape and child rape.

The first local sanctuary policy was officially adopted more than 30 years ago by Los Angeles’ notorious police chief, Daryl Gates. Since then, about 300 cities and counties have adopted one or more sanctuary policies, such as: refusing to inquire about immigration status when making a traffic stop or other routine police work; refusing to report a subject’s unlawful status to the appropriate federal agency (now called ICE); or refusing to honor a “detainer,” which is a written request to detain a subject until ICE can deport him.

Bills to stop local sanctuary policies were introduced in Congress and state legislatures, but they all wilted under pressure from amnesty advocates such as businesses dependent on cheap foreign labor. The U.S. House last week finally approved a bill to withhold certain federal reimbursements from sanctuaries, but the promise of a presidential veto assures that even this minor reform will never become law.

Headlines proclaim that Republicans voted to “crack down” on sanctuary cities, but nothing will change unless the restrictions are folded into a must-pass appropriations bill. Washington, D.C., for example, remains a sanctuary even though Congress has the constitutional power “to exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever” over our nation’s capital city.

Local sanctuary policies protect thousands from deportation, but the real damage is done at the federal level. Policies instituted by the administration of Barack Obama have effectively given sanctuary to millions, thanks to Obama’s wholesale refusal to enforce immigration laws.

Take Obama’s executive amnesty of last November 20, which would have given legal status and work permits (including Social Security numbers) to approximately 5 million of the estimated 11 million illegal aliens. A brave federal judge blocked the work permits, but the 5 million still benefit from Obama’s decision to give them a low enforcement priority, another form of sanctuary.
Obama recently extended lower-priority enforcement to several million more people, and approximately 87 percent of the illegal population – all but 1.4 million of the 11 million – are basically home free, as if the United States is now the sanctuary for the whole world.

Don’t assume that illegal immigration has stopped just because the official estimate of illegal population has remained steady at 11 to 12 million for a decade. To replace attrition (a.k.a. self-deportation), illegal immigration (which includes people who enter legally but don’t go home when their visas expire) continues unabated at the rate of 1,000 per day.

About 2.5 million people have entered illegally or become illegal since Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, and that number doesn’t even include legal immigration of over 1.1 million a year. The Census Bureau estimates that “net migration” will bring 14 million new immigrants to the United States during the next ten years.

Of all Obama’s sanctuary policies, probably the worst is his vast expansion of refugees and asylum policies. Largely unnoticed by national media, tens of thousands of so-called refugees, mostly from Muslim countries, are being resettled all over the United States.

The United States now receives more refugees than all other countries combined and plops them down in what are called “seed communities” where local opposition is not tolerated. There’s even a special federal program to combat “pockets of resistance” such as the recent uproar in Twin Falls, Idaho where the U.S. government wants to send 300 refugees from war-torn Syria.

The July 16 murders of four U.S. Marines and a U.S. Navy sailor in Chattanooga by a Kuwaiti-born Palestinian is a good example of the dangers of allowing Muslims to enter our country legally as refugees. Like the Boston Marathon bombing by the Tsarnaev brothers in 2013, and like the dozens of Somali young men who have disappeared from Minneapolis, Chattanooga is another case where children of immigrants are radicalized by the terrorist ideologies of the countries their parents came from.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Immigration Policy NOT Broken - Government IS Broken

Conservative Daily July 24, 2015 Fellow Conservative,

The name Sarah Saldaña might not mean anything to you, but she is Barack Obama Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director. She is responsible with enforcing our immigration laws.

Yesterday, she testified before Congress that she refuses to do just that. When confronted as to when ICE was going to crack down on American cities harboring illegal alien criminals and shielding them from prosecution, Mrs. Saldaña responded, “I presume when you all address comprehensive immigration reform; perhaps it can be addressed there.”

So let me get this straight… the only way that the Obama administration will crack down on these violent illegal aliens is if Congress legalizes them?
Is she insane? No, she’s just a Liberal…

The Obama administration has officially made it its policy to hold you and your loved ones’ safety hostage until Congress approves of the President’s amnesty. Obama won’t even consider deporting these violent illegal aliens until… Congress shields them from deportation.

