Saturday, November 28, 2020

Southern Border Remains a 'War Zone'


Border Agents Stop Smugglers, Catch Large Groups of Illegals, Some Hiding in Appliances.

by R. Cort Kirkwood November 23, 2020

Border agents stopped four human smuggling attempts in 24 hours last week, and on Friday, nailed yet another sex pervert trying to sneak into the country.

The latest reports from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, as well the agency’s recent monthly apprehensions data, suggest that illegal aliens are rushing to the border in the hope Democrat “President-elect” Joe Biden puts his hand on a Bible on January 20.

They’re coming on foot. They’re coming in cars. They’re even coming in washing machines.

Agents threw a net over almost 70,000 in October. That number might well increase in November if they continue catching human smugglers with no regard for the lives in their hands.

 Big Haul
Border agents north of border-town Laredo netted 26 illegals when they stopped a flatbed trailer at a checkpoint,
CBP reported. A canine alerted agents to the human cargo, all Mexicans and hidden in a false compartment.

Unsurprisingly, they were seemingly unconcerned about piling into a confined space in the middle of the Chinese Virus pandemic.

Reported CBP:

None of the individuals were wearing any personal protective equipment (PPE) while concealed in the cramped space under the flatbed trailer. Laredo Sector Chief Patrol Agent Matthew Hudak stated, “Trapping 26 people underneath the floor of this trailer created a very dangerous situation, putting the lives of these illegal aliens at risk. Without any social distancing or PPE, these people were completely unprotected from COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. Smugglers continue to demonstrate a total disregard for public safety and the lives of smuggled aliens.”

Newsflash: Human smugglers don’t care about masks and social distancing.

Later that day in Laredo, agents uncovered something in a washing machine, and it wasn’t a courtesy package of Tide.

That illegal was one of more than a dozen illegals packed into appliances and furniture, including a mattress. Again, the game was up when agents at a checkpoint stopped the Chevy Suburban that towed a utility trailer with the appliances and the illegals, CBP reported:

Upon examining the items on the trailer, agents discovered 13 individuals hidden among the varied furniture items, mattresses, and home appliances. They were immediately medically screened. None were wearing personal protective equipment. 

The agency did not divulge whether the washer was set on delicates or heavy duty.

In Edinburg that day, CPB reported, agents bagged five dozen illegals trying to cross the border in a group, then raided two residences and collared nearly three dozen more.

Agents arrested 61 illegals from Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala who were sneaking into the country south of border-town McAllen.

Later that day, a raid on a home in Rio Grande City yielded 21 illegals. Another on a trailer home in Edinburg uncovered a stash house. Eighteen illegals from Mexico and the Northern Triangle — Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador — “were kept in poor living conditions with minimal ventilation,” CBP reported. 

Checking a car by the side of the road at Arizona’s Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation that day, Tucson sector agents arrested three illegals and their smuggler. The illegals were dressed in camouflage, which smugglers often force them to buy.

Agents seized a loaded handgun as well.

A canine inspection at Amado, Arizona, about 35 minutes south of Tucson, divulged two illegals in the trunk of a car from which they could not have escaped.

Sex Offender Caught
Meanwhile, on November 20, yet another previously deported sex fiend tried to sneak back into the country. He jumped the border, the
agency reported, 23 miles west of California’s Calexico Port of Entry. 

The 41-year-old Mexican, deported in 2004, “has an active warrant for ‘Lewdness with a Child Under 14’ and ‘Sexual Assault with a Child Under 14’ out of Nye County, Nevada.”

As The New American reported last week, agents cuffed two killers and six offenders over 10 days through November 20. Four of the sex criminals were child molesters.

All were previously deported.

The latest arrests highlight the increasing peril of leaving the southern border open to a flood of illegals who have been crossing in increasing numbers since April.

In October, border agents caught 69,237, a 20-percent increase over September’s number.

Biden promises amnesty and a home for any and all who show up at the border hat in hand with a tale of woe. 


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Happy Day - With A Democrat Meltdown!


