Sunday, June 30, 2019

USA - Get Educated, Inspired, Involved, Participate - or ALL is Lost!

6/30/2019 - Paul Curry

Former Vice President Adlai Stevenson once said, “A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.” It’s hard to imagine a better analogy than that for the way the current Democratic Party pontificates on the border crisis.

For 40 years the Democrats have done everything in their power to encourage and facilitate illegal immigration. They have relentlessly blocked any attempts to address and prevent the current rise of illegal immigration at our southern border. They have incentivized illegal immigration in every conceivable manner. Those who watched the recent Democratic debates, as painful as that must have been, have now witnessed their campaign to decimate our national sovereignty at a new level.

The debates, in all their lackluster glory, were nothing more than 20 progressives shouting in one voice their intention to make our illegal immigration crisis even worse.

It is evident that one cannot simultaneously deter and incentivize the same action. A crime, in any form, is nothing more than desire coupled with opportunity. If you cannot remove the desire, you must remove the opportunity. If you cannot remove the opportunity, you must remove the desire. 

Democrats have repeatedly defied national interests by increasing people's desire to illegally enter our country while tirelessly working to remove and prevent any impediments to such entry. The recent debates are evidence of such. 

The candidates proudly declared their desire to allow for universal, free (U.S. taxpayer funded ‘free’) health care for all illegal aliens. Defunding ICE and ending deportations for illegals are among their stated goals. Many have gone so far as to adopt a policy of decriminalizing illegal entry into the U.S., and to be sure, all others will soon follow. Guaranteed social services, financial assistance, taxpayer-funded education and job placement would round out their bag of goodies. This is incentivization in its purest form.

Destabilizing border security and enforcement have become Democratic dog whistles. State, county, and local liberal politicians aim to frustrate the efforts of federal enforcement officers at every turn. This amounts to maximizing opportunity, plain and simple.

And now we have a border and illegal alien detention crisis. Surprise! It’s worth noting that the very Democratic politicians that now decry the “inhumane” actions of the Trump administration’s handling of the crisis are the same Democratic politicians that, for several years, denied said crisis even existed. They were eerily silent when President Obama’s administration put children in cages covered with tarps.

The Democrats have created this crisis and allowed it to flourish. And now they have the audacity to decry the current administration’s manner of addressing it. They have chopped down the redwood and are now mounting its stump.

Every day we hear about the ongoing opioid crisis in America and the horrors it brings. Imagine if heroin was heralded as a natural right or Oxycontin was government-mandated for all who wanted it. Would the very people championing the access, experimentation, and addiction really be suited to comment on the necessary detox centers and methods employed therein?

How does that differ from the left’s faux outrage at the Trump administration’s handling of a crisis the president inherited?

Trump wants to secure the border. Democrats fight him at every turn. The administration wants to enforce existing laws. Democrats obstruct him. ICE seeks to execute their necessary, lawful, and mandated duties. Liberals equate them to Nazis.

And now, rather than simply dumping illegal aliens on the streets or leaving them penniless in city bus stations, they’re taken to military facilities where they're provided with food, shelter, medical care, and due process. All the while the darlings of the left, Alexandria Cortez and Ilhan Omar, call them concentration camps. Equating humanely dealing with illegal immigrants to the single greatest crime in the history of human “civilization” displays not only a misunderstanding of both history and the current situation, but a complete disregard for the decency with which all Americans should conduct themselves.

The hypocrisy of the left is unfathomable, and they have forfeited any right to criticize the solution to the problem they created.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Wake Up America! It's All About Democrat Hypocricy

6/26/2019 - Sheriff David Clarke

Earlier this year, President Donald Trump addressed the nation in a primetime telecast to declare the situation at the U.S. southern border a humanitarian crisis and announced a national emergency declaration. He asked for additional funding for the Border Patrol, which could not keep up with the influx of migrants. He talked about the lack of resources and indicated that this was a situation that was out of control. Democrats in Congress scoffed at him saying it was a manufactured crisis. The liberal propaganda machine more commonly referred to by me as the editorial pages of the usual suspect newspapers parroted the constructed crisis theme.