Director Saldaña has proven that she is unfit to lead ICE because she simply refuses to enforce the country’s immigration laws.

Not only did Dir. Saldaña testify under oath that the administration wouldn’t enforce the law until amnesty was passed, but she also was caught lying under oath about the number of illegal alien convicted criminals the administration has released from prison. When Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked her how many criminal illegal aliens the administration released in 2014, Mrs. Saldaña responded “30,000.” She was completely incorrect. The administration released a whopping total of 104,000 illegal aliens.

Lying and misrepresenting facts under oath... There are more than 100,000 criminal illegal aliens who the administration released last year alone. You can bet your bottom dollar that they are hiding out in sanctuary cities that refuse to turn them over to immigration authorities.

Earlier this year, Saldaña was asked during a Congressional hearing whether it would help for Congress to make compliance with federal immigration investigations mandatory for sanctuary cities. Saldaña responded, “thank you, amen, yes.” The next day, she walked that back and said that the administration supported sanctuary city policies.

Last December, Harry Reid rushed Sarah Saldaña’s confirmation vote through just days before Republicans took over the Senate. She is completely unqualified and her statements prove that she has absolutely no desire to fulfill her obligation to enforce immigration laws.

We have a cabinet member who has refused to perform her official duties. There is only one way to respond: impeachment. Congress has the power to impeach cabinet members. After Director Saldaña’s recent actions, that is exactly what they must do but the only way that happens is if you demand it!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Words Matter - Action Creates Results

7/7/2015  - Pat Buchanan

In the 2016 race, June belonged to two outsiders who could not be more dissimilar. Bernie Sanders is a socialist senator from Vermont and Donald Trump a celebrity capitalist and legendary entrepreneur and builder. What do they have in common? Both have tapped into what the bases of their respective parties believe is wrong with America.

Bernie is the Willie Nelson of national politics, a leftist voice of a working class whose jobs and factories have been exported and whose wages have stagnated as banksters and the Davos-Doha crowd amass mammoth fortunes by playing games of three-dimensional Monopoly. The 73-year-old Sanders may have no chance of beating Hillary. But the size of his crowds testifies that he speaks for millions.

Trump's success comes from the issues he has seized upon -- illegal immigration and trade deals that deindustrialized America -- and brazen defiance of Republican elites and a media establishment.

By now the whole world has heard Trump's declaration:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Politically incorrect? You betcha. Yet, is Trump not raising a valid issue? Is there not truth in what he said? Is not illegal immigration, and criminals crossing our Southern border, an issue of national import, indeed, of national security? Women and girls crossing Mexico on trains are raped by gangs. The "coyotes" leading people illegally across the U.S. border include robbers, rapists and killers, who often leave these people to die in the desert.

"State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America" by this writer in 2006 cited researcher Heather Mac Donald of Manhattan Institute. She reported that two-thirds of the 17,000 outstanding fugitive felony warrants in Los Angeles were for illegal immigrants, as were 95 percent of 1,200-1,500 outstanding warrants for homicide.

Of 20,000 members of the 18th Street Gang operating across Southern California, 12,000 were illegal immigrants. One of the Beltway Snipers, who terrorized the D.C. area, shooting 13 and killing 10, was a 17-year-old illegal immigrant from Jamaica, John Lee Malvo.

The reaction to Trump's comments has been instructive. NBC and Univision dropped his Miss USA and Miss Universe contests. Macy's has dropped the Trump clothing line. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is talking of terminating city contracts with Trump.

The reaction of Trump's Republican rivals has been even more instructive. Initially, it was muted. But when major media began to demand that GOP candidates either denounce Trump or come under suspicion or racism themselves, the panic and pile-on began.

As The Washington Times relates, at a July 4 parade in New Hampshire, Jeb Bush said Trump "doesn't represent the Republican Party or its values. "I don't assume that he thinks that every Mexican crossing the border is a rapist. ... So he's doing this to inflame and to incite and to draw attention, which seems to be his organizing principle of his campaign."
Sen. Marco Rubio also found his voice. Trump's comments "were not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive." Imagine that, "divisive" politics.

