Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Fraudulent Biden Administration Has Weaponized 'Insanity' With No End In Sight!


Biden's Border Policies Are Responsible for the Deaths in Uvalde

5/31/2022 - Gina Loudon Townhall.com

The deaths of children and teachers in the Uvalde school shooting are directly linked to the Biden Border Invasion.

There has been little mention in corporate media that the school district in the small town of Uvalde, Texas, has been locked down at least 48 times this year due to law enforcement pursuits of illegal aliens and human smugglers. 

Where is the FBI? How many lockdowns does a school district have to go through until the federal government realizes there is something majorly wrong here? 

The politicized FBI spends untold resources fishing into the lives of anyone with the last name Trump and anyone who went to DC on January 6th, but a school that has been locked down dozens of times over the course of a few months is of no concern. 

The FBI is now investigating the police response to the shooting in Uvalde. Where were they when the school was under threat dozens of times in recent months?

The Justice Department recently paid out $127.5 million to Parkland families because they ignored the threat until after children died in that 2018 school shooting. 

The corporate media glossed over that story just as they have barely mentioned the fact that the Uvalde school district lives in a state of persistent lockdown from border threats. 

Neither of those stories fit the leftist narrative that Second Amendment supporters and their guns are to blame for shootings so the corporate media has little need to report them. 

In fact, the FBI has repeatedly ignored threats to American children and the corporate media is ignoring this corruption because the DOJ targets the political enemies of the leftist media. 

Years from now the Justice Department will release their findings on the events surrounding the Uvalde shooting and government payouts will likely be made just as they were at Parkland. No one will be fired, just as they weren’t in the admission of wrongdoing at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, and U.S. taxpayers will foot the bill.

What we know now about the events leading up to the Uvalde shooting is that students, teachers, and staff had become desensitized and clearly shrugged off the lockdown as another border threat not related to the school. 

Teachers and staff at Robb Elementary had been trained and had a detailed plan to protect from threats like a school shooter, but the school was locked down so frequently that lockdowns had become a sort of joke. 

Where the hell was the FBI? Where was the U.S. Department of Education? Where were the demands that school children be kept safe? Where were the demands from our “public servants” in DC that the border must be secured to protect American children?

If the private schools around DC or in the Hamptons were locked down 48 times in just a few months, you know that something would have been done. 

Instead, this majority Hispanic school district full of legal immigrants and American citizens was ignored because they are lower-class citizens in the minds of the leftist elite. 

Paige Skinner at BuzzFeed interviewed a Uvalde student who said the school is locked down approximately twice a week because the border patrol is chasing a criminal illegal alien near the school. Another student, Felicity Fry, told BuzzFeed, “No one realizes the severity of the situation. Like, we’re having another lockdown, this is just so normal.” 

Uvalde student Peyton Phillipts told BuzzFeed, “you just become used to [lockdowns].” Her sister Victoria added, “We’re numb to it pretty much.”

Why not prop a door open at the school? Why bother to lock classroom doors for the 50th time this year when yet another lockdown is announced? It’s just another illegal alien running from the border patrol, right? Just another human smuggler with a family of illegals in his trunk running from the police, right? 

It’s the fabled Boy Who Cried Wolf. No one believed the school was actually under threat. Surely this was not the time when there was an actual shooter in the school, right?

Joe Biden and his handlers threw open our borders and children died because Uvalde is being overrun and the citizens of that town became desensitized to deadly threats. The FBI is complicit in the deaths of these children because the only “punishment” they receive is an order to payout millions of taxpayer dollars to those whose children they allowed to die. 

Worse, this invasion and subsequent shooting leaves a perfect blueprint for the next copycat shooter. 

If we really want to stop shootings, our borders must be secure, our Justice Department must be cleaned out, and the evil left must be stopped. 



Monday, May 30, 2022

America - Look Up - Pray For God's Deliverance!


America Was Built on Sacrifice

By William M. Gardner www.americanthinker.com

In 1972, after receiving my draft notice, while in college, I enlisted in the Navy. For part of my three-year enlistment, I found myself stationed in Pearl Harbor.  My ship was the USS John Adams (SSBN620), which actually ported out of Guam.

