Friday, June 30, 2017

Illegal Aliens ID Theft Abounds

6/25/2017 - Matt Vespa

Tax season may be over, but next year’s taxes will be due before we know it—and at least 1.4 million Americans won’t know that their Social Security numbers are being used by illegal aliens.

An Internal Revenue Service report that this is roughly the number of illegal aliens who are impersonating citizens when it comes to file taxes. To make things more maddening, they’re not allowed to work with the Department of Homeland Security on finding the identities of these people. Stephen Dinan at The Washington Times had more:

Most illegal immigrants who pay taxes have stolen someone else’s legal identity, and the IRS doesn’t do a very good job of letting those American citizens and legal immigrants know they’re being impersonated, the tax agency’s inspector general said in a new report released Thursday.


“Cases of employment identity theft can cause significant burden to innocent taxpayers, including the incorrect computation of taxes based on income that does not belong to them,” said J. Russell George, the inspector general.

It’s long been a conundrum in the federal government.

The IRS knows of 2.4 million people a year who file taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, which is generally given out to immigrants who aren’t authorized to work. But the IRS is not allowed to talk with Homeland Security to help agents identify who and where those taxpayers are.


The migrants file their forms with their ITINs, but the W-2 forms they submit show valid Social Security numbers that they fraudulently gave to their employer to clear an initial work authorization check.

A staggering 87 percent of forms filed online using ITINs showed income credited to a Social Security number. More than half of forms filed by paper also showed that same fraudulent behavior.

Horrific Consequence of Illegal Immigration

6/27/2017 - Reagan McCarthy

Washington, D.C. -Illegal immigrant crime is facing new opposition with the launch of the Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC).

The group was founded by Mary Ann Mendoza and Don Rosenberg, who both lost their children to illegal immigrant felons. The founders are joined by more Americans whose children and loved ones have been killed by illegal immigrants. AVIAC aims to be a resource for victims of illegal alien crimes, such as assault and battery, identity theft and rape; the organization also seeks to serve families of these victims.

Representative Steve King (R-IA) is one of the organization’s strongest advocates, promising to push legislation such as Sarah's Law and Kate’s Law. Rep. King is a proponent of strong immigration policy and was the keynote speaker at AVIAC’s launch event. He cited a heavy amnesty time period under President Ronald Reagan:

“In 1986, Ronald Reagan was honest. He called his legislation amnesty. Now, they just call it comprehensive immigration reform. We know it means amnesty...I thought he would veto it [amnesty] because I thought he understood that we have to uphold the rule of law.”

“We’re on the cusp of restoring the rule of law,” he said on the new administration.

Rep. King rightfully pointed out the sad truth that is often untold about illegal immigrant crimes: that each and every one is avoidable.

“Every one of those lives that have been snuffed out by someone who is unlawfully in America, illegal aliens, is a preventable death,” he said.

Rep. King brought up that although illegal immigrants commit more crimes than American citizens, the most crucial offense is executed on arrival by illegal immigrants. Coming to America illegally is a federal crime. He criticized Democrats for overlooking the immigration problem, and using it for political capital.

“Hillary Clinton would fast track citizenship to anyone who would vote as a Democrat,” King said.
Attendees of the event had the opportunity to hear from the families who lost their children and loved ones at the hand of illegal immigration. The group gathered from across the country, from California to Massachusetts, in support of the same cause, and with losing loved ones in common.

Michelle Root, who lost her daughter Sarah, who is the namesake of Sarah’s Law, spoke to the support aspect of AVIAC:

“When my daughter Sarah was killed last year, I wish I had an organization like this to turn to...AVIAC is important to me and the rest of the families standing here today, and many Americans...because we share the same grief. All of our loved ones would still be here today if it weren’t for the person who was here illegally.”

“We stand here today to speak truth, standing up for loved ones we lost, for other victims who have been silenced and for future generations of Americans who deserve to be safe and secure,” she added.
The rest of the families shared their stories and passion for taking action on illegal immigration. The unique variety of tragic stories and diversity of the group proved that everyone is affected by illegal alien crime; and illegal immigration is not a victimless crime.

Watch the launch video for Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime here:

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Finally a Sensible Decision on Trump Temporary Ban

6/26/2017 - Matt Vespa

It’s been a long legal road, but the Trump administration will be able to enforce most of its executive order on immigration that included a travel moratorium on six predominantly Muslim countries: Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Iran, and Yemen. 

