Wednesday, October 31, 2018

We Are Asking For Trouble Accepting Unvetted Migrants

10/31/2018 - Michelle Malkin

We live in bizarro times. Suddenly, it is controversial to state obvious, neon-bright truths. This week, it has become newsworthy to observe that illegal border-crossers who circumvent required medical screenings are a threat to America's public health and safety.

Just look at these hyperventilating headlines and tweets.

From Newsweek, which is supposed to, you know, report actual news of the week: "'We don't know what people have': Laura Ingraham calls migrant caravan a health issue."

And from The Daily Beast: "Fox & Friends Host Brian Kilmeade Fears 'Diseases' Brought By Migrant Caravan."

This is not "news." It's propaganda recycled and regurgitated by lazy political operatives masquerading as journalists. At least the Newsweek writer gave credit to his zealous hitmen sources: "Ingraham's comments," he dutifully wrote, "were first highlighted by Media Matters for America."

MMfA is a militant left-wing oppo research outfit funded by progressive billionaire George Soros. Somehow, not-really-Newsweek forgot to mention this fact. (Alas, mentioning Soros subsidies has also become a forbidden act this week, but that's another story.) The determined intent of these "news" pieces is not to inform readers but to inflame them with the dog-whistle assumption that conservatives, Fox personalities and ordinary Americans who worry about diseases from immigration are de facto racists.

On cue, tennis star and celebrity leftist Martina Navratilova barked at Fox News' Kilmeade on Twitter: "YOU ARE THE DISEASE! the migrants are not the problem, trump and his sycophants, like you, are the problem. Stop spewing fear and prejudice."

Comedian John Henson tweeted: "Brian Kilmeade is spreading the disease of intolerance every single day..."

And former Clinton press flack-turned CNN hack Joe Lockhart wrote: "This is the disease Fox News spreads every day. They are complicit with Trump in trying to change the character of our country."

Newsflash, fake newsers: It's neither racist nor xenophobic nor hateful to discuss the impact of unfettered mass immigration and unvetted caravans of illegal border-crossers on our public health. My parents, legal immigrants from the Philippines, were screened for a panoply of communicable and infectious diseases.

My husband's great-great grandparents and their relatives from Ukraine underwent thorough medical and physical exams at Ellis Island immediately after disembarking from their arduous transatlantic journeys. A team of doctors checked for everything from eye disease and muscle weakness to heart conditions, ringworm and mental deficiencies. Those who failed were rejected and ejected. No appeals, no apologies, no amnesty.

I find it especially bizarre that some of the same outspoken, big government advocates for vaccinating every American citizen, young or old, against every possible condition, from the flu to chickenpox to HPV, are the same types now howling over the commonsense idea that we should protect ourselves from foreign diseases. It wasn't Trump's idea to build a wall against microscopic invaders.

The Immigration and Nationality Act mandates medical screening exams for legal immigrants and refugees from around the world. The tests are performed by authorized physicians in either the applicants' countries of origin or in the United States. The process includes "a physical examination, mental health evaluation, syphilis serologic testing... and chest radiography followed by acid-fast bacillus smears and sputum cultures if the chest radiograph is consistent with tuberculosis (TB)."

Legal immigrants and refugees must provide mandatory proof of vaccination for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis A and B, rotavirus, meningococcus, chicken pox, pneumonia and seasonal flu.

Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control, not Fox News or the Trump White House or any other evil conservatives, reports that "most experts agree that testing for TB, hepatitis B, and HIV should be performed for most new arrivals to the United States. Clinicians should also make a habit of ensuring that this screening has been done for every new non-US-born patient they see, regardless of time since the person's arrival."

Actual public health experts across the Southwest have reported rises in drug-resistant TB and dengue fever. In June, Australian public health researchers reported that "scabies, long considered a disease of the past in the developed world, is making its way back." The scientists pointed to mass global migration as a leading factor, noting scabies outbreaks among refugees to the European Union and along America's southern border.