I find it incredible that only now does the open-borders, and pro-illegal immigration crowd see that the situation is indeed at a crisis level. Now you can’t peruse any newsgroups without finding some story about how inhumane the conditions are at the detention facilities. The left, instead of acknowledging their misdiagnosis, yet again found an opportunity to play politics. Instead of approving a swift congressional funding bill for more resources, Democrats and their ilk in the leftist media have decided to weaponize the crisis, making it an opportunity to slam President Trump. It was after all Democrat Rahm Emmanuel who coined the phrase, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” He was insinuating that if there was a political advantage to be had in a crisis, then use it to score political points. Never mind that the opportunity is a sleazy political cheap shot. 

The left and Democrats aren’t interested in fixing the problem at our southern border, nor has it ever been about the kids in the detention centers. Recall that the political crusade when all this started was wrapped around the hashtag, “children being held in cages.’ That never happened under Trump. The file footage used to smear the administration and Customs and Border Protection was taken during the Obama administration. Leftist opportunists did not care much about the children or the conditions they were in when their guy Obama was running the operation. There was no political upside in slamming Obama. Oh and never mind the left and the media’s ‘move along nothing to see here’ attitude that the separation of children from adults was an Obama era policy stemming from a court order. Also, disregard the fact that many of the adults illegally crossing with children were often not the actual parents and that human smugglers were using this method to engage in sex trafficking. That stuff is not as important as taking an opportunity to skewer President Trump. Immigration and Customs officials have discovered that some people traveling as a family unit are a mixture of families from different countries. Try sorting through that. In these instances, close enough is not good enough. Previously deported dangerous persons use this as a way back in to the US.

Democrats are making this crisis about toothbrushes and soap as if more of these items will cure the crisis of an organized influx of people exploiting our lax immigration laws. Illegal immigration is the gift that keeps on giving for Democrats. More illegals mean the need for more government services as many of those exploiting asylum will become permanent members of the underclass in the United States. Members of that demographic vote for Democrat politicians under the threat of losing welfare, if they do not keep these frauds in office.

Democrats in Congress are not interested in fixing this crisis. They want the wedge issue. They’ll talk about it, demagogue it and dance all around it but when Trump started the dialogue by offering some solutions, Democrats fled like their hair was on fire.  They are skilled at using kids as political pawns and that exaggerated stories or just the thought of children being mistreated tugs at people’s heartstrings. They hope that this provides a slow bleed that they can use going into the 2020 election. They hope to make Trump die a slow metaphorical death over this from negative coverage like the baseless reports about Trump ordering children to be held in cages during detention. There appears to be no more political juice to squeeze out of the orange of Stormy Daniels, Trump’s tax returns, separation of children at the border or the Mueller Report so this one will have to do for now. Too bad that the left does not have the same alarmist sky-is-falling concern for the protection of US citizen babies in the womb or those living on the streets or are addicted to dangerous drugs.

Threats of impeachment are proving to be a loser for them right now. The problem for them is that this detention center issue too will end up on the ash heap of all their other sky-is-falling rhetoric.

I just returned from the El Paso Border Sector in Texas. I have seen what passes for housing on the Mexican side with children happily playing outside. It resembles where one would keep a junk yard dog. I bet the Mexican media doesn’t seem to have an interest in slamming their government about the conditions of children living there. The illegals in US detention camps probably see it as an upgrade from what they left.

With Democrats, it’s never really about the children or their teeth for that matter. That is a smokescreen. It’s really about defeating Trump in 2020. Their hatred for the president has blinded them from doing what is right. Hopefully it will cost them at the ballot box. 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Disease Will Eventually Kill US - If We Refuse The Chemo!