Ex-Gov. Rick Perry said Trump's remarks were "offensive," as "Hispanics in America and Hispanics in Texas, from the Alamo to Afghanistan, have been extraordinary ... citizens of our country." But most of the Hispanics at the Alamo were in the Mexican army of Santa Anna, not under Col. Travis, and hardly "extraordinary citizens of our country" as Texas did not even belong to the USA then.

Sen. Ted Cruz on NBC's "Meet the Press" took a different stance: "I salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration." "The Washington cartel doesn't want to address that. The Washington cartel doesn't believe we need to secure the border. The Washington cartel supports amnesty, and I think amnesty's wrong."

Trump "has a colorful way of speaking," said Cruz, "It's not the way I speak. But I'm not going to engage in the media's game of throwing rocks and attacking other Republicans." Cruz might have added, "like Jeb and Rick and Marco are doing."

What Trump has done, and Cruz sees it, is to have elevated the illegal immigration issue, taken a tough line, and is now attacking GOP rivals who have dithered or done nothing to deal with it. Trump intends to exploit the illegal immigration issue, and the trade issue, where majorities of middle-class Americans oppose the elites. And he is going to ride them as far as he can in the Republican primaries.

In the coming debates, look for Trump to take the populist and popular side of them both. And for Cruz to stand by him on illegal immigration. Americans are fed up with words; they want action. Trump is moving in the polls because, whatever else he may be, he is a man of action.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Wake Up America!

7/10/2015 - David Limbaugh

When Benjamin Franklin emerged from Independence Hall at the close of the Constitutional Convention, a lady asked him what kind of government had been formed. Franklin reportedly responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Franklin's answer has always been interesting because it revealed that he well understood the profound difference between a pure democracy and a constitutional republic. But far more intriguing to me was Franklin's implied concern that the newly crafted scheme of government was hardly self-sustaining and ultimately vulnerable.

He and the other framers understood that liberty was rare in world history and that it would be no easy task to design a system that would both maximize and preserve it. I believe that until relatively recently most Americans cherished this system precisely because it was uniquely equipped to accomplish those purposes. Now I am not so sure.

The framers established a federal government with sufficient power to ensure ordered liberty, but with a host of limitations on its power. Governmental power was divided between the federal government and the states, and federal power was divided among three branches that would each check encroachments by the others. They set up a bicameral legislature to further diffuse federal power and eventually drafted a Bill of Rights to expressly guarantee civil liberties against government intrusion -- and much more.

This system was vastly superior to the celebrated "democratic" systems of ancient Greece and the Roman Republic. It wasn't the first system to include popular participation in the decisions of government. It was unique because it was the first to impose significant limitations on government.

It is those limitations that ensure our liberties. It is those limitations that make America the greatest nation in world history and the envy of all mankind. It is the deliberate erosion and destruction of those limitations that existentially threatens this nation today.

Don't you see? Franklin knew as well as anyone the powerful safeguards he and the other framers had imposed to maximize and preserve liberty, and yet he knew that human nature was such that this system would still be vulnerable to abuse and attack. "A republic, if you can keep it."

No matter how ingeniously designed, the Constitution and laws are not immune from fascists who, under color of law, ignore their plain meaning. Checks and balances ultimately break down if those wielding power twist, pervert, ignore, selectively enforce and flout the law.

This is why character matters so much; this is why morality is foundational to government. Any system of self-governance, even one as glorious as ours, ultimately depends on the honor of the people living under it.

Anti-constitutionalists have been chipping away at the integrity of the Constitution for decades, for they prefer the forcible imposition of their own values and agenda more than they cherish liberty. But the process of dismantling our system has now accelerated to alarming levels -- it has reached a fever pitch -- as the puffed-up left is feeling its oats, intoxicated by a bitter president anxious to exact revenge on a nation he obviously believes was born in hell.

Why would President Obama have any hesitation in emasculating the Constitution and the rule of law when he resents its very formation and what it represents? Why would he protect our borders against illegal immigration when he doesn't believe in the system the legal immigration process is designed to promote -- especially when changing the demographics is virtually guaranteed to increase the power of radical leftists?

I don't expect to get through to people who, like Obama, believe America, as founded, is intrinsically unfair, but I challenge fellow freedom lovers to consider that Obama and his band of leftists don't really care so much about things like expanding people's access to quality health care; they don't care about putting people back to work; they don't even care about harmony among the races.