And in Germany, federal epidemiologists reported that since opening the floodgates to migrants in 2015, data show "increased incidences in Germany of adenoviral conjunctivitis, botulism, chicken pox, cholera, cryptosporidiosis, dengue fever, echinococcosis, enterohemorrhagic E. coli, giardiasis, haemophilus influenza, Hantavirus, hepatitis, hemorrhagic fever, HIV/AIDS, leprosy, louse-borne relapsing fever, malaria, measles, meningococcal disease, meningoencephalitis, mumps, paratyphoid, rubella, shigellosis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, trichinellosis, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhus and whooping cough."

It's simply insane to argue we should turn a blind eye to the health status of law-breaking aliens. And it's treachery, yes, treachery, for so-called journalists to use their platforms to blithely smear those who dare to question open borders orthodoxy or report the highly inconvenient facts.

Michelle Malkin is host of "Michelle Malkin Investigates" on Her email address is

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Make E-Verify Mandatory, End Birthright Citizenship - Sounds Great!

10/25/2018 - Derek Hunter 

Right now, there are untold thousands of aspiring illegal aliens from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and countless other hellholes in South and Central America marching thousands of miles through Mexico hoping to be greeted by warm hugs and free legal representation from liberals at our southern border. It’s called a “caravan,” because “invading horde” is a little too “on the nose” for the liberal media to report. Whatever you call it, it has to not only be stopped, they have to be prevented from happing again in the future. But how?

There are obvious ways like building a wall and streamlining the deportation process. But there are more, less obvious ways, too. Here are some suggestions.

We can incentivize Mexico to care.

Mexico doesn’t care that tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of illegal aliens march through their country on the way to the US every year, and they really have no reason to. If they were stopping in Mexico they’d be tossed out like yesterday’s garbage, as Mexico actually enforces its immigration laws. Since they aren’t, and it’s a way to stick a thumb in the eye of President Trump, the government looks the other way.

But we have an advantage. Mexico is dependent upon the United States for a great many things, none more important than the money Mexican nationals here legally and the millions of illegal alien Mexicans send back home to their families every day. We can tax that. Hell, we can stop it. That would get the government’s attention and help prevent the invaders from receiving a 1700 mile police escort.

We can punish people who hire them.

Democrats are never going to care about the invasion, they see only potential voters in the uneducated and illiterate in their own language masses (to say nothing of being able to communicate in English) and that’s all they care about. Voters have to make them care. Voters also have to make squishy Republicans care.

Both parties support illegal immigration, Democrats just do it uniformly while only some Republicans are on board. A bipartisan cadre of rich donors love cheap labor, and people who feel more than they think like to pretend they’re being compassionate. But artificially depressing wages isn’t compassionate.

Serious fines for employers who hire illegal aliens, and I’m talking company-threatening fines, would make work nearly impossible to find and dry up a major part of their incentive to be here. This would likely have to be coupled with work requirements for welfare recipients, especially in times of full employment like now, but those should be in place anyway.

By making hiring illegal aliens so unattractive, and dangerous, they’d have little to come here for.

End birthright citizenship.

Your geography of birth should have nothing to do with citizenship, and it was never meant to. Liberals bastardized our laws to create this mess, it’s time to fix it. It may sound heartless, but I don’t care. I care about Americans first and anyone else a distant second.

American taxpayers are on the hook for a fortune every year just covering the cost of births of illegals, and “birth tourism” from Asia, particularly China, is a very real thing. It’s crazy, and no other nation on the planet has such a stupid system. It has to end.

The US has to take a more active role in Latin America.

The carrot and stick approach can be very useful here. We send a lot of money south in foreign aid. That blind system should end. If governments are corrupt, cut them off; if they won’t control the chaos within their own borders to the point that people flee en masse, cut them off. When the Soviet Union was a threat it might have made sense to deal with despots. But the Soviet Union doesn’t exist anymore. If we’re going to offer aid it must come with strings attached.

We need to shun corrupt leaders and embrace good ones. If the people of the region see that positive change is possible maybe they’ll stay and fight for it in their countries (especially if we make coming here unappealing).

Right now, Brazil is sitting at a crossroads. They will either go further down the leftist corruption path or elect a reformer who will stand up to corruption. The election is this weekend, and its outcome can either serve as an example or a cautionary tale. Candidate Jair Bolsonaro could be the Donald Trump of Brazil – brash and blunt, promising to fight the corruption that has plagued their government and the region, while pledging to end the violence that has gripped the country for decades.