6/24/2019 - Paul Curry

Last Monday, Trump announced, via Twitter, of course, a bold, direct, and, most importantly, necessary move in the war on illegal immigration. ‘The Donald’ informed the country that ICE would be deployed to various American sanctuary cities in order to detain and deport “millions” of illegal aliens. Predictably, this set off a firestorm of hysterics from the left, illegal alien rights groups, and, alas, the media. Yet Trump’s proclamation was right, necessary, and long overdue.

Illegal immigration is a detriment to our national sovereignty, national economy, and, by extension, our national security. Current estimates put the total number of illegal aliens in our country at over 12 million. Exact numbers are difficult to come by for reasons such as citizenship questions on the national census (let’s see if the Supreme Court recognizes that this term). 

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) conducted a comprehensive study regarding the financial impact of illegal immigration. Services provided to these some 12 million illegals and their families are just over $135,000,000,000, don’t count the zeroes, that’s BILLIONS. Remember during the 2014 Ebola outbreak when NIH and CDC didn’t have enough money to properly address the problem? Where could the government have found that money? When funding for the Veterans’ Administration was in question, what other purse could have been raided? Of course, federal funding and appropriation laws don’t exactly work that way, but the underlying principle should resonate with anyone who owns a calculator. 

Remember the recent government shutdown? $5.7 billion was too much for a wall, but somehow $135 billion in services to illegal aliens is just the cost of government doing business. These are the same arguments, from the same people, who want to mandate what taxes, living wages, and Congressional pay raises should be. Not a comforting realization.

America, with or without illegal aliens, has crime, as does any nation. But is that any justification to import more? From Kate Steinle’s 2015 murder by an illegal to Mollie Tibbett’s 2018 brutal killing, along with the federal government’s report of 2,028 murders by illegals arrested in 2018, an important question arises: Why, through inaction, allow such crimes to persist? 

Simply because America already has crime is no justification. If your son or daughter was in the emergency room for a stab wound would you tell the doctor, “Don’t bother stitching him up. He already has pneumonia?" Of course not. If we can’t get rid of our own crime problem, we certainly should not invite more that we can get rid of.

We have serious problems that we must deal with, and deal with effectively.

Sanctuary cities that flout our laws only serve to aggravate an already overwhelming set of problems. Los Angeles and San Francisco, both sanctuary cities, are both crumbling under crises of homelessness and crime. A new app in San Francisco allows people to track human feces in the street. Back in L.A., even Cher, a liberal stalwart, recently felt compelled to tweet about the homeless problem in the City of Angels and the insanity of inviting more.

Sanctuary cities not only serve to exacerbate the tribulations we see every day, they invite them. They are beacons to every illegal border crosser, “Come here, we don’t care about the law or big picture!”

Of course, the Left has attempted to frame the issue of illegal immigration into the only argument they ever make: one of race. Not surprising for a party whose primary tenet is identity politics. If the Left can only see race or gender or sexual orientation, then they can only believe others’ opinions are based on the same. Therein lies their argument. “You don’t want unfettered illegal immigration because of race, not for the actual reasons. Therefore, your opinions are invalid because I believe your basis is in racism.” A complete lie that the media and 2020 candidates tout more often than Joe Biden makes a gaffe.

They conveniently ignore the logical fallacy of their primary economic beliefs, that a welfare state can support everyone that wants in. Free college, free health care, guaranteed free income, free to everyone who wants, yet, free of any rational way to support such a utopia. Free thinkers indeed.

Now the Left has turned its ire on ICE. These federal law enforcement officers are evil, equated to Nazis they shout in almost every sentence. Democratic members of Congress screaming “Concentration camps!” (PLEASE read a history book on the Holocaust!). They may as well work for the Department of Redundancy.

ICE is not evil. ICE is not the problem. Illegal immigration is the problem. Sanctuary cities are a symptom of that problem. ICE is simply doing what is necessary.