These nations are either embroiled in civil war, failed states, or state sponsors of terror. Second, it’s not a Muslim ban; people from Indonesia—the world’s most populous Muslim country—can still come here. Nevertheless, liberals thought the order was unconstitutional based on religious discrimination. They were able to get injunctions against the first order from Washington State’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson. It was granted. 

The second revised version, which cleared up the legal haze over green card holders, was also targeted by liberals, with New York, Minnesota, Washington, and Oregon filing motions to block its enforcement. Hawaii was able to block the order, which then turned into a preliminary injunction. Recently, the state rolled back portions of the injunction relating to impact studies on anti-terror initiatives, according to Politico. The Trump White House filed multiple appeals, with the Fourth and Ninth Circuit rejecting arguments to reinstate the so-called ban. For the Ninth Circuit, they rejected the appeal twice.

In May, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said they would request the Supreme Court settle this matter

Today, as Christine wrote, they did—overturning the injunction on the order, agreeing to hear arguments on the ban, and allowing partial enforcement in the interim. In short, a person from the list of nations in the executive order who doesn’t have a “bona fide” relationship with someone in the United States is going to be denied entry.

The Department of Homeland Security offered thanks to the high court for allowing them to enforce the law and protect national security:

The Supreme Court today has allowed the Department of Homeland Security to largely implement the President's Executive Order and take rational and necessary steps to protect our nation from persons looking to enter and potentially do harm. The granting of a partial stay of the circuit injunctions with regard to many aliens abroad restores to the Executive Branch crucial and long-held constitutional authority to defend our national borders.

The Department will provide additional details on implementation after consultation with the Departments of Justice and State. The implementation of the Executive Order will be done professionally, with clear and sufficient public notice, particularly to potentially affected travelers, and in coordination with partners in the travel industry.

Thursday, June 22, 2017 Americans in Action

6/21/2017 - Angela Morabito
In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down large parts of an Arizona state law intended to give local law enforcement the power to enforce federal immigration laws.

The ruling in Arizona v. United States held that three sections of S.B. 1070 were pre-empted by federal immigration law. The Obama administration, which opposed the Arizona law, along with advocates for open borders, hailed the ruling, contending that the U.S. couldn’t very well have 50 different immigration policies.

Now, five years later the script has flipped.

Many of the same folks who railed against a single state setting its own immigration policy are now vehemently supportive of states — and even towns, cities and counties — thumbing their noses at federal immigration law and providing “sanctuary” to illegal aliens.

These hypocritical sanctuary scofflaws are now facing some long-overdue pushback. Their double standard is showing, and people who favor the rule of law – including legal immigrants – are using online advocacy to push back.

First, the scores of sanctuary cities and jurisdictions, large and small now face the very real threat of being declared ineligible by the Trump administration for at least three different federal Justice Department law-enforcement grants.

The threat of losing those funding streams has given at least some of these sanctuary cities and counties pause to reconsider. The Washington Times reported June 2 that 10 jurisdictions have been told by the Justice Department that they have until the end of June to certify that they’re in compliance with Section 1373 of the U.S. Code relating to illegal immigration. If they don’t meet that deadline, they risk losing eligibility for those grants.

At the same time, average Americans who support U.S. national sovereignty and the rule of law are stepping up and doing their part to make it known that they oppose the cities, counties and states where they live harboring illegal immigrants. Sanctuary status does next to nothing for illegal immigrants who do not commit additional crimes. Sanctuary status only helps those who are here illegally AND arrested on additional criminal charges.

Utilizing online petitioning platforms such as, Americans are making it known to their elected officials that they object to the defiance of federal immigration laws.

In so doing, they’re helping President Trump fulfill his campaign promise to crackdown on illegal immigration and reassert national sovereignty with respect to who gets to come into the country and who doesn’t.

The first such petition calling for the defunding of sanctuary jurisdictions went online some months ago. At the time, we weren’t sure whether it would resonate, but it has grown steadily since then and now boasts more than 43,000 signatures.

Activists also have taken matters into their own hands with pre-emptive strikes in Traverse City, Mich., and
Troy, N.Y. These jurisdictions aren’t sanctuary cities — at least not yet — but they are threatening to start shielding illegal immigrants, so locals there are using petitions to stop those harmful policies before they start. Petitions have also been launched against sanctuary policies in Winston-Salem, N.C., and Richmond, Va.