Whether he succeeds or not will have to be seen, but we should embrace Bolsonaro as an example of what countries in the region should be doing. We can’t fix their problems, but we sure can help leaders who are willing to fight to fix it themselves.

The U.S. serves as an escape hatch for hellholes in Latin America, our virtual open border relieves pressure on corrupt governments because it gives concerned citizens a place to go. That escape hatch provides a disincentive for people to stay home and fight for themselves and their country. We need to seal that hatch while offering help to those willing to fight for a better life at home.

It won’t be easy, institutional corruption is never easy to defeat. But Brazil may be on the verge of proving it is possible. If Bolsonaro wins and sticks to his word, the United States should embrace his administration and work with people in other countries based on the Brazil model. By making the continent a better place to live and do business, “caravans” would go the way of the Dodo.

The invading horde isn’t running here as much as they are running away from what President Trump once correctly referred to as “s-hole countries.” But those hordes clearly have national pride, why else would they march proudly with flags of the nations they are fleeing? By combining disincentives for breaching our sovereignty with the prospect of help in reforming their home countries, coupled with nudging Mexico to help, we can stop future invasions before they start. That would be win-win for everyone, except the political mega-donors for both parties and the Democratic Party who will have wasted money printing voter registration forms for when amnesty was granted, which would make it a double win for the American people.

Derek Hunter is a husband, father of two (including one born just two weeks ago), and author of THE book on the liberal mob, “Outrage, INC.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood,” which examines the ways, both obvious and subtle, the liberal mob works, how it was created, and how they use emotional manipulation to override rational thought and influence the American people. Help feed is family and order a copy today! And subscribe to his free daily podcast on iTunes to hear him cover the news of the day every day. Check it all out here.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Be Smart! Vote! Vote Right! Save Our Republic!

10/21/2018 - Derek Hunter

Something has happened to the Democratic Party, something dramatic and awful. It wasn’t that long ago that the Democratic Party liked the United States, and its members weren’t afraid to say it. Now saying positive things about the country will get you run out of the party and possibly attacked by a mob. Their media minions will cheer it all. And, if things go as expected next month, these people could retake the House of Representatives. These people in power should scare everyone.

There is nothing they won’t do to win, no lie they won’t tell, and no norm they won’t obliterate. The last few days alone provided us with many examples to demonstrate this very thing.

This week saw liberals obsessed with the disappearance, and now we know murder, of Jamal Khashoggi. The obsession was not over how he was killed, despotic governments kill their citizens all the time and no one bats an eye, it was a combination of two things – his job and the opportunity to attack President Trump.

Khashoggi was billed as a journalist, but he was more of a columnist. Either way, if he had any other job you never would have heard his name. But journalists love stories about journalism the way Hollywood loves movies about the movie business. Add in the ability to blame his murder on the President’s criticism and you’ve got the perfect media storm. And Democrats were more than happy to jump on board.

First, let me just say that I don’t care. I know you’re not supposed to say this, but I’m not interested in lying to you. It’s sad that a man was murdered, but it happens all the time. No one’s profession makes them special. He wasn’t an American and it wasn’t in this country, so I don’t care.

More importantly, I’m not interested in destroying or even damaging our relationship with Saudi Arabia over this. Our relationship as a nation is much more important than one of their citizens, even if he wrote for the Washington Post. Democrats know this, yet they’re out calling for sanctions and worse. Why? Because they see a political advantage in it.

President Trump has been rightly critical of the media in this country because they’re terrible, biased in every way and have gotten so many stories wrong or simply lied about his administration. His words, however, had nothing to do with what happened to Khashoggi in Turkey. You’d never know that from watching our media.

Half the personalities on MSNBC flat-out blamed the President for inspiring the murder, and at least one idiot Democratic Congressman, Joaquin Castro, said he’d read “reporting that Jared Kushner may have, with U.S. intelligence, delivered a hit list, an enemies list, to the crown prince, to MBS, in Saudi Arabia and that the prince may have acted on that, and one of the people he took action against is Mr. Khashoggi.”