As of today, Trump has placed a two-week hold on his plan to detain and deport, hoping Democrats in Congress can do their job and fix the problem. Failing that, people should remember, Illegal immigration is the cancer, sanctuary cities are the tumors, and ICE is the chemotherapy.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Leftists = Lying - Left-wing - Liberals

6/21/2019 - Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel

What if someone you hated offered to pay off your mortgage or put your kids through college? You'd be suspicious at first, of course. Why is an enemy giving you the gift of a lifetime? But in the end, if you were smart, you'd take it. It would be too good to pass up.

Something very much like that happened in Washington, D.C., recently. The Trump administration debated moving some of the thousands of migrants now massing through our southern border into various self-proclaimed sanctuary cities across the United States.

Talk about great news for blue America. The left tells us that all immigration is good. More immigration is better. There is no distinction between legal and illegal varieties of immigration. If you disagree with any of this, you're a white nationalist. That's what they've said almost every day for the last two years.

And now, completely out of the blue, comes the man they despise most in the world, Donald J. Trump, offering them what they want more than anything: more immigrants, immediately, delivered right to their door at federal expense. It must have been like Christmas morning.

But that's not how they responded. The left wasn't happy about Trump's offer. They were shocked and enraged. You know what this is, they said? It's dumping. The headline on Mother Jones read, "Donald Trump Wanted to Dump Asylum Seekers on Streets of Democratic Cities." In the view of The Daily Beast's Harry Siegel, "The White House wanted to dump refugees in sanctuary cities." He called that idea "nasty." At the same time, almost simultaneously, both CNN and MSNBC ran headlines accusing the White House of wanting to "dump" migrants into cities.

What's the message here? Immigrants are trash? If you wanted to defile someone's pristine city, you'd "dump" immigrants on it? Hmm. That sounds a little ... searching for the word here ... racist -- a lot racist, actually. But Nancy Pelosi agrees with it. She immediately issued a statement: "The extent of this administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated. Using human beings -- including little children -- as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable."

But that doesn't really make sense. How can the presence of immigrants "perpetuate fear?" San Francisco is a sanctuary city. It subverted federal law in the hope more illegal immigrants would come. Now they may be coming, and San Francisco is upset.

Well, say the news anchors, Trump's plan is illegal. There's a process. Really? Did the people of Lewiston, Maine, or Hazleton, Pennsylvania -- and countless other places across the country -- take part in a process when massive groups of refugees were moved to their cities? But when you try to do that to the city where Pelosi lives, it's supposedly "illegal." This is getting confusing.

Let's make it easier. Here's a list of neighborhoods that could use some immediate refugee resettlement. These are affluent places. They are politically liberal. As a matter of policy and conviction, they love illegal immigrants; they just don't really have any yet. Let's change that.

First would be Beacon Hill in Boston. The neighborhood has a median income of over $120,000 a year. It's not very diverse, so it could be greatly strengthened by thousands of migrants. As John Kerry, who lives in Beacon Hill, warned in 2017: "Fear of the outsider, fear of someone who isn't you, fear of someone that doesn't look like you is an attack on America itself." OK. Let's send half of the next migrant caravan to Kerry's ZIP code. He'll be thrilled.

Next, we'll head to the Upper East Side of New York. Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg lives there. He loves poor immigrants. Unfortunately for him, virtually none actually live in his neighborhood. Let's change that.

Finally, we'll go to the Kalorama neighborhood here in Washington. Barack Obama lives there. As he once put it: "We are a nation of immigrants. It has always given America a big advantage over other nations." That may be true. Yet there are virtually no poor immigrants in Kalorama.

Sure seems like nobody hates diversity more than rich liberals -- the very people pushing it. Let's hope immigrants are watching all this. The left can say they love you, but if they don't want you in their neighborhood or at school with their children, they're lying.

Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel co-founded The Daily Caller, one of America's fastest growing online news outlets, which regularly breaks news and distributes it to over 15 million monthly readers. Carlson and Patel also co-founded The Daily Caller News Foundation, a nonprofit news company that trains journalists, produces fact-checks and conducts longer-term investigative reporting. The Daily Caller News Foundation licenses its content free of charge to over 300 news outlets, reaching potentially hundreds of millions of people per month. 