Contrary to what advocates for open borders might want casual observers to believe, neither the people behind these petitions, nor the folks who sign onto them, are anti-immigrant. What they are against is illegal immigration, and that’s a distinction with a very real difference.

These people oppose illegal immigration because it is dangerous and expensive. Believing in secure national borders, and supporting consequences for breaking the law, is not extremism. It is the foundation of the nation-state system we have enjoyed in the Western world since 1648.

You could ask the parents of Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old San Francisco woman who was fatally shot nearly two years ago on July 1, 2015. The suspect in the case is a five-times-deported illegal alien, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez. The Steinle case became a rallying cry of President Trump’s campaign promise to build a border wall.

Then there’s the nonpartisan Federation for American Immigration Reform, which in a 2013 report estimated the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion — nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. Is this per year?

The Winston-Salem petition is all about fiscal concerns. If sanctuary status results in the Trump Justice Department defunding the city, then legal residents — including legal immigrants — will suffer.

The various petitioners and their signatories aren’t suggesting that Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials come to town and raid a community. What they want is, when local law enforcement officials detain an illegal immigrant who has committed an additional crime (beyond being in the country illegally), that they alert federal immigration authorities.

The bottom line is simply this: It shouldn’t be controversial to expect one’s locality to follow federal law.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Firm Words of Advice For GOP

6/12/2017 - Kurt Schlichter
“Everything’s fine,” smiled Captain Paul Ryan smarmily as he steered the Titanic into an iceberg. “Now, let me get back to shafting our own voting base via my incomprehensible determination to cancel the tax deductions that Republicans use instead of cutting handouts to Democrat-voting freeloaders!”

We are sailing toward disaster in 2018 and no one seems to want to acknowledge it. Let’s look at the facts and evidence.

Data Point One: We scraped by in a couple of House special elections so far, including Punchy McSlugahack’s in Montana, but that Daily Kos reader-funded-12-year old non-resident Democrat dork is going to beat the charisma-free Republican in the Georgia 6 race next week. Our enemy is motivated and smells blood.

Data Point Two: Because she is a droning non-performer, Theresa May took a 24 point advantage and turned it into a loss in Britain.

Data Point Three: Our GOP Republican legislators are droning non-performers who have a 10 point disadvantage going into 2018.

The bottom line is that despite the GOP’s advantages in incumbency, money, and (to a much smaller extent than the lying liberals say) redistricting, we have a very real chance of losing the House and maybe even the Senate in 2018. The Senate would be hard to lose based simply on number of seats in play, but we should have confidence in our party’s unique ability to screw-up and fail based on its unblemished track record of screwing up and failing.

Midterms traditionally go badly for the party holding the White House; it doesn’t help that Paul Ryan seems to be the Speaker of a House of Representatives on a different planet. He wanders about with this obnoxious, Comey-esque sanctimony vibe that demoralizes the base and ensures that we will stay home in large numbers while the pinkos turn out en masse. Mitch McConnell is a little better; he’s at least cunning and does what he can in a job that involves not just herding cats, but herding senile, narcissistic, and stupid cats.

“But stuff is getting done!” the GOP leadership insists, which might be true but is definitely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if “stuff is getting done” if your voters don’t know it and support you. Now, when Paul Ryan talks directly to us on Hugh Hewitt's show or elsewhere, he actually makes sense. He explains his strategy, so we can sigh “Oh, there’s a reason for all this and a coherent plan. Phew.” But then Ryan says something unbelievably stupid along the lines of, “As Speaker, my job is to pass legislation, not to go out and sell our agenda to voters.” No, that’s a steaming pile of Harry Reid.

The Speaker has multiple jobs, but they all boil down to winning. The Speaker’s job is not simply to be some goofy legislative super wonk. He needs to lead, which means getting us onboard as well as his caucus. And that means making sure we voters know what’s happening, why, and how it helps us. Yet the GOP fails to do that.

Stop failing. Start doing what we sent you to do and letting us in on the plan. Let us see you are intent on winning and you’ll start to rebuild the confidence your incompetence has shattered.