This is horribly irresponsible and evil. It’s also just how desperate to regain power Democrats have become. In addition to attempting to implicate the President in murder, Democrats are actively encouraging illegal aliens to come to the country, no matter the damage to Americans.

They call it a “caravan,” what it really is is a conga line of no-skilled, non-English speaking people marching up Central America to meet liberal activists at the border waiting to greet them with open arms and help them skirt our laws in the hope that they’ll inspire American Hispanics to vote for them. It’s sick.

Even though our economy is booming, and there are more jobs than people looking for work, those jobs aren’t for people illiterate in their native tongue, let alone unable to communicate in our language. But Democrats have embraced this lie that somehow tens of millions of illegal aliens running up massive unpaid medical bills and whose children cost a fortune to educate are the key to economic growth.

As far as Americans being the victims of crimes committed by these illegal aliens, 100 percent of those crimes would be prevented if the perpetrators weren’t in the country in the first place. Every murder, rape, robbery, and assault would not have occurred if our border were secure and we deported people here illegally. That means liberals are perfectly fine with Americans being victims of those crimes because they think their identity politics gambit will bring them more votes than the indifference toward citizens costs them. Again, sick.

Speaking of sick, another example of a Democrat attempting to play identity politics was California Congressman and media darling (and leaky source) Adam Schiff. This pile of human garbage accused New Jersey Congressman Tom MacArthur of saying “his Korean American opponent is 'not one of us.’” The only problem is it was a lie, MacArthur never said that. Moreover, MacArthur has 2 adopted children from South Korea. Schiff was calling his colleague a racist against Koreans, against his own children. What kind of a person does this? How disgusting. MacArthur asked Schiff to apologize, and of course Schiff ignored it. Being a liberal means never having to say you’re sorry.

Democrats haven’t apologized for the body counts in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, or any of the other cities they’ve controlled for generations, why should being lying, racist piles of rotting rat excrement bother them? The ends justify the means to the left, which is why they can’t be allowed back anywhere near power.

These are just a few examples of what they’ve done recently, stretch the timeline backwards further and they become too numerous to count. Every one of them done in pursuit of power. Maybe someday the Democratic Party will shift back to one that actually embraces American exceptionalism, or at least isn’t hostile to the ideals on which this country was founded. Until then, they must be defeated. Because if they’re willing to do these things, and much worse, to obtain power, just imagine what they’d do if they got it.

Derek Hunter is a husband, father of two (including one born just two weeks ago), and author of THE book on the liberal mob, “Outrage, INC.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood,” which examines the ways, both obvious and subtle, the liberal mob works, how it was created, and how they use emotional manipulation to override rational thought and influence the American people. Help feed is family and order a copy today! And subscribe to his free daily podcast on iTunes to hear the news of the day every day. Friday’s show was an interview with Sebastian Gorka, check it all out here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Schools - Front Lines of Nation's Transformation!

8/25/2018 - Mary Rice Hasson

Editor's note: This column was co-authored by Theresa Farnan, an adjunct professor of philosophy at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. 

As the new school year begins, many parents of children in public schools are deeply concerned, wondering if they should keep their kids in public school or just get out now.

For these parents, the transgender agenda is the game-changer. Under pressure from transgender activists, progressive politicians, teacher unions, and the education establishment, and despite parents’ opposition, America’s public schools are capitulating to ideologues and implementing the radical transgender agenda with full force.  Parents were put on notice by “bathroom policies” that opened private spaces to anyone who asserts that “gender identity,” regardless of biological sex, but those policies are only the tip of the iceberg.  New transgender policies or “gender identity” protections are fast redefining what it means to be a person, male or female. Activists want every child, from kindergarten on, to learn that “sex” is something “assigned at birth” rather than a biological reality. They want children to think that individuals get to choose their own “gender identity” (not limited to male or female), and that everyone else must affirm that “gender identity” as true.  Even worse, if a child claims a transgender identity, the school will keep that identity hidden from parents unless that child allows the parents to know. 

There are no “safe spaces” in public schools now for children (or teachers) who reject the gender revolution. In the name of inclusion, all “gender identities” are affirmed as normal and good. 