My barracks, on Ford Island, were in the center of Pearl Harbor.  Even though Ford Island served as the naval air station during WW2, the island has a much greater historical significance.  Battleship Row, the berthing location of the USS Arizona, was just off to the northeast side of Ford Island.  Not to diminish any lives or ships lost along this row, the USS Arizona stands out as one of the greatest symbols of all the loss at Pearl Harbor.

As it was many years ago, I don't fully recall the layout of Ford Island, but I do remember that on several evenings, I would walk a short distance from my barracks to what was left of an old concrete pier and look out to the Arizona Memorial as the sun would set.  Quiet with my thoughts, I would sit with my legs dangling over the edge of the pier and stare out at the white edifice that crossed over the remains of the USS Arizona.  All tours for the memorial were long over by this time of the day.  As darkness fell, I would try to imagine the enormity of the attack.  Even today, when I think of my personal experiences gazing at the memorial, I am humbled and awed by the sacrifice and tragedy of December 7, 1941.  This is where WW2 began for the U.S.  This single event would take my father to Normandy and away from his family for four long years.  My uncle gave his life fighting in WW2.

When thinking of other events that helped to shape America, my lovely wife accompanied me on a road trip, which included several other historic places that had been on my bucket list for years.

Appomattox Court House was our first stop.  Standing in the McLean House where General Lee surrendered the Army of Virginia to General Grant, one can hardly fathom the enormous sacrifice that led to this turning point in our nation's history.  I know that the Civil War continued for some time after Appomattox, but I viewed the events of the McLean House as the beginning of the end.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ssl-intgr-net/tags/7_91_9.gifThe next stop was Gettysburg.  My wife and I watched the movie Gettysburg before we traveled to this most hallowed battlefield.  From the movie alone, you might imagine Gettysburg to be a huge field where the North and South faced off.  If you have ever been to Gettysburg, you know that the condensed movie version is nothing like the real layout of the 6,000-acre battlefield.  My wife and I fell silent when we stood where Pickett both began and ended his charge.  No matter how you view the Civil War, the tragic loss of life was staggering for both sides.  As I stood on the top of Little Round Top, I felt myself marveling at the bravery of Colonel Chamberlain and the 20th Maine Regiment.  As we wandered through the Gettysburg National Cemetery, where President Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address, the headstones told the story of the great sacrifice to keep our nation together.  With tens of thousands of casualties, many consider the great Gettysburg battle the turning point in the Civil War.  I must also mention that I was pleased to see people of all ages touring the battlefield.

For the final leg of our journey, we ended up at the Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport.  One display halted me in my tracks.  There I was, standing under the nose cone of the Enola Gay.  That bold slanted font I had seen in pictures and newsreels all my life.

Years ago, I personally settled my feelings about this controversial plane.  I will sum it up this way.  I wish we had not lived in a world where an Enola Gay existed, but given all the events in the Pacific, it needed to exist.  I know that many say the end to the war with Japan concluded in Tokyo Harbor aboard the battleship USS Missouri.  However, I believe that the Enola Gay was the beginning of the end of the war in the Pacific.

While looking up at the Enola Gay, my thoughts were interrupted by the giggling and laughter of what appeared to be three high school girls on a field trip walking toward the exhibit.  They passed under the nose cone of the Enola Gay and never looked up.  They had no idea of the history above them.  They really did not know.  The Enola Gay is a huge, shiny B29 Super Fortress.  It can't be missed.  It is an incredibly famous exhibit.  I asked myself, how can they not stop taking selfies for one moment and just look up?  The answer is — no one told them.

James O'Keefe recently uncovered a Twitter senior engineer saying Twitter's employees "do not believe in free speech" and that they are as "commie as f---."  It has to make you wonder: if he really feels this contrary to the Constitution, why does he live in America?

Parents, teachers and, yes, our government are missing the mark.  My wife and I have talked to our children about the sacrifices made in shaping America.  We have talked about event beginnings and endings, and what we know of everything in between.  We felt an obligation to our children, and eventually to our grandchildren, to discuss the main events that made our country the greatest nation on earth.