Monday, June 17, 2019

Wake Up America OR All is Lost!

6/17/2019 - Scott Morefield

Leftists’ approach to seizing and holding onto power would almost be admirable in terms of its ingenuity, if it weren’t so devious. First, expand the voter base to include literally everyone, with or without a pulse. Whether you’re a 16-year-old just figuring out that eating Tide-Pods isn’t the cool thing it seemed like in your head, an illegal immigrant just learning how to properly pronounce the word “asylum,” a convicted rapist on parole, or a prisoner literally in prison serving your sentence, Democrats think you have what it takes to select America’s next slate of leaders. And if you’re dead and they can figure out a way to avoid getting caught, hell they’ll ‘let’ you vote too, if only because they know for SURE which direction THAT lever is going to turn.

Then, expand their voter base even further by importing as many fresh leftist-leaning potential voters as possible. The more the merrier, they say, even if it costs their former middle-class working base lower wages and tougher competition in the job market. 

Finally, make themselves virtually immune to criticism for what they’re doing. That’s because there’s something you aren’t supposed to notice about all these leftist-leaning future voters - they’re almost always from Third World nations. There’s also something else, something you’re REALLY not supposed to notice - of late, these leftist-leaning future voters are almost always non-white.

I know. You just cringed, didn’t you? Even if we notice all that, we aren’t supposed to say it out loud, right? Not in “polite society” at least. It’s genius, actually. Bring in hordes of left-leaning Third Worlders, almost all of whom are non-white, then lambast anyone who notices or raises questions as “racist.”

Except, it’s not about race, not to us anyway. It shouldn’t matter, and it really wouldn’t matter, if the people crossing our border en masse were, say, Commie-hating Cubans. Sure, we’d still ask for orderly, LEGAL immigration, but conservatives aren’t raising a ruckus over Indian doctors or Tibetan IT techs, and if Canada were a Third World country and socialist loving white people were pouring across Montana, you can bet there would be a problem there too.

But no, Democrats see a strategic advantage in thwarting President Trump’s attempts to secure the border, then encouraging hundreds of thousands of liberal-leaning Latinos to cross illegally, knowing full well their overwhelming numbers will overwhelm any attempts to vet and properly process them and that they’ll disappear into the American heartland, no strings attached.

Dare to notice, and leftists will lump you in with real racists - people who genuinely hate and wish harm on other races. Thankfully, retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor dared not just to notice, but to say it on national television during an appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” last week. In Macgregor’s view, forcing “demographic change” is an integral party of Democrats’ strategy to get and hold onto power. 

During a conversation with Tucker Carlson about the short and long term effects of the president’s recent trade deal with Mexico, the former Army officer listed Democratic Party strategy as one reason why the deal cannot “profoundly influence” the border crisis over the long haul. 

As proof, he brought up two names we all recognize – Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan – and the post they both once held, governor of California. Does anyone in their right mind think anyone like Nixon or Reagan could ever win the Golden State’s governorship again? No? Why on earth not? 

“It’s called demographic change,” Macgregor said, “and right now the largest ethnic minority in California is largely Mexican and Hispanic. … The Latinos — the Mexicans — are the base of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has decided they are the future for the left in the United States. The more of these people that can be brought in illegally as well as legally, the better it is for the Democratic Party because their goal is to transform the United States into a facsimile of California.”

Remember, by and large this new crop of immigrants aren’t coming here for “freedom” (else they’d probably vote Republican). They are coming here for the “free” stuff, stuff Democrats are all-too-willing to give in exchange for reliable votes.

Indeed, Democrats have been weaponizing immigration for years in search of that “permanent democratic majority” they keep going on about, and their efforts are clearly bearing fruit:

“But the nation's transformation is remaking the national electoral map as well,” wrote Forbes contributor Pete Saunders in 2016. “It's been well noted that states like Nevada, Arizona and North Carolina, strongly conservative and Republican for decades, have become battleground states in part because of the surging numbers of minority voters in the last couple of decades.”