The Democrats Are About to Be in Shambles, for Years

11/19/2020 - Jeff Davidson

In July 2019, following the Mueller testimony debacle, the Left’s meltdown was palpable. For nearly three years, they had whipped themselves into a frenzy over the bogus notion of a Trump/Russia collusion, actually put in motion by Hillary Clinton and company.  

When Mueller’s team fired nothing but blanks, many on the left grasped for straws. "Obstruction!" they cried. That bogus claim, however, didn’t take hold. So, they moved on to phony impeachment proceedings, which even many Democrats knew was dead on arrival. (Mitt Romney to the rescue, to make the vote nonpartisan.)

The Media Machine in Motion

At this moment, Leftist psychological operations are in full swing. Nearly everywhere you turn, it appears as if Joe Biden is the president-elect, and that it’s ironclad. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC can't feature the “Biden Administration” enough. The same with the big newsprint media. They are spray painting features and articles all over creation about the ‘Biden cabinet,’ Biden advisors, the Biden transition team members, the White House counsel, the White House staff, etc.

Concurrently, they are suppressing massive, criminal, Democrat election fraud to the point where it is regarded as a non-issue, basically a Trump team fantasy. It never happened, they insist. The election was clean, the issue is completely settled! This is the same group who only observed peaceful protests in the summer – no violence, no looting. Really!  

Referring to Leftist election fraud, in any way, makes you a crazed lunatic. If you Google key terms, such as, “Michigan election fraud,” you don't see anything in the first four pages of hits, other than how the Trump campaign is making false claims, and is endangering America. 

In other words, you obtain no confirmation whatsoever of the hundreds of thousands of votes that were converted, deleted, or otherwise masked, in the gargantuan effort to ensure that Joe Biden collected more than 270 electoral votes. Lower down, on the fifth page of Google hits, two links refer to viable claims of Democrat election fraud. 

How many site visitors search for five pages? Something far less than five percent of searchers, and quite likely less than one percent. 

The Evidence is Being Assembled

Don't fall for any of the Left’s schemes. The affidavits that have been collected, added to those to be collected, offer a tidal wave of evidence as to Democrat criminality in the 2020 elections. The 1000s of people, swearing via an affidavit to a court of law as to what they saw, are not foolish enough to risk perjury, years of legal costs, or prison. 

The affidavit of one software engineer in Detroit, for example, who had inside observations as to voting malfeasance on election night is illuminating. It spells out the number of ballots that had been manipulated, when this happened, how it happened, how the totals were recalibrated, and what was reported to the media. This affidavit is merely one of legions from subject matter experts who are providing pinpoint information that vastly uncovers Democrat election fraud in the aggregate.

Attorneys for President Trump, working on macro issues, will show how Dominion software was employed by Venezuela, and other bad actors to contort our election. Communist China and Cuba might also be in the mix: Each has a vested interest in dislodging President Trump. 

The testimony that Trump lawyers will present in court, when fully assembled, will be substantial.

It’s in the Air

Beyond court victories, Republican legislators in the key swing states will be exposed to the gargantuan amount of evidence of Democrat fraud. This will all but ensure that they’ll side with Donald Trump, should the Electoral College give neither candidate 270 votes. 

In short, the prospects are solid that President Trump will be inaugurated for a second term on January 20th, 2021. And 73.5+ million people will know that justice prevailed.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden and Commie Kamala Harris can strut all that they want. The media machine can keep pumping out all kinds of stories about the forthcoming "Biden administration," which actually will never materialize.

When the feces hits the fan, and Democrats realize that they have not won the presidency, the emotional deflation will be unbearable for them. Their meltdown will dwarf all others. They will be in shambles, not just for now, but for years to come.

A Slingshot Effect

Rachel Maddow will go into another funk. Jake Tapper’s head will explode. As the populace realizes how corrupt the Democrat Party has become, how it is leaderless, rudderless, without integrity, and bent on destruction of what we hold sacred, the Democrats will have a long time to reflect on how pitiful their party has become. 

This slingshot effect will reverberate through the 2022 elections, and perhaps even to 2024, and beyond.