Where does this leave parents? Even in a school with good teachers and staff, they cannot trust their public school.  Teachers and administrators must comply with the transgender agenda or risk losing their jobs – despite their own convictions.  Even more troubling is the shocking realization that there is almost nothing that parents (or teachers) can do to prevent the schools from imposing policies designed to indoctrinate children with gender ideology.

In Fairfax County, Virginia, for example, dedicated parents fought back hard against the transgender agenda.  The school board’s proposed policy replaced references to “biological sex” with the politically charged term “gender assigned at birth.” Parents organized themselves, reviewed curriculum materials, attended school board meetings, wrote letters, publicized their positions, and presented evidence against the proposed “gender identity” policies. But after three years of fighting, these dedicated parents got nowhere. Their concerns were ignored; their proposals dismissed.

The deck was stacked against the parents from the start.  According to Fairfax County School Board member Elizabeth Schultz, the board “reverse-engineered” the process, by ensuring that  policy recommendations were “made first and already forwarded to the board before any public input was sought.” Parents’ supposed input was meaningless, just a sham. “That’s not authentic public engagement,” complained Schultz. “That’s not how you build effective policy.”

Meg Kilgannon, executive director of Concerned Parents and Educators of Fairfax County, also noted that parent input was disregarded. “In Fairfax, ten citizens per meeting may address the school board during public comments. The person addressing the board must confine his or her remarks to the agenda topics slated for discussion and votes that evening. So not only is the public engagement very limited, the die is cast. By the time a topic is on the agenda, the school board members have already made a decision about how they will vote.” Despite many emails from parents opposing the new policy, Fairfax County School Board still imposed it.

Similarly, Clark County School Board in Nevada steamrolled over parental opposition, implementing transgender regulations that pushed trans-affirming curricular materials into the classroom, allowed transgender-identified students to use bathrooms reserved for the opposite sex, and compelled students and staff to use the preferred pronouns of transgender or gender non-conforming students.  The policy was pushed through over parents’ objections, despite surveys demonstrating that a clear majority of residents opposed the changes.  The Las Vegas Review-Journal noted, “Parents who oppose the policy repeatedly told the board they felt their suggestions and concerns were not being heard by the board, as evident by the draft policy.” 

These examples illustrate the kind of tactics school districts employ to implement significant changes over the objections of parents.  Parents who set out to counter these policies run into a formidable bureaucracy, a left-wing education establishment that functions something like a deep state. As one Politico writer notes, “political scientists and foreign policy experts have used the term deep state for years to describe individuals and institutions who exercise power independent of—and sometimes over—civilian political leaders.” In public education, the “deep state” describes a coalition of various groups – including teachers’ unions, progressive advocacy groups, major corporations, and philanthropists --that work together to promote the progressive worldview in public education. School districts use an array of progressive “experts,” who serve as authorities on controversial issues, to write policies, conduct staff training, give workshops for students and supplement curricula. These authorities then are invoked to squelch parents’ concerns – after all, parents are not the “experts.”

Even worse, parents don’t have much to fall back on legally or politically.  Courts long ago ruled that parents have no say about the curricula used in their child’s public school.  School boards, despite being elected and therefore in theory answerable to constituents, are susceptible to pressure from well-funded advocacy groups rather than parents. According to Kilgannon, “School board members in Fairfax are accountable to the voting public. But because they are reelected time and time again, they are not responsive to parents whose views and beliefs differ from their own.”  In the few instances where school boards have listened to parents and have resisted the imposition of transgender ideology, radical progressive left groups use litigation to bring them into compliance. 

Over the years, conservative and Christian parents have attempted to work within the system to reform public education.  The swift capitulation of public school districts to transgender ideology, however, illustrates that parents are powerless to protect their children from the transgender agenda as long as their children attend public schools.   It’s time to get out now.  

Friday, October 12, 2018

Vote! Vote Right! Save Our Republic!

10/12/2018 - David Limbaugh

Someone please tell me what bizarro world Democratic activists inhabit -- those who are grumbling that Republicans are unscrupulous partisan warriors imposing their agenda by government coercion and trampling the innocent, passive left in the process.

This is frighteningly delusional and shockingly divorced from reality.

Without question, Democrats and their never-Trump supporters on the right would have us believe that Donald Trump is the very creator of partisan politics, someone who has gobsmacked the unsuspecting collegial political left into abject impotence.