In an article titled, “Demography Favors the Democrats,” CityLab’s Tanvi Misra broke down how America’s “increasingly diverse electorate” is flipping an electoral switch for Democrats that will be difficult if not impossible to flip back. Sure, Trump managed to win the Rust Belt thanks in no small part to older disaffected white voters, but each passing cycle only works in Democrats’ favor. 

US News & World Report senior writer Susan Milligan predicts Texas’ “growing Hispanic population” could help turn the state purple, and eventually blue, in the coming years. If Republicans think they have a hard time winning elections without Virginia in their column, imagine trying to win without Texas. 

Sadly, Democrats are all too aware that the best any Republican has done winning the Hispanic vote in recent memory is George Bush’s 40 percent in 2004, and that doubtless included many Commie-hating Cubans who do a great job for the most part keeping Florida red. Take the Castro-haters out, and you’ve got a ready-made electorate who generally love big governments, totalitarianism, and socialism. 

In other words, race matters … to Democrats. Question what they’re doing, and they’ll call you a “racist.” Comply, and kiss any chance of winning a national election - and your freedoms - goodbye as America slowly becomes a carbon-copy of the hellholes from which they came.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Outstanding Article by Will Alexander!

6/10/2019 - Will Alexander 

There’s a scene in the movie “Tombstone” where Kurt Russell’s character, Wyatt Earp, was surrounded by cowboys who told him to “turn loose” one of their partners who had just murdered the town marshal. Earp, standing alone and determined to enforce the law, had to think quickly as he was about to be rushed by several cowboys – including Ike Clanton, who had threatened him earlier against all the law stuff:  “Hey Law Dog, law don’t go ‘round here.”

With no options, Earp pointed his gun at Ike’s forehead and said, “You die first, get it?  Your friends might get me in a rush but not before I make your head into a canoe; you understand me?” Ike understood and called off the cowboys.

“You’re not as stupid as you look, Ike,” said Earp.

In the Mexico tariff standoff, Trump – America’s chief law enforcer – was in an Earp predicament.  He was not only being rushed by a complicit Mexican government, but by hordes of illegal aliens, lawless “immigrant rights” groups, the liberal-leftist media, cowardly and ill-willed politicians in both parties, and a myopic U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  They’ve all been stopping him from enforcing the law.  So, Trump picked up the only weapon in his holster, pointed it at their heads, and promised to pull the trigger if they kept it up – not knowing if things would end well.  

“You first, Mexico. Get it?”  

Mexico got it. It agreed, among other things, to send 6,000 of its National Guard troops to the Guatemalan border to curb the flow of illegal entry.  Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan also wanted Mexico to disrupt migrant bus routes and designate itself a third safe country so asylum-seekers’ journey could end there.  Trump let up on the trigger.

“The president put a charge in this whole dialogue with Mexico with the tariff threat,” said McAleenan during an interview with Fox’s Brett Baier on Sunday.   “[T]he foreign minister from Mexico arrived within hours. He arrived the next day with real proposals on the table.”

As Earp might say, “You’re not as stupid as you look, Mexico.” But he wouldn’t have been so kind to the media and “get Trump” Democrats.  

As if the border crisis doesn’t exist, Bloomberg’s Shannon K. O’Neil wrote an opinion piece June 3 saying that by threatening incremental tariffs, Trump was “hyping the border” issue and demonizing trade and Mexico to “rally his political base” and to divert attention from the Mueller investigation fallout.  

“His latest gambit abuses the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, undermines free trade agreements, and taxes American consumers,” O’Neil wrote.

Before Mexico agreed to a deal, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement saying Trump lacked knowledge of policy and process in trade relations, and that threatening tariffs on Mexico was reckless.  After the deal, she put out another statement saying that “by recklessly threatening to impose tariffs on our close friend,” Trump undermined the country’s leadership in the world.  