Thursday, November 19, 2020

IronyAbounds, Americans Remain Skeptical


Irony Abounds as the Left Politicizes the Coronavirus

11/19/2020 - Victor Davis Hanson

Where has the coronavirus gone?

Nowhere. The pandemic has gained a second wind, even as it is mysteriously scarcer in post-election headlines. If anything, COVID-19 seems more contagious as cold temperatures arrive, people stay in indoors and perhaps their vitamin D levels taper off.

Whatever one's views on the virus -- whether it remains an existential threat or, contrarily, prompts over reactive lockdowns that are more harmful and maybe even deadlier than the virus itself -- nothing much has changed since Election Day.

Or did viral perceptions suddenly change? The pandemic certainly no longer serves as an election lever to demagogue President Trump as a veritable killer.

States such as California are under near-complete lockdown. Draconian measures will abbreviate Thanksgiving gatherings in a way unprecedented in U.S. history. Yet elites such as California Gov. Gavin Newsom and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have violated the quarantines they have endorsed.

Following the media announcement that Joe Biden would likely become president, crowds swarmed into the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles. They violated every state mandate requiring masks and social distancing. Authorities did nothing -- just as they had done nothing during the summer-long protesting and rioting. Apparently, some outdoor gatherings were correct; others, not so much.

A similar warping of science accompanied news about the possible rollout of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Julie Kelly of the conservative website American Greatness has documented the changing narratives about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer is one of five companies in line to receive massive federal funding under the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed program to hasten mass vaccinations. Such an ambitious program is unmatched in the history of viral epidemiology. Another company in the program, Moderna, announced promising results from a clinical trial on Nov. 16.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla predicted in early September that by the end of October, his company would offer a preliminary announcement concerning the safety and effectiveness of his company's vaccine. His forecast was met with apprehension on the left. Any positive assessment was seen by the left as political, validating the Trump administration's rapid response to the virus shortly before the election.

Yet on Oct. 27, a week before the election, Pfizer corrected Bourla's earlier estimate. The company claimed any such declaration would follow rather than precede the election.

"For us, the election is an artificial milestone," Bourla said. "This is going to be not a Republican vaccine or a Democrat vaccine. It will be a vaccine for the citizens of the world."

Admirable rhetoric. But a few days after the election, Pfizer abruptly announced that in mass human trials, its vaccine had proven 90 percent effective and safe after all.

Still odder than the recalibrated timing was what the company did next.

First, a Pfizer official claimed that the company had never been part of Operation Warp Speed. In an earlier press release, Pfizer had bragged about being an integral player in the multibillion-dollar federal effort to rush the vaccine into use. The day after the denial about being part of the program, a company spokesman conceded that the company is, in fact, part of Operation Warp Speed.

Second, Pfizer gave notice of its purported breakthrough not in a press conference or a communique to the sitting president. Instead, according to Joe Biden, the company contacted his campaign's "public health advisers."

Apparently, Pfizer had, in fact, been guided by the "artificial milestone" of the election, even if inadvertently.

Or was Pfizer trying to gain political support for its vaccine rollout from Biden, who was an overwhelming favorite in almost all the pre-election polls? Members of Biden's campaign team told Bloomberg News that Biden advisers had met with officials at companies that are working on vaccines before the election.

Why would Pfizer act in such a way?

Perhaps because skeptics Biden and running mate Kamala Harris had downplayed the notion of a Trump push to get millions of Americans vaccinated.

Weeks before the election and the expected Pfizer announcement, Biden had scoffed: "I trust vaccines. I trust scientists. But I don't trust Donald Trump."

Harris demonized a potential Operation Warp Speed vaccine during a vice presidential debate: "If Donald Trump tells us to take it, I'm not taking it."

Before the election, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, derided the notion of a pre-election vaccine announcement. After the Pfizer announcement, Cuomo blasted the Trump administration, claiming it should get no credit for the speed of the vaccine development but lots of blame for a predicted slow rollout.

Irony abounds. Those who accused Trump of playing politics with the virus made him look like a relative amateur through their own machinations. Those who claimed they were guided by science proved unscientific in their partisanship.

No wonder Americans remain so skeptical of the experts in general and the Washington administrative state in particular.