What they care about is consolidating their power and imposing their will, and they use these various hot-button causes to do so. They want to have their way, and they are using government in unprecedented ways to achieve it -- absolutely unconcerned about the destroyed liberties in their wake. They are showing their true colors as they freely trample on the Constitution and rule of law. They are not only encroaching on the liberties of their opponents; they are openly trying to muzzle them.

More and more people are starting to wake up to the extremism of the political left, which, incidentally, has taken firm control of today's Democratic Party to the point that pundits across the board are acknowledging that unapologetic socialist Bernie Sanders risks nothing in proudly advertising his socialist agenda to his base. In fact, his openness has forced Hillary Clinton to scramble even further leftward to compete.

I pray that freedom lovers and patriots will muster the same passion in defending this nation as those attacking it. The first step is to recognize what's going on. Is it possible that even some rank-and-file Democrats can set aside their allegiance to party affiliation long enough to open their eyes to it?

That's a long shot. But could at least those who call themselves Republicans wipe the sleep out of their eyes and rise up in defense of liberty and this our rapidly disintegrating America?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A National Disaster - 'Regardless of Immigration Status'

7/14/2015 - Aaron Bandler

Illegal aliens are put up on a pedestal in California, and the state's education system makes certain of that. UCLA is now hiring them as interns, according to Campus Reform:

The UCLA Labor Center’s Dream Resource Center is allowing undocumented students to apply for Dream Summer, a ten-week summer program that provides paid internship opportunities for immigrants in California, regardless of their immigration or insurance status. The program will encourage them to advocate for immigration reform and promote universal health care access regardless of immigration status.

The Center says the program began in 2011 after the U.S. Senate failed to pass the DREAM Act in 2010, which would have given a path to citizenship to illegal immigrants who came to the United states before the age of 16. The program claims to have provided 418 internship opportunities to immigrant youth throughout the nation.

UC Berkeley and UC San Diego have a similar policy, according to the report.

California taxpayers already pay for illegal aliens to attend school via the Dream Act, and now at schools like UCLA, even more money pays for them to intern at the school to promote immigration reform and government-funded healthcare to illegals? Seems like a massive taxpayer scam.

While it's bad enough that they are further bleeding taxpayers dry, it makes it worse that UCLA is turning these illegals into activists for liberal policies:  Seth Ronquillo, a spokesman for the Dream Resource Center, told the Daily Bruin, “Many of the participants in the program go on to become the leaders of the immigration reform movement. By working in social justice organizations, they are given the resources they need to continue in activism.”

Campus Reform links to a piece at the Daily Bruin that goes into detail about an illegal named Katherine Herrera is advocating for government healthcare for illegals:
Through Dream Summer, Herrera is interning at the California Nurses Association, a labor group where she is working on advocating for universal healthcare for all Americans, with an emphasis on undocumented individuals. “Everyone, even undocumented individuals, should have basic access to healthcare,” she said.

Last month, Herrera flew to Oakland to attend presentations on universal healthcare coverage and testified in front of Assemblymember Sebastian Ridley-Thomas’ staff members about how her inability to receive healthcare as an undocumented individual took a toll on her family. And then there's this illegal, who through the Dream Resource Center is advocating for comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty):

Magdalena Vasquez, an ally and fourth-year Chicana/o studies student who is now interning at Faith in Action Kern County, a church group that provides services for undocumented individuals, said she joined the program because she is interested in working in the nonprofit or advocacy sectors in the future.

She said she is working on promoting Senate Bill 4, a bill in the California State Senate that proposes to expand health care coverage to undocumented individuals.“A lot of people (in Kern County) don’t know much about this law, so right now we’re working on getting more people informed,” she said.So UCLA is turning these illegals into foot soldiers for the progressive cause. That is not appropriate for an educational institution to do.The ending quote of the Campus Reform piece sums it up best:

“I feel that UCLA as a public institution in California was established to educated the citizens of California as well as the U.S. and legal international students, not illegal immigrants. By only offering these paid internships to illegal immigrants UCLA is not only hurting law abiding citizens who are of all ethnicities including Hispanic, but they are also promoting and sponsoring people who are breaking the laws of our state and country. [This] is ironic since some of their funding comes from the state in which they are advocating for people to break this state's law,” Alexis Moran, a second-year Hispanic student at UCLA told Campus Reform.