“President Trump must stop sabotaging good-faith, constructive, and bipartisan efforts in Congress to address this complex problem in a humane manner that honors and respects our most cherished national values,” Pelosi’s statement said. “Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy.”

Chuck Schumer sarcastically tweeted, “Now that that problem is solved, I’m sure we won’t be hearing any more about it in the future.”

These people live in an alternate universe.  In all their fearmongering about tariffs – much of it pure myth as Market Watch’s Brett Arends argues – they say nothing about the far greater threat coming from the elephant in the room: out-of-control illegal immigration.  

Trump didn’t make his “tariff threat” in a void.  Rabid hate-Trump lawmakers left him no choice.  They’ve been pouring all their energy into doing nothing about the legislative wall that keeps Trump from enforcing the law.  As historic levels of illegal aliens pour over the border – a million by year’s end – it’s crystal clear that Democrats don’t want to stop illegals – they want to stop Trump.

Trump’s “tariff threat” pales by comparison to the threat from unprecedented numbers of illegals openly breaking our laws.  The threat from government complicity on both sides of the border.  The threat from large numbers of unassimilated foreigners overwhelming our school system, overwhelming our social services system, overwhelming our health care system, putting downward pressure on our wages, diminishing the value of our citizenship, and eroding our legal immigration system.

When challenged at an immigration hearing in the ‘90s on how America will pay for the enormous costs of implementing the immigration policies that she was recommending, Texas Democrat Barbara Jordan told a skeptical Rick Santorum that lawmakers have “got to get the principle right” before haggling over the price.  

“The issue of immigration is not a partisan issue,” Jordan said at the United We Stand America National Convention in 1995.  “Immigration is not a right, guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution to everyone anywhere in the world who thinks they want to come to the United States.  … We must control illegal immigration before it erodes legal immigration. ... For our immigration policy to make sense, it is necessary to make distinctions between those who obey the law and those who violate it.”

Well, the donkeys have certainly left that barn.  Today, the distinctions between legal and illegal immigration are more blurred than ever.   As Democrats all but advocate for open borders, Trump is using every tool at his disposal to get the principle right: “We must control illegal immigration before it erodes legal immigration.”  

Tariffs on Mexico is not a long-term policy but a tool of last resort to get the principle right.

Whether Mexico will make good on the deal remains to be seen.  Trump is right to suspend, and not eliminate, the threat of incremental tariffs until Mexico demonstrates resolve in curbing the flow of illegal entry across its borders.   

Using women, children and misplaced compassion, illegal immigrants are using America’s civility as a weapon to conduct an unprecedented unarmed invasion.  For the communities bordering Mexico, the consequences of kicking the can down the road have become insufferable to law-abiding Americans who trusted their elected leaders to simply enforce the law.

While the startling sacrifices endured by the “Greatest Generation” a world away at Normandy are still fresh in our minds, we need to resolve to take whatever pains are necessary to preserve the institutions they died for, so they remain intact for our children and grandchildren.  

Monday, June 10, 2019

The 3 Stooges = Rowdy Republicans, Dishonest Democrats, Fake News!

6/9/2019 - Kevin McCullough

Can we please just agree to something here?

President Trump knows more about how the nations of the world will respond to tariffs than the “collective” wisdom of the rest of elective politics — combined.


Forget how uniquely inspiring he was on the international stage at the 75th Memorial of D-Day. Forget how Nancy Pelosi finally lost the President’s respect and got branded as “nervous.” Forget how regal he appeared with the royalty of the British Crown, or how easily he dispensed with the Mayor of London and the non-existent “hordes” of protestors.

Last week, while mostly overseas being madly “Presidential” on the biggest stage, for historic times, President Trump made major headway on an issue his opponents felt they had held him in check on.

Making more progress on his signature issue than all of the previous Presidents of the modern era—combined.

Including Reagan!

He did so even though the same whiney GOP members and Democrats dismayed at the “outcome,” and literally lying press outlets couldn’t even bring themselves to acknowledge his historic and landmark breakthrough.