By their telling, Barack Obama was an exemplar of bipartisanship, a man who never met a Republican he wasn't willing to work with. Obama really meant it when he said he was ushering in a new era of cultural harmony in America centered on our "common humanity" -- a favorite phrase of the left that conveys no meaning and serves no purpose other than to cloak a militant call to political activism with an elegant lilt.

The left knows that Trump didn't introduce partisan stridency to American politics. It's been with us since the beginning of the republic. In fact, Obama was one of the most partisan presidents of the modern era. He demanded the wholesale adoption of his agenda -- not compromise and conciliation. He is the one who rammed through Obamacare against the will of the people, the one who responded to pleas for compromise with "I won," "I'm the president" and "Elections have consequences." 

Obama said: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." "I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them just to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess." "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they're independent or whether they are Republican, and I want you to argue with them and get in their face." "We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose a-- to kick." "If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're going to punish our enemies, and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us' -- if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election -- then I think it's going to be harder. And that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on Nov. 2."

And Trump is the authoritarian? Really? How about Obama's endless use of lawless orders, such as on immigration, to implement an agenda that he couldn't get passed through the duly elected legislative branch? How about the targeting of conservative groups by his IRS and overreaching by his Environmental Protection Agency? Trump's tough rhetoric somehow constitutes an abuse of authority when Obama's actual usurpations didn't?

And consider what Hillary Clinton has to say about working with Republicans. This week on CNN, she said: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

Which major political party is bullying members of the other one out of restaurants? Which is refusing to accept the Supreme Court confirmation process and disrupting congressional proceedings and shrieking outside the Supreme Court like maniacal demons waging full-scale spiritual warfare?

Which party demands partisan lockstep among members of a gender or race and ridicules women and blacks (Kanye West) as sellout know-nothing traitors if they stray from the party's plantation? Do you ever see people pressured to leave their media jobs for supporting a liberal cause? Well, a CBS reporter in California resigned after expressing favorable comments about Brett Kavanaugh. Do you ever see liberal students punished by conservative university professors (what few there are) for expressing their political views? Name one Hollywood liberal afraid to express a political opinion because he or she could lose work. Name one conservative initiative on any college campus to impose a speech code on students.

Conservatives have awakened from their slumber and their naive complacency, realizing that the cultural and political left, the liberal media and the Democratic Party apparatus are relentless warriors engaged in an ongoing struggle to impose their agenda by any means possible, irrespective of the Constitution and rule of law. 

That's a primary reason President Trump has become so popular among conservatives. He is showing Republicans that he understands we are in a fight over the future of this nation and is providing a template for fighting back.

When a recent caller to my brother's radio show complained that Democrats and liberals are fighting dirty and that we can't save this nation unless we begin to get right down in the mud with them, Rush gently corrected him, saying, "We don't need to fight dirty to win; we just need to fight as fiercely and intensely as they do."

Monday, October 8, 2018

Identity Theft - A National Disgrace!

Politicians Care More About Illegal Immigrants and Elections than Disabled Veterans

10/8/2018 - Justin Haskins

James Di Napoli, a disabled Iraq War veteran, says illegal immigration has ruined his life.

In 1968, Di Napoli’s father, a former university professor from Mexico, married under false pretenses his mother, a U.S. citizen, while remaining married to another woman in Mexico. When Di Napoli was just two years old, his father stole his original Social Security card, and starting in 1988, his father began to sell Di Napoli’s Social Security number to illegal immigrants, who then used the number to obtain employment and other government benefits.

Di Napoli’s father continued to facilitate the sale of his Social Security card until his death in 2009. Since 1994, Di Napoli says he has faced countless audits from the Internal Revenue Service, which has on numerous occasions investigated Di Napoli because his Social Security number is routinely flagged for unpaid taxes, which have come from illegal aliens using the Social Security number to work.

Di Napoli says the failure of federal and state governments to hold accountable the illegal immigrants using his social security number, as well as the employers who hired them, has cost U.S. taxpayers a whopping $400,000 in fraud and has destroyed his life. Not only has Di Napoli been forced to endure “horrendous” and extensive IRS audits, he also was forced to go into debt while attending Colorado Christian University, because, as he explained in a letter to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), “When I was in school, illegal immigrants from California used my social security number to work, which generated fraudulent income on my Federal Student Aid (FSA) records,” leading to reductions in much-needed financial aid.  

