Friday, June 30, 2023

Wake up Americans - Let's get-er-don! Get Educated, Inspired, Involved, Participate and SAVE our Great Republic!


Americans, it’s time to believe in ourselves again

By Dawn Merrill

Human beings are hardwired for a belief system.  You, as a human being, are pre-programmed to believe in something.  Why do so many people today believe in things that are, objectively, untrue?  And how do we get our Nation back?

Any student of history can tell you why.  Common belief systems evolved as a mechanism of basic survival.  Survival today is far less difficult than in the past, and that is part of how and why current belief systems are so fractured.  When societies start to break down, tribalism forms, and previously common belief systems collapse.  Nature abhors a vacuum.

Western civilization has evolved to the point of devolution.  Technology has broken the ties between us, even as it was supposed to strengthen them.  We look at screens, not at each other.  We speak with texts, and emails, and messages, none of which facilitate communication, but restrict it to words alone.  Spoken and written language is amazing, but it is supported by other things.  No body language, no tone of voice, no facial expressions, no eye-to-eye contact means a loss of communication. 

Few people actually use video to communicate with each other; they only post one-sided videos.  We are not connected as people anymore and evolution never planned for this situation.   We have begun to move backwards, even as our lives have become insanely easier in first world countries.  And once common belief systems have broken down.

As a society we have stripped traditional Judeo-Christian belief systems of any legitimacy.  We have allowed that belief system to become stagnant and hated, even though it created that which we enjoy today as Western civilization.  We have not done so with the Muslim belief system, because they actually fight for their beliefs, body counts and all.  If you’ve ever wondered why an otherwise “All American” child has turned into a Jihadi, or a climate control freak, or a fake person, look no further than having stripped said child of any other belief system.

Take the climate belief system.  Bereft of any other, those who worship at the feet of the climate religion do so even in the face of the fact that nothing, literally nothing, that they have predicted has ever come to pass.  Yet millions of people worldwide live in fear, desperation, and denial of facts, most of them young people.  Like any other believer, they can, and do, act out based on their beliefs.  They glue themselves to paintings and shut down highways, and not a single act that they perform makes one bit of difference.  Yet they soldier on.  Facts don’t matter.

Next, we must look at the fake people belief system. Since this author has  previously written on the misuse of language and the need to take our language back, please substitute the word “trans” for the word “fake” if you prefer to be confused.  Fake people are dominating our discourse.  Fake people demand not only tolerance and acceptance, they also demand to be celebrated.  Why on earth should anyone celebrate the delusions of fake people?  Hey, fake person, you are not Napoleon.  But facts don’t matter.

Throughout history adherents to many belief systems have fought bloody wars to make theirs the dominant belief system.  We are, today, faced with similar wars.  Some are bloody, as when a deranged group of Islamists decided to fly planes into America’s still beating heart, killing thousands, maiming thousands, and destroying as much as possible because of their belief system.

Some wars are not bloody.  Yet.  They are wars nonetheless, and the vast, vast majority of rational, sane, normal, Americans do *not* want these wars.  Americans in general don’t worship at the altars of climate change, fake people, globalism, or having their belief systems destroyed, unless forced to do so.  We are now at the point where we are, in fact, being forced to do so.

Sadly, however, the same vast, vast majority have no idea of their power, or they didn’t, until Bud Light and Target led the way.  Can that newly discovered power hold?  Because your betters still desire to force you into compliance. instance, Uganda today is a teachable example.  The Biden Administration has targeted this impoverished country for defunding (this author is not in favor of funding any country other than our own, for the record).  Why?  Because the leadership of Uganda has created strict laws against homosexuality.  Being against homosexuality doesn’t matter in Muslim countries; oh no, they can toss homosexuals off of tall buildings all day long and still get the tacit, if not implicit, support of the good ole Biden regime.  But the moment Christian Uganda legislates against homosexuality, commendation comes hard and fast.

In Uganda’s case, for the current administration of the USA, the homosexual belief system of a Christian country is not on narrative, and thus can be dismissed.  As long as that foreign nation has a belief system (Christian) that is not likely to go to war over said belief system, let the defunding begin.  If, on the other hand, the country in question has a belief system (Islam) that, frankly, abhors all other belief systems on the planet besides their own, and is willing to die for that cause en masse, it’s hands off.  See our withdrawal from Afghanistan for that example.

This author is not fearful of homosexuality.  This author is not fearful of men in dresses or women with beards.  Nor is this author fearful of climate change, meteor strikes, or super volcanoes.  Those are not things with which most normal people concern themselves.  None of them rise to the level of phobias.