Here’s a good idea for a first step – work as hard as we do. Let’s see some late-night sessions. Let’s see some five day work weeks – and even some working on weekends. We work weekends. I work weekends. I’m writing this on a weekend. Why not you?

And let’s see you cancel the August recess. Work. We keep hearing about how you “don’t have time” to do your jobs, but then you propose to vanish in August? Hey, how about staying around that sticky, sweaty swamp of a city through August and getting your job done? I’m going to be working in August. Everyone else I know is going to be working in August. You bums need to work during August too.

And no, you don’t need to “come home to touch base with your voters.” We don’t want to see you here. We want to see you back in D.C., enacting the agenda we elected you to enact instead of chillin’ out at your crib and attending town halls filled with paid leftist shills where you tell us that you don’t have time to do what you’re being paid to do.

You must get the President’s agenda passed, but, at the same time, you must keep us in the loop. See, we don’t trust you. You haven’t earned our trust. We know you hate the idea that we are going to hold you accountable for what you do and fail to do and you don’t like it. Too bad. Because now we’re watching, so you better communicate with us to explain what we see and why it’s not surrender or failure. As the hep kidz say, we’re woke.

The enemy is motivated and energized, but right now, we’re “Meh.” The only way we will become un-meh is via results, and results aren’t merely passing legislation. “Results” means “a tangible improvement in our lives.” Because the situation out here is getting worse. Our country faces the terrifyingly real chance of falling apart if you fail – during the few minutes a day when you are not busy enacting the President’s agenda you should be reading my new novel about what might happen to our country if you keep failing.

So stop wasting time and effort cavorting with the Democrats about their fake Trump/Russia obsession. Those crusty senators with their “We must uncover the truth about these questions” nonsense need to stop. We all know the truth. It’s all a liberal lie.

Cut our taxes, like the GOP promised.

Rebuild our military, like the GOP promised.

Fix infrastructure (wisely), like the GOP promised.

Build a wall, like the GOP promised.

Kill Obamacare, like the GOP promised.

Oh, and how about recruiting some decent GOP candidates? Karen Handel seems like a nice lady, but she's lousy at politics so she never should have gotten in the race. Her upcoming loss is going to motivate our enemies, and we can't have that. We don’t have the luxury of letting nice people who are crummy candidates be our nominees. We need winners, not losers.

Put that nomination down! Nominations are for closers.

The Democrats are out there recruiting military vets – there’s one jerky liberal everyone finds annoying in every big unit, and that’s who they pick. They’ll preen and pose and get elected and then salute General Pelosi and vote as ordered on every item of Democrat soldier-shafting liberal hackery. That’s the threat – are you ready for it? You need to spend some time and effort on candidate selection and grooming; you need to make sure that in every district our money is on a winner. Are you doing that? Who is doing that? Why do none of us know about how you are doing that?

What we have here is a failure to communicate, which leads to a failure to win.

And we need to stop jamming our own voters in the name of some arbitrary, D.C. think tank g-generated conception of good policy. Good policy is what wins. How about not imposing anything upon us that hurts the GOP base? You see, you're there to represent Republicans. Some goofs and wusscons have the idea that you're there to represent all voters, but that's nonsense.

You are there to represent the people who voted for you, not the liberal whiners and welfare cheats who didn't and who hate you and us. So we're not going to close off deductions that help Republicans and we're not going to increase taxes on Republicans and we're not gonna do other things that hurt Republicans. We're going to hurt Democrats.

That's called politics. Try it. It’s amazingly effective.

If you do, we win. If the economy is cranking in November 2018 and health insurance premiums are under control – and they will be if you keep your promises – then you’re fine. Otherwise, you’re gone. People here – like in Britain – will vote against you just because you are the status quo if they feel the status quo stinks. So stop the stinking.

Start by announcing that you are staying in session through your (undeserved) August vacation, then deliver on your promises. Nothing else matters. Stop procrastinating. Stop chasing Putin squirrels like suckers. Choose to win.

The iceberg is right ahead – don’t slam into it.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tell Your Congressman NO on ENLIST Act HR60

6/1/2017 - Arthur Schaper
Samuel Johnson, the witty grammarian, dictionary compiler, and literary critic could put down the worst offenses with lightning fast rapier wit.  One comes to mind in connection with the latest push for amnesty in Congress: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” Meaning? Every man lacking moral fiber will justify his plunge to unseen depths of depravity by waving the flag of his nation: “I broke the law for the sake of my country!” The more subtle criminals—including ambitious politicians—will pull out the patriotism card to get elected or to explain away bad votes. In the final calculation, they push to give themselves a personal advantage, often at the expense of the very country which they claim to champion: “Look at all the flags on my website! Vote for me!”