That's exactly right. UCLA, like any other school, is supposed to provide a fair, balanced and objective education for students to learn and form their own opinions on issues of the day. Instead, schools like UCLA serve as nothing more than progressive indoctrination camps to brainwash "young skulls full of mush," as Rush Limbaugh would say. This story is just the latest example of that.

In addition, as I have previously documented, California is already overly generous to illegal aliens and with stories like this, it seems like the state becomes even more generous to illegals to the point where some day anybody can just walk right into California and become a resident once they enter the state and then proceed to become to progressive voters.
Which of course leads to fiscal bankruptcy. It's just not right for us to be bending backwards for these illegals, even if these students were here through no fault of their own.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Truth Has Meaning Regardless of Origin

7/7/2015  - Pat Buchanan

In the 2016 race, June belonged to two outsiders who could not be more dissimilar. Bernie Sanders is a socialist senator from VermoDnt and Donald Trump a celebrity capitalist and legendary entrepreneur and builder. What do they have in common? Both have tapped into what the bases of their respective parties believe is wrong with America.

Bernie is the Willie Nelson of national politics, a leftist voice of a working class whose jobs and factories have been exported and whose wages have stagnated as banksters and the Davos-Doha crowd amass mammoth fortunes by playing games of three-dimensional Monopoly. The 73-year-old Sanders may have no chance of beating Hillary. But the size of his crowds testifies that he speaks for millions.

Trump's success comes from the issues he has seized upon -- illegal immigration and trade deals that deindustrialized America -- and brazen defiance of Republican elites and a media establishment.

By now the whole world has heard Trump's declaration:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Politically incorrect? You betcha. Yet, is Trump not raising a valid issue? Is there not truth in what he said? Is not illegal immigration, and criminals crossing our Southern border, an issue of national import, indeed, of national security? Women and girls crossing Mexico on trains are raped by gangs. The "coyotes" leading people illegally across the U.S. border include robbers, rapists and killers, who often leave these people to die in the desert.

"State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America" by this writer in 2006 cited researcher Heather Mac Donald of Manhattan Institute. She reported that two-thirds of the 17,000 outstanding fugitive felony warrants in Los Angeles were for illegal immigrants, as were 95 percent of 1,200-1,500 outstanding warrants for homicide.

Of 20,000 members of the 18th Street Gang operating across Southern California, 12,000 were illegal immigrants. One of the Beltway Snipers, who terrorized the D.C. area, shooting 13 and killing 10, was a 17-year-old illegal immigrant from Jamaica, John Lee Malvo.

The reaction to Trump's comments has been instructive. NBC and Univision dropped his Miss USA and Miss Universe contests. Macy's has dropped the Trump clothing line. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is talking of terminating city contracts with Trump.

The reaction of Trump's Republican rivals has been even more instructive. Initially, it was muted. But when major media began to demand that GOP candidates either denounce Trump or come under suspicion or racism themselves, the panic and pile-on began.

As The Washington Times relates, at a July 4 parade in New Hampshire, Jeb Bush said Trump "doesn't represent the Republican Party or its values. "I don't assume that he thinks that every Mexican crossing the border is a rapist. ... So he's doing this to inflame and to incite and to draw attention, which seems to be his organizing principle of his campaign."
Sen. Marco Rubio also found his voice. Trump's comments "were not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive." Imagine that, "divisive" politics.

Ex-Gov. Rick Perry said Trump's remarks were "offensive," as "Hispanics in America and Hispanics in Texas, from the Alamo to Afghanistan, have been extraordinary ... citizens of our country." But most of the Hispanics at the Alamo were in the Mexican army of Santa Anna, not under Col. Travis, and hardly "extraordinary citizens of our country" as Texas did not even belong to the USA then.

Sen. Ted Cruz on NBC's "Meet the Press" took a different stance: "I salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration." "The Washington cartel doesn't want to address that. The Washington cartel doesn't believe we need to secure the border. The Washington cartel supports amnesty, and I think amnesty's wrong."