America has existed to date because people learned and understood the sacrifice of our event-filled history.  I think we are losing rights today because we are collectively losing sight of the sacrifices that gave us our rights.  It is up to us, those who treasure and respect our past, to pass the legacy on.

Please talk to your children and grandchildren.  Don't let the media tell your children how to think about our history.  Tell them to question and research what they learn.

Who, if not we, will preserve the sacrifices of this great nation?  Let us not be so complacent as to lose and throw away what so many died for.  Don't let our children pass by our legacies and not even bother to "look up" and understand.


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Remove Federal Government From Education - It Is a State Rights Institution


To Save The Country, Destroy The Public Education System

5/29/2022 - Derek Hunter Townhall.com

It used to be enough to just defeat Democrats in elections, vanquish them from the halls of government and the republic was safe from those who seek to destroy it. Of course, that was back before the Democrat Party became an entity seeking to destroy the country, so that might have been a little bit of hyperbole. Believe it or not, there was a time when a large swath of Democrats were pro-American, but that time is long gone. They still use the memory of JFK, but the modern Democrat Party wouldn’t even grant him a daytime speaking slot at their convention now, let alone consider nominating someone who cut taxes, opposed communism, and loved this country at least as much as he loved women who weren’t his wife. Now to save the country, not only does the Democrat Party have to be destroyed, the one institution in particular they’ve metastasized deeper into than any other needs to be as well.

I’m speaking, naturally, about academia. Our schools are no longer institutions of learning, they are indoctrination centers. It’s not uncommon for young children to know more genders than they have classmates. Kids can’t read, but they’re experts at using people’s preferred pronouns. And science, well, anyone who believes a man can give birth is not going to be the next Marie Curie. 

The entire education system in this country has to be reimagined. The pandemic furthered parents’ understanding of just how rotten the system is, where white kids are told they’re the problem and minority kids are told they’ll never succeed because the system was established for white kids. Every teacher needs to be fired and invited to reapply for their jobs. Same with school administrators. 

This, of course, won’t stand a chance of happening unless conservatives run for and win seats on school boards. That is where the frontline of this war for the future is right now. Anyone with pronouns in their social media bios should not be rehired, expect in the most left-wing of districts (you can’t support local control if you don’t support local control). Same goes for anyone who has posted a video highlighted by the LibsOfTiktok. 

Most importantly, anyone who calls students “my kids” or went into the profession for any reason other than educate children in the subject they teach needs to be invited to leave. The job is to teach, period. Do it or get the hell out.

College is another animal altogether. Get the federal government out of the student loan and financial aid business completely. Students seeking funding for school can go to a bank and explain why they’re worth the risk. Anyone seeking a loan for gender, ethic, or any other grievance studies degree would likely be denied, as those are unmarketable skills. Government doesn’t care what you study, banks wanting to be repaid do.

This dose of reality is desperately needed, as is this financial one: let schools shrink or go bankrupt. With the feds out of the picture and banks weighing risk of student loans on an individual basis, schools will be forced to lower their costs. The private sector would value their service well below where they set the price, which is current tied to how much the federal government is willing to “loan” to students. Let schools eliminate unmarketable fields of study and bloated staff that goes with them, or dip into endowments and/or see how many students will pay with their own money (not loans) for them. Not many, I’d guess.

Imagine those liberal art schools raking in a fortune in taxpayer subsidized loan money having to compete in the open market; having to justify their product to the people actually paying for it. It would collapse under its own weight inside of a couple of years, if not sooner.

Rather than churning out little monsters hell bent on molding the country into something Lenin could be proud of, these institutions would be scrambling to stay open. Then they might start to cater to societal needs rather than a political agenda. 

Being forced to serve their customers is the one thing missing from education in this country, pushing that back into it would help not only serve the republic, it would save it as well. That just so happens to be why the Democrats would oppose it will all they have. Were it not for the ignorance factories churning out their voters for tens of thousands in student loan debts per pupil, they go out of business. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily nationally syndicated radio show, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter