Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Terrorists Cross Our Southern Border With Impunity

10 Jul 2014 By Michael SnyderPart 1 of 2  

The “Department of Homeland Security” is a total farce.  So is the “war on terror”.  As you will see, the reality of the matter is that the Obama administration could not care less about either one of them.  As millions of illegal immigrants pour across our southern border, a lot of really bad people are coming with them.  And I am not just talking about thousands upon thousands of hardened criminals, gang members and operatives for Mexican drug cartels. 

The truth is that hardcore jihadists are making the trek north as well.  In fact, an abandoned Islamic prayer rug was found near the border in Arizona just the other day, and it is being reported that Mexican gangs are being paid up to $50,000 a pop to bring “Middle Easterners” through the border.  It is an absolute outrage that ordinary Americans are being subjected to an increasingly suffocating police state in the name of “homeland security” when members of Islamic terror organizations can enter this country through the Mexican border pretty much whenever they want. 

If Barack Obama actually cared about homeland security or the threat of Islamic terror at all, he would seal the border immediately.  But he doesn’t.  Just like with George W. Bush, the fact that Obama is leaving the southern border completely wide open says volumes about how he truly feels.

Since 9/11, the American people have been forced to make sacrifice after sacrifice in the name of “homeland security”.  We have been told that all of these police state tactics are necessary in order to “keep us safe from the terrorists”.  This is a pet peeve of mine, and I have written dozens of articles about the evils of the growing police state in America.  You can find two recent examples right here and right here.

That is why what is going on down on the southern border is so infuriating to me.  After everything the American people have been asked to do, next to nothing is being done to keep radical Islamic terrorists from coming across from Mexico.

And the federal government has known about this for a very long time.  The following is an excerpt from a November 2012 House Committee on Homeland Security report

U.S. Government officials who are directly responsible for our national security continue to affirm the vulnerability. In August 2007 former Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell stated that not only have terrorists used the Southwest border to enter the United States but that they will inevitably continue to do so as long as it is an available possibility.

In a July 2012 hearing before the full U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano confirmed that terrorists have crossed the Southwest border with the intent to harm the American people.

Additionally, the U.S. Border Patrol regularly apprehends aliens from the 35 “special interest countries” designated by our intelligence community as countries that could export individuals that could bring harm to our country in the way of terrorism.” From Fiscal Years 2006 to 2011, there were 1,918 apprehensions of these special interest aliens at our Southwest border.

They know that it is happening. They even catch a few of them from time to time. But they refuse to do much of anything to stop it. And according to one expert, U.S. Border Patrol agents are reporting that Mexican gang members are getting up to $50,000 a head to bring “Middle Easterners” into the United States…

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