Trump "has a colorful way of speaking," said Cruz, "It's not the way I speak. But I'm not going to engage in the media's game of throwing rocks and attacking other Republicans." Cruz might have added, "like Jeb and Rick and Marco are doing."

What Trump has done, and Cruz sees it, is to have elevated the illegal immigration issue, taken a tough line, and is now attacking GOP rivals who have dithered or done nothing to deal with it. Trump intends to exploit the illegal immigration issue, and the trade issue, where majorities of middle-class Americans oppose the elites. And he is going to ride them as far as he can in the Republican primaries.

In the coming debates, look for Trump to take the populist and popular side of them both. And for Cruz to stand by him on illegal immigration. Americans are fed up with words; they want action. Trump is moving in the polls because, whatever else he may be, he is a man of action.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sanctuary Policies Violate 8 USC Section 1324

7/8/2015 - Michelle Malkin

The random, heartless murder of a young tourist on San Francisco's Pier 14 by a five-time illegal alien deportee who benefited from the "progressive" city's sanctuary policy has law-abiding Americans, law enforcement officials and political opportunists of all stripes up in arms.

But for decades, feckless government leaders ignored the pleas of families who suffered the bloody consequences of open borders.

For every Kate Steinle who died at the hands of an illegal alien sanctuary beneficiary, there is a Tony, Michael and Matthew Bologna in San Francisco.
A Jamiel Shaw (age 17) or Xinran Ji (age 24) in Los Angeles.
A Martin Kudlis (age 3) in Denver.
An Iofemi Hightower, Dashon Harvey, Terrance Aeriel, or Natasha Aeriel in Newark.
A Zina Linnik (age 12) in Tacoma.
A Vanessa Pham (age 19) in Fairfax County, Va.

As I've reported time and again, liberal "sanctuary" programs in these metropolitan areas have protected, harbored and enabled criminal illegal aliens who disappeared into the deportation abyss. Both Democrats and Republicans, goaded by Big Government and Big Business interests, collaborated to turn America into a collective sanctuary nation. Non-enforcement is the rule, deportation evasion is the game, and the country is a safe haven -- for law-breakers from around the world.

Yet, even as born-again tough-on-borders grandstanders now race in front of cameras to condemn these dangerous policies, churches across the country are brazenly thumbing their noses at our immigration laws. And political phonies are doing nothing to stop them.

In Northeast Portland, Ore., the Augustana Lutheran Church is shielding illegal alien Francisco Aguirre-Velasquez after he committed drunk driving and drug crimes and violated deportation rules.

In Tucson, Ariz., illegal alien Daniel Neyoy Ruiz took open, public refuge at Southside Presbyterian Church and then First Christian Church to avoid deportation. Fellow illegal alien Rosa Robles Loreto has been living at First Christian for nearly a year.

In Austin, Texas, First Unitarian Universalist church is harboring illegal alien Sulma Franco after the feds denied her deportation appeal.

In Denver, illegal alien Arturo Armando Hernandez Garcia has taken up long-term residence at First Unitarian Society of Denver church.

In Chicago, illegal alien Elvira Arellano settled at the United Methodist Church of Adalberto for a year before finally being ejected back to Mexico. Last year, the serial law-breaker somehow returned to the Windy City to protest her status "in the shadows."

The Catholic Church has been at the forefront of the 1960s-era sanctuary movement, with top officials openly promoting immigration anarchy and lawlessness among their flock in the name of "humanity" and "compassion."

As I've long noted, it's one thing to show compassion to legal immigrants, legitimate refugees and asylees, and those abused and mistreated by smugglers. It's quite another to conspire against an orderly immigration and entrance system that imposes common-sense limits, eligibility requirements, criminal background checks, medical screening and a commitment to assimilation. Catholic groups have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to building shelters for illegal aliens from Central America and way stations in southern Mexico.

The unholy alliance between church leaders and the open-borders lobby extends from the Vatican to Rev. Jim Wallis' Faith in Public Life (FPL) network, the Los Angeles-based Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) and the George Soros-tied Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ). It's a web of nearly 100 interfaith committees, campus agitators and "workers centers" steeped in the organizing tactics of Saul Alinsky on behalf of millions of illegal aliens filling the pews and coffers of their abettors.