How does this unpatriotic play for patriotism connect with illegal immigration? A lighter form of amnesty is floating around, this time from Congressman Jeff Denham (R-CA). His ENLIST Act (H.R. 60) seems like a common-sense proposal. If illegal aliens meet key requirements and serve in the United States military, they can receive legal status. Sounds good—at first. If men and women put their lives on the line for the United States, why not reward their self-sacrifice with citizenship?

Historical references are crucial to explain why this proposal should be court-martialed and sent to the firing squad. During the waning era of the Western Roman Empire, the Romans recruited mercenaries from Germanic and Gallic tribes to restore their armed ranks. The allegiance of these outsider-soldiers sided with the commanding officers, not the Roman Emperor and Empire. The same barbarians recruited for their adopted homeland would eventually turn on their own neighbors and nation. This threat of internal dissension and demise cannot be ignored or overlooked. Citizenship is about embracing values, not just defeating foreign invaders.

Despite these serious concerns, Congressman Denham (R-Turlock) has introduced this measure repeatedly, and now fellow California Congressman Darrell Issa (who’s giving conservatives more reasons not to support him in the upcoming election) has signed on. These and other Republicans (especially in California) are paying attention to Democratic talking points rather than fired-up Re-TRUMP-licans—who are fed up with amnesty and politicians who ignore the needs of American citizens.

Since these pro-illegal policies pushed by these politicians would endanger our country, why do they push this narrative? Why are these scoundrels in Washington targeting illegal alien veterans? They are banking on the idea that this small measure will temper criticism from angry constituents. In Santa Ana, California, a liberal sanctuary city right in the heart of conservative Orange County, California, Congressman Lou Correa hosted a town hall for illegal aliens (another one shut down by feckless liberals in the face of raging Trump supporters demanding the rule of law). Correa started off about the fear imposed on “immigrant” (read, illegal alien) communities. He then switched over to his upcoming visit to Tijuana to visit with deported veterans. They had green cards, but they broke the law (“They got into trouble,” according to Correa), and thus they were deported.

One woman attending Correa’s town hall denounced the illegal aliens whom Correa was championing. When he had mentioned their previous service in our military, her criticism dampened somewhat. Who’s going to speak against military service for the United States, right? These amnesty panderers think that mentioning the word “veteran” will excuse crimes of the past. Wrong, I say! Military service is not a Get Out of Jail Free card. Every veteran should be thanked for their service, but it doesn’t mean they can commit crimes or limit the rights of everyday citizens.

Many times this year alone, liberal veterans have tried to silence my criticism: ”Are you a veteran? Have you fought for this country?” My retort: “You fought for my right to speak.  Are you now undermining your own efforts by telling me that I cannot be here?”

Veterans who commit crimes should be tried, convicted and sentenced, just like the rest of us. They fought for the rule of law overseas, and they are called to abide by those standards here. Read up on Randy “Duke” Cunningham, a Republican congressman who once represented San Diego County. He was convicted of bribery and corruption charges in 2005. During the sentencing hearing, his defense attorney pled for clemency because of his military service. No deal, said the judge.

This “rule of law” thing seems to escape amnesty panderers like Correa, however. The illegals who served in our military should have never enrolled in the first place. They should not have been in our country! Let’s have true standards, please! Besides, if the ENLIST Act becomes law, EXPECT more illegals rushing into our country to enlist for legal status. No deal. It’s time to put aside the memes and patronizing half-measures of our politicians. They want to play the patriotism card to sell their constituents on partial amnesty, and I am having none of it. Once again, I will share with you the list of 200—yes, that many—cosponsors for Denham’s ENLIST Act.  Tell them “No Way.”

The next time your Congressman pushes this “Amnesty for illegal alien veterans” card, just give them a sample of Samuel Johnson’s wit: “Patriotism is the last resort of a politician … er, scoundrel!”

Friday, June 2, 2017

With Praise, Honor and Glory to USA Military

5/18/2017 - Victor Davis Hanson
Seventy-five years ago (June 4-7, 1942), the astonishing American victory at the Battle of Midway changed the course of the Pacific War.