In fact, they went so far as to attempt to make it appear as though he had capitulated on a crisis of his own making.

By week’s end, not only are sections of his promised wall being built, activated by his executive actions, separate from that of Congress, but now he has a partner in stopping the flow of “paid for” caravans, purposefully funded to assault the southern border.

Here’s just some of this huge win:

1.      6000 troops on the southern border of Mexico—slowing and stopping the flow of unchecked migrants from central and South America.

2.      Require asylum application in the first nation of travel. No more picking choosing. If you’re from Honduras headed north you have to apply in Guatemala. In Guatemala — Mexico. Thus de-incentivizing the caravans from the beginning.

3.      The right to require illegal immigrants to remain in Mexico until the US Border Patrol and Customs can properly process an asylum claim, including but not limited to the vetting of identity and nation of origin.

4.      The right to immediately begin returning to Mexico those who have been processed at the southern border but have been found to have insufficient identification, problems with their stories, and likely traveling with “family members” they are unrelated to.

5.      Mexico agreeing to use their law enforcement forces to go after coyotes, kidnappers, and human trafficking amongst the ranks of migration groups and individuals.

6.      Mexico agreeing to freeze the assets of the two dozen or so primary funding sources providing the monies to create and sustain the caravans headed to the U.S.

7.      None of it costs us a dime!

In getting these and additional points of agreement in writing the President has effectively established the entire nation of Mexico as a buffer zone to assist our daily overwhelmed forces at the border.

By encouraging and enlisting the help of a new partner in the enforcement of American immigration policy, the President will have single-handedly helped the populations of two nations simultaneously making both Mexico and America safe again. 

For the last number of days Senate “Republicans” had seen their spines turn to jelly as the Mitt Romneys and others opined about their frets and concerns of enacting additional tariffs. 

A Bloomberg reporter bemoaned the impact of the new tariffs’ impact “already” being experienced by the American tax-payer (*coughing* “huh liar” *cough*.)

Andrea Mitchell of NBC tweeted at the “relief” being given various groups once the President called off the tariffs. But she made zero mention of the actual assistance Mexico capitulated to in striking the deal. 

The 2020 field feigned dismay at the President’s “self-created crisis” and his utter supposed failure in resolving it, thus requiring him to pull back his threat.

And after already stating this week that she felt the President belonged in prison, “Nervous Nancy” (Pelosi) attempted to demean the President as a bully who only gets his way with threats and intimidation. 

She sought to imply as much even though it was Mexican administration members that had bee-lined it to Washington DC to get a deal hammered out before the President would return from Europe for several more days.

The keystone cops routine of idiot establishment Republicans, dishonest and dismayed Democrats, and fraudulent fake press printing fake outcomes of tariffs that never even went into effect would be comical if it weren’t so stomach-churning.

These people deserve to be ridiculed and run out of their professions. They no longer work in the interest of the American public.

And that should be a requirement—at a minimum—of getting to serve the American people.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Important Actions in This Short Posting!

6/7/2019 - Cortney O'Brien

President Trump's tariffs against Mexico have been "indefinitely suspended," he was proud to report on Friday night. He explained that the two parties managed to reach some sort of agreement.

Last week Trump threatened a 5 percent tariff on all goods imported from Mexico and was planning to enforce them on Monday unless the government agreed to help stem the tide of illegal immigration.

According to the new agreement, which is posted on the State Department website, Mexico will be deploying national guard troops throughout the country and to the border and will be "taking decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks." The two countries will also reportedly be working closely to follow Migrant Protection Protocols.

"This means that those crossing the U.S. Southern Border to seek asylum will be rapidly returned to Mexico where they may await the adjudication of their asylum claims," State explains. "In response, Mexico will authorize the entrance of all of those individuals for humanitarian reasons, in compliance with its international obligations, while they await the adjudication of their asylum claims. Mexico will also offer jobs, healthcare and education according to its principles."