However, this author is in fact fearful of those who openly and aggressively promote these anti-Western and New World Order ideas.  Fearful for the vulnerable children, and confused adults, being seduced into the fake people belief system, the climate fear belief system, or any belief system that touts a globalist future.  This author fears for all humans who, right now, today, either have no freedoms or face the loss of their freedoms, their sovereignty, and their rights as guaranteed by God.  This author is fearful over the erasure of real, biological women, the borders that make us a country, the climate control freaks who want us to return to the Stone Age, and the globalists who seek to enslave us all.

Does all of that make this author “transphobic”?  Does it make me a “climate denier,” in the strict sense of language?  Does it make me one-world-government phobic?  Yes, yes it does.  Does this author care if she violates the narrative?  No, no she does not.  And you shouldn’t either.

Today, right now, vigilance is necessary, defense is necessary, proactive action is necessary.  Hopefully, offense will not be necessary, but this seems less likely by the minute.

As much as this author despises certain belief systems, this author recognizes the human nature of variety, not diversity.  This author recognizes that some belief systems are superior, in fact, to others in the way they act and interact.  Maybe, just maybe, there are belief systems that can coalesce to defeat the belief systems that are tying their best to stamp out any belief system other than their own right here in the USA.  What other countries and cultures choose to do is not our concern unless they actually threaten Americans.  Live and let live used to be accepted as axiomatic.  Today, that has been transformed into live as you are told to live by your elite masters.

The belief systems that have emerged in the absence of Judeo-Christian morals and guidance are tearing us apart as a people and as a nation.  You do not see this in China; you do not see this in Russia; you don’t see it anywhere other than Western nations apparently hell-bent on destroying themselves.

Perhaps “American” should become a belief system.  It was, once, and it can be again.  Perhaps Americans of all stripes should unite and stand against the sweeping tides of globalism, climate change, and fake people.  Perhaps we should unite against Chinese or Russian dominance.  Perhaps we should see ourselves the way they see themselves: as One Nation, Under God. May we do so bloodlessly and soon, because regardless of your current belief system, the alternatives are bleak.

Choose, Americans.  Choose a belief system that allows disagreement and freedom of opinion and speech, and peaceful resolution of differences.  Otherwise choose to willingly embrace your chains.  If chains are your choice, fine, but please leave, go somewhere else, anywhere else, and let the rest of us alone.  There are plenty of places you can go if you hate your country, your heritage, and ultimately yourselves.  The problem is, there is nowhere left to go if you’re the average American who loves our country, our heritage, and ourselves.  Choose wisely. 


Thursday, June 29, 2023

Sovereignty = the very essence of who we are! A very interesting article to be read and studied by every American!


American Sovereignty Under Fire

June 28, 2023 by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

What is sovereignty, and why does defending it matter?  In short, it is the very essence of who we are, in our persons and in our nation, and defending it is existential – to us as individuals and to the nation. Yet, bit by bit, centralized government, and our angling adversaries, aim to take it from us. They must not.

Let’s start with basics, because we so often forget the basics. Even John Stuart Mill, one of the early promotors of “utilitarianism,” or the idea that society should favor “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” was a staunch defender of personal sovereignty.  Your power over yourself is vital.

In one of his famous quotes from “On Liberty,” he notes of each individual: “In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is of right absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.”

Now take that basic idea, repeated endlessly in America, and apply it to our society – a society, founded on self-rule, collecting up votes, following the majority – with protection for the minority and individuals.

As a self-governing society, we – this nation we call America – have what amounts to a combined sovereignty, a collection of all our sovereignties that tallies to one big sovereignty, a right as a nation to make our own decisions, determine our own direction, and lead our lives as “one nation under God.”

Put differently, no other nation can tell us what to do – and no other collection of nations can tell us what to do – unless we agree, as we have with respect to certain international norms, principles, and liberty-loving laws – to give up that right.

By way of example, we have agreed to accept, to help promote, and even to enforce ideas globally that are consistent with our Constitution and Bill or Rights. These are ideas that do not reduce our control over our own destiny – as a nation or as individuals – but help to expand those ideas.

What we have also said, very clearly, by not allowing other nations to dictate to us, and by not allowing international courts or organizations to override US laws, Supreme Court precedent, or our Constitution, is that our citizens and our nation will never sacrifice our God-given rights to some international actor.

That is why we disagree with some nations, even allies, when it comes to our sovereignty. We guard it jealously, and will not be – or should never be – allowing any foreign nation to tell us what to do. The supreme power in this country is our Constitution, not some foreign entity of any kind.

If all this seems common sense, it is or always has been – until recently.  Recently, we have watched a strange turn and it is worth focus, and resisting with all our power. 