Capitol Hill's abdication of its duties to protect and defend our borders is bad enough. But if people of faith choose to sit silently as a "new sanctuary movement" of tax-exempt houses of worship defiantly and recklessly undermines our immigration laws, our national sovereignty doesn't have a prayer.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

As California Goes - So Goes The Nation

7/2/2015 - Victor Davis Hanson

California keeps reminding us what has gone astray with America in recent years.

The state is in the midst of a crippling four-year-old drought. Yet California has built almost no major northern or central mountain reservoirs since the New Melones Dam of 1979. That added nearly 3 million acre-feet to the state's storage reserves -- a critical project that was almost canceled by endless environmental lawsuits and protests.

Although California has almost doubled in population since the dam's construction, its politicians apparently decided that completing more northern and Sierra Nevada water projects was passé. So the parched state now prays for rain and snow rather than building reservoirs to ensure that the next drought won't shut down the state.

Curiously, once infrastructure projects such as the New Melones Dam are finished, few seem to complain about the life-saving water they provide the public in times of existential drought. California has taught the nation its unique hypocrisy. We have stopped the Keystone pipeline for now, but if it gets built eventually, few consumers will complain that it transfers oil at a cheap cost and with greater safety.

California has also schooled the nation on mutually exclusively goals. Its lax immigration policies have made for a rapidly expanding population, and yet it expects a sophisticated infrastructure that ensures plentiful, clean water -- and dreams of a pristine, green, 19th century paradise in a depopulated state.

California's major north-south highway laterals -- the 99, 101 and I-5 "freeways" -- often descend into deadly traffic quagmires. They were designed for a state of less than 20 million people, not one of more than 40 million. Recent national surveys have rated the state's road system as nearly last in the nation.

Most forget that California once all but invented the modern idea of a freeway. But instead of first ensuring motorists safe three-lane freeways, the state is embarking on a $68 billion high-speed rail project.

Californians excel at these postmodern solutions even as they ignore premodern problems. What advantage is providing free iPads for California students if their basic reading and analytical skills are declining to below pre-Internet levels? California is busy mandating transgendered restrooms but is lax in guaranteeing that there will be water in their sinks and toilets.

In good California style, Houston-based NASA talks grandly about its new 21st century space agendas, forgetting that it cannot even send its present astronauts into space on an American rocket. Just because a prior generation built the powerful and sophisticated Saturn rockets does not mean that its more sophisticated children can send Americans into space without Russian help.

Government agencies such as the IRS, VA, GSA and NSA are bigger, richer and more self-promoting than ever before. But their huge budgets hardly ensure that they can fairly collect taxes, humanely tend to the needs of veterans, professionally monitor government property, or properly collect and distill intelligence.

The once-vaunted California State University system now struggles with incoming students who are ill-prepared for college courses. More than a third do not meet English or math test entry requirements for college work and need remedial courses, which in turn reduces the availability of advanced classes and resources from the traditional university curricula.

Much of the crisis originates from poor preparation in grade schools and high schools, combined with huge influxes of non-English-speaking immigrants. In the past, the melting pot of English emersion, assimilation, integration and intermarriage had best helped immigrants quickly reach parity with the native population, but that old model has since been rejected.

The United States likewise has all but ended enforcement of its immigration laws -- as if the idea of open borders and cultural diversity are proper objectives without preplanning for the ensuing education, housing, transportation, health and legal challenges. Praising "diversity" in the abstract proves to be of little value unless in the concrete people are willing to open their neighborhoods and schools to mentor the millions of impoverished newcomers in their midst.

California taught the nation that taxes can skyrocket -- the state has the highest basket of income, sales and gasoline taxes in the nation -- even as infrastructure, government services and schools erode. It established the national precedent of opposing new infrastructure projects and then enjoying them once the planners and builders who were criticized finished them. California equated a Silicon Valley smartphone in the hand with knowledge in the head -- and the nation at large soon produced the most electronically wired and least knowledgeable generation in memory.

We are all Californians now.