“I was only one semester away from graduating with honors with a bachelor’s degree in history from CCU,” Di Napoli wrote in the letter. “This loss of financial aid also caused me to owe thousands of dollars in tuition to the university that I was unable to repay for several years and forced me to take a leave of absence from the university in December 2009. Were it not for the identity theft, I would have been able to graduate promptly and would have been able to pay off my student loans, accordingly.”

Despite numerous attempts by Di Napoli to resolve this problem, he says federal government agencies have continuously failed to fix his file. And as The Daily Caller reported in June, “When Di Napoli’s home state of Colorado asked California to take action against the illegals using his identification in 2013, the California Department of Justice under the leadership of [then-California Attorney General Kamala] Harris, said it was up to local law enforcement.”

Di Napoli says the financial difficulties he faced as a result of the fraud committed against him by people illegally in the United States even led to him briefly becoming homeless, from 2012 to 2013.

Is this how we treat disabled veterans in the United States?

Di Napoli, like the countless others who have been victims of illegal immigration, knows all too well that there remains a rampant disregard for the rule of law in the United States when it comes to immigration. And the reason couldn’t be more obvious: Time after time, politicians favor illegal immigrants and the big businesses who profit from immigrants’ less-costly labor because it helps them win elections. 

A recent example is Democratic California gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom, the state’s current lieutenant governor and the former mayor of San Francisco. He’s openly campaigning on a plan to create a universal health care system that would also pay for all health care services for illegal immigrants.

“I did universal health care when I was mayor, fully implemented regardless of pre-existing conditions, ability to pay, and regardless of your immigration status,” Newsom said in August.

“San Francisco has the only universal plan for undocumented residents in America,” he added. “I am very proud of that.” 

Rather than spend money helping to reduce crime, fund education programs, or tackle California’s $1 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities, Newsom would rather pay the health care bills of people who shouldn’t be in the state in the first place.

The problem isn’t only limited to California Democrats, either. After countless promises to enact real border security measures, Republicans in Congress have repeatedly failed to fulfill their commitment—a truly despicable failure, especially in light of the fact that President Trump has made it abundantly clear that he’s more than willing to fix America’s border crisis.

Some will say that Americans should gleefully suffer to help illegal immigrants settle in America, that we should learn to live with the numerous problems that open borders create. Such a view isn’t only absurd, it’s highly insulting to the millions of Americans who have been negatively impacted by illegal immigration, including Mr. Di Napoli.

As someone who has many family members who immigrated to this country or whose parents immigrated to America, I understand better than most the value of immigration. And I strongly support establishing an organized, secure, well-thought-out immigration system that recognizes the importance of bringing more people to the United States who truly want to be free and live in peace. 

But make no mistake about it: We should not tolerate America’s politicians, whether they be Democrats or Republicans, choosing to prioritize politics over the rights of their own constituents, and it’s a moral outrage that disabled veterans should be allowed to suffer in the name of “helping people.” 

Further, it’s worth remembering that many kind, peaceful, hardworking illegal immigrants are themselves victims of the current immigration system, because it’s far easier for some corrupt business owners or criminals to take advantage of immigrants who fear speaking to law enforcement.

It’s up to us to end these inexcusable policies and to demand justice for those forgotten Americans suffering because of open borders. Politicians will only act if they think failing to do so will hurt them at the ballot box, so conservatives need to make it clear that they are done tolerating the current, insane, gutless, heartless, immoral status quo. 

Justin Haskins is a writer, research fellow, and the co-founder of Haskins is also the author of Socialism Is Evil: The Moral Case Against Marx’s Radical Dream. A digital version of the book is available for free by clicking here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Destructive Democrat Deception

10/3/2018 - Michelle Malkin

How did we get here? The Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination circus didn't happen by accident. The emergence of incredible -- and by "incredible," I mean the literal Merriam-Webster definition of "too extraordinary and improbable to be believed" -- accusers in the 11th hour was no mistake.