What we have seen is a growing debate, a contest, a battle of wills on the international stage for power over our sovereignty – with countries like China seeking to compel the US and each of us as citizens, to give up our God-given sovereignty, over our lives and our society, to international groups

The most obvious example of this attempt to coerce American compliance – to get us to give up our sovereignty – is the effort afoot to get other nations, and in time to get US leaders, to accept as an all-powerful, all-knowing expert on health issues, the World Health Organization.

This would, rather obviously, be a bad idea even if the group were composed of US allies, and was utterly objective – since it still involves accepting some international dictate as a substitute for Americans deciding, in our own way, what Americans will do on the health front.

But the movement is more insidious than that. Most watching closely understand the threat to American – and to each American’s – sovereignty.  That organization, not unlike several others, is heavily influenced by Communist China, and was heavily guided by China during COVID.

To allow US sovereignty to be hemorrhaged to any international group is contrary to our Constitution, and rather obviously, to Americans deciding their own fate. But to punt our constitutional rights to any international group effectively led by China would be utter folly, and indescribably dangerous.

Still, we see the Biden team gradually moving in that direction, content to please or appease China with whatever may forestall some military action by China, effectively giving away the farm to save the farm. This never works, and will not work here.

In the end, as most Americans likely know but more need to say, America is governed by and for Americans, with the singular aim of advancing the “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” by all Americans.  We are governed by one supreme law – our Constitution.

The corollary is simple, but needs to be defended by all who appreciate our liberties – and their fragility. We will not be governed by, will never sacrifice our sovereignty to, any international body, nor to China.

If this sounds like high school civics, it really is – but somehow many of those in power today have forgotten, or would like to forget, the definition – and sacred nature – of American sovereignty. With American sovereignty under fire, we need to remind them – it matters.  

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Great information to 'prove' Mexico is a failed nation!


81% of Mexico is a lot of territory

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

How much of Mexico is under the control of criminal elements?  I guess that it depends who is answering the question.  To my knowledge, President Andres Lopez-Obrador has not acknowledged that any part of Mexico is run by cartels.  He plays games with crime statistics and blames everyone but his administration for the breakdown in law and order.  

So who is telling the truth?  Well, this is a report from Pulse News Mexico:

A study released this week by the political analysis firm AC Consultores showed that organized crime groups in Mexico are now exerting their influence over at least 1.59 million square kilometers of national territory, representing 81 percent of the country, leaving 108 million Mexicans at risk of violence.

The AC Consultores study was based on six months of meticulous review of official government data and documents hacked from Mexico’s Defense Secretariat by the Guacamaya group, which last September released a collection of over 4 million confidential government documents that were obtained by international hackers.

The criminal organizations with the greatest presence in Mexico are the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel, the study said.

Mexican criminal groups, the study said, exert their influence and terrorize citizens through executions, massacres, drug banners, extortion, kidnappings, threatening videos and even the murders of police officers, politicians and officials.

Over the last four years, such events have been reported in 1,488 of Mexico’s 2,471 municipalities.

According to the study, the bloody Jalisco New Generation Cartel has the greatest presence in Mexico, operating across 28 out of the country’s 32 states. The Sinaloa Cartel comes in second place with operations in 24 states.

The presence of the Gulf Cartel has been detected in 10 states, the Northeast Cartel in eight states, the Familia Michoacana in seven and Los Zetas in six.

Additionally, the Templars have operation in five states and Los Chapitos in four.

Small criminal organizations such as the Beltrán Leyva, the Caborca Cartel, Los Talibanes, Los Rojos, Los Salazar and Los Viagras each operate in three states.

How accurate is this report?  I think that it's pretty true as anyone paying attention can tell.  For example, I heard on the radio yesterday that auto thefts in Texas are up.  Why?  Apparently, cartel "representatives" come into Texas and look for cars, especially vans.  They love those.  It must be the air-conditioning unit.  They steal them and cross the border.

Then you have the violence in Mexico.  Lots of it!  Just ask anyone who lives down there.  I heard from a lady that travelling at night on Mexican roads is just an invitation to get your car stolen.  Another man told me a few years ago that he'll never take his truck to Mexico anymore.  Who are these people?  They are Mexicans living here who are afraid to visit their country by car.  They take the bus instead.

How much of Mexico is under criminal control?  No one knows for sure because these elements usually don't register their address with the local post office.  

What can the U.S. government do?  A lot more than we are doing.  Also, I hope that some Mexican candidate for president in 2024 has the courage to point out that Mexican sovereignty is at risk if bad guys with high-powered weapons are running the highways.