Thursday, November 30, 2023

Look around you America, in stores, restaurants, serving most of your desires - many are not of judo-american culture; they are foreigners plain and simple. Is this what you want?


Is mass migration a new slave trade?

By Olivia Murray

The working-class people of the Judeo-Christian Western world are at odds with their governments, as well as the imported third world populations creating cultural and economic instability, and tensions are at a tipping point.

When an Algerian man (who is believed to be a naturalized citizen) allegedly stabbed a woman and three children in Dublin last week, the working-class Irish erupted in riots; they’ve had enough. In response, the useful idiots of the globalist left, which is organizing and spurring on the mass migration and replacement strategy, came to the defense of the migrant classes.

One Irishman compiled some screenshots of these responses, and he makes an interesting observation; see his post to X below:

If you click on the images in GearĂ³id Murphy’s post, you can see that when the average Irish leftist interacts with these transplants, it’s because these transplants are seen as the pitiful “help” instead of equals.

Now, of course, the manicures, tea, and lunch services referenced are obviously services, so naturally the providers of such services would be… servers! To accuse the left of viewing these servers as “the help” for that alone would be silly, but at one point, these services were provided to the patron by naturally-born Irish people, until the “elites” brought in a slave class on which they could build a new and exploitative society. Again, as Murphy noted:

 It’s just about having cheap, abundant mailable labour [sic] to serve them up a luxurious urban lifestyle at a price they can afford.

Multinational and  bureaucratic cooperatives transporting people from their homelands and to foreign countries to slave away for pennies on the dollar? Or, like Murphy also posited, in the event that these foreign-born people assimilate, become contributive members of society, and secure well-paying jobs (as in the case of the surgeons and nurses), that means one less nurse or one less doctor in their home countries helping their people.

As one woman in the comments framed the worldview of the Irish leftist:

 Today I was served my lunch by a peasant, my coffee by an peasant, met a concierge in a hotel who was an peasant and had 3 hard working peasant lads in my house putting in wardrobes and a new kitchen. They are all amazing and lovely people as well as hard workers.

Is this just a new global slave trade with a better PR campaign? Sure seems like it.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The disgusting horrific consequences of this failed Biden immigration policy is beyond description. The 'total transformation of the USA' is on his hands!


Rapes and deaths along dangerous migrant route are on Biden and his ‘come on in’ border policies

By Social Links for Mark Krikorian Nov. 28, 2023

More On: migrants

The Biden administration claims its border policies are creating “a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system.”

In fact, they’ve created a humanitarian disaster.

Vice President Kamala Harris can say “Do not come” until she’s out of breath, but people will keep making the dangerous trek to the US border so long as there are good odds of being released into the country by the Border Patrol.

And the odds are really good — since President Biden’s inauguration, his administration has taken into custody and then released some 3 million illegal aliens.

And that’s not counting the million and a half (or more) who weren’t caught, but who know they’re home free because the White House has stopped most immigration enforcement inside the country, too.

But isn’t stopping all that nasty law enforcement “humane”?

No, because Biden’s catch-and-release policies are enticing millions to undertake risky journeys that frequently result in injury or death.

One of the most perilous stretches of the long road to the US border is the Darien Gap in eastern Panama.

It’s a “gap” because it’s about 60 miles of roadless jungle that illegal immigrants from the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and beyond have to walk through on their way north.

The nonprofit group Doctors Without Borders recently reported that “Sexual violence in the Darien Gap is increasing,” with stories of “rape tents” and victims as young at 11 years old.

The mayor of a town in the area said people routinely die trying to cross the jungle, succumbing to disease or being washed away by rushing rivers.

Many others are robbed, sometimes by bandits from his own tribe, even as the ceaseless flow of migrants (half a million just this year) trashes the tribe’s home territory.

And the inhumanity doesn’t end when the survivors emerge from the jungle. There are 2,000 more miles of kidnappers, robbers, and rapists to pass through.

The same Doctors Without Borders group reported in early 2017 on the consequences of Obama’s lax policies in encouraging illegal immigration.

It reported that two-thirds of foreigners crossing through Mexico reported being victims of violence, including one-third of women who said they’d been sexually abused.

And then when migrants get to Mexico’s northern border towns they have to contend with both the local smuggling gangs and the larger drug cartels that divide the border region into separate zones of control. Reuters has reported that rapes of migrants this year in the Mexican cities across the Rio Grande from South Texas are the highest ever recorded.

The UN’s International Organization for Migration reports that the US-Mexico border is the “world’s deadliest migration land route,” with nearly 700 documented deaths last year.