Just six months after the catastrophic Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. crushed the Imperial Japanese Navy off Midway Island (about 1,300 miles northwest of Honolulu), sinking four of its aircraft carriers.

"Midway" referred to the small atoll roughly halfway between North America and Asia. But to Americans, "Midway" became a barometer of military progress. Just half a year after being surprised at Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Navy had already destroyed almost half of Japan's existing carrier strength (after achieving a standoff at the Battle of the Coral Sea a month earlier).

The odds at the June 1942 battle favored the Japanese. The imperial fleet had four carriers to the Americans' three, backed up by scores of battleships, cruisers and light carriers as part of the largest armada that had ever steamed from Japan.

No military had ever won more territory in six months than had Japan. Its Pacific Empire ranged from the Indian Ocean to the coast of the Aleutian Islands, and from the Russian-Manchurian border to Wake Island in the Pacific.

Yet the Japanese Navy was roundly defeated by an outnumbered and inexperienced American fleet at Midway. Why and how?

American intelligence officers -- often eccentric and free to follow their intuitions -- had cracked the Japanese naval codes, giving the Americans some idea of the Japanese plan of attack at Midway.

American commanders were far more open to improvising and risk-taking than their Japanese counterparts. In contrast, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto created an elaborate but rigid plan of attack that included an invasion of the Aleutian Islands as well as Midway.

But such impractical agendas dispersed the much larger Japanese fleet all over the central and northern Pacific, ensuring that the Japanese could never focus their overwhelming numerical advantages on the modest three-carrier American fleet.

The U.S. Navy was also far more resilient than its Japanese counterpart.

A month earlier at the Battle of the Coral Sea, the Japanese suffered damage to one of their carriers and serious aircraft losses on another. The American carrier Lexington was sunk, and the Yorktown was severely damaged.

But whereas the Japanese took months repairing the bombed carrier Shokaku and replenishing the lost planes of the Zuikaku, the crippled Yorktown was made seaworthy again at Pearl Harbor just 72 hours after limping into port.

The result of such incredible adaptability was that at Midway the Americans had three carriers (rather than two), against four for the Japanese (instead of a possible six).

Midway was probably the best chance for Japan to destroy U.S. naval power in the Pacific before America's enormous war industry created another new fleet entirely.

Just months after Midway, new American Essex-class carriers -- the most lethal afloat -- would be launched. Before the war ended, 17 of the planned 24 carriers would see action.

In contrast, Japan launched only four more fleet carriers to replace its growing losses. Japanese naval aircraft -- the best in the world in 1941 -- were becoming obsolete by mid-1942.

In contrast, in the months after Midway, tens of thousands of new and superior Hellcat fighters, Avenger torpedo bombers and Helldiver dive bombers rolled off American assembly lines in numbers unmatched by the Japanese.

During the Battle of Midway itself, Japanese Admiral Chuichi Nagumo fatally hesitated in launching his air fleet. He was wedded to rigid doctrine about prepping his planes with the proper munitions.

In contrast, American Admirals Raymond Spruance and Frank Jack Fletcher gambled and sent most of the planes they had at the first inkling of the approaching Japanese fleet.

Japan could not equal American industrial strength, but American aviators and seamen could certainly match the Samurai courage of their Japanese counterparts.

At Midway, 37 of the 41 slow-flying and obsolete American Devastator torpedo bombers lumbered to their deaths, as they were easily picked off by Japanese air cover.

But such heroic sacrificial pawns drew off critical Japanese fighter protection from the fleet. In its absence, scores of high-flying Dauntless dive bombers descended unnoticed to blast the Japanese carriers with near impunity.

Americans took chances to win an incredible victory. The Japanese command chose to play it safe, trying not to lose advantages accrued over the prior six months.

Midway was not the beginning of the end for Japan. Just five months later off the island of Guadalcanal, only one American fleet carrier was left undamaged in the Pacific after a series of brutal sea battles. Instead, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, the victory at Midway was the end of the American beginning.

Before Midway, the Americans had rarely won a Pacific battle; afterwards, they seldom lost. America's culture of spontaneity, flexibility and improvisation helped win the battle; Japanese reliance on rote probably lost it. We should remember those lessons 75 years later.