It is my contention that this grand unearth-and-destroy spectacle was planned, coordinated and facilitated by Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats and their staffers.

After the FBI finishes its Freshmen Booze Investigations, Federal Barfight Interrogations and Fraternity Barfing Incidents probe of every last Yale and Holton Arms acquaintance and publicity hound ever photographed with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, every cog in the Resistance Wrecking Machine must be investigated:

Protest Orchestration. The hearings were doomed from the very start, when 70 screaming demonstrators (including Women's March holy warrior Linda Sarsour and actress Piper Perabo) systematically infiltrated the Hart Senate Office Building and disrupted the proceedings in Hour One of Day One. Day Two saw another 72 social justice mobsters arrested, with more than 200 total taken into custody by Capitol Police by the end of Day Three.

Taxpayers have a right to know who sponsored the deliberate sabotage and abuse of the gallery pass privilege, which has been in place since 1890. As the U.S. Senate website notes, "A code of conduct for visitors to the galleries is set by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration and is enforced by the doorkeepers ... each gallery pass requires the 'signature' of a senator or officer of the Senate." We've seen this partisan-organized circus mayhem before.

During the Bush years, Democratic Reps. Lynn Woolsey and Major Owens showered Code Pink radicals with free passes to disrupt speeches and hearings. Last year, Sen. Chuck Schumer handed out passes to protesters for the Obamacare repeal vote. Sen. Dianne Feinstein acknowledged that she invited gun control activist and Parkland father Fred Guttenberg to the manufactured Kavanaugh chaos, where he pulled an awful fake news stunt during a break in the hearings -- a stunt that no major media bothered to verify.

Who else did Feinstein enable? Which other senators joined the plot? Those who deliberately aid and abet the hijacking of congressional proceedings should be named and shamed. Their ability to sign for passes should be curtailed. When they go low, the taxpaying public has a right to know.

Leaky Sneaks. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. It's what fills the Beltway swamp. Feinstein adamantly insists that she "did not leak the contents" or existence of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford's letter, which detailed an alleged sexual assault with more conjecture than actual details. Ford denied during panel questioning that she had leaked the letter. And the left-wing Intercept website, which ran the first report publicizing the letter's existence, also denies that Feinstein's office leaked it.

But it was Feinstein's office that sat on the letter for months until it would do the most damage. And it was Feinstein's office that recommended veteran liberal lawyer and proud resistance activist Debra Katz to Ford. Various media outlets that picked up the story point to other Democratic offices as possible sources for the privacy breach, since the letter purportedly went through California Democratic Rep. Anna Eshoo's office first before landing on Feinstein's desk and eventually arriving into the hands of Washington Post reporter Emma Brown.

I don't buy it. Feinstein's in control; her senior staffers, not Eshoo's, are the ones fielding complaints, auditioning potential victims and feeding the media. When a Beltway swamp creature declaims that "survivors have a right to decide how their stories are made public," that's not a deflection of responsibility. That's an inadvertent boast of the senator's ability to pick and choose which reporters to enlist in their smear campaign.

Accuser Procurement. There's something fishy about the highly managed appearance of accuser Deborah Ramirez onto the Kavanaugh circus scene. Like Ford, Ramirez was assisted by a home state elected official -- Colorado Democratic Sen. Michael Bennett. But he got involved only after unnamed "Judiciary staff" reached out to him for help, according to the political operatives masquerading as journalists at the never-Trump New Yorker magazine.

"Judiciary staff reached out to our office and asked for a connection to someone who might be helpful should Deborah Ramirez decide to come forward with an allegation related to that made by Dr. Ford. We reached out to (liberal former Boulder County DA) Stan Garnett, who then met with Ramirez to work through how to analyze and present her allegations," Bennet Press Secretary Laurie Cipriano wrote in a statement.

A fish rots from the head down. And at the head of the Senate Democrats' Resistance Wrecking Machine is power-mad Beltway barnacle Sen. Dianne Feinstein. If the Senate Republicans can't man up and take back control of the judicial nominations process from the saboteurs seated next to them, they deserve to lose their majority.

Michelle Malkin is host of "Michelle Malkin Investigates" on Her email address is