The Border Patrol tries to prevent such unnecessary deaths, functioning as the dry-land counterpart to the Coast Guard.

Before the Biden administration, the Border Patrol rescued 4,000-5,000 illegal aliens a year on the border, from heat stroke, drowning, and other perils.

That already seems like a lot. But once Biden’s “humane” border policies kicked in, the number leapt to nearly 13,000 in FY 2021, then 22,000 in 2022, and more than 37,000 in FY 2023, which ended in September.

Did the sun get hotter, or the Rio Grande deeper? No. What happened is that as ever-more people abroad have been lured to take their chances at the border, ever-more of them have fallen victim to the perils of the journey.

Even with proper border and immigration enforcement, there will always be people willing to take foolish risks to sneak in. In that case, the responsibility for what befalls the migrants is on them, and on the criminals preying on them.

But people respond to incentives, and the Biden administration’s stubborn refusal to enforce the immigration law has attracted millions to the US-Mexico border who would not otherwise have made the journey.

Those millions have suffered hundreds of thousands of robberies, kidnappings, rapes, and deaths that would not have happened but for Joe Biden’s policies.

What do you think? Post a comment.

The president, DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and the others setting immigration policy aren’t monsters – they’re undoubtedly as horrified by these crimes as anyone else.

Nonetheless, they share the blame for every little girl raped in the Darien Gap, every young man kidnapped by a cartel in Mexico, every family washed away in the Rio Grande.

“Safe, orderly, and humane”? Hardly.

Mark Krikorian is executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies.


'Illegal alien voters' has always been the goal of this border crisis organized, implemented and encouraged by the fraudulent Biden administration!


Over 20 Millions Immigrants Are Set to Vote in 2024

Sarah Arnold  |  November 26, 2023

Since the 2020 election, several lawmakers have sounded the alarm that migrants may be voting in U.S. elections illegally. 

The worries are again ramping up as the 2024 presidential election nears the corner. 

According to an analysis from a Left-wing American Immigration Council, more than 23 million immigrants are set to vote in the upcoming election, revealing the electoral power of the United State's annual importation of more than a million immigrants has given to naturalized citizens.

"As more immigrants naturalize and become eligible to vote, they continue to gain political power," the analysis states. "The number of immigrant voters is only projected to rise in the next decade, and in some states, foreign-born voters are already capable of deciding elections."

More from Breitbart News on the data: 

The analysis indicates that foreign-born eligible voters will again account for about 1-in-10 of all eligible voters in 2024 — likely an unprecedented level of foreign-born eligible voters in the American electorate, giving enormous voting power to those who were not born in the U.S. The share of the American electorate that is foreign-born is immensely significant because presidential elections, particularly in the nation's swing states, are decided often by small margins. The 2020 presidential election, for instance, was decided by just seven million votes. In Nevada, President Joe Biden beat former President Donald Trump by only about 33,500 votes, as well as 10,400 votes in Arizona, nearly 11,800 votes in Georgia, about 81,600 votes in Pennsylvania, 154,000 votes in Michigan, and a little more than 20,600 votes in Wisconsin. Foreign-born voters are overwhelmingly more likely to support Democrat presidential candidates over Republican candidates. Though the data was tracked in the 2016 election, pollsters refused to track the data in the 2020 election. In 2016, though, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won foreign-born voters by 64 percent compared to Trump's 31 percent, CNN exit polls showed. Meanwhile, Trump won native-born American voters by 49 percent compared to Clinton's 45 percent. Put another way, if the 2016 election were up to foreign-born voters, Clinton would have beaten Trump in a historic landslide.

The analysis comes at a time when President Joe Biden faces immense pressure to boost voter turnout ahead of the election. 

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) warned that Biden wants to turn illegal migrants into Democrat voters— hence the reason the administration is looking the other way at one of the worst border crises of U.S. history. 

"The Biden administration has done this intentionally. [Department of Homeland Security] Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas has done this intentionally. For what reason? Everybody asks me all the time. I think that ultimately they hope to turn all these illegals into voters for their side," Johnson said. "It sounds sinister, but there's no other explanation for what's happening down there. It's an absolute humanitarian and now national security crisis — catastrophe really — and they could reverse it overnight if they wanted to, but they don't."

Earlier this year, California considered a measure allowing non-citizens to vote in municipal elections. 

While Democrats advocate for more illegal aliens to be let into the country, Republicans argue such a measure would dilute the value of being an American citizen. 

New York City also considered a similar measure. However, the state Supreme Court struck it down.

Meanwhile, some states, including Ohio, Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, and North Dakota, have banned noncitizen voting outright.